Website Bug Trackers: Your Digital Sherlock Holmes

Written by newsletters | Published 2021/10/18
Tech Story Tags: website-bug-tracker | website-bug-tracker-benefits | web-development | good-company | progress-monitoring | integrate-with-other-tools | better-communication | programming

TLDRAn effective website bug tracker should help you streamline the reporting process for your team. It can help you pinpoint and rank issues in a system to estimate the timeline for website development. Bug tracking tools can also help you manage tasks in and from other tools, such as a web development tool. An effective bug tracking tool should be integrated into your team's work flow, especially for developers and designers who are assigned a particular task on a particular web development project, then tracking the progress of that project.via the TL;DR App

In today’s digital era, if your business does not have a website, consider it dead.

If you do have a company website, the last thing you want to grapple with is a fast and sleek digital platform plagued by bugs.

Yep, those nasty little flaws that can lead to the loss of revenue and even damage the reputation of your brand. Fortunately, bug tracking tools are swooping in to help, pushing old-hat spreadsheets into the background.

On that note, let's review some of the top benefits you can reap from issue trackers besides the actual bug hunting:

1. Better Organization

What’s the point of having an excellent reporting system on bugs reported but not being able to manage tasks? An effective website bug tracker should help you streamline this process for your team and external stakeholders.

In this case, it allows the team to convert the tasks into feedback, categorize issues into lists, and assign these to responsible stakeholders.

2. Integrate with Other Tools

Your company is most likely using a gamut of management tools. So it seems logical enough that the website issue tracking tool should be integrated into your workflow seamlessly.

That makes it more convenient to import and export the action points and details related to these tasks into and from other tools.

3. Progress Monitoring

Being able to pinpoint and rank website issues in a system is not enough. To estimate the timeline for website development, you should also be able to track the progress.

If your team consists of multiple developers and designers assigned to a web development project, then bug tracking software can help you track who is responsible for completing a particular task or the time spent on putting out any proverbial fires.

This measure is not about spying on your team members, but instead it helps you to optimize mutual performance and stay in the loop. Additionally, this feature will allow your company to navigate the terrain of timelines and budgets.

4. Better Communication and Connectivity

Website bug tracking software facilitates stable communication and helps transform feedback into tasks and action items.

With task collaboration, built-in chat, and email notifications, a bug tracking software keeps everyone on the same wavelength, eliminates communication gaps, and improves transparency and accountability.

As a result, teams allocate more time to brainstorming and troubleshooting issues rather than frittering away hours on pointless laying of blame.

5. Notifications

When a team is knee-deep in work, they might not necessarily get a notification about an update, which runs the risk of issues remaining unaddressed.

Website bug trackers help to stay on top of things by providing an alert anytime someone makes changes. These updates keep all stakeholders in the loop and on the same page with the current status of each task and prevents overlapping of tasks and resources.

The Takeaway

A bug tracker is a key instrument for any web and software project hailed for eliminating the bottlenecks often presented by those pesky digital bugs.

These systems can also help web development teams to record, report, assign and track the faults without wreaking havoc on your processes and complicating issues even further.

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Written by newsletters | Official account for all of the HackerNoon newsletters.
Published by HackerNoon on 2021/10/18