411 Stories To Learn About Nodejsby@learn
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411 Stories To Learn About Nodejs

by Learn RepoMay 24th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Nodejs via these 411 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Nodejs via these 411 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

The most hated language powering web servers since PHP.

1. A common misconception about async/await in JavaScript


2. Graceful shutdown in NodeJS

In this article, I am going to show you how to do a graceful shutdown in NodeJS application, but first, let's describe what does “graceful shutdown” means and why we need to do that in our application and what are the benefits.

3. Connecting RabbitMQ with Node JS

RabbitMQ is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. You can think about it as a post office: when you put the mail that you want posting in a post box, you can be sure that Mr. or Ms. Mailperson will eventually deliver the mail to your recipient. In this analogy, RabbitMQ is a post box, a post office and a postman.

4. How to Scrape Data From Any Website With JavaScript

Learn how to scrape the web using scripts written in node.js to automate scraping data off of the website and using it for whatever purpose.

5. Building your own ESP8266/ESP32 Over-The-Air Firmware Updater [A How-To Guide] Part I

This guide explains how to build a simple ESP8266 firmware updater in NodeJS. The ESP8266 will send a GET request to my application with some key information stored in its header. This will then be used to serve up the appropriate binary.

6. Prevent Your Free Heroku Dyno from Sleeping

If you are like me, then many of your hobby projects and portfolio examples are deployed to Heroku. Like Github Pages, it is an attractive option to host your project because it is free. Unlike Github Pages, you can host a server on Heroku, so I use it whenever I need a free place to deploy a full-stack application.

7. The 10 Best Node.js Logging Libraries

10 of the best Node.js logging libraries + how to get up and running with them. 1. Pino, 2. Winston, 3. Bunyan...

8. Migrating from Heroku to Render

Migrate from Heroku to Render

9. In Layman's Terms, What is the Difference Between Node and Deno?

Worried that dinosaur or sock shaped "deno" is going to kill our favorite Node? Let me help you to get out of this dilemma.

10. Insert JavaScript into HTML Using the Script Tag

The script tag is the primary method to insert JavaScript into the HTML page. We will look at all the ways to use the script tag and the importance of each.

11. How To Test API Requests Using Promises

Dealing with testing can be hard sometimes, especially if you’re not too experienced in javascript. So, if you’re learning how to deal with API and now you want to start with testing, this guide will help you with it.

12. Why Deno Could Replace Node

What is Deno, why does it matter, and how is it currently used for server-side JavaScript?

13. Creating Todo Web App Using Vanilla JavaScript

today we will create a basic todo app to understand the basics of javascript. In this web app, one can create notes and delete like Google Keep or Evernote.

14. How to Handle REST API Requests in React

REST APIs are commonly used in web development. They are programming interfaces that web apps use to 'talk' to each other. They are used to access features and data. 'REST' (Representational State Transfer) is a concept that defines the APIs properties. This article will focus on the use of web-based APIs to retrieve data from a database.

15. Modern Style of Javascript with Arrow Functions

The complete explanation of Arrow functions in Javascript, and how it helps developers to write flexible and consistent code.

16. How to Build a QR Code Generator for Slack with Just 7 Lines of Code

Hey, remember QR Codes?

17. How To Create A Template Engine Using JavaScript

A tutorial on creating a JS template engine with parsing and precompilation.

18. The Lambda Function That Creates xlsx Files From JSON Data to Store On S3 Using NodeJS/Typescript

How to write a Lambda function to convert json data to xlsx file and then upload to s3 and return a signed url of that uploaded file on a serverless framework

19. PHP Or Node.Js: Top Tips To Pick The Right Technology For Your Project

The web development ecosystem is enlarging every second, and new technologies and tools are frequently becoming part of this space. Due to the arrival of new tech and tools in this space, developers and programmers have a critical dilemma in choosing the tech stack for application development.

20. How to Build Microservices in Nest.JS

An example that demonstrates using NestJS as a base framework for building lightweight, well-structured and amazing microservices.

21. Why Node.js is Great for Backend Development

Using Node.js can ease the process of backend development. In this article, we'll find out about the pros and cons of Node.js backend development

22. Publishing a Node.js CLI tool to npm in less than 15 minutes

Have your Node.js CLI tool up and running, accessible from everywhere in less than 15 minutes.

23. How to Compile Node.js Code Using Bytenode?

In this post, I will show you how to “truly” compile Node.js (JavaScript) code to V8 Bytecode. This allows you to hide or protect your source code in a better way than obfuscation or other not-very-efficient tricks (like encrypting your code using a secret key, which will be embedded in your app binaries, that’s why I said “truly” above).

24. How to Build a Simple Blog Using Node.js

In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a simple blog using Node.js and Cosmic JS. This is going to be the fastest and most light-weight blog you have ever created. Let’s get started.

25. The Tech Stack of a Solo-Developer to build a SaaS With React and AWS

My stack to build a SaaS with Next JS and serverless backend. A full-stack react SaaS boilerplate template to kickstart any project.

26. Build Your Next eCommerce Store on NodeJS

Top easiest ways to make an eCommerce store with Node.js. Shopify vs. buit-for-you solution.

27. Does JavaScript Have a Future?

A few days ago I was talking with a friend and he said to me that JavaScript is an old Technology that the web developers only use it because it is the only language that runs on a browser, etc. Also, he said that the core of the language needs to be rewritten to solve some serious security problems. But I said, well dude Js will be around for a long time.

28. How to Use Google Sheets API with Nodejs

First of all, a brief overview of our use case. Let's say I have a spreadsheet on Google Sheets which is not public and I want to be able to read/modify programmatically through some batch process running on my local machine or some server. This is something I had to do recently with a Node.js application and I found the authentication part a bit tricky to understand. So I thought of sharing my solution and I hope it helps someone in need. There might be better ways of doing this but I am sharing what worked best for me.

29. 6 JavaScript Courses To Land Your Next High Paying Job

30. How to Encrypt and Decrypt with NodeJS

A simple tutorial to learn Encryption in NodeJS.

31. How to Print images with TSPL and JavaScript

How to Print images with TSPL and JavaScript

32. Visual Regression Testing with Playwright

Visual Regression Testing with Playwright - Automated Testing

33. Send Emails From Node.JS Using Sendinblue in Just 5 Steps

In this article, you will learn how to send emails from Node.js using SendInBlue.

34. What Are Template Literals In Javascript And Why You Should Use Them

35. How to Build Your First NodeJS Server with ExpressJS

Initialize the project:

36. JavaScript Closures Explained to Kids

How to explain JavaScript Closure to a 5 years old kid

37. How to Scrape Google News Results with Node JS

Scraping Google News Results can get you access to articles from thousands of sources, including CNN, BBC, Reuters, etc.

38. What Software Development Stack to Build on in 2022?

It’s impossible for teams to make the most out of their development effort without the right tools. Here is the best software development stack for 2022.

39. JSNation Live 2020, the remote spin-off of a successful JavaScript conference

Would you like to know the future of the JavaScript ecosystem and get connected to a stellar crowd? To help you stay up-to-date on the latest JS tech, the GitNation team has come up with a new remote event taking place on June 18-19, 2020. JSNation Live, their 2-day event on all things JavaScript, will gather 25 thousand software engineers, making it the biggest JavaScript conference in the cloud.

40. How To Link Mongoose And Typescript for a Single Source of Truth

Without external tools

41. A crash course on Serverless with AWS — Running Node.js 11 on Lambda

Quite an exciting title, isn’t it? I was hyped when I heard AWS was adding support for custom runtimes and layers for AWS Lambda. This means you can now build your own custom artifacts, enabling you to share and manage common code between functions.

42. How to use context API in React

What is context API

43. NodeJS vs .NET Core – Which Is the Ultimate Server-side Development Platform?

The two most popular platforms for server-side development in 2022 are Node.js and .NET. The hot topic among developers is .NET Core vs Node.js.

44. How To Create CLI Apps

Being a programmer, my interaction with the terminal is more than any non-programmer. So, I was thinking why not make CLI apps and decorate them. They should have a nice interface, not like the GUI apps. But a little bit nice, than usual.

45. How to Act Like You're Working When You're not With RobotJS

Learn how to automate your desktop but with a fun example.

46. Increasing Your Productivity With Telegram and Node.js

Some time ago I searched for an easy way to establish a communication channel between a mobile device and a Node.js webserver. My goal was to exchange messages over this channel and receive information about the weather, public transportation and more.

For example I send the message /train and receive a response with realtime details about train departure times of preconfigured routes. So the Node.js server receives the incoming message, processes it and sends a response back to the client.

47. How To Customize an OpenAI Chatbot With Embedding

Learn how to leverage embeddings to have an OpenAI chatbot, built with React and Node.js, respond correctly to specific contextual prompts.

48. Assign Types To Nested Objects In TypeScript

TypeScript provides you with multiple ways to define type definitions for object properties. We'll look at a couple of them throughout this post.

49. Build Simple Express Js Application in 1 Minute with create-express-app

Express.js is one of the most popular back-end frameworks nowadays, which lots of people find useful to learn. After mastering the theory, it comes the time to start the practice, and then it may seem a little bit difficult, how to start. But creating your first Express.js application doesn’t have to be so complicated. Let’s start...

50. How To Set Up a tsconfig For Nodejs

Learn how to easily setup a tsconfig file to build for nodejs.

51. How to Track Bitcoin Transactions Worth $2 Billion or More

A practical guide on knowing when there is a massive amount of BTC is transferre over the network in near to real-time and take some automated actions from it.

52. What I learned from building a chat project with and React

Well, after some I did some search on Google, I found an article with a developer who had the same issue. One and the awarded response was to use socket.

53. How to Scrape Data from Google Maps

Want to scrape data from Google Maps? This tutorial shows you how to do it.

54. Securing your NodeJs Express Application — Part 1

Review common mistakes and vulnerabilities in JavaScript like command injection and see how to secure NodeJs and express using npm packages like hpp and helmet

55. How To Use SASS In Your Create-React-App

Create-react-app is facebook's attempt at setting up a developer to get started building react apps very quickly. It is a boilerplate that comes pre-configured with a wide array of tools and technologies that ensure a smooth running react application. However, create-react-app does not come with Sass preprocessing by default. To add sass preprocessing, we would need to add an extra dependency to our list of dependencies known as node-sass.

