Building Inclusive Tech: Interview with HackerNoon Contributor of the Year IOT 2021by@sadiamehmood

Building Inclusive Tech: Interview with HackerNoon Contributor of the Year IOT 2021

by Sadia MehmoodFebruary 17th, 2022
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Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

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Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! If you’re an actual winner of an award, or simply feel like a winner today, the link for the template is HERE.

Hey Hackers! I’m Sadia and I’m the Content Strategist at InvoZone.

First of all, I’d like to say a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community for recognizing me as the winner of:

HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - INTERNET-OF-THINGS for 2021

HackerNoon Reporter: What does it mean for you to win this title?

I actually was not expecting this award but damn, was I surprised. I am super pumped, to be honest. I will keep exploring the possibilities of IoT and what it means for businesses and the world at large.

How do you or your company intend to embrace the responsibility of this title in 2022?

This award has now motivated me to never stop writing about IoT and other technological advancements that are reshaping the global business landscape.

What are some of the goals you’re looking forward to accomplishing in 2022 (whether it be through company initiatives or your personal journey)?

I always had this passion for designing things and when I say design, I mean graphics. I am looking to improve my design skills. I also think it’s about time I get married. haha. jokes apart.

Since Metaverse is becoming all the rage these days, I think companies should focus more on AR/VR. We need that immersive experience because COVID has, kinda, redefined our entire life! Now we prefer staying in to buy things or engaging with people rather than stepping out, and if businesses want to deliver a customer experience that is super close to reality or the physical world - implementing more AR/VR technologies is important. Thus, AR/VR is the answer or the solution for improved and enhanced experiences.

Another one that I can think of is your ‘mental health’. But do we have enough solutions? Even though I, myself, work in the IT industry, I see very few companies working in this domain. As of recently, I felt the need to go see a therapist, but I had such a busy schedule, that I just couldn’t. We need easily accessible solutions to cater to this problem, and when I say solutions I mean digital cost-effective solutions. You may find online apps that connect psychologists with people but it’s not very common in where I come from. So an easily accessible, mental health solution is crucial for people like me.

Also, I have heard many people talking about inclusivity and accessibility in gaming. This topic of discussion may sometimes be overlooked because the market is considered to be small. But it simply does not mean that this market doesn't exist. People with disabilities have equal rights to enjoy a game as others. Therefore, we need our game development industry to take a step in this direction. Even though many games have these accessibility features for people with special needs but we could always use more, can’t we?

After participating in this journey, is there anything that you would like the HackerNoon team to know?

I think you guys are doing an amazing job! Hands down. Your emails always make me happy. They are super witty and funny. They connect with your readers.

What is something special about you or your company that you’ve rarely had the chance to properly share but really wanted to? (Give this one a proper think, I’ll know if you didn’t!)

My company InvoZone has seen tremendous growth in the past few years. The team is doing an amazing job with some of the world’s leading clients (can’t say their names or I am out of the door, lol). As far as I am concerned, I think I have a knack for cracking jokes and dancing of course. Also, sometimes I forget how creative I am.

What song or music album are you currently enjoying?

oh, that’s a good one! Magenta Riddim by DJ Snake is my jam these days.

What are some concepts you wish people knew more about?

I think people should know more about inclusion - no matter the industry. You are making websites, make them inclusive, you are designing games, make them inclusive. Because if your product does not include ‘everyone’ I don’t think it’s gonna worth it. Being blunt but it’s a fact. Also, please please, know about healthy boundaries. period.

Is there anything else you’d like me to know? It can be anything.

You guys ROCK!

Thank you for everything that you do! – HackerNoon Team.

P.S. If you enjoy getting interviewed (AKA, the ol’ intellectual stimulation, check out some more interviews here!)

For more information:

Read about the Noonies here. To see all of the winners you may visit this site, pick any award, and view the name that appears at the top. Or follow this account for posts with the list of names released over the course of the week of February 14, 2022.

Read the FAQs about Startups here or here. To see all of the winners you may visit this site, pick any city and view the name that appears at the top. Or follow this account for posts with the list of names released over the course of the week of February 14, 2022.

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