You'll find many 'how to' stories here.
Our plan is to create and install a Discord bot that automates encrypted messages to the civilians and alerts them about the situation so that they can escape.
Javascript objects consist of key-value pairs and are one of the most common data structures in Javascript.
Though solid-state drives (SSDs) are meant to be fast, even they have things that can slow them down. Here is a list of the best ways to optimize the speed of S
A more standard way of structuring React applications which scales across frameworks and projects.
As a developer, we spend a lot of time working on the terminal and having personalized shell makes the working environment perfect, decreases frustration and also, increases productivity.
I think many web developers and server administrators had been facing the 301 redirection cache. I had facing it very often until I learn the lesson… I hope it helps you and you learn something from me, not from your mistakes 💥
Caching images in React Native can be easy, even if you are using Expo's managed workflow. The problem many devs run into is that React Native only supports caching images on IOS out of the box.
Get your rails app running from terminal using the following steps on MacBook M1 Chip.
Customizing the design of a select tag is notoriously difficult. Sometimes it's impossible without building your own from scratch using a combination of styled divs with custom JavaScript. In this article, you will learn how to build a Vue.js component that can be styled using completely custom CSS.
This article will explain what CORS is, how it works, and why it is important.
Algorithms are a fundamental part of software and coding. Algorithm is this fun buzzword that makes something sound really complicated and cool. I’d like to point out that an “algorithm” literally is just a way of doing something; it’s just a process. Nonetheless Algorithms and Data-Structures are a core part of software because at the end of the day you are just working with data. Data needs to be organized for it to be meaningful just like the letters on this page. Atwh and whAt have the same letters but the latter has meaning because of the organization.
It turns out that running ts-node-dev / ts-node is constantly consuming hundreds of megabytes of RAM - Here's how to fix it
A simple program in Java to check whether a triangle is right-angled or not.
In this article, we’ll discuss in-depth, how to move all negative elements to end. We’ll also discuss 2 approaches to solve the below problem.
Learn how webhooks work and put together a simple Webhook integration with Node, IFTTT and Twitter in under an hour.
Create reusable modal component in react js using hooks and portals. Using this modal you can render content dynamically with cool animation.
How to purpose changes; How to adapt ourselves in a tech stack.
Creating the "Who's that Pokemon" segment from the anime as a web game can be easily done with just 70 lines of javascript and with the help of an API
Bulma is a free, open-source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 200,000 developers. It's the easiest to learn (my opinion) due to its natural naming of classes and a simple grid system. It's not that popular like Bootstrap, but it got a specific fanbase.
In this article, I'm going to introduce you to a NodeJS module that allows you to create and deploy server-side processes by using a visual, drag n drop style.
Now, we need to goto Setting.js file and implement a Contact menu option UI in order to navigate to the Contact screen. For that, we need to use the code from the following code snippet in the Setting.js file:
Interested in learning React Native? Let’s build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
Setup Homebrew In New Apple M1 Chip
Go is becoming very popular for backend web development, and JWT's are one of the most popular ways to handle authentication on API requests. In this article, we are going to go over the basics of JWT's and how to implement a secure authentication strategy in Go!
Create .svgs using Pro by selecting SVG from the dropdown options menu.
This article demonstrates multiple ways of using WhatsApp on Firestick and Fire Tablet. Read until the end to master the tips and tricks
hi folks, in this blog we will build a Node.js video streaming application in like 10 minutes.
How you can fix the Communication Error from the ACNH Island Transfer Tool when the solution on the official Nintendo forums just aren't working for you.
We can call microservices in parallel, storing results in the form of feature objects in one more list and then combine the result of all features.
I encountered an issue when 10 million messages with emoji were written in the MySQL table with utf8 encoding.
Tutorial on how to easily replace 1 line of code placeholder in any text with value of an object.
Have you ever faced the need to push a commit to a Git branch without changing any files in order to re-run your integration process? is a free web app and service that can record you moving around using your webcam and convert it to an animated humanoid skeleton, which can be used to
Imagine your web application makes requests to an API endpoint and each request has a price, debouncing the request operation may save you a great deal of money
The Omit utility Type lets us take types, remove elements, and make entirely new types. Let's look at how it works.
Simple Chat Room using Python
How to use TypeScript's ambient module feature for cross-sharing micro-frontend imports using single-spa.
Why you should be using AWS Lambda alias for your versioning strategy
Learn how to rename an AWS S3 bucket in Terraform. See renaming process of Amazon s3 bucket in a few simple steps.
To do estimates of SQL queries we need to understand how DB works with queries. Let's find out what exactly the db do with queries.
This article walks you through the step-by-step setup of a XinFin private network with three masternodes (or, network nodes).
Life is too short to start our simulator using conventional ways. Here is the hack.
A quick demonstration of using JavaScript to download ad hoc data.
This article shows you how to implement the sign in button in the react navigation bar.
