These types of variable assignments are a common theme through all if not most programming languages. Each of them pose various performance, and readability issues.
I didn’t realize any of these performance issues of swapping until I tried running bubble sort with a large array. Bubble Sort is already a weak sorting algorithm (Time Complexity of O(N²)), but the way you swap the variables can make that that process take even longer.
function bubbleSort(array) {for(let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {for(let j = i; j < array.length; j++) {if (array[i] > array[j]) {
//let temp = array\[i\];
//array\[i\] = array\[j\];
//array\[j\] = temp;
// Easy Swap #1 \[array\[i\], array\[j\]\] = \[array\[j\], array\[i\]\];
// Easy Swap #1A array\[j\] = \[array\[i\], array\[i\] = array\[j\]\]\[0\];
}}}return array;}
After running these into a Benchmark:Test 1: Temp AssignmentTest 2: Destructuring Assignment
Temp assignment is much faster.
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