322 Stories To Learn About Learningby@learn
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322 Stories To Learn About Learning

by Learn RepoSeptember 13th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Learning via these 322 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Learning via these 322 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

Real stories from real tech professionals learning really useful stuff

1. Learning Roadmap for Data Structures and Algorithms

We all know that Data structures and Algorithms are the backbone of every concept we use. There are many concepts involved in Data structures and algorithms (for the sake of convenience, I'll use DSA). There will be many questions for a beginner like how to start learning DSA, as there are many concepts involved and he/she might get confused at the start. In this post, we are going to see a roadmap for learning DSA, which worked out for my friends. I am not saying that this is the perfect roadmap for DSA. You can use your own plans also but this is just an idea. So let's get started.

2. Building Stupid Stuff

A first blog post to reduce (or increase?) the awkwardness.

3. Students Learn More About Money in Games Than in School

How many young people do you know who saved up their money to buy a game? Here's why people are learning more about money in games than at school.

4. Functions in Python—Easy or Hard to Learn & Master?

In this post, I'll give the brief intro of each 6 highly used ML packages, what is the purpose and when to use.

5. Useful Resources for Data Structure & Algorithm Practice

These four resources may be useful for learning about data structures and practicing making algorithms for your advanced programming needs in your work.

6. How to Solve the Accessibility Conundrum of Web 3.0

Here are some suggestions to make beginners comfortable with the Web3 space.

7. How to Accelerate Your Web 3 Learning Curve

After switching my career from the creator economy to Web 3 late last year, I struggled to get up to speed. Here are a few things I did to accelerate my growth.

8. Personal Growth Hack: How to Get the Most Out of Your Project Shortcomings

As project execution becomes more transactional, with expected outcomes, we might run the risk of not documenting the lessons learned.

9. A Conversation with Roberto Ierusalimschy, Creator of Lua

Roberto Ierusalimschy, world-renowned creator of Lua, talks about creating the language and reflects on how it has affected the way he teaches his students.

10. How I Got Started with Blogging as a Software Developer

The idea of starting my own blog has been on my mind for quite some time.

11. Learning Experience Design: Thinking Beyond Modules and Training Sessions

People learn from their experiences. Learning experience design helps us think beyond modules and training sessions and instead develop experiences.

12. How to Get the Most from Your Programming Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Having access to a more experienced programmer who wants to help you grow professionally can speed up your progress. How can you get the most from your mentor?

13. A Roundup Review of the Latest Deep Learning Books

For years, nobody wanted to read about AI. It was a backwater of research, solving toy problems while crashing and burning on real world challenges.

14. Should You Watch Tutorials To Become a Programmer

Tutorials are often the type of media that allows people to learn something the easiest way possible. Tutorials can be made about almost any topic because everything is easier to understand if there are both audio and video instead of just word that are wrote down.

15. My First Tech Talk: How I Prepared and How I Got Through It

Overall, it was a fantastic experience, & I am glad I went live instead of pre-recording.

16. How I Learned to Stop Worrying

As a psychiatrist, I know worrying does not help. Focusing on our sphere of influence, the present moment, and gratitude can help with worry.

17. Could Taking Many AWS Certifications Work Against You?

I have got 7000 odd Linkedin connections and whenever I open my feed I see people posting a screenshot of certificates.

18. What you don’t know about web development

Fear not, this isn’t another mildly aggressive blog post telling you that you’re inferior; I’m not here to tell you what you don’t know about web development.

19. The Secret to Learning: How to Learn 10 Times Faster

Dan Koe unveils the secret to learning quicker.

20. The 10 Best GitHub Repositories for Data Science Learners

Sharyph goes over 10 great GitHub Repositories for Data Science Learners.

21. Digital Education: Opportunities and Challenges Coronavirus Exposed

The number of students not attending schools or universities due to the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 is growing rapidly. This is why governments around the world have decided to convert education to electronic form. While the Covid-19 pandemic significantly pushed the digitalization of the learning process, it also exposed major stumbling blocks in this way.

22. A Guide to Surviving in a Tech Company as a Non-Technical Staff

You have just started working in a prestigious tech company. But the problem is that you have 0% knowledge about tech. Here's how you can survive.

23. How Hackathons Can Help You Build Much-Needed Developer Experience

Hackathons are a great way to get hands-on development experience. They offer developers the chance to learn from more experienced devs and can also be fun.

24. Hacking Business Training With Microlearning

A look at how microlearning is changing the game to ramp up workplace training.

25. The Four Rs: How to Become a Good Programmer

Some best practices for how people learn pulled from the research literature and ways of applying them to learning new things as a software engineer.

26. Reinforcement Learning: A Brief Introduction to Rules and Applications

The brain of a human child is spectacularly amazing. Even in any previously unknown situation, the brain makes a decision based on its primal knowledge. Depending on the outcome, it learns and remembers the most optimal choices to be taken in that particular scenario. On a high level, this process of learning can be understood as a ’trial and error’ process, where the brain tries to maximise the occurrence of positive outcomes.

27. Understand the Intent of Patterns And Principles Before Applying Them


28. How to Apply the Pareto Principle to Learning Any No-Code Platform

How to learn about a No-Code Platform in 20% of the time.

29. Fall in Love With "The Beginner's Mentality"

What's the best way to learn? Think like a beginner! It’s time to take pride in being a beginner and seeking a plurality of viewpoints.

30. How to Succeed in Your Studies : How To Start [ Part 1]

Why? What? How?

31. Java Program to Generate Multiplication Table of the Input Number

Java program to display the multiplication of the input number from 1 to 10.

32. Technology Is Saving The World Amid COVID-19

Technology - often portrayed as an industry that the benefits only the privileged - is actually helping with the fight against the coronavirus. And we don’t mean Medtech.

33. A Quick Guide to Microlearning Apps

Entering the EdTech market, you'd better know the best competitors to compare your product. Discover top microlearning apps in this article.

34. Learn How to Learn, Before Learning How to Code

While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.

35. Why Are We Training AI like Dogs Instead of Humans?

The fundamental problem of the modern AI is that it tries to create a sophisticated trained dog. This approach is a dead end and needs to be drastically changed

36. How To Use Named Scopes In Rails

Named Scopes are a subset of a collection. I will illustrate this with an example. If you have Users and you wish to find all users who have their account confirmed. This means you will have some sort of column in your database that represents this. Let's assume that the column is user_confirmed.

37. What To Do If You Don’t Have a Summer Internship

If you prefer to follow along via my YouTube video, you can watch it here!

38. My Engineering Masters Exchange Experience with Erasmus+ in Sweden

My experience on the Erasmus+ exchange program between Albania and Sweden, from application, residence and travelling, as well as personal/professional gains.

39. Learn Java with These Android Apps

There’s a common misconception in software development that you have to spend hours at the office, chained to a PC and coding books to learn a new programming language. The good news is, with the impressive development of mobile coding education, you can learn on your feet and combine professional development with running personal errands.

40. The Feynman Learning Technique: How to Learn Anything Well

It is 1941 and you have a problem. While you haven’t yet gotten around to defining quantum electrodynamics, or even started your work helping design the atomic bomb, you are nearing the end of your second year of graduate school. This means you have an exam soon.

41. 8 Mistakes we made in our Company’s First 8 Years

When you’re first starting out, everything is a mistake. Everything is a failure and life sucks. But, the mistakes are actually a personal godsend, because you learn from them. You overcome challenges. You make a better thing, or service, because you made mistakes that helped you to grow.

42. How Not to Give up Studying, and How to Make Any Training Effective

The first question you should ask yourself when buying a course or signing up for a webinar is "Why do I need it?"

43. Why Do Most of Us Approach Productivity Incorrectly?

Looking for ways to boost your team's performance? Consider three critical principles that will help maximize productivity and avoid burnout in the workplace.