<span>If</span> you are looking to make a profit <strong>immediately</strong> by mining cryptocurrencies on the Mac, stop right here. Don’t waste your time. Close this article and go buy yourself a <a href="" target="_blank">mining rig</a> /decent Gaming Laptop or <a href="" target="_blank">buy crypto with your credit card</a>.
E-mail service providers do a good job of filtering out spam messages for you, but there's one easy trick to avoid it completely.
The ReturnType utility Type in TypeScript lets us take the outputs of a function, and codify a new type based on that. Let's look at how it works.
Learn how to autogenerate GraphQL documentation with Magidoc.
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is an open source video transport protocol that excels at providing stable streaming at relatively low latency.
Learn how to manage Active Directory Objects with Azure AD Provider for Terraform. See examples of how to authenticate and grant the correct permissions.
Here I have tried to list some guided steps one can take to get familiar with any new codebase they come across.
Hands-on tutorial on automating your unit tests using the CI/CD platform GitHub Actions.
Learn How to make a simple Report Card System in Java, which will accept 2 subjects but later it will be updated to 15 subjects.
Learn how to optimize data fetching in a GraphQL server for queries, mutations and subscriptions, by using data loaders.
A Set in Javascript is a unique list of values, similar to the set data type in Python.
Create a deep learning framework from scratch!
Dockerize NestJS + Prisma in 5 steps
Learn how to create static IP address for AWS IoT Core solutions. Explore three different workarounds in creating a static endpoint for added security.
My engineering friend, let’s address him as Mr. Wolf 🐺 (identify hidden), requested a 1:1 call to help him fix his classification model.
A useful guide on how to use Nodemailer to send emails.
Using Notion as a headless CMS for mobile and web applications
In this tutorial, we would successfully develop a Solana wallet-generating web application with basic capabilities.
How to Compile C/C++ Code in VS Code (Windows): To compile C/C++ code we need GCC/G++ to compile the code but Windows doesn't have a terminal.
If you want to learn how to spy on your top direct competitors' ads – this guide is for you.
Captcha is becoming complex and impractical with time. So, I dedicated myself to make my own captcha system that's more practical.
Here's a simple solution for being able to call Python code from your C# applications!
My experience with a Linux crash and how i fixed it.
Some of our customers from “Alto’s POS & Inventory” asked us if they can use their label printer as a receipt printer. So, we implemented this feature.
You don't need an interpreter anymore!
In JavaScript, things can be true, or false, but they can also be truthy or falsy.
In this article, I will try to explain basic ideas on how to create your own OCR service for free, using python, fastAPI, tesseract, redis, celery and docker.
Singletons are fairly controversial as far as I can tell, especially in Javascript programming. Let's take a look at what they are, when to (maybe) use them, and when not to.
When we talk about default parameters, we are talking about giving arguments values that should be used, if that argument is undefined.
That sounds ideal, but what does it take to have real multithreading with appropriate locks and to secure your program so it can run smoothly without you worrying if you will ever get a deadlock or a race condition? Just some locks, semaphores, and a lot of time to think it through.
Reading stack traces is directly related to your experience with a specific project.
Events are a crucial element to a well designed and interactive application experience. Let's get started with events in Svelte, and look at how they work.
This is the second part of my HCL series.
Sometimes it’s necessary to set up a development environment for writing TypeScript code. This article will show you how it’s done.
Let's look at how to remove a particular array item in Javascript.
In this post, we teach you how to create macros for starting a stream, intro video, and ending a stream in OBS.
What Is a Keylogger?
In this chapter, we are going to implement the Contact screen. This screen is specially for contacting the developer and writer of articles. The users can use it to send a personal message to the developer. For the implementation, we are going to use two main packages. One is tcomb-form-native and the other is react-native-firebase. The tcomb package is to handle the form validation. And, react-native-firebase to connect react native app to real time firebase database.
In the 3rd article of the series, create a native iOS application that leverages the Salesforce platform and the Salesforce Mobile SDK.
How to set up a multi-language Next.js project with built-in support for internationalized routing and react-intl library.
A common workflow in vim is to use multiple windows to view and edit various files at the same time. Once opened though, the size of each window often remains unchanged unless explicitly resized.
In this complete guide, let's look at how && works, and go through some examples to explain when it returns values, and what values it will return.
5 Must-Know Features in JavaScript ES2022: Enhance Your Code and Boost Your Productivity
This article would give you tips to help prepare your GitHub repository for open-source contributions.
Microsoft Surface is a laptop product owned by Microsoft and in this story, I will guide you on How to Chromecast Microsoft Surface.
I work primarily on application-level programs, so I tend to not use recursion very often. However, every now and then I need a function that is best solved recursively. It is important to be able to recognize when a problem is best solved recursively, and to be able to write it when the time comes.
Shimmering is present in almost all applications that have networking. Here's how to do it in Compose.
