I am healthy. That’s the most important thing, I know, but you know, Elon, there are always those extra few pounds.
You seem to be the greatest problem solver. You have an idea for everything. You have ideas for better commute, space travel, utilizing our brains and so much more. I figured I might as well try and ask you about this minor issue of mine.
I was never too skinny. I like to eat.
I have never met you in person, but I can tell from your photos: You like to eat, too.
You may not care as much when you have a few extra pounds because you have so many other, bigger problems in your mind.
But I’m a person of simple needs and simple thoughts. My weight matters a lot to me. And I know you care a lot about humans, in general.
I hope my query finds a place in your busy agenda, even for a few seconds. Or perhaps milliseconds. I feel like a few milliseconds would be what it takes for you to solve this problem of mine.
I’m sure that some of my constraints sound like nonsense. I guess I’m sorry. Nevertheless, I believe in radical honesty and here I am with my imperfect constraints. I’m hoping you can give me some solid advice. Happy to be training buddies too, by the way, if that’s something you’re into?
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.
Your biggest fan