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A new podcast just dropped with Dr. Don Wood is a visionary in the field of trauma-informed performance enhancement. With a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling, he has dedicated his career to understanding the impact of trauma on the human mind and performance.
As the founder and CEO of the Inspired Performance Institute, Dr. Wood has developed the groundbreaking TIPP method, a patented approach designed to help individuals overcome trauma and reach their full potential.
If you want to listen to the full podcast, listen on
We all know physical concussions can mess you up. You hit your head, you see stars, you stumble around. Everyone gets it—you need to rest. But what about those invisible hits we take every day? The kind that leaves emotional concussions?
Think about it:
Those words and experiences don't just fade away. They stick with you, chipping away at your confidence, leaving behind deep-seated beliefs that undermine your potential.
This is the world of emotional concussions – a realm of trauma that's often dismissed as "weakness" or "overreacting." Traditional approaches might tell you to just get over it or throw some pills at the problem. But what if there's more to the story?
Dr. Done Wood, creator of The Inspired Performance Program (TIPP), is flipping the script. He's saying those emotional concussions are just as real, just as impactful, as getting knocked on the head. They mess with your wiring on a deep level.
The Trauma Loop: Your Mind's Worst Enemy
These unresolved emotional experiences don't disappear quietly. According to Wood, they create a "trauma loop" running in your subconscious, like a broken record. This constant background stress wreaks havoc:
Here's the craziest part—that trauma loop can sabotage your best efforts. You work hard, try to make good choices, yet something always seems to pull you down. Therapy, self-help…sometimes they help a little, but never seem to fix the core of the problem. That's the trauma loop fighting back.
Escaping the Trauma Loop – Can It Be Done?
So, your body's on fire, your mind's a mess, and your efforts feel futile because of that relentless trauma loop. Is a life beyond survival mode even possible? Dr. Don Wood says YES. And the answer may not be what you expect.
Traditional therapy often focuses on the conscious mind—unpacking memories, analyzing feelings. That's good, but it's like trying to defuse a bomb while only focusing on the timer. Dr. Wood's TIPP approach dives deeper… way deeper.
And there's even more mind-bending stuff from Wood…
Wait, My Ancestors Traumatized Me?
Turns out, the effects of trauma can be passed down through generations – we're talking changes within your DNA. That's called epigenetics, and it's both scary and empowering. The good news is, breaking your own trauma loop might positively impact your kids and even future generations!
Addiction Redefined: Not a Disease, But a Desperate Escape
Dr. Wood flips the script on addiction. He says it's not about weakness or a brain disease, but rather your mind's well-intentioned (but tragically misguided) attempt to numb the pain of unresolved trauma. Fix the underlying issues, and guess what? Addiction and those brutal withdrawal symptoms might melt away.
Those "Mental Illnesses" Might Not Be What We Think
This one might rattle cages…Dr. Wood argues that conditions like depression, ADHD, even schizophrenia, could be your body and mind reacting to overwhelming, unresolved trauma. Not saying meds don't have their place, but what if addressing the root cause could lead to life-changing results?
Fight Back: Small Steps, Big Changes
Understanding trauma loops is huge, but knowing what to do about them is the real game-changer. Here's where it gets exciting and practical:
1. Move Your Body (Even When You Don't Want To)
You've heard it before, but this time it's deeper. Exercise isn't just about biceps; it's about disrupting the trauma loop. When you're depressed, the last thing you want to do is move. But force yourself. Why? Because movement signals to your brain: "Hey, I'm not stuck anymore. I'm breaking the pattern." Even a short walk changes the game.
2. Mindfulness with a Twist
Meditation's great, but if you're deeply wired for stress, sitting still can make anxiety worse. Try this: When you notice the trauma loop revving up—the worry, the anger—don't fight the feeling. Acknowledge it: "Okay, there's the loop…" Now, focus on your body. Notice the tightness in your chest, the heat in your face. This interrupts the mental tailspin and brings you back to the present.
3. The Power of "Reframing"
Your brain is a storytelling machine. Bad events get turned into "I suck" or "The world is against me." Time to rewrite the script. Catch those negative storylines and flip them: "That was a tough experience, but it taught me…" or "I'm a survivor, and I'm getting stronger." Might feel cheesy, but those tiny reframes chip away at the power of the trauma loop.
4. Seek Support (But the Right Kind)
There's power in talking. But not everyone "gets it" when it comes to trauma. Find trusted people or a therapist specializing in trauma-informed care. They'll validate your experience, not just tell you to "get over it." Feeling understood matters.
5. Don't Wait for Perfection
Healing is messy. Some days you'll nail it, others you'll crash. Don't give up. The goal isn't to be a Zen master overnight; it's about consistently chipping away at that trauma loop's power. Small wins add up.
A Note on TIPP Therapy…
Dr. Wood's work is fascinating, but is it right for you? Do your research! Therapy is personal. If those rapid results resonate, seek out a certified TIPP practitioner. If a more gradual process feels better, that's valid too. There's no one-size-fits-all.
The Big Idea
Trauma loops are real, and they can hold you back far more than you realize. Traditional solutions often just scratch the surface. But you're not broken, and you don't have to live under that invisible weight forever. Knowledge is power. Now it's up to you to use it.
You got this.
If you want to listen to the full podcast, listen on or on YouTube.