I like to start off Metaphysically then move down into the specifics of something. So then why are Linked Lists useful in software? Well I’ll answer with the question “Why have belongings if you have no place to store them?”; What good are your belongings if you cannot keep them anywhere?
Learn beginner-friendly AI development using OpenAI API and JavaScript. Includes installation guide and code examples for building AI-enabled apps.
One-Place Reference with Code Samples for Spring Boot Annotations.
Instead of using shell scripting languages, software developers looking to build their own CLI tools can use the oclif framework to build with Node.js.
Let’s create a simple Angular application that will load the data of a github user, and then (not) beautifully crash when trying to load a non-existent one.
React is a product of Facebook. It is a very flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. React forms the view layer of the web application which is technically the frontend. This makes it easier to make web applications with essential features such as reusable components, state management, DOM rendering and many more which are explained later. React is mainly used in making single-page web applications. In this article we’ll see the fundamentals of react library and why is it so popular.
In Ruby read and write JSON file to hash can be achieved using File Handling.
Using EbSynth and Insta Toon to create awesome cell shaded painted videos/GIF.
When I was recently working in one of the client projects, I had to communicate with external MariaDB server to store records from React/Rails app, that means I would get ActiveRecord hash from our app which I had to convert to pure SQL query and send it to an external server for storing.
In this tutorial, let's take a look at how CSS layers work. CSS layers allow us to finally do real CSS encapsulation, allowing us to import specific CSS easily.
There are many ways to traverse an array in JavaScript. In this benchmark, we will look at five different ways and the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that these benchmarks were run in a Chrome browser on Codepen. Results will vary by browser/interpreter.
You might have heard what a Promise is or what Callback functions are in JavaScript. Clarity is needed when distinguishing between these two functions more so, when working with APIs in JavaScript-based applications.
The JS reduce method is a recursive way to perform a computation based on every element in the array while considering the previous elements of the array.
A brief but complete intro to generative art and NFTs with a step-by-step breakdown of drawing of generative mushrooms on javascript
Learn how to automate your python backend application deployment continuously with Github actions.
HTML5 & CSS3 : Positioning of Elements
And how we stopped our React Context re-rendering everything
This post introduces a deep dive video tutorial where I teach you the fundamentals of Node-RED and at the same time, show you how to build a Weather dash
With Bash, developers can do lots of computer processes right from the terminal without ever having to use their mouse or keyboard for interaction. Learn Bash.
Whether you're looking for a new position and want to stand out or you just like to make cool things, GitHub offers you the tools to get your own customised welcome message, like this.
reCAPTCHA is a tool that can protect your applications from fraudulent actions.
The debugger watch area is a powerful tool, it's worthy of two lessons in the course. If you don't know about Object Marking you need to see this!
Need to encrypt some text with a password or private key in Python? You certainly came to the right place. AES-256 is a solid symmetric cipher that is commonly used to encrypt data for oneself. In other words, the same person who is encrypting the data is typically decrypting it as well (think password manager).
Sapling is a new source control system developed by Meta. Working with stacked PRs in sapling is a pleasure. And it works well with GitHub's Review UI.
Hands on tutorial for hyperparameter optimization of a RandomForestClassifier for Heart Disease UCI dataset with Weights and Biases Sweeps.
The Vue teleport tool can be used to move parts of templates around which is useful when components do not appear where we expect and need to be relocated.
Dealing with bignumbers in a dApp UI can be hard. This article serves as a big-number primer, and introduces W3bNumbers to help display them effectively.
Overview of Android Networking Tools: Receiving, Sending, Inspecting, Mock Servers
This is mainly useful for websites that use React/NextJS with a CMS (Content Management System) integration. No matter, whether it's WordPress, Contentful, Prismic or any other CMS. This concept is highly relevant for companies that require non-engineers to update the content easily. Whether, it's a change in the content, A/B testing or conversion-rate-optimization related. There are many reasons why the content of a website gets updated quite often throughout the year.
There are some great tools and extensions that might help your coding experience enjoyable in the VS Code. That is great and all but there might be a chance you are missing out on some great shortcuts that VS code offers. That is why this article is here to help you with some of the most useful shortcuts for faster coding.
The technology that allows us to run our Angular applications on the server is described in the Angular docs as Angular Universal.
Webhooks run a large portion of the "magic" that happens between applications. They are sometimes called reverse APIs, callbacks, and even notifications. Many services, such as SendGrid, Stripe, Slack, and GitHub use events to send webhooks as part of their API. This allows your application to listen for events and perform actions when they happen.
Vue Draggable is a great library for Vue.js that makes it super simple to create interactive draggable components with virtually no effort
Test the performance of an IoT system using Locust and Azure.
Find this article where it was originally published, on!
Find a Niche!
Nobody can promote themselves or their projects if they're a jack of all trades. Nor will people find a universal proposition to be appealing. The first key to success is to ask yourself what your differentiating features are and who is your audience? You can then start to identify your niche.
