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Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! If you’re an actual winner of an award, or simply feel like a winner today, the link for the template is HERE.
Hey Hackers! I’m Zoltan Csikos and I’m the co-founder & CIO @ Neticle.
First of all, I’d like to say a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community for recognizing us as the winner of:
#1 Startup in Budapest
HackerNoon’s values resonate with those of Neticle.
However, in order for that to happen, we need to put an end to discrimination and we need to be as transparent as possible.
We’re really proud that we can be in a group of like-minded technologists and be acknowledged by them, too.
HackerNoon has more than 3 million monthly readers, so we know this title is not to be taken lightly.
We intend to set a good example for companies with diverse hires, supporting the work-life balance of our employees, and being a reliable source of insights and knowledge in the text analytics industry.
One of the biggest goals we’re looking forward to is achieving complete European coverage in terms of languages capabilities and monitoring the web.
This will provide outstanding opportunities for companies in regions where no other tool had previously been implemented which was able to understand and analyze language.
We want our products to be even more customizable, and provide even more accurate text analysis. We plan to improve UX/UI and include more integration channels that are easily accessible. Finally, breaking down data silos and supporting smart data management are also in our focus.
1.’Fast Fashion’ - Brands like Shein or Fashion Nova are pumping out clothes in much faster production cycles and with even faster trend churn than “simple” fast fashion companies, so that items quickly end up in landfills.
2. Using technology to spread misinformation - Since Russia has started its war against Ukraine, the spread of misinformation has been seemingly even more prevalent than before, and more people are aware of it. However, to extinguish the problem at its root, being critical about one’s news sources and how to check the validity of them should be made part of standard education.
3. Depletion of soil - Our agricultural methods have been so exploitative, that if we continue in this way, we won’t be able to harvest anything 60 years from now. The lack of food will be so devastating that the extent of consequences is hard to fathom. The solution is complex and largely depends on decision makers, but even we as individuals can do our parts by composting our household waste and urging our representatives to include saving soil in their agendas.
Thank you for organizing this vote and giving a platform to companies all across the world.
As our lives have become exponentially digital over the past two years, it’s great to know of attention-worthy startups elsewhere, as potential workplaces or collaboration partners.
Neticle is a place where the company values - equal rights, transparency, and flexibility - are not just abstract things, but are very much represented by each individual who works with us.
When I talk to anyone in the company and some social issue comes up in the conversation, I am pleasantly surprised by just how much everyone understands and centers them in the way they think about the world. It is great to see how Neticle attracts this kind of mentality.
I’m mostly listening to my Discover Weekly on Spotify but lately I’ve started to experiment with Youtube Music’s suggestions too. I really like how the two services offer me different types of music and help me find new hidden gems that I can enjoy.
Her voice and music always puts me in a good mood and helps me relax and get over the daily stress.
There is no particular concept I could write here that I think people don’t know about. There are a lot more great, well-known concepts that I feel people care a lot less about than they should.
A few examples that come to mind immediately are:
These are not new concepts but can make your life a lot more enjoyable and pleasant, yet many seem to have not recognized this yet and many never will. I wish people knew more about this.
If I can mention one more thing, I’d like it to be related to our own field: Automatic Text Analysis.
My colleagues and I often mention how we don’t want artificial intelligence to replace human intelligence - we want it to be a great tool that can enhance the decisions made by humans.
So we wish for it to fulfill this role, and keep the balance: people should not be afraid of it at all, but they should also treat it as a means for work that suits them best, such as repetitive tasks, or tasks that require the analysis of big data. This, combined with smart humans who understand their industry well will yield great results.
Thank you for everything that you do! – HackerNoon Team.
P.S. If you enjoy getting interviewed (AKA, the ol’ intellectual stimulation, check out some more interviews
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