AlphaBOLD we want to improve your business processes by implementing the best possible solution.
When Larry Ellison launched NetLedger (that later became NetSuite in 1998), nobody knew it was the beginning of a new business management and operation era that would be ‘cloud.’ And certainly, nobody predicted that one day it would be defined as a driving force behind a company’s growth.
Now, when cloud business management is the new success parameter, you might be at a loss if you don’t know about NetSuite implementation.
Today, NetSuite has penetrated the business fabric as a software-as-a-service (Saas) solution that enables businesses to carry out processes using a single cloud platform.
From finance, customer relationship management (CRM), eCommerce to supply chain, and human resources, NetSuite empowers businesses to run their business in a single cloud system – enhancing productivity with a streamlined approach.
So, it means that you can:
…through custom NetSuite development and implementation.
It sounds great – in fact, it really is. But only if your NetSuite implementation process is carried out perfectly. Unfortunately, NetSuite implementation is not as simple as buying NetSuite software, making it
part of your system, and your whole business process goes cloud the next
moment. NetSuite is a whole suite with many dimensions and capabilities, so it's important to work on the NetSuite implementation phase to get the best results.
Question: So, what should you do to save your money, efforts, and energy?
Answer: Avoid common NetSuite software implementation
mistakes. Simple!
Here are common NetSuite implementation mistakes, the sand
in gear due to which ERP implementations fail, you should
avoid to enjoy the full-scale benefits of NetSuite:
Why NetSuite becomes a hit for one organization and miss for another depends on how this software is configured and integrated into the system of the organization. That’s where a NetSuite ERP partner comes into the scene.
Don’t go around hiring a partner just by falling for their claims. Look into a few things to be sure that your selected partner will not waste your money and time.
Here are a few things that define the right implementation partner:
These things seem pretty obvious, but unfortunately, most people
don’t pay heed to them that later show poor signs once things go in the implementation phase.
So, waiting for the right partner is better than taking hasty decisions.
Giving all in or holding back is never a good idea when working on NetSuite implementation because some steps might require more money than others. That’s why budgeting is an important part of any NetSuite software
Here are a few tips on budget planning that can save you from getting dead in tracks because of running out of revenue:
1. Meeting with the Partner
Have a detailed meeting with your selected partner to get a deep insight into the whole process. Find out how things will be carried out, what resources will be required, and how much money should be allocated to
which step.
2. Draw Out a Budget Plan
Once you have deep know-how of things, chalk out a tentative budget plan that is not only realistic but also has a backup plan to avoid delays.
3. Prioritize Things
This tip is important if you are tight on budget and feel you might have to hold up things for some time due to budget constraints. In this situation, begin with the most important feature you want to integrate.
Unseen troubles are inescapable when working with a new technology despite all the planning, but budgeting gives a clear roadmap that saves from many bumps during implementation.
Keeping your employees in the loop throughout the process is crucial because, ultimately, your employees are going to use the system. No matter how capable your selected partner is and how you have planned out implementation, if your employees wouldn’t know anything about the system’s working, your money and efforts will go to waste.
So, allocate appropriate time and budget to train your staff, give them enough time to interact with the system, and make the transition process easier. Otherwise, all the good things associated with the NetSuite software will become bad for your organization because the staff will be ignorant (and maybe irritated!) to use it.
Going for NetSuite implementation with cluttered data is a big-time ‘NO.’ It will push you back to the vicious cycle of an old legacy system with delayed, mismanaged, and hurdled tasks because of data management issues.
Clean data means the smooth running of the new system. So, check out your archive and see if there is any old data that you need to get rid of, archive, or align before taking it to the new system. Do it before moving things!
Custom NetSuite development is an obvious part of any NetSuite software implementation because it gives a tailored experience. NetSuite customization helps in various ways, for example:
Does NetSuite customization sound like the right thing your business needs? Well, it is! But here is a twist: customization is good, but over customization can kill the whole purpose of NetSuite implementation.
With over-customization, you might:
Maybe that’s the reason why a NetSuite developer suggests configuration over customization, initially. You can bring customization later once things come into the flow and your team becomes familiar with the simple system of NetSuite.
If you think NetSuite is a magic wand and it will change the face of your business with a few codes and swipes, you need to think again. No matter how simple and clean NetSuite’s interface is, it still needs time to become part of your system fully. Don’t expect an overnight implementation miracle because it isn’t going to happen.
Remember that the implementation phase just makes NetSuite part of your system; it’s the improvement phase that starts yielding the expected results. So, wait and let things fully mature! Don’t rush things!
In this age, if you run a business but your dictionary only has one type of meaning for the word cloud, you don’t need to think much about why your competitors are winning. It’s time that you start exploring other meanings of cloud–like, a single online system to manage your business processes!