Avian is a lightweight JVM that will allow you to create self-contained apps. That means that you can ship your app without forcing your users to install any JRE. In here, we will follow simple steps that are going to allow us to create a stand-alone hello-world app using Kotlin.
Kotlin is a great language with a lot of potential. I am not going to go through all the advantages of it since a lot of people before me has done it already. So we will leave it at that, great language with a lot of potential. And if you want to read why, there’s plenty of info online.
One of the biggest challenges that Java has is the fact that it requires a Java Runtime Environment. That means that if I write a Java program, every single one of my users will need to download, install, and maybe configure the JRE before they can even launch my program. And in some cases, people are going to prefer not to install certain software to avoid the hassle, if they don’t have a JRE already (or if they have a non compatible version of the JRE.)
What we are going to finish with is a 1.9MB binary for macOS or 2.2MB for Linux (with some little changes it should work with the other supported platforms, see here,) that once executed will greet the user and print all the arguments that it received. Like this:
$ ./hello Miguel CastiblancoHello from Kotlin and Avianargs:-Miguel-Castiblanco
Let’s start by getting the latest version of Avian:
$ git clone https://github.com/ReadyTalk/avian.git
Then build it with the default configuration, and test that it’s working
$ cd avian$ make$ build/macosx-x86_64/avian -cp build/macosx-x86_64/test Hello
The last command should print “hello, world!” if everything is correct.
Let’s create a folder, put our little Kotlin script there, and pack it into a jar.
$ cd ../$ mkdir helloKotlin && cd helloKotlin$ cat >Hello.kt <<EOFfun main(args: Array<String>) {println("Hello from Kotlin and Avian")println("args: ")args.forEach {println("-\$it")}}EOF$ kotlinc Hello.kt -include-runtime -d boot.jar
Notice that we are compiling including Kotlin’s runtime, that means that if you run un_zip -l boot.jar_ you will see all Kotlin’s classes in there. This is important since we want a stand-alone application.
We are going to get Avian’s runtime and extract it, and also get the files needed to create a binary with Avian.
$ ar x ../avian/build/macosx-x86_64/libavian.a$ mkdir avian-cp$ cp ../avian/build/macosx-x86_64/classpath.jar avian-cp/avian-cp.jar$ cd avian-cp/$ unzip avian-cp.jar && rm -rf avian-cp.jar
Here we create one jar that has Avian’s runtime, Kotlin’s runtime, and our little application. We’ll just merge all the content that we extracted before from avian-cp.jar into boot.jar (which already has Kotlin and our code.)
$ mv ../boot.jar .$ zip -r boot.jar META-INF avian dalvik java libcore sun$ mv boot.jar ../ && cd ../
If you run un_zip -l boot.jar_ now, you will see that all the classes are now happy together.
Now we have a self-contained jar. Left is only to use Avian to create a binary out of the jar. First we create an object from the jar.
$ ../avian/build/macosx-x86_64/binaryToObject/binaryToObject boot.jar \boot-jar.o _binary_boot_jar_start _binary_boot_jar_end macosx x86_64
The following command will create the c++ main class for our binary. Please notice that FindClass is looking for HelloKt, since the classes compiled with kotlinc wil have a Kt suffix (javac compiles Hello.java into Hello.class, whereas kotlinc compiles Hello.kt into HelloKt.class.)
$ cat >embedded-jar-main.cpp <<EOF#include "stdint.h"#include "jni.h"#include "stdlib.h"
#if (defined __MINGW32__) || (defined _MSC_VER)# define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)#else# define EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) \__attribute__ ((used))#endif
#if (! defined __x86_64__) && ((defined __MINGW32__) || (defined _MSC_VER))# define SYMBOL(x) binary_boot_jar_##x#else# define SYMBOL(x) _binary_boot_jar_##x#endif
extern "C" {
extern const uint8_t SYMBOL(start)[];extern const uint8_t SYMBOL(end)[];
EXPORT const uint8_t*bootJar(size_t* size){*size = SYMBOL(end) - SYMBOL(start);return SYMBOL(start);}
} // extern "C"
extern "C" void __cxa_pure_virtual(void) { abort(); }
intmain(int ac, const char** av){JavaVMInitArgs vmArgs;vmArgs.version = JNI_VERSION_1_2;vmArgs.nOptions = 1;vmArgs.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
JavaVMOption options[vmArgs.nOptions];vmArgs.options = options;
options[0].optionString = const_cast<char*>("-Xbootclasspath:[bootJar]");
JavaVM* vm;void* env;JNI_CreateJavaVM(&vm, &env, &vmArgs);JNIEnv* e = static_cast<JNIEnv*>(env);
jclass c = e->FindClass("HelloKt");if (not e->ExceptionCheck()) {jmethodID m = e->GetStaticMethodID(c, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");if (not e->ExceptionCheck()) {jclass stringClass = e->FindClass("java/lang/String");if (not e->ExceptionCheck()) {jobjectArray a = e->NewObjectArray(ac-1, stringClass, 0);if (not e->ExceptionCheck()) {for (int i = 1; i < ac; ++i) {e->SetObjectArrayElement(a, i-1, e->NewStringUTF(av[i]));}
e->CallStaticVoidMethod(c, m, a);}}}}
int exitCode = 0;if (e->ExceptionCheck()) {exitCode = -1;e->ExceptionDescribe();}
return exitCode;}EOF
Now we will compile the C++ class into an object, and link all the objects (notice that in step 4 we copied a bunch of Avian’s objects into the current folder) to finally create our binary, that will be called hello.
For macOS:
$ g++ -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/darwin \ -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ -c embedded-jar-main.cpp -o main.o$ g++ -rdynamic *.o -ldl -lpthread -lz -o hello -framework CoreFoundation$ strip -S -x hello
For Linux:
$ g++ -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux \ -D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_ -c embedded-jar-main.cpp -o main.o$ g++ -rdynamic *.o -ldl -lpthread -lz -o hello$ strip --strip-all hello
Now we can finally run it and see how it works
$ ./hello Kotlin AvianHello from Kotlin and Avianargs:-Kotlin-Avian$ ls -lha hello-rwxr-xr-x 1 starcarr starcarr 2.0M Feb 8 17:03 hello
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