In my case, I noticed that I got a lot more traffic from my money-making code like market making or arbtitrage crypto trading bots than I did from my other GitHub repos. What this means is that while some people are interested in interesting code, there are a lot more people out there interested in turning equity into realized pnl :)
One of the first techniques developers learn is the if/else statement. For obvious reasons if/else statements are a primary way to create logic trees. This is where we handle calculations differently depending on the input variables. However, complex and nested if/else statements become a cognitive burden to reason about. Therefore, it can be hard for the next developer to understand quickly.
In this article I want to share my experience of how to setup MySQL replication locally with using Docker.
Flexboxes gives web developers control over the location of elements, and their alignment inside the container. This allows you to align the elements vertically and horizontally; change the order of their appearance; set the direction in which all the elements are laid out, and much more.
Discover all you must do to write a content of high-quality, starting from the headline, body, and the conclusion.
Adding simple movement to Checkers made in React, part of a series on learning how to implement the systems ended to create a simple boardgame on React.
A detailed example that uses MaterializeCSS front end framework with SwifWeb to create various web elements and design features.
I've been writing code for over three years. I have always asked myself about the good practices and how I could make my code more readable, understandable, easy to maintain and to be handled by other developers.
If you have been programming for any length of time, you may well have come across higher-order functions but may not have fully appreciated them.
If you try to run a function with a different number of parameters than the function actually has, you'll get an error in TypeScript. Here's how to get past it.
The distinction between firewalls for software and firewalls for hardware is embedded in their capabilities.
Python Programming: Cloning or Copying a List
Application example built with Angular 14 and creating and validating a reactive form.
Based on previous penetration testing experience, we have sorted out the possible security issues under the K8S cluster architecture.
Sometimes properties require default values to avoid code breaking errors when designing components in Vue. Let's look at how to give props default values.
Chatbots are extremely helpful for business organizations and also the customers. The majority of people prefer to talk directly from a chatbox instead of calling service centers. Facebook released data that proved the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and companies monthly. The HubSpot research tells that 71% of the people want to get customer support from messaging apps. It is a quick way to get their problems solved so chatbots have a bright future in organizations.
Once you start managing more than one Kubernetes cluster, you'll start to demand more from your $KUBECONFIG.
There are many good arguments for getting used to the command line interface (CLI).
Web scraping as a product has low entry requirements, which attracts freelancers and development teams to it.
Scanning blockchain is tedious and not necessary. Often we can seek for events associated with transactions we are looking for. I can show you how to do it.
In this article, I explain how to tweak Windows and WSL networking to bypass WSL NAT and connect to development servers inside WSL from other devices in LAN.
In this tutorial we use ic-cron library in order to execute tasks on Internet Computer (Dfinity) at a specific days of week.
This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.
Web developers have many reasons to read uploaded file content in JavaScript.
A step by step guide on how to create a React project from scratch, with TypeScript and Webpack.
I will start this lesson by talking about some basics of the python type system and the introduce the concept of META-CLASSES afterwards.
webpack is a flexible bundler that provide you with tons of options and configuration so you can personalize your JavaScript projects, but with great power comes a great mess... err, I mean, great responsibility when configuring.
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the map component using the @tomtom-international/web-sdk-maps library.
This is a simple BMI Calculator made with pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
A quick guide to using name, tag, and docker for docker image pull.
We've had a lot of digital image processing tools for a long time: Photoshop, Lightroom, GIMP, PhotoScape, and many more. However, in the past few years, one became popular among non-expert users due to its easiness of use and social features: Instagram. Have you ever wondered how Instagram filters work? It is actually pretty simple matrix operations! So simple we can build our own without any external library, just pure and simple HTML + JS. Let's build one now.
Template parameter pack was introduced in C++11. Today we will utilise it to write our fold function. To the ones who don't know what a fold function the expression fold(add, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output (1 +(2 + (3 + (4 + 5)))) = 15 (which is left fold). Similarly for fold(mul, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) , we will output 120. More about it can be found here.
This article is intended as a guide for creating Kubernetes manifest files.
Learn tips that will help you create a better user experience and ensure a consistent level of security throughout the Flow ecosystem.
Application example built with Angular 14 and adding the ESLint using @angular-eslint/schematics library.
When I first decided I wanted to do programming professionally I was at the end of a Biology degree. My exposure to programming was a statistical analysis unit in the R programming language, and I left it more interested in the programming behind it, than the Biological data I was analysing.
In this step-by-step tutorial, we're going to learn about how to build continuous delivery using CDK pipelines using modern API.
How does defining something as simple as app.route handle HTTP Requests? How does create a server and maintain it?
A tutorial on how to use the Communications REST API to generate the recordings of your conferences, then transcribe them with Deepgram.
Rebases are a way of making your crude commit history into something you’ll want to share with the rest of your team.
Learning to code can be tons of fun but it is often overwhelming. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly learning new content. What makes it worse is that there are so many rules to learning how to write good code.
