You feeling lucky?
Hello everyone, Google recently released MaterialDatePicker: a useful new component that complies with the material design guidelines( This new component has a very interesting feature that allows you to select a date range instead of the old flow of selecting two dates: one "from" and one "to, i.e the component can be used as a DatePicker and a DateRangePicker. I was very excited about this and i wanted to use this in an update to a project i work on: to improve the user experience, sadly i could not find any examples or tutorials on using this lovely new component. So, I decided to make one, in this article I will be outlining the steps I took to make use of the MaterialDatePicker. This would be a really short article since, the MaterialDatePicker is really very easy to use.
The main goal of network technology is the creation of human consensus. This is the REQUIRED step for ANY collaboration to occur. We MUST decentralize the web!
Leave your programming language hang ups at the door and come admire the best standard library I’ve ever come across.
Google Trends website provides analysis of different search results on Google Search based on various criteria such as regions, time and language. As a developer, you can use Google Trends API in python to get the same results as presented on the Google Trends website via Pytrends.
While serious resources can be spent on creative vision, rarely is anyone given the tools to properly test an idea in-market quickly at high fidelity.
Here are the reasons why big tech companies are building cities. Also, know why many are worried.
<em>How, working in the shadows of the internet, researchers developed a passive monitoring system that might soon make Big Tech companies accountable to the public — and even save democracy.</em>
Reporting on Google’s future with today’s facts
Google and Microsoft have stumbled in their attempt to rush conversational Ai to the market. have they killed trust in chatbots? Read this post to learn more.
Key Takeaways
In a new paper titled Total Relighting, a research team at Google presents a novel per-pixel lighting representation in a deep learning framework.
Searching the web shouldn’t require compromising on your privacy. It’s no longer a secret that Google keeps a record of all of your internet activity, including your searches. If you don’t want other people on your devices seeing your browsing history, all you have to do is clear that data.
Apple Airplay features work exactly the same as Google’s Chromecast. Not only you can cast content, but you can also use Airplay to mirror your device’s screen
Since Flutter early alpha was first announced at Google’s I/O in May 2017, it has gradually become one of the fastest cross-platform frameworks, gaining worldwide popularity and improving its stability in time (version 1.0 was released in December 2018).
Bigger. Better. Beefier. That's probably the best way to categorize the latest (and greatest!) version of ChatGPT: GPT-4.
Why you should be happy about companies collecting your data.
How much do directors make at Google? A director of engineering makes $1.5 million and explains how he did it on Blind.
A new report published by the Digital Citizens Alliance suggests that pirates sites earn more than a billion dollars in revenue per year.
Google is changing the way it displays cryptocurrency-related ads on its search engine and various platforms. Starting August 3rd, crypto exchange and wallet...
When asked about Google, there has been a lot to say over the years. Google done some things right, and seemingly some things very wrong. As far as conspiracies go, Google does seem to have a CIA connection (see video below). This even roots back to potential government research, and missing gaps on how they have been funded in the early stage.
The goal of SEO is to get your website to the top of the search engine. One excellent way of tracking SEO progress is by checking the Search engine result pages (SERPs) of a website.
Explanation of how Google's Flutter UI startup app was debugged and made to work again and connect with it's central Firebase Database through hours of work.
I recently came across the challenge of getting currency exchange data into spreadsheets. In this article, I show two quick and easy methods to do so.
Google's advertising system as allowed employers and landlords to discriminate against nonbinary and some transgender people by excluding them from ads.
I'm an open source software developer, and for the past fifteen years, I've been distributing my software on my website.
Hello everyone, Google recently released MaterialDatePicker: a useful new component that complies with the material design guidelines( This new component has a very interesting feature that allows you to select a date range instead of the old flow of selecting two dates: one "from" and one "to, i.e the component can be used as a DatePicker and a DateRangePicker. I was very excited about this and i wanted to use this in an update to a project i work on: to improve the user experience, sadly i could not find any examples or tutorials on using this lovely new component. So, I decided to make one, in this article I will be outlining the steps I took to make use of the MaterialDatePicker. This would be a really short article since, the MaterialDatePicker is really very easy to use.
Quick background
This was an introductory article to give general idea of Google Identity Services. Google docs are confusing and messy. So I have given you direct links. Enjoy!
Ben Meer shows 10 Google Chrome extensions to help you expand your knowledge.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports several types of website traffic.
<em>This is the third blog post in our series exploring aspects of the Arweave’s decentralised, </em><a href=""><em>permanent web</em></a><em>. You can catch up with the other parts </em><a href=""><em>here</em></a><em> and </em><a href=""><em>here</em></a><em>.</em>
As Google reveals plans to make LaMDA available to the public, ChatGPT's reign is coming to an end.
The New York Times recently proclaimed A New Chat Bot Is a ‘Code Red’ for Google’s Search Business.
The "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" error is a common error message that appears in Google Chrome when a website fails to load. This error is typically caused by a problem with the connection between your device and the website you're trying to access.
Let’s build a fashion-MNIST CNN, PyTorch style. This is A Line-by-line guide on how to structure a PyTorch ML project from scratch using Google Colab and TensorBoard
Yesterday, I was making a simple HTML & CSS basic webpage. In that page, I needed to embed a map - like you'd embed a Youtube video.
Learn how to protect your website from google core updates and penalties. Explore how to convert every Google algorithm update to opportunities.
Recently, Amazon released a new tool, called Honeycode, which lets customers quickly build mobile and web applications — with no coding required. This came a few months after Google’s acquisition of the no-code mobile-app-building platform, AppSheet. While these moves surprised many, they’re in line with a larger trend I’ve observed, one that’s growing strong in all sectors, even amidst economic turmoil.
Instead of a bastion of creativity , knowledge , and hope , the internet is becoming increasingly concentrated and a means for tech giants to extract your data.
Google map ranking is highly important for local businesses, use these easy to implement google map ranking hacks to dominate your local market in searches
Bytecode is the output of the parse, which is an architecture-independent abstract machine code.
Top 10 online legal directories for attorneys to get listed in 2022. Checkout comprehensive lists and make an informed decision for your law firm's marketing.
The coronavirus crisis, with all its ‘working from home’ and social distancing recommendations, has probably transformed your social life into a succession of video chats. Your boss, your doctor, your family, your friends, they all want to see your face and tech is here to help. Or is it?
A video of Mark Zuckerburg trading blows with MMA fighter Khai Wu has the Boomies of the internet united.
Why don't you just ask Google?
Learn how how to start your Android Development career, what is and isn't important to learn, and what to do to land your first job.
I'm Nasir Hussain, I'm a developer intereseted in solving complex problems using the latest technologies.