56. The Recommended Way to Iterate Over Arrays in JavaScript

When dealing with an array, there is a number of ways one can iterate through the elements starting from the first at index 0 all the way to the last element in the array. In my learning process I have come across 6 looping methods namely

57. 6 Reasons Why JavaScript Async/Await Blows Promises Away (Tutorial)

👉 This article has been updated and republished, read the latest version here

58. The Easiest Way to Solve N+1 Problem on GraphQL

GraphQL is awesome! But one of the most annoying parts to implement a GraphQL server is solving N+1 problem.

59. Scrape Google Images with Node JS

This tutorial will teach us to scrape Google Images with Node JS.

60. The Best JavaScript Tools in 2022: An Essential Guide to Better Development

A breakdown of the most important JS dev tools in 2022, including their most relevant tradeoffs, and some opinionated advice sprinkled on top.

61. Angular v14's New Features

Angular v14 is available. Here are the new features and improvements from this new version such as streamlined page titles, ng modules and new commands.

62. How to Run Node.js in a Browser [Tutorial]

"Browser based bundler" is a very interesting topic.

For example, can we compile the webpack code in the browser instead of the server's nodejs environment? The advantage of this is that we don't need the server's resources for compilation.

There are different solutions to this problem. For example, codesandbox, which defines a browser-based compilation strategy, can be used to package reacts, vue, etc. in the browser. It can also be easily understood that codeandbox does a browser version of webpack.

But the question is, can we execute webpack in the browser instead of doing a new one? Even implementing some webpack-based libraries?

There is a very early webpack issue discussing it . But this demo is too old to run the latest version of webpack.

I am wondering if we can do a browser environment to simulate running Node.js. Node.js and Chrome is both v8, and many of the Node.js lib code can be executed in Chrome. In addition, I found some cool libraries, such as BrowserFS, memfs, rollup-plugin-node-builtins, etc. These libraries can help us build this environment. But there is a key module, Node.js "module" is not available, we need to modify it from Node.js. Node.js supports cjs and esm, but to simplify the problem, I only develop the cjs module for the time being. Next, combine all the modules and try to run the simplest Node.js demo.

63. ReactJS Pagination Tutorial: Building from Scratch

Create pagination component from scratch in ReactJS. Pagination component are of two types, one loads items vertically and one display items with page numbers

64. Configure Nginx as a Reverse Proxy for your Nodejs Application [A Step by Step Guide]

NGINX Open Source is an open source web server and reverse proxy that has grown in popularity in recent years because of its scalability, outstanding performance, and small footprint. NGINX Open Source was first created to solve the C10K problem (serving 10,000 simultaneous connections on a single web server).

65. What Really Makes Node.js Great

Mmm… long story short, I wanted to learn how the heck node works. Read a lot of docs saying it’s asynchronous, it’s single-threaded, it’s all based on the event loop and whatnot. Basically, the words were scary I mean every guy says something huge using top-notch vocabulary and it just scared the shit out of me and my brain was like

66. Using AWS Lambda to Reduce NodeJS App Size

Tips on how to reduce your node app size and the benefits of doing this.

67. How To Connect Avalara’s AvaTax with Stripe Subscriptions

It’s supposed to be easy. Eventually, it is.

68. Using Core Node JS Modules in React Native Apps

Here’s a problem you might run into while using React Native: Let’s say you want to use the crypto module to create some hashes. It might seem natural to do something like this:

69. How To Implement Google Authenticator Two Factor Auth in JavaScript

Google Authenticator is something that many of us use all the time but how many of us really understand how it works under the hood?

70. A Better Way to Develop Node.js with Docker

And Keep Your Hot Code Reloading

71. How to Gather ERC-20 tokens in One Wallet on Polygon with Web3.js 1.7.0

Let’s assume we have a lot of wallets on Polygon network that belong to us and we would like to gather all the tokens(say, WETH) to one of them....

72. Understanding Currying, Closures, and Coupling in JavaScript

Here's a problem. You have an object in your code exposed via an export. You also have a function in the same file (also exported) consuming that object directly.

73. Everything You Don't Know About ES Modules

An explanation of ES modules by the exact specification and the node module resolution algorithm.

74. The Difference Between Angular, NPM, and Node.js

There's a lot of confusion around the terms Angular, NPM, and NodeJs. What are they? And how do they interact with each other?

75. We bridged the gap between Slack and in-house management without paying the hefty cost

Originally published on

76. How to Create Abstract Syntax Tree with Acorn

77. NodeJS Security Headers: 101

When we talk about security wrt any web application its a multiple dimensional thing it will involve a number of different aspects:

78. All You Need To Know About Model View Controller

In this article we're talking about MVC also known as Model View Controller. Everywhere in the software engineering taking about MVC. So let's jump on to the content.

79. Challenges of Working With Cryptography APIs in NodeJS

One of the main reasons that lead to insecure NodeJS applications is insecure or bad usage of cryptography APIs. Developers who are not very familiar with such APIs and the underlying crypto concepts often struggle to choose secure configuration options or to even get their code up and running.

80. Destructuring in Javascript

Destructuring is a very simple concept in javascript, it allows you to pull out some variables from object/array, but it has a lot of features. Here are some cool things you can do with it!

81. A crash course on testing with Node.js

JavaScript is a beautiful language. You must believe I’m crazy. Maybe you’re crazy for agreeing with me. But why would I say something like this? As a language, JavaScript gives you no support whatsoever. It bites your head off if you give it the slightest chance, and it has bizarre error messages if left unhandled. So you tell me, why is it beautiful?

82. Powering a React + Next.js Blog With Cosmic JS

TLDR; Cosmic JS provides an excellent backend for blogs. It is a fully-featured content management system (CMS) with an intuitive user interface that a non-technical client can use to manage their site content.

83. Parameter injection with JavaScript decorators

JavaScript decorators have been a language feature since ES2015 came out, but they are still largely ‘experimental’ in JavaScript engines that support it. What are they? If you’re familiar with Java, you know how methods can be wrapped through annotations. The gist of it: a decorator wraps a JavaScript class method within another function, and it is invoked by annotation.

84. Step-By-Step Tutorial To Deploy A Node.js App To Kubernetes

The Cloud Foundry project cf-for-k8s, along with a Cloud Native Buildpacks implementation called Paketo Buildpacks, can provide a path for JavaScript applicatio

85. 7 Best Practices for Writing NodeJS Applications

Best practices to follow while writing the node.js application.

86. Randomness and Entropy in Node and Electron

Randomness is a hard problem for computers. For this reason most functions that generate randomness are not considered cryptographically secure. That means that it is possible that an attacker can take a good guess at what number a non-secure randomness generator generated.

87. RESTful API design with Node.js

It’s a remarkable beast of a tool, Node.js. If you’re a beginner, aspiring coder, or IT student, it may be hard to wrap your head around it, but when you eventually get used to it, it’s eyeopening. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of API design, teaching you how to set up the backbone of a REST API and how to structure your code in a logical manner.

88. How to Get Started With a Clean Architecture Template for NodeJS, Ts.ED and TypeScript

🔰🦸 Template to start developing a REST API with Node.js (Express), TypeScript, Ts.ED, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Prisma, etc.

89. Rocking PWAs: The Future of Web Apps

Progressive web applications success stories of big business giants are alluring various small and mid-sized businesses. Their on-going popularity has raised the arguments about the PWAs being the actual future of web apps.

90. 7 React Admin Dashboard Templates For Your Next Project

Developing an admin area for your React web application can be very time-consuming. And it is just as important as designing all of the front-end pages. Both admin area of your web-application and the pages themselves must be pixel-perfect, fully responsive and have mobile-first and user-friendly web design. In this article, I listed some of the best ReactJS admin dashboard templates that can speed up your development and save you a lot of time and money, eliminating the costs of creating a web application from scratch.

91. How You Can Build an API Client Library in JavaScript

Every time I find myself connecting to a third-party API that doesn't have a client library I have to create a lot of boilerplate around it:

92. npkill — The solution to deleting node_modules easily, with style


93. Exploring Node.js Event Loop

Asynchrony is hard for any programming language. Asynchronous in Node.js is unpredictable and difficult to trace when there are some bugs.

94. How To Scrape Wikipedia By Using Puppeteer and Nodejs

Scraping Wikipedia for data using Puppeteer and Node

95. 7 Node.JS Trends That Will Dominate in 2020

The popularity of Node.js has grown in recent years. With the developers going crazy over the technology, businesses are focusing on the potentialities of Node.JS. If we look at the statistics:

96. Go Serverless with AWS Lambda, Node.js and Dashbird

Learn how to deploy a Node.js application to AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework and Dashbird for insights.

97. How to Build Your Own Discord Bot with Discord.js (v13) 🤖

Learn how to use the updated discord.js library and make your own Discord bot.

98. Understanding Memory Management in JavaScript

Low-level languages like C, have manual memory management primitives such as malloc() and free(). In contrast, JavaScript automatically allocates memory when objects are created and frees it when they are not used anymore (garbage collection). This automaticity is a potential source of confusion: it can give developers the false impression that they don't need to worry about memory management.

99. Choosing between NodeJS and Python for your Next Backend App

Deep comparison of two well-known programming languages: Node.js and Python. Learn more about their pros, cons, use cases, and other important criteria.

100. Mimicking Human Testers: Automated Testing With Puppeteer

Why Puppeteer is useful for automated browser testing. In combination with Jest, WebDriverIO, CodeceptJS or PyTest.

101. 19 things I learnt reading the NodeJSdocs

I’d like to think I know Node pretty well. I haven’t written a web site that doesn’t use it for about 3 years now. But I’ve never actually sat down and read the docs.

102. How to Build a Twitter bot using NodeJs

Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, you’ll need to take these steps below before proceeding:

103. BullMQ: How to Build a Queue for Delayed Jobs in Node.js

How to Build a Queue for Delayed Jobs in Node.js

104. Real-Time GraphQL API Exploration with GraphQuill

As software engineers, we use tools built by other devs dozens of times a day. Personally, I use over 15 VS Code extensions. Until my team and I set out to build GraphQuill, I didn’t have the slightest clue about the process of developing and publishing an extension. It’s been a fun and worthwhile experience working within the VS Code extension space, so when my team and I got together to discuss releasing GraphQuill, I insisted we include a behind the scenes look at the development process and what challenged/excited us throughout.

105. Back-end Data and API Prototyping with Faker.js and JSON-Server


106. Why you Should Stop Using Fat Functions in Your Lambda Code

The debate over whether to use a single-purpose function vs a fat lambda continues to this day. We hope to convince you that Fat Lambda is truly an anti-pattern

107. How to Schedule and Run Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS

Scheduling and Running Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS

108. Learning ReactJS From Scratch

React is a product of Facebook. It is a very flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. React forms the view layer of the web application which is technically the frontend. This makes it easier to make web applications with essential features such as reusable components, state management, DOM rendering and many more which are explained later. React is mainly used in making single-page web applications. In this article we’ll see the fundamentals of react library and why is it so popular.

