Tuesday Tech Matters

Written by ArtMap | Published 2018/06/08
Tech Story Tags: tuesday-tech-matters | story-licensing | republish-blog-posts | republishing | hackernoon-letter

TLDRvia the TL;DR App

Heyo Hackers,

We’ve built a new product, STORY LICENSING, in collaboration with long time Hacker Noon contributors, CosmicJS Founders Tony Spiro & Carson Gibbons. STORY LICENSING is a site for users to bid to republish high-quality and high traffic blog posts on their own site, application or blog.

All Hacker Noon and AMI Publications blog posts are searchable on the site, and we look forward to bringing contributing writers opportunities to monetize their previously published stories. We made this marketplace to increase demand for stories and writers, and make it easier for sites to increase their publishing volume of remarkable blog posts.

It’s on ProductHunt Today — happy to discuss more about the product there, or via email [email protected].

Learn more:



Do VCs really add value? — Founders say sometimes. by Carl Fritjofsson. “As venture capitalists, we pride ourselves on being ‘value-added investors.’ We not only provide financial means to scale a company, but it is often accompanied by advice, connections and professional services of various kinds. I always aspire to be the most trusted and helpful investor and advisor to any company I get involved with. But in all honesty, I’m fairly certain that VCs tend to oversell the impact we have at a company and the actual value-add we bring.”

Killing Kickstarter: The Crypto Killer App Blueprint by Daniel Jeffries. Kickstarter lists payment processor fees at 3% + .20 cents per pledge, though it outright says the payments can fluctuate as high as 5%. It may not seem like it but that’s a lot of money lost over time to middlemen. It adds up fast. In contrast, the average Bitcoin fee stood at .4825% on the day that I looked at it. The average Bitcoin Cash fee rolled in at around 0.0982%. Ethereum came in at 0.0991%. And that’s just a fraction of the coins out there. Some of them have dramatically lower fees and make it a focus to keep those fees super low.”

Where does math impostor syndrome come from? by Cassie Kozyrkov. “Professors and technical speakers, don’t take my word for it, try it yourself:

  1. Pick an alphabet you wouldn’t be able to name characters from. Chinese characters are my favorite choice when I practice. 熟能生巧
  2. Ask yourself which symbols in your equations or jargon terms in your slides might not be immediately familiar to every human in your audience.
  3. Replace each one of those with a random letter from the alphabet you’ve chosen.
  4. For best results, have a friend reformat your slides so that things have also moved around a little bit visually.
  5. Try giving your talk/lesson.”


Artificial Intelligence: beyond the hype by George Krasadakis

AI’s Biggest Crime Yet — Stealing the Freedom of Human Expression by Avantika Mehra

DeepMind’s Amazing Mix & Match RL Technique by SAGAR SHARMA

The “Fast” & “Mainstream” Adoption of AI & Blockchain by Erik P.M. Vermeulen

The 21st Century Applications of AI Technology by Tanvir Zafar

Unboxing Google’s 7 new principles on Artificial Intelligence by Geek on record

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Forever Change How We View The Battlefield by Adrien Book

FREE Dev Courses

Free 29-part course to learn Machine Learning by Keshav Dhandhania

Best (and Free!!) Resources to understand Nuts and Bolts of Deep learning by Shashank Gupta

More DEV Life

Do not be this kind of developer by Vinicius Brasil

Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Node.js by Adnan Rahić

How to use Visual Studio Code by Flavio Copes

Week in the life of a Software Expert (and father) by Heikki Hellgren

Work Life Balance = Fn (Code Quality, Best Practices, Technical Debt) by Ramith Jayasinghe

Scaling Engineering Teams

How we run bol.com with 60 autonomous teams by Jurriaan Kamer

A Voight-Kampff Test for Identifying Engineering Managers by Nick Caldwell

Crypto Thoughts!

A crypto-trader’s diary — week 11; storage coins by David Gilbertson

Everything they don’t want you to know about EOS. by Thijs Maas

How Security Tokens Will Transform Traditional Finance by Adrian Ciaffoncini

UX in the Crypto World by Tanuj Bathla

Until next time, don’t take the realities of the world for granted.

Kind Regards,

David Smooke, AMI

P.S. Check out June’s best stories (so far).

Published by HackerNoon on 2018/06/08