44. Super Tag is Here! Learn Anything About Any Technology

45. Beginning of a Programming Career

Many of us have various doubts like how to start a career in Programming?? I too had the same doubt .I had know one to guide for me. So, first I started to learn HTML and CSS which led the way for web development.

46. How to Learn Things Fast Without Going Crazy

As people who work in the tech industry, we often need to learn new technologies for our work. But how can you actually learn things fast?

47. LetsUpgrade Free Coding School


48. How To Get Out Of Tutorial Hell

There are many ways to break out of tutorial hell. Start your own project. Contribute to open source. Join a community.

49. One Small Step for You, One Big Step for Your IT Career

We all sometimes try taking on more significant tasks than we can deliver on—it stems directly from our human inability to evaluate complex tasks correctly.

50. My First Experience Deploying an ML Model to Production

In this blog, I will be sharing my learnings and experience from one of the deployed models.

51. How I Use Zettelkasten and Obsidian to Keep My Notes Organized

I use Zettelkasten and Obsidian to make a connected web of notes that help me with being more productive and learning new concepts much faster than normal.

52. Top 5 Reasons Why "Top [X] Posts" Aren't That Bad

Finding myself annoyed by all the "Top X Things to Know About Y" posts, I'm taking some time to list the top 5 things that I find positive about them.

53. How Effective is Online Employee Training?

In this article, we will talk about how effective employee training is online, as well as which programs can be moved online and which cannot.

54. Despite Her Mysterious Nature, People Couldn't Help but Be Drawn to Her

This is a fairy tale about a mysterious girl named Alice who discovers a powerful tool called ChatGPT in an enchanted forest.

55. Navigating the Challenges of Learning OOPs Principles

Understand OOPs concepts in an easy way.

56. What is an API, Simply Explained

Connectivity is something amazing. Right now, we are used to use our computers or phones to buy, post, watch, etc. We can do lots of things actually. We are connected to the world and to each other.

57. Becoming Consistent

Becoming Consistent

58. When I give, I have control: Meet the Writer Baptiste Monnet

Baptiste Monnet, on personal development, cooking videos, and the danger that comes with Lithium mines. Read the latest in the "Meet the writer" series.

59. What Makes A Good Open Source Learning Platform

Open edX is can be a very powerful tool that needs some expertise to use. Companies like Raccoon Gang, Opencraft and more can help you tailor a programme.

60. Why Web Development Is So Difficult

Are you struggling while starting learning CSS and HTML? Do you feel overwhelmed with sooooo many properties? Don’t they look like the same? Haven’t you tried with a couple of tutorials (that you feel they are easy to do at the moment) but feel you don’t have the knowledge to start from the scratch?

61. Intermediate Python Refresher: Tutorial, Project Ideas, and Tips

This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.

62. How to Configure a Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera

I picked up the new Raspberry Pi High Quality camera last week. It’s pretty impressive. In this article, I’ll show you some ways to interact with this camera and do some cool stuff with it.

63. An Unusual Advice for Those Beginning to Code

There is a topic that permeates across all areas of knowledge, yet it is seldom mentioned. I would dare claim that knowledge wouldn't exist without it. That is the non-contradiction principle.

64. Can Video Games Replace Cramming?

Can we learn through video games? Can eLearning games completely replace textbooks? What makes us have fun?

65. How To Use Faster One Font: Quick Tips

how to choose font, how to design, learn design, what's a good font, faster one font

66. Python Library vs. Implementation From Scratch: 7 Things to Consider

The question of from-scratch implementation vs Python library comes up once in a while, no matter the goal of your project.

67. The Key to a Good Relationship With Your Manager

What kind of relationship do you have with your manager? Is it a thriving one or are you barely surviving?

68. Learn How to Build an HTTP API with Rust

In this article, I'll write about the developer experience of developing the above application in Rust, compared to what I'm used to with Spring Boot.

69. Decentralized Learning: Debunking Myths About Education

Blockchain will help revolutionize the education system. The concept of "Ongoing Learning Journeys" will change the way have been seeing learning and education.

70. Free Courses for Learning HTML: 2020 Edition

HTML and CSS are the pillars of web development. They are used to create web pages. HTML provides the structure to your web page while CSS provides them the style to look better. I know most people use Bootstrap: a CSS library to make their web pages look beautiful and professional. But, basic knowledge of the CSS concept is very important to understand how bootstrap works.

71. 6 Reasons to Know At least One Programming Language

When you start reading this, I’m assuming you don’t know much about programming and you’re highly curious about why you need to learn a new language when you’re not aware of why you actually need it. Here I’m giving you 6 reasons for you to learn a new programming language.

72. My Approach To Not Understanding

When creating any software, it is almost inevitable to spend a big part of your development time researching, and many times this involves looking for syntax you don't remember, or for finding out how other people have approached the same problem you are trying to solve.

73. How to Understand Source Code and Delve Deep into the Codebase

Learn a new codebase by diving into it with debuggers to understand the full extent of internal semantics & interactions within the project.

74. Encoding  Base128 Varints, Explained

A process of converting data from one format to another is called encoding. In this process the data and format both can be variable, means for any kind of data to any kind of format, if we do any conversion, the process will be called encoding. Based on the nature of data there are quite a few terms that are popular like media encoding, character encoding. Media Encoding refers to converting audio, video files to different formats e.g. mp3, avi, wav, etc.

75. Problem-Solving For New Software Developers

Becoming an experienced software developer doesn’t mean knowing the solution to every problem, nor does it depend on knowing the entire system and its many edge cases.

76. Why Mutable Developers are Essential for Learning New Paradigms

The process to learn functional programming can be daunting and slow as new concepts are involved. Here are 5 tips for you to consider when learning FP.

77. Five Book Recommendations For Serverless Developers

Five books you must read if you are going serverless including books by Eric Evans, Richard Rodger, Chris Richardson, and more.

78. 5 Places to Learn About Blockchain and Cryptocurrency for Free

Considering that the crypto world is fairly new, education platforms are critical to accelerating the adoption of crypto assets on a global level.

79. Online Schooling Vs Traditional Schooling: Choose Wisely

In this digital age, schooling designs have moved beyond the physical infrastructure.

80. Upskill Your Managers With Mini-M Support Groups

A Mini-M is a group of managers that meet weekly or biweekly. The meeting is a combination support group and working session.

81. 5 Reasons why eLearning Might Become the New Normal

With the rise of the cloud and live streaming services for education, the popularity of online education has grown at an astounding rate. It provides learners with multiple benefits, from reducing the costs of education to adapting to their learning habits. The Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures have also resulted in the faster adoption of virtual learning.

82. My Takeaways from IN/Clojure 2020

The day began with that brisk energy that one can sense only when a passionate group comes together. There was already a precedent set during the pre-conference workshops that were a big hit (as heard from my source, Neethu who took part in one of them)

83. HTML and CSS Tips From a Newbie

About a month ago I started Microverse’s Technical Curriculum and two days ago I finished its first module, HTML and CSS.

84. The Benefits of Attending College Online

While some will never reach for a higher level of education after high school graduation, there are those who wish they could go to college, yet they don’t think it possible. For one reason or another, they know they could never physically attend classes. The development of attending college online has made it possible for almost anyone to get a college diploma. Here are seven benefits to online schooling.

85. Reasons Why You Should Choose the Microverse Coding Course As Beginner

Hello World! I’m Sayyod and I’m a financier. I have almost 5 years of experience in banking. From my childhood, I loved to work on the computer and play video games. At the same time, this love led me to create programs and games such as that. This desire never left me even during study time at the university and also in working time. My mind always thought about it. My whole free time I spent searching how to learn coding from 0. If you surf the internet with patience like me, you can find too many sites and courses which teach you online and promise to become a great developer. Here I will tell you shortly about my search results. I would like to divide them into 2 types: payable and free.

86. Using Space Invaders to Prove All Games are Educational

Are all games educational? Are games a guilty pleasure or an unparalleled learning experience? Here’s the answer using Space Invaders as an example.

