· Various behaviors and actions — AI development, tribalism & marijuana — are treading on thin ice and need positive resolution soon.
“Concerns about safety, transparency, and bias in AI are widespread, and…erode trust in these systems…[with] a lack of standard practices to document how an AI service was created, tested, trained, deployed, and evaluated; how it should operate; and how it should (and should not) be used**….**
[Need] Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (…factsheet…) be completed and voluntarily released by AI service developers and providers to increase the transparency…[akin to] nutrition labels for foods or information sheets for appliances…would provide information about the product’s important characteristics.
Standardizing and publicizing this information is key to building trust in AI…[that] exhibit some vulnerabilities, such as exposure to bias, lack of explainability, and susceptibility to adversarial attacks….
[There’s] several elements or pillars form the basis for trusted AI systems.
[But] need to strengthen all the pillars together…with the ability to measure and communicate the performance levels of a system on each of these dimensions….
Sample questions from a factsheet might include:
The questions are devised to aid users in understanding how the service works…[whether] service is appropriate for the application…consider[ed], and comprehending its strengths and limitations. https://www.ibm.com/blogs/research/2018/08/factsheets-ai/
“Everyone from Silesians to Sicilians to Scots seems to want autonomy or independence…[with] hostility to the superstate [rising]…[as] nationalism and tribalism is evident not just among minorities but also…among majority groups….
Trump is tapping into white nationalism…Putin into Russian nationalism…Orban into Hungarian nationalism…Erdogan into Turkish nationalism, Xi Jinping into Chinese nationalism, and so on.
Their tried-and-true technique is to play up fear of ‘the other’….
[Assume] people would be immune…given that the world has never been more peaceful or prosperous….[While] not everyone has benefited equally…so much nationalist agitation is…calling into question international institutions….
For many politicians, this is a cynical exercise…manufacturing grievances to justify their lust for power_…_.
‘There is something about rational order that will always leave some people, especially the energetic young, deeply and perhaps rightly dissatisfied…Militant nationalist movements or conspiratorial radical ones provide excellent outlets for boredom. In combination, that attraction can prove irresistible’….
[We’ve] forgotten how precious peace and prosperity can be — and how hard to maintain…West may be sleepwalking into another catastrophe.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/the-west-may-be-sleepwalking-into-another-catastrophe/2018/08/29/9f540ad2-abbc-11e8-a8d7-0f63ab8b1370_story.html?utm_term=.1fa7bae7d38d
Doc Says — Our Emotions, Institutions and Technological Capabilities Are Mismatched_Is the human species special?_medium.com
“The Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee…asked 14 federal agencies and [DEA] to forward ‘data demonstrating the most significant negative trends’ about marijuana and the threats it poses….
’[Claim is] prevailing marijuana narrative…is partial, one-sided, and inaccurate’….[Jeff Sessions] is a staunch opponent of marijuana legalization….
’Forty-seven states have now acted in a way that is contrary to the Controlled Substances Act and there are more initiatives on the ballot this year…[underscoring] Administration’s ineptitude on drug policy.’” http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/404187-trump-tasked-multi-agency-committee-with-countering-pro-marijuana
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May you live long and prosper!Doc Huston