Give your eyes a rest and permit your Android gadget to peruse your writings to you. This element (just as sending writings utilizing your voice) is accessible through Google and the free applications that you can download from Google Play. Here are the manners in which you can make your Android read instant messages.
Reasons to use Python Protocols instead of ABC library for Python interfaces.
Here's a list of the best tools and libraries for database handling in android development.
Learn how to implement sign in with apple in a step-by-step tutorial.
Open sourced by Google Research team, pre-trained models of BERT achieved wide popularity amongst NLP enthusiasts for all the right reasons! It is one of the best Natural Language Processing pre-trained models with superior NLP capabilities. It can be used for language classification, question & answering, next word prediction, tokenization, etc.
Let’s use drf-spectacular to simplify creation of beautiful docs for your Django application according to the OpenAPI Specification version 3. Sounds easy? It wasn’t for me…
Let's set up your computer so it's ready to code.
I have built a component PayPal integration package using PHP Laravel framework.
Nowadays, the successful application often consists of containers and some sort of container management system to ease scaling, reduce downtime, and more.
A few days ago I wanted to make my portfolio (with a blog post included) In ruby on rails. I was watching with my coding friend some React courses on scrimba. I thought it will be a nice project to integrate both technologies on my portfolio website. In this post want to share with you a basic integration and deployment on Heroku using RoR, react and Postgresql.
Notion, the hottest productivity app of the moment, has been promising an API for quite a while. As of today, the official API is nowhere in sight.
HMACs and MACs are authentication codes and are often the backbone of JWT authentication systems. Let's take a look at how they work!
An Email Slicer is just a tool that will take an email id as an input and will perform slicing operations on it to return the username and the domain.
User ratings are very valuable to business as they play a crucial part in people's purchasing decisions; be it restaurants, movie tickets or in the current context, our react native app. You must have seen prompts when you are surfing through any android app or playing games, that ask you to rate the app in google play store.
There’s no company or startup which is ready to risk a lot of funds for a software project if there is a cheaper alternative.
CDC pipeline guide using Azure DataFactory with Azure DataBricks Delta Lake’s change data feed
Your content collections store your site's content. The collections organize your content with items (rows) and fields (columns). The fields usually describe the items. For example, if one item is a car, a field may list its color.
Pure functions are often hyped up in the Javascript world, probably because of the abundance of state in front end applications. While pure functions have their downsides (i.e. inconvenience, potentially large argument lists), I believe they should be used as much as reasonably possible, and I want to focus on pure functions in Go.
If you've spent days (or even weeks?) trying to spin up a Kubernetes cluster for learning purposes or to test your application, then your worries are over. Spawned from a Kubernetes Special Interest Group, KIND is a tool that provisions a Kubernetes cluster running IN Docker.
React Native is a framework for building native apps using React and Javascript. In this post, I’ll walk through the process of building a music streaming similar to Spotify. What’s really cool is that the exact same code is going to work for both iOS and Android, and the apps are going to be 100 % native (no WebViews or anything).
Scheduling and Running Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS
In this series, we learn about getting input from others before beginning to code our application.
Since the early days of Unix, the shell has been part of the user's interface with the operating system. The first Unix shell (the Thompson shell) had very limited features, mainly I/O redirection and command pipelines. Later shells expanded on that early shell and added more and more capabilities, which gave us powerful features that include word expansion, history substitution, loops and conditional expressions, among many others.
What if I ask you what you want to have right now? If I were you, I would surely say hamburger. Nothing is better than a juicy, cheesy, perfectly grilled hamburger. However, not everyone can make a perfectly grilled hamburger. You need to nail every step and cook the meat at the right temperature to make a perfect hamburger. This article is the ultimate hamburger grilling guide with step by step process to make the perfect hamburger.
ll start by giving you two reasons to finish reading this, and cloning the repo after:
Permanent File Storage for Web3 Apps With Arweave, Bundlr, Next.js, RainbowKit, and Wagmi, how to create a Dapp that allows us to store data on the Arweave net
Here, we are going to add the share button and implement its feature as well. The feature makes the article sharable to the social media accounts when pressing the share button. For that, we are going to make use of the Share component from the react-native package.
First of all, a brief overview of our use case. Let's say I have a spreadsheet on Google Sheets which is not public and I want to be able to read/modify programmatically through some batch process running on my local machine or some server. This is something I had to do recently with a Node.js application and I found the authentication part a bit tricky to understand. So I thought of sharing my solution and I hope it helps someone in need. There might be better ways of doing this but I am sharing what worked best for me.
Using Google Cloud Platform and Cloudflare is a budget solution to securely and optimally host a small and fully featured WordPress website.
To get the most out of this article, please make sure that you know basics about Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming and, if possible, about javascript callbacks.However, I will try to keep most of the stuff away from these topics so that you can understand at least 85% of it.
