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A curated summary of part 1 and part 2 of “Best React Component Libraries for 2019”.
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According to the Stack Overflow survey React grew in popularity by almost 150% from 2017 to 2018. This isn’t really surprising, and among other things is happening thanks to its growing component-based ecosystem.
Some prefer libraries, others to develop their own components (see tools for component workflow mastery). Either way, here is the full list of some of the best 23 UI component libraries and frameworks out there, with a bonus at the end. Note that the list isn’t ranked, but brought as a useful resource. Enjoy.
You can also combine these libraries with Bit, to make each component individually available to discover, share and use without the library.
Every component becomes available to discover, try hands-on in a live playground, and install in your projects using NPM and Yarn. You can even develop components from multiple projects and sync changes between them.
Bit (GitHub) can be used to discover and share components from any open source library, or for your team’s components, so feel free to give it a try.
Find more components from popular React libraries:
Discover Collections · Bit_Discover over 21 component collections for JavaScript libraries and projects. Find and use popular components from the…
React components that implement Google’s Material Design. At over 45k Stars (!), it’s the most popular and widely used React UI library on GitHub.
Material UI Grid-List component
GitHub repo:
mui-org/material-ui_React components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design. …
Individual components collection:
material-ui by mui-org · Bit_React components that implement Google’s Material Design. — 115 Javascript components. Examples: tab , tooltip …
Bootstrap 3 components built with React. At 16k stars, this library remains popular and useful even though we are still waiting for bootstrap 4 support.
React bootstrap buttons
GitHub repo:
react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap_Bootstrap components built with React. Contribute to react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap development by creating an account…
Individual components collection:
react-bootstrap by react-bootstrap · Bit_Bootstrap components built with React — 92 Javascript components. Examples: button-group , alert , modal , navbar …
Beautiful React UI component which focus on essential experience. At over 5k stars, these components take pride in their simple yet beautiful design.
React Grommet buttons
GitHub repo:
grommet/grommet_a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package …
Individual components collection:
grommet by grommet · Bit_a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package. - 73…
Popular React components following the Ant design guidelines and specifications, written in typescript and supporting a rich workflow.
A React-based UI toolkit for the web with over 9K stars and 100 contributors. Components are written in TS and styled with Sass for rapid development.
Blueprint React components
This library provides simple React bootstrap 4 components. With over 4k stars and nearly 100 contributors, it’s a widely popular option for bootstrap fans.
Reactstrap buttons
React Toolbox is a set of React components that implements Google Material Design. It’s built on top of some the trendiest proposals like CSS Modules (written in SASS), Webpack and ES6. At nearly 8K starts it’s very popular.
React Toolbox components- docs have a live playground!
A UI component library which aims to bring a native desktop experience to the web, featuring many macOS Sierra and Windows 10 components.
React Desktop Window Component
Semantic UI React is the official React integration for Semantic UI. With 6.5K stars it’s used by Netflix, Amazon and other great organizations.
React Semantic-UI Dimmer component
GitHub repo:
Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React_The official Semantic-UI-React integration. Contribute to Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-React development by creating an…
Individual components collection:
semantic-ui-react by semantic-org · Bit_The official Semantic-UI-React integration — 76 Javascript components. Examples: button , dimmer , text-area , table …
More than 100 components are specially made for Material and Flat design bringing together the Onsen UI framework and React to build hybrid apps.
Onsen UI React components
React UI component library & design system, built with styled-components and styled-system. With nearly 4k stars it’s a great choice for Styled-components fans.
Rebass React UI components
An experimental UI Toolkit for React.js Websites and Apps with 4k stars and currently developed by the authors of Keystone.js at the Thinkmill.
Elemental UI modal component
A set of React components optimized for mobile & desktop with highly customizable styles which can be configured on the base level as well individually for each one of them.
React belle components
At over 1000 stars, we love this project which provides a rich and unique selection of over 70 UI components with multiple themes. Take a look!
A Primereact Chart component with Bit: play and install
GitHub repo:
primefaces/primereact_PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React - primefaces/
Individual components collection:
primereact by primefaces · Bit_PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React. - 73 Javascript components. Examples: chart , inputtext …
Atlasssian’s official React UI kit is the technical implementation of the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG). Each is even its own package.
Atlaskit Multi-select React component
A set of React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365, written in Typescript. At over 2.5K stars it’s worth checking out (quick-start).
Fabric Nav-Bar React Component
React components according to IBM’s Carbon design system. You can also try them online with
.These somehow almost unnoticed components are Khan’s academy’s React UI components released to the community reaching nearly 1k stars.
Khan’s blur-input React component
This upcoming library is Pinterest’s design studio meticulous set of React UI building blocks used to sync and raise the bar among Pinterest’s teams.
Gestalt React search-filed component
Developed by a team of engineers and designers at Google, this library replaced react-mdl, already reaching nearly 7k stars. Check it out.
A beautiful and highly recommended kit for building a web app with Google’s Material Design with very highly customizable themes and styling (Sass).
React-MD subheaders component
In very active development this project wraps parts of Foundation as React components, and takes pride in simplicity and high coverage. Very nice.
Foundation’s button component with React
GitHub repo:
digiaonline/react-foundation_Foundation as React components. Contribute to digiaonline/react-foundation development by creating an account on…
Individual components collection:
primereact by primefaces · Bit_PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React. - 73 Javascript components. Examples: chart , inputtext …
Pretty much the perfect set of React components for virtualizing large data sets. With nearly 10k stars it is popular as it is useful.
React virtualized components
Sadly, most of them aren’t actively maintained. Still worth checking out.
Microsoft’s UWP design with React.
a React implementation for the china’s popular Amaze-UI cross-platform framework.
React components for enterprise back-end data apps.
A beautiful under-the-radar Chinese React UI library.
Loaders and spinners only.
Material Design for Bootstrap 4 — React version.
mdbootstrap/React-Bootstrap-with-Material-Design_React-Bootstrap-with-Material-Design - React Bootstrap with Material
A beautiful, materialized and flexible React Select control.
stratos-vetsos/react-selectrix_react-selectrix - A beautiful, materialized and flexible React Select
react-materialize/react-materialize_Material design for react, powered by materializecss - react-materialize/
Adding entire libraries can be a burden and make it hard to change stuff on the fly. So, Individual components can be found in Awesome React and Awesome React components as well as here. Hope you enjoyed!
Atomic Design With React And Bit: Simplify a Complex UI_Simplify a complex UI using Atomic Design with React +
5 Tools For Faster Development In React_5 tools to speed the development of your React application, focusing on
How To Share React UI Components Between Projects And Apps_How to easily share and sync your React UI components between all your team’s projects and applications with