I believe in learning new things and working on them to tackle daily life problems, This year I got into Google Code In 2019 to learn about how & developers developers work on.
Google Know as a Web search engine company. A person or anybody who is using the Google search engine like Google Chrome to find any thinks on the internet, Google can track your data, however, in google chrome there is an option on use Google incognito mode.
What does Microsoft's collaboration with OpenAi mean for the search industry? Will Bing finally be able to challenge Google? Here's what I think
Facebook’s parent company Meta has announced laying off more than 11,000 employees. The long list of companies sacking their employees includes Netflix, Netflix
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
Find free certification programs for good-paying remote work careers. Ranging from digital marketing to IT, Project Management & UX Design from Google and Meta.
In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of meta description writing, as well as tips for making it stand out from the crowd!
Revault is the first DeFi protocol to integrate with Orbs’ layer-3 technology. The technology locates and puts money into the strongest vaults automatically.
Google is like the charm that Princess of Wales Diana used to carry with her every time she interacted with the public. The platform that Google offers lets its users expand the horizon ever imagined. Google uses open platforms to let the users collaborate with the project to develop something unique.
Google Chrome currently is the most popular and widely used browsers going around. Not just in light of the fact that it is the default browser on most Android phones or for the reason that it is among the most established ones. The reason behind its popularity is due to the features that it offers whether it is about themes, extension or some extra support, Chrome has everything you just name it and it will be there.
Dесеntrаlіzеd internet dеvеlорmеnt will be thе kеу tо future humаn іnnоvаtіоns.
Cracking interviews at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta - starts from Self Reflection. A structured & iterative approach to do this exercise is beneficial!
Google became popular by taking a nebulous, disorganized, and opaque landscape (the internet) and making it easily searchable. Now, the tech giant wants to do the same thing for a similarly novel technological advancement: the blockchain.
Google products are generally free for use, don’t need to go overboard if you handle simple data. No Cost, Just Productive Dashboard
This blog is meant for both coders and non-coders, so, please do humor the over-explanation.
Hello! We are developers from the Navigine company. We decided to test the Wi-Fi RTT technology and share the results with you.
The grown-ups have entered the room. Google and Microsoft have officially entered the conversational AI arms race in search.
Google is joining the developing number of associations who've chosen to quit utilizing Zoom because of the security worries with the video-conferencing administration.
I interviewed Hanna Bozakov, Head of Marketing for secure email service Tutanota, about internet security, online privacy, the legality of encryption, and how Tutanota works to protect you. According to their homepage, "Tutanota is the world's most secure email service, easy to use and private by design".
Google Shopping continues to gain importance as an e-commerce channel. Shopping ads are displayed prominently on the search engine results pages and present users with products that match their search query. Google is developing the feature feverishly to meet the competition from Amazon as a sales channel. In initial tests with “Shopping Actions”, Google even allows direct purchases in the search results in the USA and France.
In this article, I'll share my story of how I created my first Google Sheets add-on.
Android & iOS have always been in debate for decades now! Both these operating systems are world-famous as these are the most used operating systems to date. That’s the reason customers had always been excited to know the software upgrades. As trends keep on changing, both the operating systems make sure that their customers don’t get bored, which is why Android and iOS keep releasing new upgrades.
Steve Bannon’s War Room home page featured ads from prominent brands including Land Rover, Volvo, DoorDash, Staples and Harvard University.
Simple methods to disable Google chrome Search history suggestions on the URL bar.
We thought nothing could beat the value that Google brings to the market, as a search engine. We had no idea we were in for a surprise.
Discover the top AI translation tools of 2023 — Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, DeepL, and SDL Trados.
Flutter is the newest mobile app SDK from the house of Google, intended to make cross-platform app development easier than ever before. Since it’s preview release at the Google I/O 2018 and its stable release recently, Flutter development has generated a lot of hype among developers and businesses alike.
The end of web publishers being handcuffed to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is in sight. In May of 2021, Google will roll out an algorithm update using a new set of page experience signals to help determine rankings. these new guidelines will no longer give preferential treatment to sites using Google’s AMP format.
Here's the theme for this week. This topic enlightens me as a perspective of someone who has never been to Developer related events, moreover even as facilitate a developer workshop (or study jam).
With the extensive number of programming languages available out there, for any language to emerge among the best is no easy feat.
The foundation of learning programming for Android is basic categories.
Google, Internet Stocks and Ethereum
With more development and implementation of AI, many pundits and experts have been very vocal of its potential and have called for a standstill in development or at least some regulations. These calls of action have even penetrated the heavy armor that Big Tech hides behind. Imagine letting just a single company toying with such powerful technology
Spoiler alert: It's AWS for the win.
I recently explored Facebook's new, insanely realistic chatbot. They've outdone themselves with PIFuHD, which uses a 2D image to re-construct a high-res 3D model. This is state-of-the-art, as previous algorithms couldn't capture details like fingers, facial features, and clothing folds.
You have a plain old TensorFlow model that’s too computationally expensive to train on your standard-issue work laptop. I get it. I’ve been there too, and if I’m being honest, seeing my laptop crash twice in a row after trying to train a model on it is painful to watch.
According to the latest Octoverse report by Github, Kotlin has seen 2.6x growth in contributions as of September 2018 and is already becoming the go-to programming language for Android development. Understand what has made it inevitable.
From Google career certificates to online academies to LinkedIn badges, 21st-century higher education is striving towards coherence. Prospective Bachelor's students increasingly balk at the debt associated with the degree, yet it remains the most credible way to prove employability. Legions of new certifications and vocational programs clutter the higher education ecosystem, yet lack accreditation.
Most of the developers have heard for Google’s product called Firebase. It’s, how Google says “mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business.“. It’s basically a set of tools that most developers will need when building an app. In this article I’ll go over these tools, and point all the things you need to know if you choose to use Firebase.
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel fundamentals such as ignition execution.
Congratulations to all who made it this far in the ALCwithGoogle program.
Automatically, Count the checkboxes in your spreadsheet column with the Google Apps script.
I worked alongside the Google Developer Relations team back in 2017 hacking together a couple of open source projects. Since then I’ve got the opportunity to hang out with and work alongside some of the finest engineers in the web industry.
Unit testing with bigquery is hard. See how we built robust unit testing suites for data pipelines that use bigquery
What the United States’ children’s privacy law does and doesn’t do
Joe Speiser goes over ChatGPT and if it will take over Google's use.
Sometimes we want to implement authentication for multiple reasons and we don't want to create an API just for the authentication or maybe we are not backend developers. That's why Firebase provides authentication backend services easy to use. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular social networks like Google, Facebook and Twitter, and more.
