Transforming Learning Through AI Integrationby@webism
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Transforming Learning Through AI Integration

by WebismMay 29th, 2024
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This study showcases AI's transformative role in education, highlighting ChatGPT's impact on pedagogical renewal through action research and cultural transformation. It reflects the journey from resistance to recognition, signaling a promising future where AI and innovative methodologies redefine learning experiences.
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(1) Fabiano Villan, Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), Curso de Licenciatura em Física;

(2) Renato P. dos Santos, Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), PPG em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (PPGECIM).



Theoretical Framework

The ZPD and Chat GPT as a Co-Advisor in Scientific Guidance


Results and Analysis

Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Author's Contribution Statement, Data Availability Statement





The findings of this research highlight resonance with the principles of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, particularly regarding the incorporation of ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool in the current educational landscape. The thematic diversity chosen by the students revealed an expansion of their horizons, demonstrating the applicability of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and solidifying ChatGPT as a "co-advisor." The advisor, in turn, assumed a decisive "pedagogical mediator" role, fostering a collaborative learning environment and providing precise guidance.

Vygotsky argues that cognitive development is strongly shaped by social and cultural interactions, dismissing purely biological or innate interpretations. He emphasizes the influence of language, culture, and social tools in the shaping of human thought (Vygotsky, 1991). Modernity has brought a new digital culture, challenging educators to renew their pedagogical approaches with intentionality and innovation.

Thus, while Santos et al. (2020) pointed to the scarcity of time as an obstacle to the implementation of active methodologies, this research demonstrates the use of ChatGPT as a viable solution to optimize group advising time and to boost innovative methods in research guidance within the educational context. The integration of AI has proven not only efficient but also enriching, allowing the exploration of interdisciplinary and current themes, surpassing the temporal limitations identified by Santos et al. (2020). By using ChatGPT to structure information and guide workgroups, the advisor overcame resistances and lack of experience, consolidating technology as an essential ally in the mediation of learning.

It is essential to emphasize that the co-advisership provided by ChatGPT offered the teacher the ability to provide significant support, even in areas of knowledge that transcend the academic training of the researcher, enhancing the autonomy of students in their research. This methodology surpassed the barriers of advisors' specializations and reinforced the emerging position of AI as a valuable pedagogical resource. The use of ChatGPT demonstrated how technology could complement human expertise in the advising process and enhance students' learning opportunities. This innovative approach resulted in richer teaching practices and a deeper reflection on pedagogy, strengthening and consolidating the educational identity of the researcher.

In this study, a Physics teacher in teacher training, in his debut as a advisor in Scientific Initiation at the Elementary level, exceeded expectations and personal resistances, perceiving a transformation in teaching practice, with a clear social intentionality and commitment to scientific dissemination.

The findings also point to a remarkable synergy between theory and practice in the educational environment, integrating active methodologies, use of technology, and pedagogical action. They reflect the understanding that Education, more than a mere application of theories, is a complex and interactive practice that must be in constant evolution to enrich the student learning experience.

The study culminated in a notable cultural transformation within the school. This change, from a traditional view to a socialized learning approach, was catalysed by a proactive and non-imposing school management. The administration played a decisive role by delegating responsibilities and incorporating the community into the so-called "pedagogical stops," encouraging closer collaboration between students and teachers. Teachers' resistance to innovation, initially robust, was gradually overcome by the visible impact of the enthusiasm and active participation of the students in the ProjectBased Learning process.

Notably, although ChatGPT was not directly used by students due to teachers' resistance, the movement towards pedagogical innovation positively influenced the school community. Student groups from the school gained recognition at prestigious events: one group won first place at Mostratec and another received an honourable mention at Femositec. These successes are particularly notable because they occurred in projects that were not under the direct guidance of the researcher. Such achievements demonstrate the indirect impact of the implemented methodology, evidencing the awakening of intrinsic motivation among students and the subsequent decrease in opposition from teachers.

Therefore, it is noted that, despite the initial resistance of teachers to adopting innovative methodologies and the use of artificial intelligence, the progress of the project and the visible enthusiasm of the students were crucial in overcoming these obstacles. The experience reaffirms the effectiveness of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in engaging students and teachers in a joint educational experience, promoting the socialization of knowledge and the renewal of pedagogical practices, which was proven by the tangible recognition through awards at local scientific fairs.

This study also exemplifies the effectiveness of action research in educational contexts, demonstrating how intentional actions and critical reflections can trigger significant cultural transformations, whose effects reverberate beyond the physical boundaries of the educational institution. The observed change in the school culture, transitioning from traditional practices to a collaborative and socialized approach, corroborates the ideals of action research. The active participation and engagement of teachers, students, and school management were reflected in the continuous improvement of pedagogical practices and the promotion of meaningful learning. The iterative cycles of planning and reflection facilitated the overcoming of initial resistances, culminating in external recognition through awards at scientific fairs. The importance of effective school management is highlighted, which, through its supportive and empowering role, significantly influenced the pedagogical renewal.

This study also exemplifies the effectiveness of action research in educational contexts, showing how intentional actions and critical reflections can trigger significant cultural transformations, whose effects reverberate beyond the physical boundaries of the educational institution. The change observed in the school culture, moving from traditional practices to a collaborative and socialized approach, corroborates the ideals of action research. The active participation and engagement of teachers, students, and school management reflected in the continuous improvement of pedagogical practices and the promotion of meaningful learning. The iterative cycles of planning and reflection facilitated the overcoming of initial resistances, culminating in external recognition through awards at scientific fairs. The importance of effective school management is highlighted, which, by providing support and delegating responsibilities, contributed decisively to the socialization of knowledge and the empowerment of participants.

In light of the promising results of this study, a fertile ground is envisioned for future investigations that can expand the understanding of the integration of active methodologies and emerging technologies in the educational context. It would be enriching to explore the sustained use of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools across different disciplines and educational levels, assessing long-term impacts on student motivation and research skill development. Furthermore, longitudinal studies could investigate changes in teachers' attitudes towards innovative approaches and the role of school management in sustaining pedagogical transformations. Extending this work to other educational contexts, encompassing a wider range of sociocultural variables, could also provide valuable insights into the replicability and adaptability of project-based learning and action research methods. The interface between educational research and AI technologies remains a vibrant and underexplored frontier, promising significant advances in the field of education.


FB gratefully acknowledges the partial funding from Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica da Ulbra (PROICT/Ulbra), which was instrumental to this research.


FB was responsible for the conception and execution of this research, as well as the preliminary data collection and analysis. He also took charge of writing the first draft of the text and the review of the final version. RPdS was the research advisor. He also contributed to the review of the first version and the writing of the final version.


The authors agree to make their data available upon reasonable request. It is up to the authors to determine whether a request is reasonable or not.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license.