Historic Tech Events
The US space shuttle STS-26 launched from Florida's Kennedy Space Center on September 29, 1988, making it the first shuttle mission since the Challenger disaster. Four astronauts made up the crew, which carried out a number of experiments and successfully deployed a satellite during the mission. The successful STS-26 launch and mission was a turning point in the history of the US space program and a testament to tenacity and grit.
Microsoft Word 1.0, the company's first software application, was released on September 29, 1983. This revolutionary word processor was the first to extensively use a computer mouse, which made it simpler and more natural to use. Microsoft Word, which is still among the most frequently used programs today, quickly became the industry standard for word processing. A significant turning point in the history of software development and personal computing was reached with its release.
On September 29, 1962, Canada launched its first satellite, Alouette 1, into orbit. The satellite was designed to study the ionosphere, the electrically charged layer of the Earth's atmosphere. It was a joint project between Canadian scientists and NASA, and it marked Canada's entry into the space race. The success of Alouette 1 paved the way for further Canadian contributions to space exploration and research.