Suppose you’ve picked up an Android phone on the street and you saw the 4 apps above. Can you guess the profile of the phone user?
First of all, a brief overview of our use case. Let's say I have a spreadsheet on Google Sheets which is not public and I want to be able to read/modify programmatically through some batch process running on my local machine or some server. This is something I had to do recently with a Node.js application and I found the authentication part a bit tricky to understand. So I thought of sharing my solution and I hope it helps someone in need. There might be better ways of doing this but I am sharing what worked best for me.
To those folks who are accustomed doing search engine optimization (SEO), we’ve been viewing URLs stuffed with content, and links between that content, however algorithms like PageRank (based upon links pointed between pages) and data retrieval scores primarily based upon the connection of that content are determinative how well pages rank in search engines and ends up in response to queries entered into search boxes by searchers. Websites connected by links are seen as info points connected by nodes. This was the primary generation of SEO.
Chances are pretty high that several of the strategies that we've been exploiting and trying to do SEO can stay the identical as new options seem in search, like knowledge panels, rich results, featured snippets, structured snippets, search by photos, and enlarged schema covering more industries and options then it does at the moment.
Who would have thought that the narrative, which fueled the emergence of the internet, would later birth Google that had since dominated the proceedings of the ever-growing internet world?
Google is making the final push to completely ban third-party cookies on the most popular internet browser, Google Chrome, by 2022.
Recent months demonstrated explosive growth of Decentralized Finance with $13B+ in total value locked. Normally, games are the first thing to take off on new platforms, and seems like DeFi is not an exception here.
Revealing the mystery behind the Apple Mail App and why the small app has a wider role to play in Apple's wider privacy-first strategy and fight for the market
Tips to help BI developers create a seamless pipeline in Google's visualization tool Looker.
Gareth Dwyer explains what it was like to try to sign up for a GCP account.
ll start by giving you two reasons to finish reading this, and cloning the repo after:
When early reports had surfaced that Google had achieved quantum supremacy, it was met with skepticism. Even to those that were well-versed in quantum computing, this came as a surprise. To others, like me, the significance of this feat went over our heads but let me assure you that this accomplishment is very important for the days to come.
In this article, I’ll walk you through the agony of consuming Google Calendar API in Node with non-existent documentation. Particularly, accessing data using service account with domain-wide authority.
AndroidX is a new way of organizing support libraries introduced by Google. Basically, AndroidX. is introduced along with Android Jetpack because jetpack comprises the androidx.* package libraries.
Google Call Screen for Android helps users to combat robocalls. Apple has its own feature in iOS 13 that allows users to send unknown callers to voicemail. While this feature is nice there is one glaring issue. The problem is that sometimes the user is expecting a callback and does not want to send the caller straight to voicemail, such as a call from a recruiter, delivery driver, Uber/Lyft driver and etc. To help solve this issue, I have created my own call screen solution using Twilio Studio and Node-Red.
Do you know that if you publish your gif on, it will be featured on gif search everywhere: on Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook?
2/9/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
Google has long held a dominate, nigh-impenetrable hold over the online search market.
The Solana community held its Breakpoint 2022 conference in Lisbon from November 4-7. It turned out to be a very productive, lively, and engaging meeting.
No, it isn’t clickbait or a false promise. I’m really going to show you how I ranked my blog on the first page on Google.
TikTok releases an ad on how to search on the app; hence, functioning seemingly to the Google search engine.
A complete On-page SEO guide for beginners to rank their website page and posts higher on Google.
Margaret Mitchell goes over why ChatGPT can't replace Google.
Recently I got a nice computer, but before I was using a very old Chromebook. I talk about my experiences trying to set up a coding environment.
Flutter has been on the rise lately. It is gradually becoming one of the most used software development kits in the world.
More than 500 languages are currently in use and a lot more are being written as we speak. The selection of a programming language is the first step to get into starting with the development cycle. A decade ago, developers were not bothered by the selection of technologies as they did not have access to an array of options. The preference of a language is now based on the characteristics of a project and many such factors.
The most predictable thing about most conferences used to be that, in the days leading up to them, you would be flooded with e-mails about your registration, new speaker additions and party invites.
An investigation by The Markup has shown that YouTube has been surpressing Black Lives Matter-related ads while doing nothing to prevent white supremacist ads.
One of my favourite areas of cybersecurity is SIEM (Security Incident Event Management). In 2017 I wrote a post on how I got a role in cyber security, one of my recommendations was using the Elastic Stack as a SIEM as a start-off point for those looking to understand log analysis and how to investigate incidents. But one of the main gripes people had was, where can they get data to work on in their home environments. This post will focus on setting up a honeypot that already utilises the ELK Stack…
Investors aren't too keen on Zuckerberg's new-found focus on the metaverse, even though the tech entrepreneur is betting his all on the emerging technology.
Humans are ineffective at doing the internet. AI might be 30x faster at searching information on the internet. Sentinel is our take on providing the solution,
Patrick McGee describes the collusion between Google and Facebook.
Recently, Google launched Anthos platform in its Cloud Next Conference and since then it has been the talk of the town!
Google announced that it would ban the usage of third-party cookies; it has made a lot of publishers afraid that they won't be able to utilize user data.
SEO is not only determined by how well you write the article. It is also determined by how well you design the website, measured with core web vitals.
Take these steps to optimize your site for the Core Web Vitals and improve the organic rankings of your website.
ChatGPT for healthcare? Learn everything you need to know about MedPaLM, a new LLM developed by Google specifically for medical and clinical applications.
2/7/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Here are some things to consider before applying for a Tech Company.
Elon Musk keeps trending over the internet because of his hot takes and equally hot aversion to 'wokeism'.
You are also not Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Netflix or one of several other big tech companies I could mention here.
OnePlus launches new mid-range Nord 2 5G Android smartphone. With 12GB RAM and 256 GB storage, it will compete with Google Pixel 4a 5G, and Samsung Galaxy A52.
What do Apple, Google, and Amazon all have in common? Well, plenty of things if we’re being honest. It’s easier to list the things that they don’t share. But one thing that people don’t usually associate with any of these big tech companies is how deeply involved they are with an increasingly relevant sector in technology: video gaming.
Do you always hum while working or just out of boredom?
Could behavioral advertising be on its way out?
Only 41 warrants that could clearly constitute a geofence warrant.
Influenza Vaccines and Data Science in Biology
In the event that you don’t have a Google Voice telephone number yet, you’re passing up a great opportunity. Google Voice has some extraordinary highlights that can help ensure your security. Also, you can keep your Google Voice telephone number forever, or for in any event insofar as Google is eager to have it.