87. Flawed Education: School System Does Not Translate to Education

“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” – John Dewey

88. What is Scala and Should it be Your First Programming Language?

In the early 2000s, the future of Java looked doubtful. Other programming languages had emerged, and Java no longer looked as attractive as it once had, even though it was still very widely used.  Along came Scala.

89. Angular & Spring Boot - Using Serenity BDD for Integration Testing

Learn how to write fluent integration tests for modern web applications!

90. Top 10 Books to Learn Java

This collection lists the best Java books. The books are listed in ascending order of the reader's level of training.

91. How to Learn Enough React to be Dangerous

Most of React courses are outdated. Best up to date resources to learn React in 2021 NetNinja Codeevolution. Focus on Hooks and functional components

92. Hacking College During COVID-19

In the last few months everything about our lives has either disappeared or gone online. Instead of going out to restaurants we order meals through apps. Instead of going to the grocery store we order groceries through apps. And instead of going into an office or school, many of us are working and going to school online. Online school has some implications for the long term, particularly when it comes to college. College is an important time to network and meet people who will be in your field throughout your lifetime, so what happens to college when everything moves online?

93. Teaching is Learning: 5 Perks of a Two-Way Knowledge Transfer

In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others.

94. 9 Things I‘ve Learned About Running a Startup

Almost 2 years ago, we launched Meddy out of a class project at college. We faced our fair share of challenges from lawsuits to team conflicts to engineering issues etc.

95. How Writing Can Help Developers Succeed

Recently I was listening to Jason Fried in the chase Jaris podcast, for you who doesn’t know Json Fried he is the chief executive officer of Basecamp...

96. The Feynman Technique: The Secret to Learning

Learn How To Learn With the Feynman Technique

97. 8 Essential Non-Technical Tips Every Software Developer Should Know

As a software development company, it’s easy to focus on technical excellence while forgetting that a lot of what creates that excellence isn’t technical in nature at all. Culture, practices, and all those ‘soft’ things in and around the technical heavily influence the way software gets built, and the quality of output.

98. The Ultimate Guide to Data Structures & Algorithms for Beginners

The need of the hour, especially in the corporate world, is to find professionals who have sufficient knowledge about data structures and algorithms.

99. How These Tech Solutions May Solve Challenges That Online Teaching Facing

During these pandemic times, one of the biggest concerns for teachers is how they will continue to engage students and keep an eye on their progress from afar.

100. Best Resources for Software Engineers

Top websites and creators for software engineers and developers. My choice of resources to stay up to date with the latest programming tools and solutions.

101. To Infinity and Beyond: Java Developer Roadmap

So how long does it take to learn Java? Ten years, ten weeks, or one day? Maybe your whole life? You may find very peculiar answers to this question on some online forums. Let’s make it clear from the very beginning. In this article “to know Java” doesn’t mean you can write “Hello world program”. It is about knowing Java well enough to find your first job.

102. Trained by School, Yet Failing at Life

The modern school system is not the definition of education rather education is one of the subsets that come under the school system. Schools teach facts, inculcate discipline in a manner that stops children from questioning and kills their curiosity. Life, on the other hand, requires thinking, colouring outside the lines. Schools, instead of teaching survival skills, developing interpersonal and communication skills, teaching how to negotiate, teach children to memorize facts.

103. Top 7 Best Live Video Streaming Services for Education & E-Learning in 2022

In this article, we'll explore the best live video streaming services for education to distribute & monetize educational videos with ease!

104. Why (and how) our startup spends $10K on our annual retreat

A few weeks ago we finished another company retreat. It was our best one yet.I’m sad to see it come to an end, but also breathe a sigh of relief — After all, a lot of time goes into 48h of pure company bonding time.

105. The Four Types Of Machine Learning

There are three types of machine learning. Initially, there were three, but later type added one more type to the ranks of machine learning types. Thus in total

106. The New Motto For Businesses is 'Die or AI'

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is radically transforming businesses across the world. Businesses and people must adapt quickly or risk becoming irrelevant.

107. The 3 Part Framework to Effective Learning

A hands-on practical system for learning from the learner's perspective.

108. Cleaning Out The Kitchen 👨‍🍳 — Student’s Life Used to Explain Blockchain 🔗

109. Launching Your Own JavaScript Based Face Recognition Algorithm [A How-To Guide]

JavaScript based face recognition with Face API and Docker.he

110. Succeed at Getting Organized with the Following Tips

Benjamin Franklin once said, “for every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” If one of America’s founding fathers believes so much in the benefits of being organized then don’t you think you should too? Okay, so you’re not born with the knack for organizing, but like any other skill, it can be learned. Organizing is a habit that you can develop and cultivate until it becomes second nature.

111. These are the best Courses to Learn New Java Features from JDK 8 to JDK 13

There are many useful features introduces from Java 8 to Java 13 like lambda expressions, Stream API, New Date, and Time API, Creating Immutable Lists, var for storing local variables without types, String in switch case, Text Block and many more.

112. I was today years old when I found out...

We know there's still a lot to discover, and in this slogging thread, you can find some random facts that we discovered the real truth later than we expected.

113. What Is Project-Based Learning Method for Self-Taught Developers

When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.

114. 12 Top Websites for Programmers, Developers, and Product People

  1. StackExchange

115. CSS3 Media Queries for Responsive Design on Mobile Screens

116. Tips for Engineering Graduates

Mechanical Engineering Graduates, here are some tips to kick-start your career. Because we know how difficult and challenging it is in this domain, with so many unanswered questions, especially for beginners.

117. My Weekend at Hack@Brown Changed My Life

My experience at my first Hackathon - how it transformed the way I approach tech and what I'll do to advance this new profound appreciation.

118. Motivation from Mathematics: Hire for Slope, not Y-Intercept

Forget about the y-intercept; slope is the only thing that matters in the long run.

[119. Top Dev Teacher -

Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019]( UPDATE

120. Pluralsight Vs. Udemy Vs. Codecademy Vs. Educative

Hello guys, how are you doing? I am again back with answering one of the familiar doubts among programmers and online tech learners, Pluralsight, or Udemy? Which are the better websites for learning code and leveling up your programming skills?

121. 6 Best Websites to Learn Blockchain Online

Here is a list of the best websites and online learning platforms to learn Blockchain.

122. A 4-min Introduction To Restful APIs

API (Application programming interface), an intermediary between two or more services, provides a set of rules that define communication between services

123. Metaverse Schooling: Seeking Education in Web 3.0

Metaverse schooling is a revolutionary new way of learning that promises to upend the education system whilst providing students with an immersive and interactive experience that blurs the lines between physical and virtual classrooms.

124. Default Parameters in JavaScript: Beginners Guide

In this short article we will cover Function Defaults and learn how to use it in our day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.

125. Hacking Time — Is There a Way to Gain More for What You Want?

We’re all susceptible to miscalculation and misuse of time, so how do we use the tools available to make our time work for us?

126. Why And Where You Can Learn C Programming For Free

In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,

127. VR Technology and Metaverse Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages

The topic of learning in the Metaverse is gaining momentum. This article discusses how much Metaverse is suitable for online learning and what are disadvantages

128. How to Include Bootstrap in Your Next Web Development Project

First of all, web development is an interesting discipline because things are always changing, evolving, and improving. But, as a beginner to front end web development, the constant change could be a barrier to your learning and motivation.

129. Profitable Business Opportunities in Online Education

Online education has witnessed a major rise during the period of 2019-2020. Especially after Covid 19 imposed lockdown, the online learning market has seen a massive growth rate globally with the increase in emphasis on e-learning.

130. 19 Apps and Websites All Student Developers Should Check Out

In this world of technology, there are various apps built to ease the life and work of student developers.

131. Learning AI if You Suck at Math — P4 — Tensors Illustrated (with Cats!)

Welcome to part four of Learning AI if You Suck at Math. If you missed parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 be sure to check them out.