109. 5 Best Practices for Designing RESTful APIs

RESTful APIs are everywhere, powering more of the modern world than any other API architecture. REST accounts for up to 80% of APIs according to this study by ProgrammableWeb. How those APIs are built and structured can make or break a company in today’s ultra-competitive world. Poorly-designed APIs can be difficult to use, can fail when they are needed most, and are valuable targets for hackers looking for sensitive data. On the other hand, a well-designed API that utilizes best practices makes development a breeze, attracts new customers, and creates confidence among users that can boost retention rates.

110. Get Started Building your First MERN Application - Step by Step

I am sure that when you first begin learning full-stack web development using the MERN stack, you will have questions.

111. Send Me A Text Message when BTC Hits $30K: A NodeJS Project

For a while, nobody in my circle of friends was talking about crypto.

112. How to Set the Default Node.JS version with nvm

113. Enforcing a Single Web Socket Connection per User with Node.js, Socket.IO, and Redis

(“A black-and-white shot of a person working with a MacBook on their lap” by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash)

114. Move over Next.js and Webpack 🤯

Simple Streaming SSR React with Styled-Components and Parcel

115. These 6 essential tools will release, version, and maintain your NPM modules for you

Learning how to implement them for your own projects will save you a ton of time!

116. Building a Serverless REST API with Node.js and MongoDB

The Serverless movement has gained a bit of momentum in the past few months. Everybody seems to be talking about it. Some would even call it a revolution! But, let’s not get too excited. Don’t be like me. I get too hyped up about cool stuff like this, and start writing articles. If this is all new to you, here’s a piece I wrote a while back, explaining the core concepts.

117. A Tale of Two (Docker Multi-Stage Build) Layers

118. The Complete Microservice Tutorial: Introduction [Part 1]

Project Link:

119. Node-RED Module for Visual NodeJS Programming

In this article, I'm going to introduce you to a NodeJS module that allows you to create and deploy server-side processes by using a visual, drag n drop style.

120. How One ExpressJS Programmer Visited Go Land

I describe why Fiber it's really a good start for learn Go when you have experience in ExpressJS, what similarities and differences to expect, and what things I learned when building my first API on Go.

121. How to Setup a NodeJS App with Express And TypeScript

In this article, I want to show you How to set up a Node Express with TypeScript like a PRO.

122. What Did Node.js Provide that Rails Didn't?

When I graduated with a Computer Science degree at the end of 2012, Ruby on Rails was at its peak popularity with the startup crowd. It seemed like every hot startup was using it.

123. No More Heavy RAM Memory Consumption: Apply These 3 Secret Techniques

It turns out that running ts-node-dev / ts-node is constantly consuming hundreds of megabytes of RAM - Here's how to fix it

124. A Deep Dive Into The Architecture of React: Structure and Dependencies (feat. Eunice)

This case study investigates and demonstrates the capabilities of Eunice, by using Eunice on the JavaScript library React.

125. 3 Most Common Ways to Connect your Node and React Applications

There are different ways to connect react frontend and NodeJS backend. In this blog, I am going to tell you three ways how you can connect backend and frontend.

126. Nucleoid: A Low-code Framework for Node.js

Nucleoid is low-code framework for Node.js, lets you build your APIs with the help of AI and built-in datastore in declarative runtime engine.

127. Query Ethereum MemPool using Node.js, Web3.js and Geth

Query Ethereum Memory Pool or Transaction Pool using Node js Web3.js and Geth

128. A crash course on Serverless with Node.js

Regardless of your developer background, it’s inevitable you’ve heard the term Serverless in the past year. The word has been buzzing around in my ears for longer than I dare say. For too long have I been putting off looking into it in more detail. Well here goes nothing.

129. How My Employer Forced Me To Learn JavaScript

In my student years everybody around me mocked JavaScript. Being part of the tribe, I have never really tried to learn JavaScript. I used quick and dirty solutions, copied code from Stackoverflow, without really understanding it and hoped it will not break. It changed after my first full-time job.

130. How to Store Data in Two Different Databases Simultaneously with Axios and APIs

Storing data to two different databases simultaneously using apis and axios. Here's how to do it.

131. How to Build a Chrome Extension That Makes API calls

132. JavaScript Promises from Scratch

To get the most out of this article, please make sure that you know basics about Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming and, if possible, about javascript callbacks.However, I will try to keep most of the stuff away from these topics so that you can understand at least 85% of it.

133. How 'displayName' Helps In Testing React Using Styled Components

How to get rid of the weird styled component names in test snapshots

134. Web Scraping Using Node.js

While there are a few different libraries for scraping the web with Node.js, in this tutorial, i'll be using the puppeteer library.

135. Debug your AWS Lambda in Production in just 5 steps

By using AWS Lambda Debugger VS Code Extension, you can debug your serverless applications natively with their permissions.

136. DevOps Shouldn't Be Hard!

About those GitHub Actions

137. Using $auth Module’s Redirect in Tandem With $router.push in Nuxt.js

Recently I came across the issue of using the auth module in Nuxt.js and invoking a $router.push in subsequent line of code in the same method. The conundrum began when the lines after the auth.loginWith method did not execute as intended since the page was redirected to the redirect URI.

138. Improving React App Performance with SSR and Rust: Rust vs Node.js [Part III]

In theory, a new technology or a modern approach should have a lot of benefits, but the main question that matters is that - what is actually practical advantages of that in numbers?

139. 2 Quick and Easy Ways to Fix 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module'

In this quick guide we'll look at how you can solve the very common error, "Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module".

140. Javascript: The Most Complex Language

For me this is one of the strangest things I did in my life, talk to you about what is it for me one of the most complex languages that I have worked with. Javascript is something really strange when you compare it with other languages.

141. How To Make End-to-End Testing Your Friend

It's about time to get automated end-to-end testing on your side and improve your development process.

142. What is the "this" Parameter In JavaScript

The "this" parameter in JavaScript is like that oddly concealed obstacle on a path that keeps tripping people.

143. Grandjs Version 2 Is Here

It's an awesome feeling to see something you have built one year ago gaining popularity and new people use it every new day!

144. How to Send SMS Notifications and Alerts Using JavaScript and Node.js

You’re in luck, because you can add the ability to send and receive text messages easily with the help of a cloud communications platform.

145. How To Hire a Node.js Developer

If you are someone who works on server side javascript language, then you would be aware of what node.js is and how can it help you build effective projects. Built to aid developers with developing high-end applications, node.js has inbuilt libraries having the capacity to control thousands of connections in a single machine simultaneously. Now, what exactly do high end rather scalable applications mean is the ability to handle load increase. For instance, if the total users to application leverage, the same should not terminate.

146. Build your Own Live Chart With Deno, WebSockets, Chart.js and Materialize

We will build a simple dashboard app that displays data from a Deno Web Socket server.

147. The Fastest Way to Invoke a HTTP/REST URL from an AWS Lambda

How to invoke HTTP and Rest requests from AWS Lambda without waiting.

148. How to Get Your Personal Website to the Next Level

The portfolio, in a sense, is a longer version of a Resume. In modern times, it’s important to showcase your work by uploading your portfolio to a website.

149. Top 5 Boilerplate Admin Templates With Node.js Backend

More and more developers are currently deciding to boost their workflow, minimize unnecessary tasks, and structure their virtual desks through admin panels with Node.js backend.

150. How to Restart the TypeScript NodeJS Application Fast

I have been working for the different kinds of Node JS application from the last 4 years. For every project I tried to improve the performance and code quality. From that, I found a very interesting way to restart the typescript application so fast.

151. Step-By-Step Tutorial To Deploy A Distributed Node.js App At The Edge

In this tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to deploy a distributed Node.js app at the Edge using Section's Edge Compute Platform.

152. How to Use Session in Node.js

We can store the user’s session in database, files or server memory. In this tutorial we will learn how to use session in Node.js.

153. .NET vs Node.js

The Contenders

154. Introduction to 3D Javascript Library: Three.js Basics

The complexity of the Web is changing daily, and its scope is growing just as fast, especially with 3D rendering.

155. Axios or Fetch: What Is Better for HTTP Requests?

Ever wondered why developers are going for Axios over fetch? As we are aware both are the means to deal with HTTP or XMLHttp requests, Both are capable of making all types of API calls (get, post,put.. etc.). Both are based on Promise API which is native to ES6. But what are the major points to be noted?

156. Learning the basics of MongoDB by Writing a User Registration API

Learning MongoDB has been one of the things in my checklist for the past 6 months but hasn’t gotten around actually learning it until now. In order to understand writing queries and all I figured it’ll be better to make something instead of just reading and watching some tutorials. So, I’ve decided to make a user registration API i.e, a simple registration form kinda thing with only sign up and sign in functions as of now. As learning Mongo was the main intention, I’ve decided just to make the core app which is the backend functionality and no front end as it’s not necessary and I hate to do it.

157. Three Main Components of JavaScript

 JavaScript is certainly one of those programming languages which you can get started within a few hours due to its simple syntax, but would probably take you years to master it.

158. Use Sequelize ORM with Node JS Project

What is Sequelize

159. Buffer Overview in Node.js

Everyone who worked in Node.js, should have came across the term Buffer. Few may think that Buffer is only for library developers and its not in the scope of application developer. Here this blog is for you to provide an overview about the Buffer and its usage.

160. Simplify Node.js Route Handlers With Middleware A How-To Guide

I recently came across a route handler that was 2k LOK (lines of code). This possibly happened due to lack of rules and guidelines in place. I tried to understand the control flow, but 3 mouse scrolls down I was forgetting where I have started and what it's all about. Just a hint (not actual project code):

161. A Discord Bot to Save Messages as Notion Notes

Tutorial for a Discord bot that automatically saves messages from a Discord server to Notion, if an Admin reacts to them with a specific emoji, say ✍️.

162. Getting Started With Svelte Framework

Installation, Components, Properties and DOM events in a nutshell

163. Routing Life Hacks: Serving a Node.js Express App from a Sub-Folder

Express is probably the most popular web framework for Node.js and tons of tutorials and instructions have already been written. However, most of them don't cover the topic I am going to tell you about.