Whats the role of content in SEO? If you can't make your own, What are the consequences of using duplicate content to get your website to rank on Google?
One of the trickiest things for companies or really anyone running a website is figuring out the success of their site, how many visits they are getting, and how they got them, while at the same time respecting their visitor’s privacy.
In light of Susan Wojcicki's departure as the CEO of Youtube, what is the future of the company like?
My personal experience with switching my computer's OS from Linux to ChromeOS flex.
Microservices are very popular today, even in traditional corporate IT shops. Often though they are implemented using languages, such as Java, born in the early ’90s and designed for a world of monolithic applications. Do you remember the big old Application Servers?
By 2022, Google plans to entirely eliminate third-party cookie tracking in Chrome browser. The post-cookie AtTech market is shaking up — here is what to expect.
Fashion brand Levi's and tech company Google have partnered on an innovative jacket that can perform 19 different commands.
Hello guys, you might have heard about flutter framework from Google for mobile app development. It allows you to develop native mobile apps for both Android and iOS apps using a single source code.
Genius started as a fun art project, but we started to take it seriously about 6 months after the launch, when we realized one of the most-searched words on all of google is “lyrics”. Although I spent the first 6 months creating rich analysis of the Biggie and 2Pac classics which I had pondered since my teenage years, the site actually got traction from random users transcribing and annotating lyrics to new songs.
Gato from DeepMind was just published! It is a single transformer that can play Atari games, caption images, chat with people, control a real robotic arm, and more! Indeed, it is trained once and uses the same weights to achieve all those tasks. And as per Deepmind, this is not only a transformer but also an agent. This is what happens when you mix Transformers with progress on multi-task reinforcement learning agents.
As an online entrepreneur, chatGPT can help identify your target audience for Facebook and Google ads campaigns. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use chatGPT to identify your target audience online.
The blogging best practices that took me from clueless to ranking #1 in search and making money from my blog.
I got sick of all the fake news and harmful conspiracy theories, so I wrote a balanced article that discussed real vs fake conspiracies. It ranked #1 on Google for keyphrases such as "How To Defeat The New World Order". Now, it has been censored from Google.
Add Additional Data Protections to G Suite with the Virtru SDK
Learn about why data structures and algorithms are important, and why I failed a Google interview.
Conducting successful sales online has never been an easy task, especially with the dawn of SEO ranking on Google. The ranking system on Google is in such a way that websites ranking outside the first ten results hardly get recognition. This means that their products are rarely bought online, reducing their sales and e-commerce business. Therefore, you need to ensure your online business website ranks among the first ten on Google to guarantee your online visibility and improve your sales. Although it could be a daunting task, this article has compiled the best ways to ensure your Google ranking soars up, and your sales increase over time.
Want to watch a video? What better than YouTube. Video content is the leading way in the content marketing scene. YouTube is currently the leading platform for video blogging, sharing & marketing. With billions of visitors every day, there is a large potential audience for every uploaded video. A great way to start achieving your goals is to convert these visitors to subscribers.
Google is a cruel mistress for many marketers. Just like in a relationship, marketing with search engines constantly changes and requires extreme attention to detail. With each algorithm change, the “person you once knew” changes almost overnight. Google used to love your website, now you are yesterday’s news and on the last page of Google. So, to solve this problem we are going to take a relationship approach to workwith search engines to help keep your relationship healthy and growing.
Learn how to automatically send google form responses with Gmail with google apps scripts.
Yes, you read it right.
Code reviews at Google play an important role as an engineering practice and have been adopted already in the early days of Google. Still today, they are used to keep the code base clean, coherent and to ensure no arbitrary code is committed. Even though the code review process looks similar to code reviews at Microsoft, there are some Google specifics that allow for a particular lightweight code review process.
I love Google Maps! It is simple and easy to use. The night mode helps while navigating in the night.But are you using it to the fullest?
Google parent Alphabet Inc is easing back recruiting for the rest of the year, the most exceptional activity by the web search mammoth since the Covid-19 pandemic started battering its promoting business half a month prior.
May 1st, 2002, AOL at the time known as America Online announced a deal with Google. That deal was crucial and one of those that made Google the tech giant it is today. Would Google had lost that deal chances are it would have never become the monopolist we know today.
The moment between ideation and documentation should be as short as possible. I call it the "finding the pen" problem because when writers don't find the pen the idea remains in the ether. The .new domain ending will start a new individual document type:,, and of course, Additionally, there are a number of subdomain redirects to get you to the folder with all your document types:,, and of course, Also note, it works with singular and plural terms, but only works if logged in.
There were speculations around the market regarding the world’s most popular operating system Android. In March, this year, Google released the beta version of Android 10 as they’re considering this latest version close to their heart. And undoubtedly, it is the 10th version of Android, and so Google is all set to make it revolutionary. Moreover, even customers are eagerly waiting for the release of Android 10.
In this post, I want to demo how to use OpenID Connect using Google underneath and then switch to Azure.
I'm working on a leaner and more transparent alternative to Google Analytics without all the privacy baggage. It's called Plausible Analytics and you can see the live demo here.
Just some of the things that could be easily fixed to make the Google Cloud Platform and Workspace easier to use.
This article describes how I added AdSense to my personal website and how I can detect and request that site visitors pause AdBlock while reading my blog.
The partnership allows Shopify stores to directly link to Google ads, simplifying merging product inventory and payment options between Shopify and Google.
Ben Church is an engineer from Canada has been nominated as Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Google story category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Ben had to share.
Business visionaries and sponsors the world over are endeavouring to understand how to get their pages to rank better in Google. Nevertheless, it's basic to consider why and how Google ranks locales. Those locales that appear on the essential page for a search question are those that Google considers being the most critical, relevant and finally significant to the searcher, for a specific request.
Here you will learn our current relations with the state and how that is going to change with the development of new technologies.
Why are cloud costs so high? In part, it's because the very companies that offer cloud services are raising their prices. But there are other factors too.
Customer analytics tools could be boon for businesses. They provide increase sales opportunities and better customer predictions which enable better decisions.
This blog will help you learn which types of white hat links you should not consider to avoid penalization.
There are many ranking factors Google uses and dwell time is one of those factors. Or is it not?
Google Fi is a versatile virtual system transporter (MVNO) that gives voice calling, SMS, and portable broadband administrations. It’s situated in the United States, and banded together fundamentally with U.S.- based cell bearers, yet you can utilize it for universal calling, and worldwide information is likewise accessible. Inclusion and administration are like significant bearers, while estimating is in accordance with lower cost MVNOs. Google Fi works with most present day telephones including Android gadgets from most producers, just as the iPhone.