132. 20 Fun DIY Java Projects To Fine Tune Your Skillset

This is a rundown of amazing Java project ideas that will set off your career in programming. Given, there are dozens of projects that could help you learn or perfect some basic or complex Java tasks. But if you are a beginner who is rather skeptical about venturing out on your own, the projects in this mini-guide have been handpicked specifically for you.

133. JavaScript Practical Coding Challenges For Beginners

Hello JavaScript code newbie! In this article I'm proposing you a series of coding challenges that will help you practice the basic language constructs and algorithms.

134. Explore the HackerNoon Brand Manual

Thank you for checking out HackerNoon's Brand Manual.

135. Education: A Brand And Its Consequences

In the modern-day, intangible assets have assumed greater importance as far as modern companies are concerned. A brand is a powerful differentiator indeed. Branding education, however, has both positive and negative implications.

136. Benefits of Financial Independence For Software Engineers

If you read this post, chances that you are a software developer who is seeking financial advice for smart money-saving or investment or early retirement.

137. Ivy League Schools: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Ivy League colleges are all the top tier colleges that ensure a promising academic career with an abundance of career opportunities at the students’ doorstep as soon as they graduate. They provide a holistic and rigorous experience to their students however if one really breaks it down to its foundation, the purpose of an Ivy League college is the same as a community college or a virtual university; and that is to provide an education to its students.

138. Coursera is Giving Out $100 Discounts For New Years

Coursera is giving our $100 discounts for New Years.

139. How Instant Access To Information Affected Our Perception Ability

The access to information we have thanks to the advance of technology is at a fascinating increase. This is how it affects our ability to perceive information.

140. Big Tech Companies Need Machine Learning Engineers

Machine learning is no longer a sci-fi concept, but an actual application of AI technology we use every day.

141. Level Up Your Team: Proven Methods for Developing Software Engineers and Driving Results

High-performing teams proactively develop their engineers to address the team's skill gaps, using methods such as tutorials, mentorship and stretch assignments

142. 5 Notable Cryptocurrency Conferences to Attend in 2022

Are you looking for 2022 crypto conferences? Here I gathered 5 the most notable cryptocurrency conferences you should attend. Most of them are online.

143. Top 10 Resources for Learning Solidity

If you want to become a smart contract developer on Ethereum, then you need to learn Solidity. Let's look at 10 great sources that can help you on your journey.

144. Today Is My 33rd Birthday: Suprise, It's Life!

I have never been on Hackernoon before, it was just one of those things that my endless cycle of mad clicking, ADD inspired pursuits of I don't know what don't me here moment. It's April 28th and I have finally been able to mildly celebrate my birthday for the first time in 3 years... Yeah, that's right! 3 years. I'll get to that in a sec. But I wanted to let you all know that I have first completed my first semester of college courses. Just 2, no biggie.

145. Elden Ring is Not Fast-Food Entertainment

Elden Ring might seem difficult at times, but the game’s complex combat system ensures that players can overcome seemingly impossible situations,

146. Consistency as a Moat: How to Write More by Prioritizing your Weaknesses

The best way to optimise consistency is to prioritize the things which you're worse at, or where you can have improvement.

147. 3 Types of Successful eLearning Business Models

As people are increasingly looking for convenient and flexible options to learn from the comfort of their homes, eLearning has become a viable path toward acquiring knowledge and education. For subject experts and edupreneurs, the rise in eLearning presents a huge opportunity to establish and grow their businesses. Not just to make money but to create a community of loyal students as well.

148. How Lifelong Learning is the Future of Education

Imagine enrolling with an educational institution for a course that lasts a lifetime, with a curriculum covering multiple disciplines.

149. What I Learned In My First Year As a Digital Student

Exactly one year ago I have decided to heavily invest in myself starting with education, sport and healthy eating. While calculating the approximate cost of my new life plan I have realized that certain adjustments will have to be made. That’s when I remembered that we live in a world of free digital possibilities. So I made a pact with myself to learn as much as possible with 0 financial investments. Here’s what I got out of it.

150. 4 Valuable Lessons I Learned as a Data Science Student

I never really wanted to learn data science.

151. Getting started with Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is becoming increasingly popular as its applications expand. But how can one learn it? Here is how to get started with Quantum Computing.

152. How to Make Documentation Easier to Read

Let’s see how you can develop the skill of reading documentation! Most importantly, start by getting your answers from the documentation as you struggle.

153. 7 Things I’ve Learned as a Software Developer

In this Blog Post, I share some of the things I have learned so far while working as a Software Developer.

154. Learning How To Learn Is One of The Most Valuable Skills You Can Learn

Ever been stuck not knowing how to learn to code? Look no further than here! In this guide I will teach you 3 ways to learn more efficiently and effectively.

155. 3 Ways Personal Projects Make You A Better Developer

156. How to Learn Effectively with Your Personal Programming Projects

This article acts as a step-by-step guide that you can follow to start on your projects and learn along the way.

157. The Largest Role-Playing Game In the World Is Not What You Expect

The largest role playing game in the world is, and has always been, politics.

158. The Significance Of Technology In Education Industry

In today’s modern education system, technology is playing a fundamental role in automating tasks, which are rule-based, monotonous, tedious and frustrating. Automation. This word has as of late, increased a ton of consideration from different divisions over the globe.

159. How Games Will Transform (or Destroy) Business Schools

The value of a college diploma or degree in business has been losing ground for some time now and the Internet is more powerful than the status quo

160. Ideas, Manage, Build, Write: Vaibhav Saini on Optimal Learning Process

Prolific Hacker Noon contributor Vaibhav Saini from India has been nominated for three 2020 #Noonies in the Decentralization and Back to the Internet Award categories.

161. 4 Questions to Ask When Learning New Technology

it's easy to think we understand a certain technology when in reality it's not the case. So what questions can we ask to make sure we do?

162. How Coronavirus Is Ushering A New Quality Standard in Online Education

We are living amidst an unprecedented shift in global education with college professors becoming Zoom adapts overnight, the class of 2020 to graduate virtually, continuous learning platforms on the lookout for the best performing interaction technologies, and the new wave of EdTechs officially upon us.

163. Why You Should Consider Becoming an Ethical Hacker in 2021

Ethical hackers are skilled people who are given access to the network, by relevant authorities, and then they report the loopholes in the system. If the ethical hackers realize that there is something that is wrong in the network, they report the happening to the relevant authorities and the necessary action is taken. This is a job that requires people with relevant networking skills such as Social engineering, Linux and cryptography among others.

164. How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #1]

Physical textbooks are reprinted once a year at best according to the waterfall process. Their content becomes outdated way before it’s published. And if a textbook is not commercially successful, it means financial losses for the company. One of the solutions is to create digital content right from the start, not just digitalize published content. This would allow for updates on the spot and the creation of customized materials that can be then published.

165. How To Choose The Best Programming Course

If are like most people, you don’t want to spend a lot of time and money on something that may not even work. The same principle goes with the programming courses. These days there are so many of them, and most people, who are beginners don’t know which one they should pick. Most of them end up spending more time and money than they needed.

So, in this article, I am gonna point out all the things that you need to know to choose the best programming course for your needs. I am going to list courses that will suit your goals the best and will have the best bank for the buck and also save you a quite lot of time. Let’s go!

166. How You Can Discover Your Unknown Knowns

If you feel like you suffer from imposter syndrome, comprehension gaps or a decrease in personal growth, it may be time to hit the yellow brick road.

167. How to Become an Agileish Super Learner

Learn how you can become an agileish superhero. Discover your super learning, super memory, and super thinking superpowers.

168. 4 Certifications to Help You Become an Enterprise Architect

It can be hard to secure an enterprise architect role. Here are some certificates to help you make a good impression.

169. I almost quit my job until I learned from these mistakes.

Have you ever been frustrated and felt like quitting? Well, wanting to quit one's job is normal, but little did I know. These are my biggest mistakes & lessons.