164. How CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Works?

If you are a web developer, you must have seen the ‘CORS’ error appearing often on your screen when you try to call the API. But, Why does it happen?

165. Nuxt.js Website Boilerplate

Check out this website boilerplate built on Nuxt.js and Cosmic JS. It satisfies some common website requirements including dynamic pages, blog articles, author management, SEO ability, contact form and website search.

166. Hyperledger Composer is deprecated

Hyperledger Composer is officially deprecated, you can check the message on Composer's Github repo and in the official Rocket Chat channel:

167. How to Add Auto Caching to Your JS Template Engine

Adding auto caching to our JS template engine: How Caching Works with JS Template Engines; Changing Your Render Function.

168. Web Scraping Google Maps Reviews

In this post, we will learn to scrape Google Maps Reviews using the Google Maps hidden API.

169. Creating RESTful Web APIs With Node.js And Express: You Can’t Mess Up The Right One

One of the main reasons for using Node.js is that you can create quickly RESTful web APIs with it. Express is a popular web framework helping you with this task. Using JavaScript to build servers is often a natural choice for frontend developers looking for a way to reuse their skills and create the APIs supporting their web app, but that's not the only benefit of using Node.js. The huge package ecosystem around Node.js and Express is what makes it shine, allowing to implement a lot of business features with very few lines of code.

170. How to Filter NSFW Images and Programmatically Blur Them

In this article, you will learn how to detect NSFW and inappropriate images and programmatically blur them.

171. Path-Based Routing in Render with Kong API Gateway

It's good practice to put an API gateway in front of your microservices-backed application. Path-based routing makes this possible when deploying to Render.

172. Advanced and Efficient MongoDB Pagination

How to make clean pagination with no additional dependencies. Basically for Node.js but can be used in any other languages and platforms.

173. Build Your own Telegram Bot with AWS and Node.js

Automate thankless tasks like splitting grocery bills using a Telegram Bot and AWS.

174. Virtual DOM, Reconciliation And Diffing Algorithm Explained Simply

Ever wondered what makes react so fast ? Here's a detailed explanation why react is fast and what is virtual DOM.

175. A Better Guide to Build Apache Superset From source

In this article, we’ll be deep-diving on how to build Apache Superset from the source. The official documentation is too complicated for a new contributor and thus my attempt to simplify it.

176. A No Bullshit Tutorial on Creating a Slack bot with Node.js

The best Slack bot tutorial for Node.js on the internet.

177. Moving From React-Redux to @reduxjs/toolkit

I’ve been working with react-redux, and I’m loving it, working with react is awesome, but it can get confusing really fast, so when I was introduced to redux I just instantly loved it. The thing is… when I created an application using yarn create ract-app --template redux, the app had a different syntax than the one I was taught in all the tutorials I saw on youtube, so I started playing around with the default application, and the way they do things there is cleaner and more straight forward. After a quick google search, I realized the default app uses the @redux/toolkit and I wanted to talk about it because it’s pretty great, so…

178. Twilio: How to Connect with Existing Voice Assistant

Today's post serves the purpose of explaining Twilio's recent bidirectional streaming feature, the very feature which made it possible to receive the call audio while still being able to send audio for playback asynchronously.

179. How Libuv Thread Pool Can Boost Your Node JS Performance

In this 5th instalment of my “Node JS Performance Optimizations” series, I show you how to increase Node JS performance with thread pool management. We achieve this by understanding how Libuv works, how the thread pool works and how to configure the number of threads based on your machine specs.

180. Learn How To Use Webhooks By Connecting NodeJS, IFTTT and Twitter

Learn how webhooks work and put together a simple Webhook integration with Node, IFTTT and Twitter in under an hour.

181. Scraping Information From LinkedIn Into CSV using Python

In this post, we are going to scrape data from Linkedin using Python and a Web Scraping Tool. We are going to extract Company Name, Website, Industry, Company Size, Number of employees, Headquarters Address, and Specialties.

182. Migrating your Node.js REST API to Serverless

I’ve dabbled a fair share in the dark arts of Serverless. Digging into the various pros and cons of not having dedicated servers, or instances you can call your own. Even if they technically are not. They’re just in some undisclosed server farm somewhere floating in the cloud.

183. Cz-git Recipes - Easy to Commit

🔨 A more engineered, highly customizable, standard output format commitizen adapter.

184. Reversing a NodeJS Malware and Finding its Author

Reverse engineering a NodeJS Discord malware and exposing the authors by finding the webhook they used.

185. Basics of Functions in JS

Just the basics about the functions in Javascript.

186. 20 JavaScript Libraries Every Programmer Should Know

A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript that allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications

187. How To Improve Your Backend By Adding Retries to Your API Calls

Whether you're making API calls from Node.js or in the browser, connection failures are going to happen eventually. Some request errors are valid. Maybe the endpoint was wrong or the client sent the wrong data. Other times you can be sure that the error is the result of a problem with the connection to the server or one of the many hops in-between. While API and web service monitoring can inform you about the problem, a more active solution can take care of it for you.

188. The package.json File Guide

If you work with or interact with a JavaScript project, frontend project or a node.js project you surely know about the package.json file.

189. Web Scraping Sites With Session Cookie Authentication Using NodeJS Request

Web scraping as a product has low entry requirements, which attracts freelancers and development teams to it.

190. We Built An Open-Source Backend Server for Web & Mobile Developers: AppWrite v0.5 [Announcement]

Built-in, automated SSL, custom domains, new authentication features, dark mode, and more! After a lot of work and anticipation from our developers’ community, I am really excited to announce the release of version 0.5 of the Appwrite back-end server.

191. Enabling Virtuals In Mongoose Lean Mode (in a FeathersJs service)

Originally published at

192. Enforcing Code Quality for Node.js

Using Linting, Formatting, and Unit Testing with Code Coverage to Enforce Quality Standards

193. Web Scraping with Javascript and Node.js

Learn how to build a web scraper with Javascript and Node.js. Add anti-blocking techniques, a headless browser, and parallelize requests with a queue.

194. How to Fetch Date with Promise.all and Async / Await

This article is focusing on showing a brief explanation of how to use Promise.all in a real example that I used in one of my recent projects.

195. How to Make Your Nodejs Backend Secure

As you know these days security becomes more and more important for all kind of startups. As a startup owner, you should pay attention to your web app’s security in the first place. Remember that users are trusting their information to you and you should care about their data professionally otherwise if someone hacks your web app and steals the data you will fail and lose your customers.

196. On Recursion and Trampolining

Did you know that recursion can be optimized using a concept which works similar to the way how we jump on a trampoline.

197. JavaScript End 2 End Testing for Mere Mortals

My name is Vladimir, I live and work in Ukraine. I am a beginning QA engineer, and sooner or later I will have to face such concept as “test automation” because for me it is necessary for my further development in this professional field. And on the way to the implementation of this stage, I’ve encountered many problems. And one of the most important problems, in my opinion, for a beginner Automator is the lack of understanding of where to start.This is probably the problem that every newcomer faces when starting to learn test automation. This post is for those of you who were also dreaming of testing automation but did not know where to start.

198. Web Scraping Use Cases for Technical Marketers

From a technical marketer perspective, scraping and automation libraries are extremely important to learn. Here’s an introduction to two of the most widely used web scraping libraries in Node JS.

199. Setting up email verification in FeathersJS

Over the past years of web development I have stumbled upon the FeathersJS project and have really loved it so far. It offers a lot of functionality out of the box like websockets and authentication which makes it a great alternative to real-time backends like Firebase at a fraction of the cost. There are very little node frameworks that do so much, so well with so little configuration and the only thing I see wrong with it is that it isn’t more widely used, so let me start off with why you should use FeathersJS as your API backend framework.

200. How to Create and Publish Your First NPM Package

A Comprehensive Guide To Creating and Publishing Your First NPM Package

201. How to Use the Javascript Slice Method

The javascript slice function is a built-in array or string method that returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object.

202. Tutorial: Creating New Node.js Projects and Working with Packages

After you've set up Node.js on your machine, the first thing you'll probably want to do is create a new project and start coding. And to get more efficient at the job, there are two important things that you'll need to be fluent with:

203. Node.js Vs Flask: Which One Has A Better Performance

Curious about how Flask stacks up against Node.js? These are my thoughts on the matter.

204. Implement Dynamics REST API using Node.js [Tutorial]

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business applications platform that combines components of customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), along with productivity applications and artificial intelligence tools, although currently Dynamics is more popular for its CRM capabilities.

205. How to Become a Backend Developer in 2020

Are you looking for a career in Backend Development? To build complete applications beyond the user-interface companies need rockstar back-end developers.

All the app data is stored and processed on the back-end. Back-end development is everything that happens behind the scenes. It is a variety of things like the databases, the business logic, the API layer and pretty much everything other than the user-interface.

The average salary for a back-end developer is $123,689 per year in the United States as of 2019. In this post, let’s learn about what it means to be a Backend Developer.

206. How to Reset Password with Node.js and Angular [Part 1]

There are lots of tutorials about user authentication but all of them are just covering the topics like how to sign up and how to sign in. Even if you find a tutorial about reset password then you will see that it covers old school method without APIs and using jQuery based front-end. In this tutorial, we are going to use a Node.js based API which will connect to Angular front-end. Let’s get started:

207. Node.js for Backend Web Development in 2022

Wil Node.js be still relevant in 2022? Read about Node.js architecture, advantages, and disadvantages in comparison to Java and Python.

208. How to Build A Well Structured 3-tier Architecture (MERN Stack - ES6) [Step-by-Step Guide]

This project serves as a guide/template for a 3-tier architecture. If you are entirely new to Web Development. I highly suggest you watch this video first.

209. How to Use ShellJS to Combine Bash Shell Commands and Javascript

If you are looking for a way to use Bash shell, or Unix shell commands within Javascript to automate your workflow, then ShellJS is the perfect library for you.

210. How to Build a Node.js Weather App with Cassandra

Build a minimal Node.js application that tracks real-time weather data from using a Node.js application and ingests it into Apache Cassandra.

211. Grouping Code with Eunice [Explained]

As software gets more complicated we need ways to structure code to make it easier to understand. For example, functions, classes, closures, files, directories, repositories, namespaces, packages and services. However, how code is grouped in these structures doesn't always fit well with how the pieces work together.

212. Making an Electron 7 React app for the challenger Bank Revolut

Living in the UK, it is almost impossible not to be tempted to try the new challenger banks such as Revolut, Starling and Monzo. I am currently using Revolut as my main bank account and felt the need to access it from my computer.