If you receive the error message "Your connection is not private" or "net::err_cert_date_invalid" in your Google Chrome browser, it means that the browser is unable to establish a secure connection to the website you are trying to visit.
Android 12 turned showed returned at Google IO 2021 in June, showcasing a made-over appearance and capabilities.
If you were old enough to understand the internet in the late 90s, you might remember the Y2K scare; a small glitch in the internet matrix that experts said was going to mess things over temporarily. Similarly, technophiles have also been predicting the death of newspapers and magazines since the emergence of computers. But the print media — despite significant decline in readership — have stunned their critics by adapting to the taste of today’s digirati.
Discovering pictures is simple, yet realizing their setting isn’t generally self-evident. As of not long ago.
As announced earlier this year: "Future Huawei phones will come without Google services. The alternative is Huawei Mobile Services and Huawei's own application store AppGallery.
People Also Search for (or PASF) is an immediate organic search feature based on Google's understanding of how people search for a topic.
Although it may sound complicated, Social SEO can make for a user-friendly and straightforward way of helping your business.
The world’s largest technology companies have all faced criticism over their global tax practices. Back home too, tech heavyweights are grappling with the Indian taxman.
In the name of God, this year’s third release of Flutter 3.3 is here.
Recently, Google introduced Free Google Shopping listings in the US, and they also plan to roll the feature globally by the end of 2020. The free Google Shopping listings will appear alongside the Google Shopping Ads, as the search engine giant plans to take on Amazon for organic product searches.
Should Google continue supporting Google Stadia, and are they telling the truth when an executive said the console is alive and well?"
Google's latest publication, PaLM-E, is an embodied multimodal language model.
Google has taken an important step in re-claiming the narrative about conversational AI with the launch of Bard, Google's ChatGPT killer.
Highlight and Remove duplicate rows in your google spreadsheet with this script for free. Works with any type and length of sheets.
Most of the discussion around SEO lies in Google's algorithms but writers should also be aware of Google's penalties which are punishments for bad websites.
The question that always come up regarding search engine optimization is; How long my SEO results start to visible? Let's find the answer to that elusive quest.
Google has recently implemented a new search algorithm on its platform which will not necessarily revolutionize the way we input queries and get results in its engine, but change the process dramatically.
An overview of ten Google AI tools that developers, businesses and analysts can use. Where to look for high-quality datasets and how to link a ready-made TensorFlow model to a project.
The crypto ecosystem has come a long way from its humble beginnings in Bitcoin. One testament to the revolution that blockchain represents can be seen in the multitude of large, established companies that have adopted and adapted blockchain.
Zero-party data is the future of data collection because it bridges the gap between advertising needs and consumers’ concerns about privacy.
In early 2016, the security gate at a U.S. military base swung open to admit a Navy doctor accompanying a pair of two artificial intelligent Google scientists.
On August 15th 2019, high school students in the UK received their A-level results.
One of the most misunderstood features on most modern browsers is Private Mode, sometimes called incognito mode. When I am offering advice on measures people can take in their privacy such as using a private search engine or a VPN, I am told, “I don’t need those, I use incognito mode.”
Lars Bergstrom is currently Director of Engineering at Google, having previously worked for Mozilla and Microsoft.
On March 19, 2019, Google announced their first gaming product and it took the Esports community by storm. Their product was first to make good on the promise of cloud gaming and like most other Google products, it made lofty claims. This captured the attention of the gaming community and put Google under the spotlight. It became patient zero for a case study on cloud gaming.
Wanna get into Google Summer of Code? Lean about how I did and maybe you can too!
Google has a web index. We’re all acquainted with it. It’s at
Consider some estimations by Google:
The world has come a long way in terms of its relationship with technology and knowledge. It’s almost universal that people are often afraid of new inventions that are supposed to improve their lives. We feel threatened by what’s out of our intellectual grasp.
A look at the impact of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act on tech giants.
Shipwreck Kelly was a legend in his day. His face was on the front of many newspapers, and people would drive for miles to see him What made him so special? Kelly could sit atop a flagpole, sometimes hundreds of feet in the air, longer than anyone else.
The proposed system is anonymous but vulnerable to trolls and spoofing
Despite so much power consumption, Google remains Carbon Neutral with their best in the class data centres and AI and ML. Google says their data centres consume the minimum power possible.
With privacy and security issues, daily ransomware attacks putting sensitive data at risk of being published - I decided to de-Facebook and de-Google my life.
The idea behind SSO it’s pretty simple, you login into only one place and can use multiple applications.
What is Link Building?
Google’s Helpful Content is an algorithmic update from that will analyze content and shadow-ban the ones riddled with SEO-influenced text and not relevant info.
Amazon and Facebook are the largest corporate spenders on lobbying. BigTech is buying up the competition. Together, this puts a huge strain on US regulators.
Google may have provided Sberbank-owned RuTarget with unique mobile phone IDs, IP addresses, location information and details about users’ interests and online.
The project that I am presenting to you was created primarily for personal use and then, by word of mouth, it was used worldwide (geographically).
Ex-Googler Blake Lemoine made waves in the tech world by saying he believed there was a sentient AI. Here’s a look at that situation and what’s happened since.
The days of thumb drives are slowly passing us by because cloud-based storage solutions are here to stay. Services like Google Drive and Dropbox store your data on the web and let you access them at any place and time. As long as you have access to the internet that is. But in this day and age, who doesn’t right?
Hackernoon is my favorite source of knowledge about technology. I love reading Hackernoon story since Medium. However, the Hackernoon new site makes me harder to stay reading more stories before going to bed. It got a big bright green and yellow header on top of the story. At first, I think maybe I can scroll the page down, and it will disappear. I was wrong, it was fixed over the page and it takes a portion of the readable screen.
The Markup obtained internal documents that coach new employees to avoid creating “very real legal risks” in using words like “market” and “networkeffects”
30% fee Apple charges developers for App Store transactions
You may be accidentally sharing personal information in your photos
In the previous post, I described a poster child for automation: managing the repetitive tasks around a conference submission workflow. I wrote about the setup, and how to use ngrok to redirect webhooks to my computer. This week, I’d like to write about some of the hiccups I encountered along the way.
Google is funneling revenue to some of the web’s most prolific purveyors of false information in Europe, Latin America and Africa...
Getting your content to rank on Google is more transparent than you might expect. There are 8 main SEO ranking factors that the search engine uses to rank.
This article will teach us to scrape Google Scholar Result pages with Node JS using Unirest and Cheerio.
What are lead form ads?