170. What I Wish I Knew Before Building with Bootstrap

I don’t know if it’s just me and the way I was raised, but I had the wacky idea that Bootstrap was supposed to make things easier for building websites. It turns out it doesn’t. At least not if you’re new to it.

171. What Can Software Engineers Learn from Public Policy Professionals?

Public Policy is quite an obscure profession. It hides in plain sight. Most people don’t realize that there’s a piece of sophisticated machinery that constantly shapes the world they live in — a system under but also beyond politics. So let’s define it first. Public policy is any state-initiated and state-executed intervention to get a certain outcome. This outcome could be a lot of things — increase in literacy, reduced corruption, increase in exports, people using products made within the country, and so on. All of them, in theory, have the long term good of the citizens as an ever-present overarch.

172. True Engineering Enablement Starts with Onboarding

Engineering enablement cannot start with the tools and the process; great enablement must start with the engineers. And your engineers start with onboarding.

173. 5 Essential Skills to Foster in Young Entrepreneurs to Cultivate Success

Let’s highlight 5 essential skills required to succeed as a kid entrepreneur.

174. The Turing Technique: How I Learned to Get Better At Chess and Its Variants

Having an addiction to playing Chess can be a huge problem for your daily life. If you want to kick the addiction, perhaps playing against bots might be helpful

175. How To Continue Coding and Improving After Bootcamps and Tutorials

A year ago, I had almost zero experience in software engineering. Yet, this was something I ever wanted to do. So when I got the opportunity to become one, I jumped right into it.

176. "How To Be A Person In The World" and Other Books in Our Startup Library

Hello Everyone,

177. A Principal Software Engineer's Guide to Planning Projects Painlessly

Planning as a principal engineer is all about bringing engineering, business, and people close together. Here are the things to consider.

178. Develop Chatbots for Learning Reinforcement

Chatbots are a powerful way to teach and learn, and this course shows you how to build them from scratch.

179. Train Your Own Neural Network

These days, using Machine-Learning and particularly Deep-Learning solutions to solve many technical challenges has become a norm.

That’s mainly thanks to having access to unprecedented volumes of data, hardware advancements, and academic progress.

Many problems are tackled by modeling Neural-Networks, feeding them with tons of data, and consequently they “learn” and turn artificially “smarter”.

While we, humans, are still smarter than our computers - we do suffer from an inferior processing speed of information.

We can’t read a million books over throughout our lifetime.

180. Online Learning: 3 Initial Experiences at Microverse

After I got my Engineering diploma I have worked in several places. Those are professional factories including Croissant Production and Juice Extraction plants. I was dealing with data in all of those places.

181. Study Blockchain in 60 Minutes: New Online Course Launched By Blockdegree

Blockdegree-- an esteemed member of the US Education Blockchain Action Network --has launched a Blockchain Foundational Video Programme-- Study Blockchain in 60 minutes.

182. Top 10 IT Certifications That Get You The Highest-Paying Jobs in 2021

Let’s discuss the Top 10 IT Certifications in 2021 that offer high-paying jobs including ITIL, CISSP, The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Cert, and more

183. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails [Beginners Guide]

Recently I learned Ruby On Rails, an amazing framework, you can easily build complex web applications with it. In this article, I want to talk about Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails, a tool that can help you build a more responsive web application in a simple way. With it, you can manage all your JavaScript in the server and you don’t need to pollute your HTML files, there is no need for adding events listeners and ajax requests.

184. Employee Training Amid The Pandemic: The Tools You Need to Succeed

The idea of "employee training" is adapting to global pandemic working requirements using authoring tools, learning management systems & web conferencing tools.

185. 5 Reasons to Get Published on HackerNoon

Check out 5 reasons for aspiring writers and tech enthusiasts to get published on HackerNoon!

186. The Best Way to Learn Arduino for Beginners 

Are you interested in Arduino, but don't know where to start? Here are 5 resources to help!

187. What You Can Learn Next in Your Journey as a Developer

In your software development career, you’ll never run out of new things to learn.

188. 5 Steps You Need to Make as Beginner Web Developer

When most people fantasize about the idea of starting a web development hobby (or career) they get eventually frustrated. Hard.

189. Four Tips For The Newly Minted Remote Student

As the classroom of the future changes, the students also need to adapt. As educational institutes are looking at long Coronavirus closures with millions of kids out of school worldwide, they are scrambling to reimagine how they can educate their students.

190. My Story About Getting the Salesforce Administrator Certification

Spoiler: Achieving the certification was not an all smooth journey...

191. What I Learned About Making Software From My 3 Year Old Daughter

It's amazing how much you learn about people and about yourself once you have a kid. You can see below some of the lessons I’ve learned from my 3 year old daughter and which I believe are also applicable in building software products.

192. How I Went From Forensic Officer to Programmer

My post will help you to start work from home by teaching you to become a Software Development.

193. Programming Principles for Beginners

A lot of us have struggled with algorithms and data structures. When I began with programming at my University, the name of a subject that got my attention and got me motivated to find my life call was the Principles of programming. I started devoting a lot of time to figuring out how to solve professors' assignments. Now those algorithms are easy for me but then they were not, and I couldn’t pass the exam, I had the wrong approach in learning, you can not memorize them, you must practice and figure out what you need to do.

[194. CyberSec Games Part I:

Backdoors & Breaches]( Backdoors & Breaches is an Incident Response Card Game that contains 52 unique cards to help you conduct incident response tabletop exercises and learn attack tactics, tools, and methods.

195. Asking for Help the Right Way

When we were small, we asked for help all the time. Dependent on our parents, friends, teachers and siblings to help us navigate the complexities of life, asking for help seemed like the most natural thing to do. As a child, I don’t remember dealing with any painful emotion while asking for help, worrying about what it would do to my self-esteem or the damaging effect on the image I have built for myself. I was happy to learn from everyone around me, knowing I could rely on people to give me useful advice when I needed one. Indeed, the best feeling in the world.

196. Writing CSS Rules for a Better Relationship with Stickler CI

When you start this way of learning the fundamentals of HTML and CSS you can find a lot of web sites that can help you to know HTML semantic tags, how to name classes, how to write rules for tags, events, animations... and even how to use more advanced models as FlexBox and CSS grid.

197. 10 Tips to Help You Become a Digital Marketing Professional Without a Degree

Are you looking to become a digital marketer but don't want to get a degree? Here are ten ways that you can become one without having it!

198. How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #2]

The story "How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #1]" you can read here.

199. IIT Delhi's New, Free Online AI Course

The Indian Institutes of Technology, or IITs, are 23 premiere higher education universities, with around 16,000 students, as of 2020.

200. The Importance of Unlearning

The world of software is constantly changing at a very fast pace. Yesterday’s axioms might be tomorrow’s anti-patterns.

201. How To Choose Which Book You Should Read Next

Books are part of Entertainment Industry.

202. JohnnyTheCoder Cares About the Environment; Getting People Hired

John Selawsky (US) is a coding tutor and 4x Hacker Noon Awards Nominee who’s been on a journey. Read on to enjoy Johnny's quick takes on real-life goals, rewards, learning, and more.

203. Don’t Be Ashamed of Tutorial Hell. Embrace it.

Learning is a process of creating knowledge in your brain. You have to allow your brain to make connections.

204. 2018 Crypto Bear Market and What We Can Learn From It

At the end of 2018, I was analyzing the reasons for the bear market in cryptocurrency. It is interesting to look back and check if something has changed. Potentially it could let us predict future movement and development.

205. Learning the art of Informational Interviews : Best Practices

How to prepare and execute informational interviews to land a job faster.

206. How to Hack Home Learning

COVID-19 has caused schools all around the world to close their doors and send millions of students to start learning from home. This sudden change is bound to cause problems, and parents, teachers, and students are feeling the effects of this change. Parents are concerned about how well their children will react to the new learning environment. Nearly 90% of parents of students that are learning from home are worried that their child may start to fall behind academically and more than 8 out of every 10 parents are struggling to keep their child engaged and paying attention.