213. Build Your Own Chatbot Using Webex and NodeJS

As hybrid work grows, more industries need developers to build ChatOps tools—like chatbots. In this tutorial, we'll build a Webex chatbot with Node.js.

214. CI CD Pipeline: How to Setup a CI CD Pipeline From Scratch with GitHub Actions.

Setup your CI CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions.

215. CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions

Create a simple server with Node.js and Express, write API tests using Kong Insomnia, and then run these tests in our CI pipeline with Inso and GitHub Actions.

216. How to Create a BNB Payment Gateway with NodeJS & ExpressJS on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Today, cryptocurrencies and blockchain have changed a lot of traditional methods and solutions.

217. Express-js Boilerplate with User Authentication

I couldn’t find a complete user authentication system for Expressjs, so I wrote this one.

218. 6 Ways A Node Developer Can Drastically Boost Their Productivity

These six productivity tips will supercharge your productivity as a Node developer. You'll save hours of time which you can then invest in other activities.

219. How To Setup Shopify`s Billing API

One of the most common mistakes of beginning Shopify app developers is to assume that the Shopify app store will handle pricing and billing for them. Learn how to add billing code to your app to prevent selling it for free.

220. Decoding Nodejs

The main goal of this blog is to explain the “Architecture of Nodejs” and to know how the Nodejs works behind the scenes,

221. Create an Alexa Radio Skill in 5 Minutes with Standard Library and Nodejs

222. Tutorial: How to Quickly Set up NodeJS Server

NodeJS is a popular framework of JavaScript used for back-end web development. And for this, a server is as important as the backbone to a human body. So in this tutorial, we'll learn how to quickly set up a nodeJS server.

223. How to Find Location Using IP Address in NodeJS

Ever wondered why Google shows you content based on your location, or ads you see on websites are customized to your location? All this happens because of geolocation which makes it possible to identify the country, state and sometimes even the city based on your IP address of your device.

224. Who said SOLID is applicable only in OO languages? Here's how you can do it in Javascript!

SOLID is five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. It helps us to think about the right way to build a software system

225. The Advantages of Using Node.js: Caching, Scalability, and a Rich Ecosystem

If you’re wondering why Node.js is so popular with developers, here’s a list of advantages of using Node.js

226. How To Setup Caching in Node.js using Redis

In this article, we are going to implement caching in a node js application using Redis, but, before we delve into the implementation details, let’s explore what caching is and how it can help the performance of our application.

227. Get a GraphQL server up and running in 5 minutes using graphql-yoga and mongoose


228. Stream and Display Data in Realtime with Materialize and Adonis

In this tutorial, we are going to build a web application using AdonisJS and integrate it with Materialize to create a real-time dashboard

229. The Top Essential Skills for JavaScript Developers

JavaScript reigns supreme. The flexible programming language is currently ranked as the most commonly used programming language in the world by GitHub. It is also instrumental in web development--an estimated 95% of websites utilize the language in some way.

230. How to Build a Full Stack Zoom Clone Using Node JS, Express, and Peer JS

Hello guys, recently I created my own clone of Zoom using Node js, Express, Peer JS. Here's how to do it!

231. Node.js Streams in Action

Ever wondered how streams are working in Node.js? I had. So far I know that using streams will most certainly reduce memory usage on the server when processing large files. Instead of reading whole file into memory we stream it in chunks to whoever requested it and apply transformations to that stream if needed. That's huge benefit as it allows to avoid vertical scaling. Processing files is common task but not as common as interacting with databases and that's going to be my focus now. I'll build simple API with 2 endpoints. Both will be returning large amount of records from Postgres DB. One endpoint will stream data to the client and another will read whole data into memory and return in one chunk.

232. Top 5 Serverless Trends in 2020

Happy Serverless September 2020! We at Coding Sans love working with serverless technology. This is why we decided to publish a report with the latest serverless trends this year. We partnered up with nine other companies who share our love to make it happen.

[233. Installing Ruby on Rails 6 on Ubuntu

[A How-To Guide]]( Installing Rails 6 on Ubuntu can be tricky. In 5 easy steps, I’ll show you how to do it. I’m currently a web development student at microverse. As part of the microverse curriculum, we’re expected to solve some Rails exercises from The Odin Project.

234. Coffee… what? How Developers Quit To Use CoffeeScript

It’s been over 10 years since the release of CoffeeScript and after a decade, it seems we can state that this innovative idea became completely forgotten by the front-end developers community.

235. Svelte State Management: Creating Contact Form

Recently, I came into Svelte and ... I love it.

236. Defining Types: Using allOf in Swagger JSON

Image by Devanath from Pixabay

237. You Can Track Stock Market Data From Your Terminal

As a developer, I love working with the terminal. The plain, simple, and in my opinion the best way to interact with the computer (also it makes you look geeky)

238. How To Setup Caching in Nodejs

How to use decorators to implement in a few lines of code a coaching mechanism for both node and web application

239. Writing a Production Ready Express Server [A Step by Step Guide]

In this article I will be explaining how to write a simple express server that is of Production Grade.

240. How to deploy a Node.js application to AWS Lambda using Serverless

Being a developer is amazing. Writing code, solving problems and thinking of ingenious solutions for complicated algorithms is what we live for. But, the grass is not always so green on this side of the fence. Sooner or later you need to get your hands dirty and deploy the app you worked so hard on. Deployments are not always easy. To be blunt, they can be incredibly hard and time-consuming. That’s what we’ll solve in this tutorial.

241. Data Scraping in Node.js 101

How to gather data without those pesky databases.

242. CI/CD Pipeline for NodeJS Lambdas on AWS using Jest, Serverless Framework, Github, and TravisCI

I wanted to start a serverless project, and one of the primary headaches aside from architecting the workflow and deciding which lambda functions need to be created is a simple and yet effective CICD workflow.

243. How to use Polly.JS dependencies with Eunice

In this post I'll demonstrate the development tool Eunice by using it on the JavaScript library Polly.JS.

244. Build A Crypto Price Tracker using Node.js and Cassandra

Since the big bang in the data technology landscape happened a decade and a half ago, giving rise to technologies like Hadoop, which cater to the four ‘V’s. — volume, variety, velocity, and veracity there has been an uptick in the use of databases with specialized capabilities to cater to different types of data and usage patterns. You can now see companies using graph databases, time-series databases, document databases, and others for different customer and internal workloads.

245. Is React leading the Infrastructure As Code Movement?

What is "Infrastructure as Code"? If someone checks a bunch of YAML files into a Git repository, do they suddenly become code? That seems more like "Infrastructure as Files" to me. I suppose that's better than infrastructure as a gaggle of shell scripts and some commands run by hand in the middle of the night in a coffee-fueled haze, but it is a far cry from code. How about a system to define infrastructure that really is like code?

246. Use Comments to Unit Test Your Code [A How-To Guide]

At Supabase we love writing as little code as possible, so we decided to combine our unit tests with same JSDoc comments that power VSCode's IntelliSense.

247. Front-End Development Without Node_modules Using Skypack and Snowpack

Once upon a time, we could simply put an HTML and a script file into an FTP server, quickly have a working website and call it a day.

248. How to Manage Multithreaded Node JS Applications for Better Performance

In this post I'm going to show you how to potentially triple your Node application's performance by managing multiple threads.

249. Destructuring in JavaScript: A How-To Guide

(This article is part of an ongoing series on technical and soft skills from Nathan Thomas, a full stack software engineer working in San Francisco building really cool stuff. He previously worked and attended Lambda School. Click here for the previous article in the series, a piece called “Please Explain Closures!”)

250. Creating Real-Time Chat App using React And with E2E Encryption

Link link: Here is the example of the chat app we are going to build ✌.

251. Write Your First AWS Lambda Function

What is it?

252. Understanding Express.js: Creating Your Own Node HTTP Request Router

(Do-It-Yourself: Node HTTP Router)

253. How to Reset Password with Node.js and Angular [Part 2]

In this 2nd part of our tutorial, we are going to continue our journey of creating reset password functionality. In the 1st part, we completed the back-end with Node.js Express and Node mailer, created an API which will use in this part in Angular. Let’s get started.

254. An Open-Source Firebase Alternative - Introducing Appwrite 0.7

We’re excited to announce the release of Appwrite 0.7, our biggest ever release. The new Appwrite version includes over 100 updates

255. Scheduled Cron Jobs with Render

Developers who use cloud hosting platforms may also need cron jobs for scheduling background tasks. This tutorial walks through how to use Render to do it all.

256. Firebase, SendBird or What's Best To Build A Chat App

Chat solutions can be split into two categories: ready-made chat platforms and technologies for exchanging data between client and server. Which one to choose?

257. Receiving and Handling Emails with AWS and Amazon SES

If you have B2C applications, you have to deal with support tickets and emails. According to user size, it can be difficult to handle emails with a person or manage same email address with multiple people for support mails.

258. How to Work with Files and Directories in a Node.js App

In almost every application, you come to a point where you need to access the filesystem. This is an essential skill, that I personally use as a starting point when learning a new language or platform. With Node.js, you can rely on built-in modules to work with the filesystem. Common tasks in this regard usually include:

259. Is Lodash That Good? Performance Comparison of JavaScript and Lodash

Lodash is a very popular JavaScript library and I have come across it in almost every project I have, but was it justified? is she that good? let's find out in

260. A crash course on serverless-side rendering with React.js, Next.js and AWS Lambda

Not so long ago I started exploring server-side rendered single-page applications. Yeah, try saying that three times fast. Building products for startups has taught me SEO is a must if you want an online presence. But, you also want the performance SPAs can provide.

261. How to Scrape (Almost) Anything With Puppeteer and Node.js

A guide to web scraping with Puppeteer, Node.js, and Autocode with tips and examples

262. Node.js vs Java: Why, How, and When to Choose One Over the Other

Recently, my colleagues and I discussed the popularity of a couple of technologies — in particular, Java and node.js. After a brief Internet surfing session, it turned out that these technologies are used by many information giants to develop and maintain their platforms. Below, I will mention only a few of them.

263. 12 JavaScript Concepts That Will Level Up Your Development Skills

JavaScript is a complex language. If you’re a JavaScript developer at any level, it’s important to understand its foundational concepts. This article tackles 12 concepts that are critical for any JS developer to understand, but in no way represents the full breadth of what a JS developer should know.

I will be continuously updating this list in a Github repository called JS Tips & Tidbits. Please star ⭐ and share if you want to follow along!