Schema markup using structured data is a wonderful thing. Not only does it help Google Search better understand the content of a page, it can also display relevant snippets of information in search results.
The House Antitrust subcommittee grilled the CEOs of four of the largest tech companies in a display that showed the preliminary results of their investigation that began in 2019.
A simple 5-minute setup to automate birthday greeting email to your customer every year without a miss.
In 2011, AJ Kohn wrote an article supporting the argument to write for search engines, not humans. He described search engines as a blind 5-year old.
Google wants to change a major part of web browsing by killing the URL, in parts though. After their first step was successful, here’s what they plan for the second step.
Big business and saving the planet often do not go hand in hand, however in some cases they do. Take a look at how Google plans on saving the future with tech.
In this article, I have prepared a list of free SEO tools developed by Google that everyone must use. I have also provided links to every tool.
This summer, my proposal got selected by Open Source Robotics Foundation for Google Summer of Code 2019. It was an awesome learning experience!
DeepMind may allude to two things: the innovation behind Google’s man-made reasoning (AI) venture, and the organization that is liable for it. The organization DeepMind is an auxiliary of Alphabet, the parent organization of Google.
I secured 8 offers with Google, Robinhood, Airbnb, Uber, Tiktok, Microsoft, Scale, and Cloudflare. Then negotiated my way to multiple $300K offers.
Did you know that 94% of sites include at least one third-party resource while the median page requests content from 9 different domains? These third-party resources represent 35% of the total network activity and 7 of the 10 most used resources are owned by Google.
Cookies are text files created by the developers of a particular website, which are stored in the user’s computer. They are widely used on almost every website.
I'm working on a system for positive behavioral recognition and metrics using Firebase and React. This is a hobby/side project that I work on usually on nights and weekends.
Since the pandemic COVID-19 is shaking all over the world, several people are dying and facing issues to earn for their livelihood.
Well, big tech companies have responded with unusual alacrity and they are helping people during this crisis.
Comment comes as part of big tech CEO grilling by antitrust committee
How to stay unique and still give a hard time to competitors? Well, we can learn something about it from Microsoft.
Although we’d like to believe otherwise, most of our life is run on computers. Screen times continue to soar as we become inseparable from our devices. From entertainment on Netflix to weekly planning on your phone, we find ourselves more dependent on technology every day. One device, however, reigns supreme; especially for the busy workdays. The traditional computer has become an essential device for every working class adult, and with it comes the heavy reliance on the internet browser. Some of us can barely imagine what life was like before Google.
Google announced Chrome OS Flex which could be installed everywhere. I tried it as my main machine and… this article will be different.
we will discuss a few methods to get rid of (to disable) the “Google’s Search activity, Search settings, disable Your data on Search”.
Image of : The 1st Earl of Holland, Groom of the Stool to Charles I, until 1643,
The crypto ecosystem has come a long way from its humble beginnings in Bitcoin. One testament to the revolution that blockchain represents can be seen in the multitude of large, established companies that have adopted and adapted blockchain.
Migrating from one email signature manager to another can be a huge task. See full steps of Migration from WiseStamp To Bybrand for Google Workspace
Google explains that the prohibition on recording conversations is in place "to ensure the safety and privacy of our users". Here's how to get around this.
This Slack discussion by Arthur, Limarc, austin and richard-kubina occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel. How scared you are of deepfakes?
Learn what a web crawler is, what is it used for, and why Google uses a bunch of them.
This Slack discussion by David Smooke and Utsav Jaiswal occurred in slogging's official #expert-interviews channel, and has been edited for readability.
Your trademark is your intellectual property, and no one should be allowed to use it without your explicit consent. Luckily, Google has mechanisms to prevent this kind of abuse.
The WebAssembly Summit was held in Silicon Valley, on the 10th February 2020. The venue, Google’s newest building at 1625 Plymouth St Mountain View CA.
Google has many hacks that most of us are not aware. In this slogging thread, the tech channel covered tips that can be useful for searching a specific topic.
The primary misunderstanding about business innovation, which leads to inaction is believing that reinventing or innovating your business starts from technical implementations.
Whether you want to develop a content strategy or want to optimize your site content; good keywords research is one of the most efficient ways to attract consistent, quality traffic to your site and gain a better ranking on google.
Google is generally at innovation’s forefront, and a large number of its items and administrations have become industry pioneers. Be that as it may, not all things google conjures up goes to gold. The tech goliath has created a couple of clunkers, yet Google doesn’t stop for a second to cut its misfortunes. Here’s a voyage through the Google Graveyard, with a glance at certain items and administrations Google has executed off as the years progressed.
If you are thinking of browsing the Internet privately and securely on your Windows computer then its time you rethink about your web browser.
How can an absolute beginner be a fake / an imposter?
In the promotion of crypto projects, traditional advertising tools are indispensable.
Google Ads are to online marketing what the “pizza move” is to beginner skiers—once you get the hang of the basics, you’ll start seeing results straight away (and likely be keen to learn more, more, more). But that initial learning curve can be a little daunting, especially if you’re still learning about online marketing in general, and all the tactics, tools, and strategies that come with it.
Google and Amazon!
Ex-Google TechLead explains differences between working at a tech startup and a large company, and their pros & cons.
We designed an experiment to measure the quantity and placement of these Google-created and self-referential search results and how they compare to others.
Google Job Interview tips, Resume writing tips for FAANG
Google rewards data brokers for violating your privacy. Understand the hidden relationship between the #1 search engine and information brokers.
AI is flourishing with the rise of ChatGPT, while crypto crashes abound. So why can’t I stop thinking about blockchain?
Google Cloud is a cloud computing platform that can be used to build and deploy applications. It allows you to take advantage of the flexibility of development while scaling the infrastructure as needed.
Comparing both large language models side by side and also explaining which one is the better of the two.
CAPTCHA was invented between 1997 and 2000. It was used to protect against spam requests received every day in the now-defunct AltaVista search engine.
The Internet Live Stats graph above pictures Google's first 13 years. Today they report 4,517,847,993 DA(internet)Us currently do 4,781,309,755 daily Google searches, according to Internet Live Stats.
Adding Firebase to Project
Does your team have psychological safety? This may be a much more important question than you think. It may seem unintuitive but safety is a critical ingredient to unlocking your team's potential. Google certainly believes so, and Amy Edmondson at Harvard Business School agrees.
Your website can still rank very first on Google SERP even without AMP. Accelerated Mobile Pages is not a ranking factor on Google and other search engines...
According to a user-created poll, the median base salary of a user on Blind is between $150,000 to $200,000
Ex-Google Tech Lead talks you through the #1 engineering practice: Design Docs.