207. Hosted LMS vs SaaS LMS: How do they Differ?

Are you confused between Hosted & SaaS LMS? On that note, this article delves further into a comparison between two LMS solutions: SaaS LMS versus Hosted LMS.

208. How Big Data is Shaping Adaptive Learning

Big data analytics will likely drive more widespread adoption of adaptive learning tools, especially regarding big data for education and learning environments.

209. How to Think Like a Data Scientist or Data Analyst

Data science is a new and maturing field, with a variety of job functions emerging, from data engineering and data analysis to machine and deep learning. A data scientist must combine scientific, creative and investigative thinking to extract meaning from a range of datasets, and to address the underlying challenge faced by the client.

210. Why Side Projects Are Important

To some, the idea of side projects is an unwelcomed distraction. They have what they need to do, and they need to get it done before the next thing. For others, side projects are a key motivation of the day-to- day.

211. Put Your Binge-Watching Habit to Use and Learn a Language

So you’ve worked your way through all the good TV shows and movies? Next step: use your binge-watching habit to learn a new language. Here’s how.

212. Taking On Computer Science

ʺDon’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself. ʺ -Bill Gates

213. 10x10: Ten Life Lessons from a Developer After Ten Years in the Industry

After 10 years I realised, there are a bunch of things I wish I would have known before I started programming. Or at least I wish I would have learned sooner.

214. How To Create React Apps From Scratch: [Part 1 - Setting Up]

Since React is currently one of the most in-demand front-end technology, I have decided to start a course series that intends to show you how to create the React js app from scratch to finish.

215. Cloud Computing Basics: A Quick Guide for Newbies

Regardless of your background having a basic understanding of cloud computing is an invaluable skill.

216. Arrays in Ruby: Benefits and Costs to Use Them

Data structures are eagerly introduced to new programmers, since they will be using them pretty much through their whole career. Knowing them, how they work, what are they good for, which one to use, are things that can change the performance of your solutions quite vastly.

217. Java Coding Problems Review

I recently bought Java Coding Problems by Anghel Leonard because the topics covered in this book interested me as a Java trainer. I decided to buy it after I saw the TOC here. Since Java has started to evolve quite fast is hard to keep myself up to date and is quite easy to miss new Java features or to not have time to explore them in detail.

218. What I Learned Working 6 Weeks on a Sh*tty Side Project

About a month ago, I started working on Unfluence! It was going to be the perfect side project. In fact, Here is a list of things why it was going to be a perfect side project.

219. How To Manipulate DOM Elements In React

DOM Manipulation is the process by which one can dynamically change the content of the web page. Working with DOM should be fairly easy.

220. Introductory Guide to Debug Node.js Apps with Built-in or VS Code Debugger

If you ask me on which task I've spent most of my time as a software developer, it would probably be bug fixing. Working with JavaScript apps, I've used console.log when debugging surely more than I should have. Learning how to become efficient at finding bugs in programs is a very important skill that can save you a lot of time. Debuggers help you with that task by providing tools to analyze your programs and run control execution flow.

221. Using LVM to Serve Old Laptop as a Cloud Storage Engine Service at home with all External Hard Drive

Using LVM to Serve Old Laptop as a Cloud Storage Engine Service at home with all External Hard Drives.

222. Education Technology and Smart Classrooms

Education Technology (Ed Tech) and Smart Classrooms have been changing the traditional method of education, teaching and learning methods. Education technology refers to the integration and application of software, hardware and educational theories for facilitating learning in an interesting manner and enhancing the performances through creation, usage and management of suitable technical resources and processes.

223. A Practical Guide to Understanding Systems


224. Investing in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest [Part One]

Life is getting very competitive and if you don't adapt, you, your family and kids are in trouble.

225. How I Started an Open Source Contribution to Firefox-Voice Repository

At first I was a little overwhelmed when I approached the Firefox-voice repository because I had very little experience working with such a large codebase, the code base with a lot of people making contributions. I had to spend a lot of time to setting up communication, running the project locally (with the help of project Readme). I had to spend a very good amount of time understanding the directories, and how to set up the Project on my local machine just to get the application to run. It was really challenging to get this project running at first, I was about to give up but again thanks to the mentor for a fine readme which was helpful in setting this project up and running. As a beginner or someone not familiar with the terms and project niche, it was really hard for me to understand the actual purpose of the project.

226. What Programming Language Should I Learn First?

As an absolute beginner, which programming language should I learn first?

227. Syk Houdeib's First Line of Code Was Written at Age 39

Living proof that it's never too late to switch careers, 2020 Noonie Nominee Syk Houdeib (Spain) shares, in this 10-question interview, inspiration for supporting the career development of those from less-represented backgrounds, the most useful advice ever imparted, and what's most worrying in tech right now.

228. Is Paying to Learn Java 'Playing the Fool'?

Find out what time is the right time to switch from free online education to one you pay for.

229. 5 Steps to Improve Your Data Structure and Algorithm Skills

Learn 5 steps to Improve DSA skills. Data structure and algorithms are the most important skills to be prepared for an interview at a top product-based company

230. My Experiments And How To Start with Machine Learning

231. How to Start with Web Scraping and Why You Don't Need to Code

Collecting data from the web can be the core of data science. In this article, we'll see how to start with scraping with or without having to write code.

232. API Explained In Simple Terms

I'm pretty sure you would have heard the term API, and if you were wondering what it is, then this is the article for you.

233. 5 Different Angles To Look At Java

I’ve encountered Java three times in my life.

234. The Best Advice Ever On How To Learn Faster And Become A Coding Pro

Let’s face it: people are impatient by nature and most likely want things to happen faster in their lives. I would apply the same to code learners. Students, when starting to learn programming, first wonder how to speed up the training and make a career as a programmer as soon as possible.

235. Learning Self JOIN Queries With SQLZOO

This article uses Exercise number 10 on the Self JOIN SQL ZOO tutorial to teach self JOINs in a beginner-friendly way.

236. Worrying About The New Normal? Let's Focus On Making Remote Work Exceptional Instead.

There are many contenders for the Oxford Word of the Year in 2020. The award - which can also be a phrase - is awarded as a reflection of the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of that particular year.

237. 4 Features to Look for in Online Education Platforms

Educational platforms to learn how to code SQL, python, JS, etc are numerous and tailored to several different crowds like web developers and data scientists. Unfortunately, not every student and user knows what to look for in a platform and many companies will quickly take your money and provide little in return. Best features can range anywhere from peer feedback and troubleshooting guides to hands-on integrated development environments (IDEs) that match tools you’d use in industry.

238. Decoding Dynamic Programming

In this post, we will solve a problem involving dynamic programming without being aware of it.

239. All Pluralsight Content is Free in April

Times are tough right now. The world is struggling with this pandemic, and folks are staying inside to help stop the spread. Pluralsight has just announced that they’re opening up the entire platform for the month of April. They’re making all 7,000 courses and other content completely free for the month, no credit card needed.

240. Fast & Asynchronous: Accelerate Your Requests Using Python's asyncio

This article was originally posted on my blog.

241. I Went From Never Reading to 54 Books in a Year, Here's How

I hope everyone can read more by reading this story of how I read from 0 to 54 books a year (On average, I read 40–50 books a year now).

242. Finding A Software Developer Mentor When You're A Newbie

Your first job as a software developer can be very challenging. Having a mentor to discuss your industry-related challenges can be key to your career.

243. Sleep, Learning and Memory

What impact can sleep deprivation have on our ability to learn? What measures can we take to ensure a good night's sleep and facilitate knowledge acquisition?

244. I Spent the Last 9 Months Building a Side Project, Here's How It Went

I thought I'd try to my hand at this entrepreneurship thing. Here's how it went, the lessons I learned, and the progress I've made so far!

245. Important Things For Java Developers To Learn In 2021

If you are looking to learn Java, you may be wondering where to start. Which technologies should you focus on?