264. Reduce Javascript: Master the Basics

The reduce Javascript array method is an essential component of functional programming that takes an array and reduces it into just a value.

265. “JavaScript has Never Been My Favorite Language” - Interview with Node.js Creator Ryan Dahl

Ryan Dahl speaks about the main challenges in Deno, the future of JavaScript and TypeScript.

266. 16 JavaScript Protips [2020 Edition]

When I began learning JavaScript, I made a list of every time-saving trick that I found in other people’s code, on code challenge websites, and anywhere other than the tutorials I was using.

267. Server Side Code Highlighting in Node [Explained]

Implementing highlight.js in an Express app for a super fast pre-rendered code highlighting

268. What is ECMAScript and How is it Different From JavaScript?

Many times developers use JavaScript and ECMAScript synonymously for each other. Though they are very closely linked to each other, it does not mean they are the same thing.

269. ExpressJS And Web Sockets: Streaming Tweets in Real-Time Without Any Problems

We are living in an age where data is considered to be more valuable than oil itself. Given that statement, any tool or mechanism that could help us mine and analyze data becomes a powerful resource to get your hands on. Data by itself has the potential to understand the universal behavior of people and assist businesses to design better use-cases. One such rich vein of data-source is Twitter and the data we can get from it concerning any particular topic is fascinating. Not to forget, one more thing which we would be exploring in this article is that we would be fetching data in real-time. Yes, you heard me right. We would be doing so in real-time.

270. A Guide to Deploying Phaser 3 Webpack Games to Heroku

I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to get a Phaser 3 Game deployed on Heroku. This is why I’m going to show you how to create a brand new node.js project, integrate it with Webpack and Phaser 3 game engine using Express as a Webserver, and deploy it to Heroku, so we can see it live.

271. How To Run Deno.js in Docker

What is Deno? Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.

272. E2E Testing of Excel Downloads with Cypress

Recently while working on a project, I had to create a functionality where users can download an excel file consisting of some data.

273. How I Organized my Node.js REST API

When I started using Node.js for building REST APIs on the server side, I struggled a lot with the same question over and over again:

274. Microservices Deserve Modern Programming Platforms: Java May Not be the Best Option

Microservices are very popular today, even in traditional corporate IT shops. Often though they are implemented using languages, such as Java, born in the early ’90s and designed for a world of monolithic applications. Do you remember the big old Application Servers?

275. Jwenky: An Express API Server with User Authentication

Jwenky is an API server coded in Express framework.

276. Getting Started With Grandjs

Hey guys, hopefully you are doing well, today is an introduction to get started with Grandjs the promising nodejs framework!

277. Maintain The Quality of Your Node.js Apps With These Best Practices

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, Javascript runtime environment for running javascript code outside the web browser.

278. I have a confession to make… I commit to master.

I used to preach about Git Flow to keep my code releasable, rollback-able, and keep a clean history. But not anymore — now, bad code doesn’t make it into my codebase.

279. Creating a ride booking app with React Native

In this tutorial we’ll create a ride-booking app with React Native and Pusher. The app that we’ll create will be similar to popular ride-booking apps like Uber, Lyft or Grab.

280. Changing Async/Await to Promises.all to Speed Up API Calls in Node.JS

Converting Async/await to Promises.all in Nodejs helps us reduces processing time from 50+ secs to less than 5 secs

281. How to Quickly Generate Microservices with Yeoman

A quick guide to creating a Yeoman generator for building microservices with an example of Express.js and Typescript app.

282. Setting up a Web Develop Environment in Debian

I am on Microverse working with a lot of people new to Software Development with Linux (I use this word to refer to Linux OS and all his derivatives or distros), and in web development we use certain tools and pipelines that are more difficult to set up in Windows. So I found that most of the people new to Linux struggle to set up the tooling and basic commands for the first time.

283. The Seven Best Admin Templates And Themes in React

The appearance of Node.js became the new era for JavaScript because of the opportunity to synchronize frontend and backend. All JavaScript programs with help of

284. Node Authentication using Passport.js

While building any web app people get confused or feel difficulty in authentication process. Creating a registration form and sign in process is a hectic process if we don't follow proper method.

285. Deploying Twitter Bot to Heroku

Most of us are familiar with Twitter. But we are not much familiar that we can automate the activities like status posting, retweeting, liking, commenting and so on. So,here I'll show you how we can automate some of the activities like getting the twitter data,posting the status and retweeting with Node.js and a npm package called Twit.

286. How we manage live 1M GraphQL Websocket Subscriptions

GraphQL subscriptions are the key part of our environment because it allows using the same schema/query based concept but with live WebSocket updates over multiple UI components. Especially considering our use-case for UI <> API communication at, some of our website analysis tools can give a response with a partial data or it could take a significant amount of time. Using WebSockets allows us to send data to UI whenever our tools are ready to respond.

287. JavaScript Frameworks for Frontend and Backend Developers [Top Ten Picks]

There is no doubt that JavaScript is now the #1 programming language in the world and also the undesputed king of web development. If you want to become a web developer a good knowledge of JavaScript and various, popular JavaScript web development framework is very important for you.

288. The Pure Laravel Playbook

It used to be the case that when you program a Laravel project, you program in PHP within the Laravel framework, and then have Vue.js or some other front-end framework at the front-end.

289. Hands On Mobile API Security: Get Rid of Client Secrets

Introduce an API Key Proxy to Improve Mobile Security

290. The Most Convenient Ways of Writing Transactions Within the Nest.js + TypeORM Stack

If you have some troubles with transactions in Nest.js - this article will help you.

291. Mocha+Chai: Writing a reusable Test Suite for an expressjs/mongoose API

Here is a workable, reusable way to test an expressjs/mongoose application.

292. How to use Recursion to Traverse JSON Objects and the Filesystem

I work primarily on application-level programs, so I tend to not use recursion very often. However, every now and then I need a function that is best solved recursively. It is important to be able to recognize when a problem is best solved recursively, and to be able to write it when the time comes.

293. Mutability And Immutability In JavaScript Explained In Detail

The concept of mutability and immutability in JavaScript is essential to understand to avoid errors. Whether a data type is mutable or not is strictly tied to w

294. Express.js Integration Guide for Passwordless Authentication with

Just want the code? Find this example on github

295. How to Build a SMS Surveys App with Twilio, Airtable and Standard Library

We live in an era of collaboration and teamwork. Meaning that even the most straightforward task in this day and age (think ordering lunch, for example) is often brought before a committee vote. Thankfully, ours is also an era of great technological achievement, and there is perhaps no better way to arrive at a consensus than through the use of polling and surveys. Today we are going to see how we can use Build on Standard Library to deploy a quick and easy-to-use polling app that uses your Twilio number to dispatch SMS messages to your group, and then logs their replies in one convenient Airtable Base.

296. How I build Coronavirus Tracking Application

What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) which is an infectious disease caused by respiratory illness and symptoms like flu, cough, fever, difficulty breathing, on December 31, 2019, the first case was recorded in Wuhan, China and later the virus got spread around the world and as of now, around 1 million+ confirmed cases are being recorded since then.

You can protect yourself from this virus by following basic precautions like washing your hand frequently, avoid touching your face, maintaining a distance of (1 meter or 3 feet) between people and most importantly if you are sick then immediately call for medical help at your nearest hospital.

297. A crash course on Serverless with AWS — Triggering Lambda with SNS Messaging

If you’re like me, a sucker for event-driven programming, you’ll want to continue reading. Today we’ll take a look at triggering AWS Lambda functions from AWS SNS messages. I’ve covered a few interesting topics regarding serverless architectures and AWS already, but nothing like this yet. Dig down, and get ready. Let’s go.

298. Security Best Practices for Node.js Apps

Node.js Security Guide

299. Hands On Mobile API Security: Pinning Client Connections

Add TLS and Certificate Pinning While Removing Client Secrets

300. Migrating Away From Query Builders and ORMs in JavaScript or TypeScript

I spent the better part of a day moving a project completely off of the ORM we were using (TypeORM). Ever since I started doing web development, I’ve been using some kind of heavy abstraction on top of my database. Whether it’s Mongoose when I used MongoDB, or TypeORM when I decided to move to TypeScript and PostgreSQL. However, it turns out that ORMs and query builders aren’t so great. I used to be that person that thought ORMs and query builders did the job for me, and I used it as an excuse to not learn SQL (which is what everyone tells you NOT to do). Given the tools that exist today, I would wholeheartedly recommend doing it the opposite of how I did if you’re starting off new to these things — write your SQL stuff by hand, or with help from the tools I mention later in the post. It’ll feel really slow at first, but you’ll thank yourself later 😄

301. What is the Difference Between Encryption, Hashing and Salting?

There are several security concepts and techniques, but each one has its purpose and I will introduce their concepts and practices in this article.

302. Developing An App with NodeJS: Best Practices to Follow

Here are the 14 Node.js best practices that should be implemented while developing an app.

303. Backend Development 101: Prime Numbers and Multi-threading

Recently, I have been trying to expand my knowledge as a backend developer. I want to understand solving problems at scale and also breaking down big tasks into little chunks of tasks.

304. 7 Tips to Making Your Puppeteer Scripts More Bulletproof

How these 7 tips and tricks can help your puppeteer code stand out and work more reliably.

305. Optimize Ghost Blog Performance Including Rewriting Image Domains to a CDN

The Ghost blogging platform offers a lean and minimalist experience. And that's why we love it. But unfortunately sometimes, it can be too lean for our requirements.

306. Master The Art Of Using Typescript Without The Compile Step

If you're like me you create scripts to automate things all the time. While you can do quite a bit with bash, it's just a lot easier to use your primary language--in this case TypeScript. With just a few tricks you can start writing your scripts in TypeScript.

307. Using Plivo APIs For Sending SMS messages With Node.js

Send your first SMS message using Plivo Node.js SDK within 5 minutes.

308. How to Build an Omni-Channel Micro-App with Node.js and Express in 2 Hours

I’m the CTO of ONEm Communications Ltd. We’ve built a developer framework and platform that allows developers to rapidly build fully functional omni -channel micro-apps.

309. The Guide To Core Redux Concepts

In a React app, data is fetched in the parent component and then passed down to child components through props.

310. How To Convert HTML to Markdown with a Serverless Function

Outlined below is the setup for a AWS lambda function which combines fetching the HTML for a URL, stripping it back to just the essential article content, and then converting it to Markdown. To deploy it you’ll need an AWS account, and to have the serverless framework installed.