Threading issues are a piece of cake with these simple debugger techniques. Yes, you CAN debug threads with breakpoints, when using the right type!
Find the Length of Any String in Solidity.
As you know Flutter provides an outstanding possibility to have one single code base for all platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Web, and more.
There are numerous posts about developing a chatbot using Dialogflow. But creating chatbot isn’t enough. Connecting Dialogflow to the web interface is even more interesting and challenging. With Angular being a popular and emerging platform, here is our guide to integrate Dialogflow chatbot with Angular JS.
UNIX/Linux system administrators the world over regularly use log files to get to the bottom of outages and malfunctions. An indispensable tool in that regard is tail(1), particularly its follow mode flag (-f). When we're in a Kubernetes world, we'd love to use something similar.
New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.
In this tutorial guide, we will explain the step-by-step process of deploying your first Node.Js application to the server.
Forgetting to close things off in Go can potentially come back to bite you. The most basic and straightforward method is to call rollback or commit.
Excel is not only an accounting tool, but also an amazing personal finance tool.
Learn how to build a custom progress bar with jetpack compose canvas API in this tutorial by Ishan Khanna, covering basics like colors, placement and more.
In this article, I will show you a beginner-friendly approach to find whether a number is Automorphic or not in Java.
Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework that provides a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use platform for testing web applications.
In Vue, we use $emit, which lets us send data upwards, and then trigger an event in the parent component should an $emit event be fired.
Manipulating data is a core skill for any developer. In an API-driven environment, so much of the data you receive is formatted in a way that doesn't directly match the way that your application or UI needs it. Each web service and third-party API is different. This is where the ability to sort, normalize, filter, and manipulate the shape of data comes in.
You may be surprised to know that there are around 700 programming languages invented throughout the days of computers. Corresponding to 6500 human speaking languages. Even though that's not near that number but learning another language is no easy feat.
Here we will leave JS challenges for later, and we will focus on integrating the visual part of the frontend in a simple project.
By default, the menu button is shown and the back button is not shown.
Simple article about image optimization in browsers in a few steps.
In my journey to becoming a Software Developer, I've seen so many frameworks being implemented and one of them is Bootstrap. As efficient as it is though, so many developers have a strong dislike towards it, myself included. Here's when and how to use it.
Learn how to setup a development environment for Wordpress plugins.
A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to build hardcore blockchain infrastructure in Substrate, an open source framework.
TLDR; Don’t put UI logic into reducers instead put it into a separate reducer.
Top 5 resources to get yourself ready for system design interviews, including books, courses, and interview practice platforms.
Program in java to input a number and display its prime digits.
A little while ago we wrote about the float property. So, now is a good time to explain the clear property.
Repeating the same git commands over and over again can be such a waste of time!
Throttling allows you to "slow down" the function, i.e. the function will be executed no more than once in the specified period, even if it is called many times
I am a 🇵🇹 PhD researcher @ Técnico Lisboa, where I teach User Centered Design. I am being a mentor at the Hyperledger Fabric Based Access Control project, supported and funded by Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation 🔥.
How to add GraphQL wrapper along with swagger documentation in ASP.Net C# using NSwag tool
Javascript used to be, just a few years ago, one of the most disliked languages by the community, it's unnatural behavior was a common inspiration for jokes between developers. One of the main complaints was about the lack of a simple syntaxis to work with classes.
In this tutorial I will show you step by step how to use Remix and Metamask, which are tools that were originally built for Ethereum, to create and deploy a simple smart contract on RSK’s Testnet.
Here is a list of pretty much any action you would want to perform on an array, and how to do it in Javascript.
At its simplest implementation, you can use this pattern to add Phaser3 Games and treat them like a GIF animation on steroids.
GIT is great, it has made collaboration with other developers so easy, I can’t thank GIT enough. But GIT is vast and not every command remains on my mind. I find myself googling over and over again to get that right GIT command that can solve my problem.
When dealing with an array, there is a number of ways one can iterate through the elements starting from the first at index 0 all the way to the last element in the array. In my learning process I have come across 6 looping methods namely
SSH connection gets terminated if the server(or client, in some cases) is idle for a certain period of time. It can be fixed by a simple trick.
I spend a lot of time working on the bash command line, and I've come to highly value the availability of my custom set of shortcuts, preferences, and tricks, r
In this post, we will learn to scrape Google Shopping Results using Node JS with Unirest and Cheerio.
Learn how to set up notarization on macOS for Electron apps built with Electron Builder and work around a bizarre issue I’ve experienced with Apple's ANS.
Java program to display the multiplication of the input number from 1 to 10.
UI series #1 ft. variables
Tutorial on Python TCP sockets, explaining how to exchange data from a client to a server or directly between two clients with examples.