246. Why Should You Go With GoLang [Newbie's Guide]

Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!

247. HTML Fundamentals: How To Get Started [Part 1]

If you are here to begin your journey to become a full-stack developer, understanding the basics of HTML will be your first stepping stone. Or if you are here to simply learn how to build an awesome website of your own, I have got your back. This could be used as an ultimate HTML cheat sheet for beginners.

248. Learning from the OSS: Destroy Your Organization by Following the Simple Sabotage Field Manual

"The purpose of this paper is to characterize simple sabotage, to outline its possible effects, and to present suggestions for inciting and executing it."

249. Deno🦕 - Is it a threat to Node?

Deno 1.0 is launched on 13th May 2020 by Ryan Dahl — the original creator of Node.js

250. 8 Things That Helped Me Improve My Software Skills

8 painfully learnt ideas about software engineering that may challenge your assumptions and help you get better faster

251. Three GitHub Features You’re Missing Out On

Did you ever have a friend you only ever saw in one place? Maybe it was a bar, your knitting club, or at the school gates.

252. Reasons Why Should Students Give More Emphasis on Derivatives and Integrals

No wonder in saying that all students are not supposed to welcome the subject of Math with open arms. Additionally, when it comes to Calculus, the reasons for a nightmare for many would-be, Derivatives, and Integrals. Let narrow down the question of why students should give more emphasis on Derivatives and Integrals.

253. Ditch Web Development, Cloud Development Is What You Need ☁️

The “Learn How to Code” Hype Train

254. Is it Easy to Learn Java if You Already Know JavaScript?

Knowing several programming languages is trendy today and I am often approached by my students with requests like How long does it take to learn Java?

255. Learn or Die: Turn your Learning into a Routine

First, write down your small knowledge source catalog of various personal and company blogs, articles, podcasts, and newsletters.

256. What was the Product Masterclass by Product School all about?

One of the things, I had decided, was that during the lockdown I would sharpen my skills around Product Management. For this, I have been religiously attending many webinars and doing some online courses. One of the courses that hit the chord was this course

257. The Classroom of the Future? A Total Disruption of Education

For a long time, I have believed that we need to disrupt education.

258. 20 Best Courses from Udemy Free Resource Center to Learn Programming and Coding

Hello guys, after Pluralsight made their 7000+ expert-led online courses for free for one month, now Udemy has also launched the "Udemy FREE Resource Center" where you find a collection of Udemy's best free content from some of their best instructors.

259. 🧩 Why Do We Need APIs Anyways?

If you’ve been anywhere close to a computer engineer, you’d have definitely noticed them drop the term - API. A software engineer would use the term for so many varied purposes that it’s easy to lose the track of the conversation and left hanging in there, wondering, “Why the heck we need APIs?”

260. I Asked 100 People What They Learned From Lockdown: Here's What They Said

I asked 100 people on reddit what fundamental lessons they learned as a result of quarantine, hopefully you can get some insight on how other people have been

261. 10 Tips to Grow Your Local YouTube Channel

Check Out What Can Make Your Content to Have a Wider Reach..

262. The State of Web3 Education

More people are coming to Web3 to set up shop and work. But, we need better Web3 education to make this easier, and reflect the ideals of the space.

263. The Right Way to Learn to Program

How to learn programming topics efficiently and effectively.

264. A Call To Action: Let's Not Waste The Opportunity Coronavirus Offers Us

Half of the world is in quarantine due to the corona-virus outbreak, and most of the people have no clue how to use this time for developing new skills.

265. CSS Animations: Creating Bouncing Ball Animation From Scratch

Photo by Kevin Ku from Pexels

266. How to Build an Online Video Education Platform for E-learning Business? From A to Z

Planning to build an online video education platform? Here is all you need to know about creating a video streaming service for education

267. Open Ended Questions to Ask to Go From Giving Advice To Gaining Insight

Have you noticed what happens when someone asks you a really good open ended question? Your mood shifts and body language changes as your mind sets on a quest to look within, think deeply, and churn out ideas. The endorphin rush that comes from exploring uncharted territories triggers a positive feeling in the body.

268. 3 Questions That Can Help You To Generate Great Startup Ideas

Is there a repeatable process for coming up with new and good startup ideas? In this post, we distill insights from great founders and technologists, like Eric Yuan of Zoom, Marc Andreesen, Ben Horowitz, etc and share three simple questions you can ask yourself to generate startup ideas worth pursuing.

269. Best JavaScript Resources Collection: 2020 Edition 🚲

These are my personal picks of learning JavaScript in 2020, I picked all of these resources myself, most of them are my favorites and I also used them while learning.

270. Top Books About AI You Should Read in 2021

Read these top 10 books on artificial intelligence to find your way forward in AI. Select the best book from the list given in this blog to get started with AI.

271. Am I a Monk or a Software Developer Student

I am a student of the Microverse course since August 2019. In my free time (Sadly, It’s a very very short time), I have been reading a wonderful Sloterdijk’s book called “You must change your life”.

272. How to Get Started with Fullstack App Development

Are you a beginner starting a new full-stack project? Let's go through the basic terms such as user interface, API, storage, and database and how they work.

273. The Future of Education in the 21st Century

We need a new metaphor for the school in the 21st century as the factory metaphor is no longer relevant in this new era of information and automation.

274. Get a Free Week on Cloud Academy To Kickstart Your Tech Training

Are you looking to make a jump in your technical career? Want to get trained or certified on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, DevOps, Kubernetes, Python, or another in-demand skill?

275. Programmer’s Pyramid: Take Your Programming To The Next Level

Build a solid foundation of programming knowledge, develop core skills, and obtain an effective learning system with Programmer’s Pyramid.

276. The Coders' Handbook: Tools of the Trade

Git, debugging, testing, the terminal, Linux, the cloud, networking, patterns/antipatterns - what even is this mess? Don't worry we'll go through it from beginning to end (all the way, I promise) everything you need to know to collaborate proficiency with others.

277. Making Self-Learning Less Lonely and More Fun

3 systems to make self-learning easier, Mentors to follow on Twitter and Cool Project Ideas for teaching yourself programming

278. Know About The 7 Basic Tech Trends In The Personal Finance Space

Traditionally, the Financial Services industry has been a ‘stale’ and carefully regulated space.

279. Learning RegEx Basics in Ruby

Find patterns in strings is a common problem for developers. One of the main scenarios where you could need this is on form validations, has the email the right structure? has the user first name any invalid character?. That's where regular expressions appear.

280. 11 Great Online Learning Platforms to Build New Skills: 2022 Edition

Online learning is a great option to keep you occupied while feeling more productive and purposeful. It helps you polish your skills and add more qualifications to your resume. You just need an excellent online learning platform to find the courses of your choices and develop your skills.

281. #LockdownConf: How to Learn New Skills While Social Distancing

At the #LockdownConf event streamed two weeks ago, Emma Bostian, Dhawal Shah and Angie Jones talked extensively on how to learn new skills while practicing social distancing. The conference which started at 14:00 GMT (UTC), was co-hosted by Quincy Larson and Hashnode co-founder, Syed Fazle Rahman on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel. It featured 4 panels, each with 3 developers discussing topics covering:

282. Growing From $0 to $10 in Revenue in 24 Months

I know what you’re thinking. “That title has to be a typo. No one could grow that fast!”. I’m here to tell you that if you work hard and pursue your dreams you too can make $10 in 2 years.

283. Weird Things About GOLANG [Part 1]

On a first glance when I started working on go, for me it seems very very weird language. I am working on node-js for two and more years and then start working on golang is not so cool for me.

284. The Essential Guide to HTTP

In this article, you are going to learn what HTTP is, What Sessions are, and their usage, The Request-Response cycle and another fundamental concepts.