311. How To Boost Your Coding Productivity with Plop

Previously, I talked about how Plop can help increase productivity when coding by reducing context switching. In this article, we’ll dive into an example and configure a Plop generator to create a React component in Typescript. By the end, you’ll be able to start using Plop to build your own generators for any type of project and reap the productivity benefits!

312. Scraping Tesla Stock Prices with Node.js and Puppeteer

Learn how you can easily scrape the latest stock prices using Node.js and puppeteer!

313. How to Exploit Prototype Pollution?

Prototype Pollution is a JavaScript related vulnerability. This article explains how it works and how to exploit it bypassing security checks of the app.

314. Create Rest API with Mongoose and Plumier Delightfully

If you ever created a rest api using Express, TypeScript and Mongoose you might notice duplication issue caused by declaration of domain model and Mongoose schema.

315. Node.Js or Python and why?

With this article, we will discuss every element of both the back-end technologies platforms to provide you with clear insights.

316. Build a Gallery Site with 11ty

This is a run-through of setting up a website with Eleventy, a simple static site generator. I’m going to try to list out all the relevant steps so you can follow along if you are attempting a similar project. I made a gallery site meant to showcase graphic artwork.

317. About the new simple declarative language we invented for developing web apps with no boilerplate

Wasp is a simple language that makes developing full-stack web apps (React, Node) easy and removes boilerplate.

318. Beginners Guide to Node.JS

Introduction to Node.JS

319. Processing Text with State Machines

Learn how finite state machines or automatons can be used to process text with nodejs

320. Typescript 3.9: What got changed?

Hey! guys, in this post I will be discussing the changes brought in by typescript 3.9. I will give some code examples and brief descriptions.

321. [Minimizing Startup Costs] We Built our Own Email Marketing App in 4 Weeks

Thanks to Hiten Shah who generously reviewed an early draft of this article.

322. 14 Steps to Debugging a Node.js Application Running in a Docker Container

This blog post shows how you can debug a simple Node.js application running in a Docker container. The tutorial is laid out in a fashion that allows you to use it as a reference while you’re building your own Node.js application and is intended for readers who have prior exposure to JavaScript programming and Docker.

323. How to Build a Command-line Utility (CLI) with Node.js

CLIs built in Node.js are highly portable, meaning they are easy to install on a different OS. We’ll be building a simple CLI to translate between languages.

324. Automate JavaScript deployment of npm packages with Github actions

What does Factorio and CI/CD pipelines have in common?

325. Super Easy Forms Introduction: The Easiest Way to Create a Serverless Web Form

In past years, innovation in cloud services has made it quite convenient to host static websites. Since they don't require servers, these sites are usually faster, more secure, and cheaper to host/maintain than their dynamic counterparts; making them perfect for something like your new landing page.

326. 21 Javascript Bundlers 🚀

Pretty much just what the headline says: A list of 21 JS bundlers.

327. Smart E-bike Kits: A Tour Inside Our Servers

The Idea

328. The Simple React and Redux Implementation Tutorial

Last month I started making some implementations of Redux in some React projects. In the beginning, it took me a while to understand how to set up everything. Because it is a little complex to set up. But it will help a lot to store the data of an app.

329. Deep Dive Into Creating Node Project With Clean Architecture

(Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash)

330. 14 Top Node.js Open Source Projects: 2021 Edition

Note that under open source projects we assume the following:

331. Basic Guide To Building Microservices With MongoDB, NodeJs, And Express

Most of us have gone through tough times where you have a large scale application which has a bunch of features, API integrations, database connections, etc. New features and updates get released, and of course you need to fix the bugs and maintain the code.

332. Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Node.js

Once upon a time, not so long ago, a word caught my ear. Lambda. That struck a chord, remembering the good old days of playing Half-Life as a kid. Little did I know what AWS Lambda was, and how incredibly awesome it is. If you’re intrigued, stick around. I’ll only take a few minutes out of your already busy day, and you surely won’t mind.

333. How to Write a Simple NPM Package

Imagine that you don't need any compiler or bundler to prepare your NPM package written in ES2020 standard. Yes, you can.

334. How To Learn Coding Basics By Creating Simple Games

You may have been grinding all those algorithms question on various platforms for your next interview, ever wonder when can we actually use them. Well, I got to finally see them in action while creating a board game called 8 Puzzle. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square tiles labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Your goal is to rearrange the tiles so that they are in order. You can check out my implementation to get a better idea here.

335. Bring In The Bots, And Let Them Maintain Our Code!

Learn how to automate away as much maintenance as possible using Renovate, Travis CI, and CodeCov

336. How to Get SSL/HTTPS for Localhost

A step-by-step guide for getting to https://localhost:3000 Create a certificate to make ourselves a Certificate Authority (CA) that can sign SSL certificates.

337. Node.js Monitoring Made Easy

Node.js monitoring is a tricky task. There are certain challenges to look out for. Because Node.js is a dynamically typed programming language and single-threaded you give the interpreter and runtime a lot of freedom to make decisions. This can easily result in memory leaks and high CPU loads. Parallel execution is simulated in Node.js by using asynchronous execution of functions. But, if a single function blocks the thread or event queue, the application performance will take a huge hit.

338. Scraping Google Search Results With Node JS

In this post, we will learn web scraping Google with Node JS using some of the in-demand web scraping and web parsing libraries present in Node JS.

339. Building User Service With GRPC, Node.JS, and MongoDB: The Complete Microservice Tutorial — [Part 2]

Microservices are about decoupling your system. In a monolith, you build all the components of the software in one large codebase and deploy the software at once. But in the microservice world, we build each component of a large system decoupled from each other.

340. Ruby vs PHP vs JavaScript - What Should Your Next App Be Built On?

NodeJS vs PHP vs Ruby? Find out what to use when coding your web application be it a static site; a dynamic web application (SaaS, online portal) or eCommerce.

341. The Difference Between OAuth 2.0 And Session Management

There seems to be a lot of misinformation on when OAuth 2.0 (henceforth referred to as OAuth) is appropriate for use. A lot of developers confuse OAuth with web session management and hence end up using the wrong protocol / set of technologies. This, in turn, leads to security issues. This article will clarify when to use regular session management solutions and when to use any one of the OAuth flows.

342. 4 Best Application-Deployment Techniques You Will Discover in 2021

Application deployment comprises the steps, processes, and activities required to make an application or update available for its intended users. The manner in which you deploy an application matters a great deal as it impacts how quickly your product will respond to changes, and the quality of these changes. Today, most software developers deploy updates, patches, and new applications via a combination of manual, automated, and cloud-based processes, although, manual application deployment is being phased out.

343. Ave V8 JavaScript Engine: the Non-stop Improvements

V8 is not only a famous eight-cylinder engine you can find in Dodge Charger, Bentley Continental GT or Boss Hoss motorcycles. In 2008 The Chromium Project developers released a new JavaScript and WebAssembly engine with the same name – V8, such a groovy reference to the engineering marvel. So one more Vee-eight engine was born.

344. Making Command-Line Interface (CLI) for Fun and Profit

Next time you have an idea 💡 "I know... Why don't I write a script to automate this thing?" Actually, you should not, you should write a CLI instead.

345. Building Your Own ESP8266/ESP32 Over-The-Air Firmware Updater [A How-To Guide] Part II

This is a continuation of Part 1 of our initial simple OTA solution for the ESP8266 or ESP32. In this next part we’ll look into how we can build a more comprehensive OTA solution that does the following:

346. How to Create Your First NestJS App

In this article, I’m going to walk you through developing a simple todo rest application in NestJS and give you an overview of this framework.

347. Why You Shouldn't Use "With Statement" Syntax in JavaScript

Let’s look at the JavaScript with statement. We will go over the simple uses, as well as a deep dive into some more advanced concepts.

348. Top Nodejs Trends to Follow in 2021

After AngularJS, Nodejs is another JavaScript technology that has won the hearts of millions of developers around the world.

349. 5 Best Practices to Follow for Node.js Development

Node.js has become popular among developers. The rising popularity has dramatically changed the face of web development.

350. Sending Emails with the SendGrid Cosmic Function

We recently released Cosmic Functions (public beta). We’re excited to help teams build amazing modern products together with new serverless solutions.

351. How To Build a Todo List App by Using Svelte and Meteor

Creating a Todo app with Svelte and Meteor

352. How To Create a Custom Webhook URL Using Autocode

TLDR (30s)

353. How We Revamped an Online Newspaper with Ruby on Rails, React, and NodeJS

The Village is an online city newspaper owned by the Redefine brand. It reports on important events of the day, culture, and entertainment in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Under the franchise, editorial offices also operate in other Russian cities, as well as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.

354. Node.js Inject: How to Conduct and Why to Use

Today, I would like to show you how to execute custom JS code in another Node.js process and to get a proper result. These are relatively simple code examples, which demonstrate basic ideas of native code calls with the help of Frida framework.

355. Introductory Guide to Debug Node.js Apps with Built-in or VS Code Debugger

If you ask me on which task I've spent most of my time as a software developer, it would probably be bug fixing. Working with JavaScript apps, I've used console.log when debugging surely more than I should have. Learning how to become efficient at finding bugs in programs is a very important skill that can save you a lot of time. Debuggers help you with that task by providing tools to analyze your programs and run control execution flow.

356. A Step-By-Step Guide to Unit Testing for Express API

A detailed step-by-step guide to writing unit tests for your node express API using mocha, chai, sinon, supertest, rewire, and nyc.

357. How To Connect SailsJS with GraphQL Guide

If you're having troubles with organizing API for the Node.js app, using the Sails.js framework with the GraphQL, know that you're not the only one - we've been there too.

358. What is Deno? And Could it Actually Replace Node.js?

Deno is a hot new runtime that may replace Node.js. Everyone’s talking about it like it’s the next big thing. It likely is. Here’s why.

359. Intro Guide to the GraphQL API using Node.JS and Apollo

GraphQL is the alternative for REST made by Facebook. When Facebook reached the limits of REST API, they had to make something breaking these limits.

360. Backend Performance Best Practices: Running and Monitoring Express.js in Production

What is the most important feature an Express.js application can have? Maybe using sockets for real-time chats or GraphQL instead of REST APIs? Come on, tell me. What’s the most amazing, sexy, and hyped feature you have in your Express.js application?

361. Full Stack for All

In the beginning, there were only full-stack developers. We implemented everything in the backend with some PHP or Ruby On Rails and then, with a bit of jQuery running in the frontend, we were done.

362. One-Time Password Generation Using speakeasy, Nest.js And MongoDB

Here, we have designed and developed a flow for OTP(One time password) for user registration and also blocking a user's account after the maximum retries for incorrect otp is exceeded.