I know, it’s been a while since the last time I published something newbies-friendly on my blog. The main reason is that most of my readers are either experienced devs or from C background having modest C++ encounter. But while programming in C++ you need a completely different mindset as both C & C++ belongs to different programming paradigm. And I always strive to show them a better way of doing things in C++. Anyway, I found the topic which is lengthy, reasonably complex(at least it was for me), newbies-friendly as well as energizing for experienced folks(if Modern C++ jargons, rules & features added) i.e. C++ Template.
Building your first authentication system may look intimidating at first. But to be honest, it's really easy. After reading this article, you will know how easy it is to create a session based authentication in rails.
How to implement decoupled and reusable services with a Laravel internal feature not mentioned in the official documentation called “Driver Manager”.
If you have ever used cURL to retrieve the output of a file, believe me, saving that output to a file only takes a few more characters.
One of the things that you end up developing in one point or in the other is a breadcrumbs navigation system. I've seen some posts across the web touting how to achieve it in React and Reach Router by providing complex looping mechanisms. In this post, I show you a simpler, non loop way that displays breadcrumbs in Reach-Router.
The Navigation Timing API provides data that can be used to measure the performance of a web site. Unlike JavaScript-based libraries that have historically been used to collect similar information, the Navigation Timing API can be much more accurate and reliable.
Defining a new object in Javascript is pretty easy - but what if you want to find out if it's empty?
Today we’re gonna learn how to show a full screen activity instead of a notification when the device is locked.
Web scraping or crawling is the fact of fetching data from a third party website by downloading and parsing the HTML code to extract the data you want.
Cortana, the menial helper incorporated into Windows 10, empowers you to finish a scope of undertakings by composing or talking easy to use orders into your PC’s amplifier. Empowering Cortana in-program settings in the Microsoft Edge internet browser gives much more advantages.
Building the best model for your machine learning project usually requires some experimentation with the hyperparameters that define the model.
This series intends to show how I build an app to serve content from my WordPress blog by using react-native. Since my blog is talking about react-native, the series and the articles are interconnected. We will learn how to set-up many packages that make our lives comfortable and learn how to deal with WordPress APIs. Here, the most prominent features talked about in the book are the dark theme, offline mode, infinite scroll and many more. You can discover much more in this series. this inspiration to do this tutorial series came from the React Native App Templates from instamobile
This post is not meant to teach you everything about Compose but rather it’ll be more like a roadmap that you can use to learn Compose...
Do you hate YAML? Then learn how to build your next tool on HCL!
Build a custom chatbot with React, Node.js, and OpenAI.
Tutorial hell is real and it is very common for newbie developers to fall into it. Check out these 9 steps to escape tutorial hell permanently.
Recently, I faced with lack of documentation when I wanted to use Consul as a host resolver in gRPC connections. That’s why I wanted to write this story.
In the current era, most software development companies work in a collaborative environment where several developers contribute to the same source code. While some will be fixing bugs the others would be implementing new and different features. The problem raises, how to maintain different versions of the same code base?
A react context is meant to be used in more than one component or custom hook. Enforce typings in your context to ensure a better quality code
The Git Bisect command uses a binary search algorithm to find which commit in your project’s history introduced a bug.
Can you learn React in five minutes? Well, it depends on what you mean by “learn React”. In this blog post you will “learn the basics of React” in five minutes!
If you want to convert currency data in Excel, here is a step-by-step guide for you using the Excel Stocks function.
This article is part 2 of "Let's build and deploy a full stack MERN web application".
Crippling unused highlights in Windows Vista will accelerate your PC framework. A portion of the highlights that accompany Vista are not regularly helpful for home clients. On the off chance that you don’t utilize these capacities, the Windows framework is stacking programs that you don’t require and expending framework assets — in particular, memory — that could be better utilized for different purposes.
A simple tutorial for beginners to create an object detector with NextJs.
An introduction to HTML and CSS - the foundation and styling for any website
Learn the high points of the iCalendar specification in an example-driven way in order to solve an interesting "recurring dates" problem: shift work.
We are going to walk through the JavaScript map function, and I’ll explain how it works in a simple way. Later in the article, we will do a deep dive into some more advanced concepts regarding the map function and its uses.
Many Kubernetes operators search for a command like “kubectl restart pod." Sadly, there is no such command in Kubernetes. But workarounds exist.
How to dynamically exclude selected Spring Boot auto-configuration classes using profile groups.
Application example built with Angular 15 and hosted on GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions.
Vim has been a friend to many and a foe to many, wanna find out what it will be for you? Then, let's try it out!
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
We can publish NuGet packages to internal feeds hosted in Azure Artifacts easily via pipelines defined in YAML files.
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a technology that is used in manufacturing, warehouses, factories, and laboratories.
For decades, Windows users have been made fun of by the Linux community for the lack of a cool terminal (among other things). Well, it's about time we fight!
Building a Twitter bot using their API is one of the fundamental applications of the Twitter API. To build a Twitter bot with Nodejs, you’ll need to take these steps below before proceeding:
What algorithm(s) to use, what is safe enough, what is not safe, which implementation, padding, what type of key, encoding, etc
Here's a problem. You have an object in your code exposed via an export. You also have a function in the same file (also exported) consuming that object directly.