In this article, we will discuss why we decided to create a voice-controlled game, what was the hardest part, and why we decided to open up about the money we make in the emerging market of conversational AI.
Google Cloud Key Management Service or otherwise known as Cloud KMS is a cloud service which manages the encryption keys for various Google services which companies can then use to add their own crypto functions. This is a very useful service, and one that companies have already beenutilizing for their businesses.
The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) of a website is important to user experience, which is why it’s one of three metrics included in Google’s new Core Web Vitals.
During each navigation, the Router emits navigation events through the property allowing you to track the lifecycle of the route.
Op Ed: Why Apple and Google have too much power, but their decision about Parler was justified.
Ex-Google TechLead exposes must-know resume tips to land your job!
The brownies I'm eating:
You’re googling something. The first result seems promising. You open it. It’s a really long, messy article, and you can’t find your needle in this haystack.
Setting up a website is relatively easy in 2020. Gone are the days when you had to code the whole thing on notepad and then connect to your host with some additional FTP software.
Google Fonts is a data privacy concern. Learn why you should care.
Crypto community has started to fight against censorship with the #ForkGoogle campaign asking the US Senate to subpoena Google. Members of the crypto community have started pushing back against censorship by tech giant Google and its media subsidiary Youtube. The community claims that the tech giant is censoring Bitcoin and crypto-related news applications while it is also ‘de-platforming’ crypto content contributors on YouTube.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been the backbone of an online search for over two decades now. But as Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology moves quickl
Here’s everything you should know about gender pronouns and how to use them in professional email signatures for Google Workspace users - Gmail.
Qt is a toolset that helps developers easily make user interfaces, with a long list of popular apps that such as Adobe and Google Earth that have used it.
TL;DR As a solo entrepreneur I cannot manage a server myself. PaaS comes in as a life saver. Since I started hosting my apps on Google App Engine I saved time and money, but the best part is: my app is secure and scalable without having to lift a finger.
Every developer, designer or marketer thinks of getting a job at well-known and huge organizations like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or Netflix, but it’s very hard to reach these companies for the interview even if you have all the skills. Today I’m sharing ways to land interviews at these organizations.
An easy Set-Up guide to writing google apps script locally with VS code with clasp.
The enticement of a relatively wealthy market of 500 million consumers often makes opening a European office one of the earlier expansion steps for American technology companies. However, there are right and wrong ways to establish a European operation, with fostering the right culture a key aspect that will significantly impact the hoped-for financial contributions.
In the on-demand market, ride-hailing is one of the key services that account for a higher percentage of total revenue. Uber is the first ride-hailing app that entered the market and following that many taxi services launched their business in the market. Many taxi apps became successful and are still sustaining in the market. There is so much competition in the taxi service industry. Many small scale taxi services are competing with each other to become the key players in the market.
There's more than meets the eye when it comes to Google's acquisition of Fitbit. Read on to learn more.
According to Martin, Rendering is crucial in SEO. Only all of the elements on a page would be collected via crawling.
With this Android App You can create 1 NFT for free, easy as just to fill a form
A service mesh’s primary objective is to handle internal service to service communication, while an API Gateway handles external client to service communication. It is required to apply API Management for the microservices that are in a service mesh. Although they overlap in some cases, service mesh’s focus and API Management focus is different. For an example, API gateway handles north south traffic, while service mesh handles east west traffic.
Big companies like Google and Microsoft always make most of their technology open source. These tech giants invest billions, but after some time make it public; everyone can access free of cost to use. But what do these large tech companies get in return?
Machine learning can be complex and overwhelming. Luckily Google is on its way to democratize machine learning by providing Google AutoML, a Google Cloud tool to handle all the complexity of machine learning for common use cases.
About four months ago, I wrote my second article ever on my website, Followchain with little to no prior knowledge on SEO.
VPNs are sometimes seen as an optional luxury when it comes to safeguarding your personal information online, but with Google entering the fray with its own service will mobile VPNs finally get noticed?
Mark Zuckerburg's appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience propelled Facebook to the top of HackerNoon's Tech Company Rankings this week.
Searching for information on the World Wide Web has become routine for billions of users. Meanwhile, search engines have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that they have gained unprecedented power over what we read, what information we consume, and what services we use. The algorithms that generate search results, which were originally designed for the user's convenience, have become a propaganda tool that wields power over the public’s consciousness. Search engines serve an agenda aimed at informational control. Instead of providing impartial access to data, they have led to the polarization of society.
gRPC Testing gets a bad wrap. Here's a different perspective on the open-source system
We know all the names of the big guys who can give us instant access to information, but with far-reaching data leaks and continued concerns about how our data is shared online, many people are looking for alternative search engines. Here is a primer on search engines and some alternatives you can use in 2020.
Scraping Google News Results can get you access to articles from thousands of sources, including CNN, BBC, Reuters, etc.
One of these issues you might stumble across using the PHP framework Laravel is this one:
Elements of effective meta descriptions to boost SEO: target keyword, correct length, and a direct answer to the user's search query.
Google finally gave the world at large the first glimpse of its chatbot Bard this past week, and.. it was bad. Really bad.
Austin here, your friendly neighborhood software engineer from Hacker Noon, with some exciting news! We are pleased as punch to announce that contributing writers can now see pageviews and total time reading for all stories published with Hacker Noon since we began in 2016. How cool is that? Previously our stats page was only accessible for recent story performance.
Flutter 2 is opening endless possibilities for application development. Have a look at how Flutter directly benefits businesses.
Web cookies have always been instrumental in achieving the goal of digital marketing. Cookies help advertisers to reach their targeted audience, and also to better understand which part of the marketing campaign that probably needs total reworking. Usually, a cookie is a piece of a snippet that gets integrated into users’ browsers over a period.
There are tons of audio recording apps in the app store, but you know things will be a bit different if Google developed a brand new one. Google recently released a new ‘Recorder’ app that is powered by its state-of-the-art Machine Learning algorithm that can transcribe what it hears with impressive precision in real-time. This is not the first time Google tried to bless its product with some AI ‘superpower’. Some of their prior attempts failed (I’m talking to you Google Clips!) and some had quite formidable success, for example, Google’s Pixel phone camera app.
Google’s potential rival to image-sharing platform Pinterest was quietly launched this summer. So, let’s take a closer look at the new app and explore where it sits in the already vast market of social media platforms.
Using a Template to Create a Trivia Voice App for The Office
In the last few years, I've been dissecting business models of any type, and companies of any size. At the same time, I've been talking, interviewing, and discussing business models and business model innovation with dozens of entrepreneurs, and practitioners.
What does Google Do?