363. Building a Serverless Contact Form with AWS Lambda and AWS SES

What if I told you it can be done with zero dependencies? Hope you’re up for a challenge because that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.

364. We Built A Search Engine With MeiliSearch and JavaScript: Here's How You Can Too

Struggle to find the chemistry Nobel prize winner for 1979? Try out MeiliSearch's super-fast-search JavaScript tutorial to find Nobel prize winners in a matter of milliseconds. 🌬️

365. A Look at End-to-end Testing in Nightwatch v2.0

A first look at end-to-end testing with Nightwatch v2.

366. Are Angular and Angular JS The Same?

In this article, we figure out the key differences between Angular and AngularJS open source tools for front end developers to make the usage of these frameworks, terms, and names more conscious. But before we start to compare, let’s clarify what these names mean.

367. The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Web Scraper With NodeJS

When you need tons of data quickly, a web scraper is the best option. Luckily, making your own scraper isn't as hard as it seems. Here's how to do it in NodeJS!

368. 10 Top Advantages of Node.js in eCommerce Industry

It is estimated that 2.14 billion people will buy online by 2021. Do you want to be the best choice for them?  It is not so easy as the competition in the e-commerce industry is becoming fierce year by year.

369. Building Your First Startup with Python and Node.js

This article is for business owners willing to launch their first product. In this material, we will discuss and try to compare two popular backend solutions.

370. Dockerizing and Deploying Nuxt.js SSR Apps To AWS ECS

For the past few hours, I've been working on dockerizing a Nuxt.js server-side rendering app to be deployed to AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). I hit a stone wall when environment variables are not properly injected on runtime on ECS.

371. The Most Comprehensive Guide to Twitter Webhooks on the Internet

For the past 3 months, I've done a few development explorations with Twitter API. The results were (shameless plugs) my two projects, Tweet Scheduler and thank u, next. My experience has been less than stellar, to say the least. In my experience, the problem is that Twitter Developer documentation left a lot to desire. The biggest issue is Account Activity API, the new webhook concept that is quite challenging to understand and work with. In this post, I hope to explain how it works and build a fun Twitter bot to put these concepts in practice.

372. Getting Started with MariaDB using Docker and Node.js

It's no secret that MariaDB has become a popular database solution for developers over the past decade. Why? Well, one could argue that it's largely because it's open source and relational. So, for developers, that basically means it's free, and we get the gist of it. But that really only begins to scratch the surface.

373. Getting Started with MariaDB using Docker and Node.js

It's no secret that MariaDB has become a popular database solution for developers over the past decade. Why? Well, one could argue that it's largely because it's open source and relational. So, for developers, that basically means it's free, and we get the gist of it. But that really only begins to scratch the surface.

374. How Do Event Loops in node.js Work?

When we start a node.js application, it loads the event loop and adds the necessary callbacks to the call stack.

375. How To Deploy your Node.js App on Digital Ocean VPS

So you wrote your Node.js application and need a way to launch it online? Here, I present a guide on setting things up that doesn't require prior knowledge of anything OS-related.

376. How We Handle Blockchain Reconnects In web3js

In this article, we’ll learn how to handle blockchain disconnects in the production environment automatically, using Web3JS. The method described below works for Web3JS version 1.0.0-beta.35, but it should be good for the stable 1.2.* versions as well.

377. Understanding the useState hook in React with Basic Usage

useState is a React hook function that allows us to use state and other React features without writing a class. In React every function name begins with "use".

378. Introducing My New App Journey with Heroku

In the final part of his series, the author provides a retrospective of using Heroku for the very first time, detailing the new design and lessons learned.

379. How To Monitor Your API Server

'Have you developed or are you in the process of creating an API Server that will be used on a production or cloud environment? In this 4th instalment of my Node JS Performance Optimizations series, I show you how to test the availability of your API Server, so that you can understand how many requests per second it can handle whilst performing heavy duty tasks.

380. Here's What I Made: Chat Progressive Web Application

Check out this chat progressive web app made with React Firebase and NodeJS it has push notifications , you send audios images or texts and a lot more features.

381. Must-have Tools For Consistent Content Creation

Headless content management should be enjoyable for both developers and content creators alike. Here’s a look at some of the latest tools that are helping JAMstack developers build great content creation experiences for their teams.

382. How To Create a URL Shortener using MongoDB And Node

Let us learn about MongoDB, Mongoose, Node, and other tech by building a simple URL shortener project.

383. Quarantine Day 22 Amirite? My Take on Zoombot

Edit: I put the instructions on Github!

384. Steps Taken By Our Team To Build The eCars App Using Heroku And Salesforce

As someone who became a Salesforce developer “by accident” 10 years ago and parlayed that into a career and business, I’m fully aware of the dividends that investing in continuous learning and brushing up on the latest in my industry can yield.  Even after years of working in the Salesforce ecosystem, earning 11 certifications, and going through several hundred different projects, I’ve found it’s difficult to make the time to keep up with all the new tools and features of modern development (and usually I have the TrailheaDX and Dreamforce conferences each year to get caught up!).

385. HarperDB - How and Why We Built It From The Ground Up on NodeJS

The founding team at HarperDB built the first and only database written in Node.js. Here's the story of this (what some called crazy) endeavor.

386. Build a Chat Room With and Express

In this article, we are going to create a chat application that connects people, anonymously, to different rooms together in pairs of two.

387. Reinforcement Learning - The Value Function

Codes and demo are available. This article explores what are states, actions and rewards in reinforcement learning, and how agent can learn through simulation to determine the best actions to take in any given state.

388. Let's Make An API And Sell It

APIs are in high demand. Making an API that companies want to use would be even better if you could sell it, too. This is how to do it with every step inside.

389. ES2020: Summary of New Features with Examples 🔥

In this article, we’re going to review some of the latest and greatest features coming with ES2020. 🔥

390. How I Build Image Processing Pipeline

This is a post that I have been putting off for a while, but I think the time has come to share this with the community. Two years ago I sat down to start a new project, an experiment involving image downscaling and Node.js, and since then it has become my primary open-source project.

391. A DIY Guide to Building an Analytics Dashboard with Node, Express, and Cube.js

In the following tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a basic analytics dashboard with Node, Express, and Cube.js. As a database, we’re going to use MongoDB with MongoDB BI Connector. If you’re not familiar with it, I highly recommend you go through the Building a MongoDB Dashboard tutorial. It covers the basics of setting up Mongo and its BI Connector.

392. A Quick Guide to Handling Express.js Errors in Your Application

A simple guide on how to handle errors efficiently in expressjs applications with scalability, performance, stability in mind.

393. How to Use i18n-cloud-sync Module

I18n-sync is a simple node JS project that provides a restful api for syncing translations, and their locations to the cloud. All work is done via restful api calls in order to update files and configurations. All source code is available here.

394. Introduction to Code-workshop-kit: a Tool for Remote Code Workshops

I created a tool for people that teach code, called code-workshop-kit. It makes remote workshops interactive and allows for experiences similar to those in a classroom, and better.

395. Create a NodeJS FAQ Chatbot - A Step-by-Step Guide

A FAQ Chatbot have the purpose of answering the most common questions asked by users. We will build one using Bard and some of its funtionalities, that will help us to build a smarter chatbot.

396. Testing Asynchronous JS Code: 2020 Edition

The text you are about to read describes an imaginary dialog between two programmers on their way to discover the orgastic pleasures of a library called asyncFn.

397. How To Create Node App with Nginx Setup on Amazon EC2

How to launch a Node js app behind an Nginx proxy on Amazon EC2 instance in a step by step walkthrough.

398. Handling Node.JS as an Asynchronous Application with Error Handling

In this article, you will learn how to implement the following coding practices to differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls.

399. Building a Simple Telegram Bot With Node.js and GrammY

This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a simple Telegram bot using JavaScript, Node.js and GrammY.

400. Create and Publish a Universal JavaScript Module

Why Universal NPM Modules?

401. Why You Should Learn Vanilla JS Before Frameworks

First of all, I want to start by explaining that vanilla JS is not a framework, now in 2020 is well known that vanilla JS is “plain javascript” this means pure JS without frameworks.

402. The Differences Between Deno and Node

Deno a pristine method to compose worker side JavaScript. It solves many of the problems as Node.

403. JSON Web Auth Using Angular 8 and NodeJS

The article is about interfacing an Angular 8 Project with a secure backend API. The Backend will be running on Node.JS. The security that will underlay the interfacing will be JSON Web Tokens.

404. How to Use Lerna to Create a Monorepo for Multiple Node Packages

In this post, we will walk you through how to use Lerna to manage, and publish, multiple packages under the same monorepo

405. Marketing 402 for Engineers: Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

Every product or company goes through a similar set of steps on the path to success. For every stage of going to market, there’s a stereotypical set of problems you’ll encounter. In this post, we’ll survey these issues and the vectors by which you might debug them.

406. How to Achieve Schema and Validation in NoSQL Using Ottoman and Couchbase

Ottoman is an Object Data Modeler (ODM) for Couchbase's Node.js SDK providing JSON schema and validation for a NoSQL database.

407. Understanding the Node.js Event Loop

JavaScript is single-threaded, so how does it handle asynchronous code without blocking the main thread while it waits for an action to complete?

408. How the ZooKeeper Solves the Dining Philosophers Problem

In this blog by Paul Brebner, Instaclustr's tech evangelist explains the Apache ZooKeeper using the famous dining philosophers problem.

409. An Introduction to Elasticsearch: Lightning Fast Search Solutions

If you're reading this blog, chances are you really interested in Elasticsearch and the solutions that it provides. This blog will introduce you to Elasticsearch and explain how to get started with implementing a fast search for your app in less than 10 minutes. Of course, we're not going to code up a full-blown production-ready search solution here. But, the below-mentioned concepts will help you get up to speed quickly. So, without further ado, let's start!

410. Step Up Your Game and Start Using Nest

NestJs is an easy-to-learn and powerful framework. The beginner's guide for developers will teach you how to create an application using the NestJS framework.

411. The NodeJS Digital Transformation Guide for Non-Technical Founders

When it comes to selecting the right back-end technology. It can be confusing to evaluate your project needs and a versatile fit for your back-end development. However,  NodeJS can be the best fit for your product. Thus, hire NodeJS developers to build the best business solution. Some of the crucial factors include whether you should look for offshore or onshore hiring.

Thank you for checking out the 411 most read stories about Nodejs on HackerNoon.

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