First post in a (hopefully) long series covering everything you need to know about debugging in VSCode, IntelliJ/IDEA in Java, NodeJS, Kotlin & Python.
QuickBooks users get the option to configure firewall ports automatically or manually. To configure QuickBooks firewall ports automatically, follow these steps.
How to write smart contract app for taxi booking? How could the privacy from each party be protected?
Cracking a Machine learning interview at companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Snap etc. really comes down to nailing few patterns that FAANGs look for.
Page Elements (PE) is a design pattern for test automation, which perfectly extends Page Object Model (POM) - learn what's that and how to add it in your code!
Websockets and webhooks are both technologies that enable real-time communication between a client and a server.
An Acronym Generator will take a String as an input and it will return the initials of all the words in the String.
In this article, we build a Node/Express server to interact with OpenAI’s text completion API.
BOSH-lite is a tool for running Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes and I’m guessing most BOSH directors are associated with a Cloud Foundry deployment...
This is an experimental technology Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
This article dives into learning duck typing in Javascript and examples of polymorphism.
Every day we use the "git add" command a lot to add our changes to the index for new commits, but have you ever wondered how we can add all the changed files...
The purpose of my project is to build a system for tracking satellites in orbit and will make it possible to communicate with the satellites
Adding figures and selection to a version of Checkers made on React is reasonably simple if you know the basic steps of adding game logic into the language
The OkSo is a drawing app to express, grasp, and organize your thoughts and ideas. Draw to explain. Draw to grasp.
When we talk about security wrt any web application its a multiple dimensional thing it will involve a number of different aspects:
Next time you have an idea 💡 "I know... Why don't I write a script to automate this thing?" Actually, you should not, you should write a CLI instead.
Self-host your own website analytics with Umami.
The motherboard serves to interface the entirety of the pieces of a PC together. The CPU, memory, hard drives, and different ports and extension cards all interface with the motherboard legitimately or through links.
In this article, we will analyze the interesting points of the Fragment API, I think that it will be of interest to all developers who develop an application.
Store your NFT metadata in a more decentralized and dynamic method.
Tutorial, about building a chatbot using the Messagebird API for WhatsApp and the Flask framework for Python.
Track bugs within an application and its external dependencies without the source code or deep knowledge of the environment using these amazing tools!
Learn how to vertically center text and HTML elements with CSS.
SPyQL combines Python and SQL to make querying of CSV and JSON data easy. In this tutorial we analyse the geographical distribution of cell towers.
The logical OR operator in JavaScript is an operator which returns the left-hand side if it is truthy, but otherwise defaults and return the right-hand side.
Brute force attackers guess passwords, passphrases, and private keys in an attempt to eventually get the right answer and crack the security of a system, but how do they know when they have the right key?
Creating .Net MVC project using Visual Studio Mac
In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,
What Are Java Method References And Kinds Of Method References Available?
Learn how to make a cool looking dark mode toggle in React!
Improve user experience with feedback from Snack Bars, Progress Indicator, and Alert Dialog Boxes In Flutter.
In this mini-tutorial we are going to see two different ways of communication between components in Svelte 3: a callback passed as prop and event dispatcher.
Here, we are going to integrate the offline mode to the app. This feature is very handy when we are out of connection and we can still access some of the features in the app. Here, we are just going to notify the network status and cache the data using react-native-NetInfo package. Caching will help to pull the data from the AsyncStorage during the offline this app inspired from React native template from instamobile
Running all of my docker builds in parallel via a GitHub Actions matrix, my builds went from about 3.5 minutes down to about 50 seconds in the cold case .
As part of my Fitness application journey, the CloudAMQP service is introduced into the Heroku-based service in order to process invoices asynchronously.
A Go service implementation that dispatches push messages via Firebase.
In the first part of this tutorial we are going to build a flash message step-by-step with React and Material UI.
This article shows you how to insert the profile information of any user into the react navigation bar, so as to make it sign-in aware.
In this tutorial we’ll be walking through building and deploying a decentralized lottery smart contract in Solidity using [Hardhat].
Let's walk through how to deploy Docusaurus behind an OAuth proxy which will force users to log in with a 3rd party provider before viewing our documentation.
The Noob Guides: Your Shortest Path on Becoming a Developer (Full Stack)
Most programming languages have a Data Type called “Boolean”. This is a form of data with only two possible values (usually “true” and “false”). The Ruby language however does not have a Boolean Data Type.
Here are some simple steps to build your Audio, Video and Screen Recorder with JavaScript and HTML with MediaRecorder, getUserMedia, getDisplayMedia
The Parameters type is a utility type in TypeScript that lets us take the arguments of a function, and turn it into a new type. Let's look at how it works.
The Properties and Events panel lets you work with the elements on your site with Velo. You can use Velo with all the elements on your site.