Top Chrome extensions for Product Managers – 2021
Thoughts on the Google Meltdown of 2020, and how Web 3.0 could make the internet “unbreakable”
Researchers recently proved that the phrase is not just a slogan but crucial for protecting our privacy, considering that Google is everywhere for everyone now.
Hundreds of Google and Amazon employees anonymously sign a letter opposing the tech giants’ deal with Israel.
Google employees, dissatisfied with return-to-office plans, have begun to seek alternative employment should these plans be carried out.
A month ago it would’ve been hard to imagine how life would change in what seems overnight. Quarantines have been declared in many countries, and already around one billion people are staying at home, isolating themselves and some working remotely. The public activities have stopped, drug stores are in deficit of protection masks, and food shops are being cleaned of even primary products.
It's always a question what to choose for your app Mapbox or Google maps
Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world, next only to Google. Google, who owns Youtube has slowly been rolling out video search results on its search engine over the last 3 years. We all know video is the future of content consumption. So, I’m here to put the idea out that Youtube is pioneering web search 2.0. We can learn some pretty interesting things about video SEO with this perspective.
As consumer choice proliferates, people will rely even more on online reviews to inform their decisions. This makes reviews an increasingly powerful tool and valuable source of insight for individuals and businesses alike. The problem is that hundreds of millions of people are feeding their valuable insights currently into proprietary data silos of a few dominant platforms.
The concept of programming has been undergoing a huge amount of misconceptions and mix ups. Some freshers or new programmers see the results of the ICPC or any other coding contest in the world, and they really get impressed and rushed out how to approach this domain. Indeed, they start googling these competitive things and search on YouTube, and they, doubtlessly, gain massive confusion. One of the considerable aspects of this confusion is thinking that competitive programmers can directly get hired as Software Engineers in any company, especially, in the big tech companies.
In the final season of Silicon Valley, Hooli ex–CEO Gavin Belson announces “tethics”, a portmanteau of “tech ethics” and a pledge companies can sign to show they uphold the principles thereof. The idea catches on, and it becomes deeply unpopular for a company to not be “tethical”. Pied Piper founder Richard Hendricks is the lone holdout, objecting that the pledge is meaningless.
V8 is not only a famous eight-cylinder engine you can find in Dodge Charger, Bentley Continental GT or Boss Hoss motorcycles. In 2008 The Chromium Project developers released a new JavaScript and WebAssembly engine with the same name – V8, such a groovy reference to the engineering marvel. So one more Vee-eight engine was born.
Apple will emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic as an even more powerful and important company. Indeed, COVID-19 may prove to be Apple’s finest hour. During the first 30 days of the pandemic’s escalation in the United States, Apple stepped up in significant ways, the most notable example being the formation of a relationship with Google to contain the virus with contact-tracing technology. In addition, Apple has, among other actions:
Koinos will now use Google's Protocol Buffers to enable unparallled language support and developer accessibility
Google announces the roll out of page speed experience as part of their ranking factor. Here's how webmasters can test their sites.
Google’s black box algorithm controls which political emails land in your main inbox. For 2020 presidential candidates, the differences are stark. By Adrianne Jeffries, Leon Yin, and Surya Mattu
This AI can reconstruct, enhance and edit your images!
As you know, Google stores a large amount of data about its users. After years of pressure and criticism, Google created a mechanism that allows you to dump all the data it collects about you. This service is called Takeout. Let’s see what Google knows about us and agrees to share.
It’s not just about Google and what coronavirus website
Google’s closed search index makes their control indomitable in the space and shields them from scrutiny. OIP wants to change that.
Learn about my secret way for getting into Google.
Anyone making a career change soon? We used our platform to ask senior FAANG employees heavily involved with the hiring process on behavioral interview questions. 😇 Let’s get it started:
This is a story on how to not spend even a penny by using three ETA (estimated time of arrival) services instead of one. Everything is based on my personal experience working as a back-end developer at GoDee project. GoDee is a start-up project that offers booking seats on a bus online. You could find more information about this project here.
Marketers have been catching up with updates and tweaks made by Google over the years.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, or What You Will
Have you ever observed how a spaceship propels itself into the orbit?
In this post, we will dig into the Google HEART framework: a simple way to ensure you take into consideration every aspect of the user journey.
These extensions will be the best assistance to the designers for creating powerful designs and also, to increase productivity. Good digital branding is responsible for the growth of a company. Thus, the creation of amazing designs should never cease.
We've all ran to Google to research and checked the suggestions right after typing a few words. In this thread, our community shares their Google's suggestions.
A roadmap that can be followed by any software engineer on their next job search and land a job at big tech. i.e. Google, Microsoft, Meta, Apple and Amazon.
If you thought Dall-e 2 had great results, wait until you see what this new model from Google Brain can do. Dalle-e is amazing but often lacks realism, and this is what the team attacked with this new model called Imagen. They share a lot of results on their project page as well as a benchmark, which they introduced for comparing text-to-image models, where they clearly outperform Dall-E 2, and previous image generation approaches. Learn more in the video...
Read this post for insight into why Amazon Advertising is flourishing -- and how Apple and Google are playing into Amazon's hands.
Photo Credit,
Streaming the 'spirit of the times' in culture / tech / startups / future and chill, every Tuesday ✌️
What measures Google, Uber, Microsoft, IBM, Slack and more apply due to coronavirus? Tweets from their employees included.
Has the market cap of cryptocurrencies really exceeded that of Apple? Should you have started buying shitcoins in 2013? Do we still trust Fitbit? Let's discuss.
Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) is one of the best customer acquisition tools you can use if you are running a SaaS firm.
Hi, Hackernoon peeps! Today I will show you guys, how to build one of the most popular games that almost everyone plays while they are offline. If your guessing which game then I am talking about Google Chrome's Dino game. But, Our Dino game is a modified form of Chrome's version as its colored. Now let's go directly on to the tutorial to create a dino run game in python.
This article will touch on how data science can be used in SEO and look at how correlative analysis should be used during the content creation process. For those not familiar with these topics, there will be examples and pictures but as should be expected when covering any complicated topic, the scope of the article will be limited to the main purpose.
Google is well know for its minimal design of its homepage, but has it always been this way?
The search engine dedicated almost half of the first page of results in our test to its own products, which dominated the coveted top of the page
When Google Wave previewed at the 2009 I/O conference, it was a tool like no other. Not only was it the first unified workspace and collaboration platform before the remote-work boom happened, but it also tried to solve many of the same problems we’re facing today.
Google recently announced a new model for automatically generating summaries using machine learning, released in Google Docs that you can already use.
Ex-Google Tech Lead explains why programming is so hard.