285. AI: From ZERO to H...aving A Lot of Questions (Part II)

(If you just landed here, be sure to check Part I)

286. Soft Skills: Why They Matter and How To Develop Them

Soft skills will help you become the life and the soul of the party and reach your career and professional goals

287. Creating GitOps Workflow with ArgoCD, Kustomize and GitHub Actions

The term GitOps was first coined by Weaveworks in a popular article from August 2017. The problem it intends to solve was how to efficiently and safely deploy a Kubernetes application.

288. Revolutionizing Language Learning with Dreaming Spanish Creator, Pablo Román

In this slogging AMA, Pablo Román of Dreaming Spanish shows us a revolutionary way to learn and acquire languages. Join us to see how this method works.

289. What I Learned in My First Month of Web Development


290. Mastering the Meta-Skill of Learning

Few adults have been trained in the core skills and mindsets of effective learners. How do we learn to learn then?

291. Introduction to Numeral Systems in Go

numeral is a Go package. It gives you the ability to create custom (positional) numeral systems and perform operations on them.

292. Your Highly Practical, Resource-Filled Guide to Overcoming Coding Anxiety

Does programming sound like a stressful job for you? People believe it shouldn’t be since it seems all coders do is sit in front of the screen, typing. There are no life-or-death situations, no enormous responsibility compared to medicine, banking, or accounting. Technically speaking, software development should be one of the calmer jobs out there.

293. Are Video Games Good or Bad?

The debate over the effects of video games on players has raged for decades. Here are the important parts of what science has to say on the subject.

294. 10 Best Java Books for Beginners and Advanced Developers

If you are a Java programmer and are wondering what to read to improve your knowledge of Java or become a better Java developer, then you have come to the right place.

295. An Important Thing for Beginner Developer

When I started learning to code, I was always asking myself how could I speed up my development to become a professional as soon as I could. If you’re commencing your coding journey, you probably asked yourself this already. That’s natural to think about, mainly if you’re changing careers or simply if you value a lot your time.

296. 7+ Free Git Tutorials, Classes and Courses for Programmers at any Skill Level

This article was made possible by Udemy.

297. WTF is Deep Learning? Explanation for Non Tech People [Only Words and Pictures]

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298. Starting To Code From Zero - Realistically

299. 13 Things You Should Know If You Are A Software Developer/Entrepreneur In 2020

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300. Reinforcement Learning [Part 2]: The Q-learning Algorithm

Learning how to find the optimal q-value can produce significant improvements in a ML-algorithm's ability to learn both in terms of speed and quality.

301. How Relearning HTML Gave Me New Insights as a Web Developer

I relearned HTML to discover my unknown unknowns by taking an Introduction to HTML5 course and by reading the MDN documentation for every HTML element.

302. What I Learned From Ten 101 Courses During Lockdown

These are the 10 that have changed my life for the better

303. 5 Best Online Information Technology Courses to Grow Your Tech Career

Online learning is just as important to your career as learning in a class. Find out the five online courses that you can take to grow in your tech career.

304. Problem-Based Learning: David Merrill's Principles of Instruction

Merrill's First Principles of Instruction are a series of very effective problem-based teaching methodologies. The principles are based on the five core princip

305. Tips for Becoming a Software Engineer: Hands-on Experience

It is impossible for a trainee software developer to become a trustworthy professional in just one year. However, your first year in programming may bring you many valuable lessons and insights. What to expect if you are starting your way in programming? What tips does a novice developer hear from senior colleagues every day? That’s what we’ll talk about here.

306. Reflections of a Self-Taught Dev


307. 22 Simple Ways to Learn Faster

I know how it feels.

308. 5 Strategies for Shifting a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset

How do you approach failures in life?

309. Kubernetes And Containers, Explained ☸️💡🎉

Kubernetes is the de facto standard for running containerized applications. Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

310. 4 Skills You Need to Become a Distinguished Developer

Excellence in Software Engineering has never been a stationary destination where one can arrive sooner or later. It has always been a lifelong journey and learning process which demands consistency and commitment in order for someone to progress rapidly and to stay relevant over the next few years because of the ever-changing tech scenario. This element of uncertainty and demand for consistency has intrigued me since forever and hence compelled me to choose this a full-time career and what I’d like to do, at least for the foreseeable near future.

311. Everything You Need to Know About Multithreading: Sequential Consistency Concept [Part 1]

You probably have heard of the idea of out-of-order execution, and that it breaks some common-sense assumptions about writing programs, and software has to insert barriers to make things right. That was a baffling concept to me at least when I heard of it. At the very least, why would the hardware want to execute out of order only to have the software correct the behavior back? What's the point? Is the software taking care of all the quirks for me? And if not, where's the catch?

312. Learn C# Programming Course for Free

Learn c# programming with examples. C# is an object-oriented programming language, and it is useful to build web, windows, mobile applications.

313. Introduction to JavaScript Statements

JavaScript statements give us a energy to implement opposite forms of proof in a code. JavaScript provides us with several of them, all of that has a possess purpose and syntax. Among a many obvious examples we can find countenance statements, iteration statements, redeeming statements, and more

314. 35 of the Best Dev Channels and Content Creators on Youtube

Here I've compiled a list of personal favorite devs on YouTube. I've added a couple of lines on each channel too for reference. Enjoy!

315. The ADDIE Training Model of Instructional Design: An In-Depth Analysis

ADDIE is a linear 5-step framework used to design and develop educational and training programs. ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation.

316. Learning to Code: Is It Really That Difficult?

Skills like coding scares a lot of people. The media has made it seem like writing computer code is a genius-level activity, as weird symbols race across the screen and techno music blares in the background.But the truth is that, coding is actually pretty easy.I’m not saying this to dismiss the work of brilliant programmers. A skill can simultaneously be fairly easy to get the basics in, while also being really difficult to master. Everyone learns to write, few people learn to write well. There’s no contradiction, therefore, in saying that basic literacy is an “easy” skill to acquire (in that the vast majority of us are able to do it), without dismissing the efforts of talented writers.Nor am I saying this to mock people who are trying to learn programming and find it frustrating.Rather, I say coding is easy because I believe that almost all people, even if they don’t see themselves as particularly smart, have the ability to learn to write simple programs. That they don’t is mostly due to some structural barriers than any intrinsic difficulty with the skill itself.My Experience CodingI started learning how to write code since I was 14. I’ve read a couple of O’Rielly books on programming, took even free courses on Coursera and Udemy. Watch thousands of hours on programming related videos on YouTube. I remember even working through the content of a Computer Science Degree online (which is totally unnecessary if you want to learn to code,by the way).If you take a closer look, in some ways... my background may seem to disqualify me about making statements on the ease of coding. However, I can say without a single doubt, that subjects like Accounting, Physics, Engineering and even Law are more difficult than programming.Most math you learn in high-school is more difficult too, believe it; although you usually get wayyyyy more practice with algebra than writing code, which leads to a misperception as to which is more difficult.Why Coding Feels HardLearning to code is hard for a couple reasons:Installing new languages can be super frustrating. This is the first activity for a wanna-be programmer. This can create the misperception that programming is really hard because newbies extrapolate the difficulty of getting set up to how it weill be every moment after.Also, there are waayyyyyyyy too many languages, frameworks tools, libraries and plug-ins. Starting programming is super overwhelming because there are a stadezillion things to learn and you have no idea where to start.The first moments of programming are the hardest. Getting set up is annoyingly difficult and often requires learning a new way of working with computers even before you write a single line of code.Consider the instructions for installing most languages:“Open the terminal or command prompt. Type in a case-sensitive exact set of instructions to download and install the language. Use GitHub. Homebrew. Versions matter too. Are you running 32 or 64 bit? ‘Cause if you’re not sure it will crash with a cryptic error message and you’ll feel like an idiot.”These tools are learnable, like everything else, but they reinforce the impression given by the media that coding is mostly using elite tools with weird, unfriendly user interfaces. When people see coding they imagine parsing the green-streaming letters on computer screens like the movie, The Matrix; whereas the truth is a lot more like following a recipe along step-by-step.How Do You Get Over the Initial Difficulties?There’s a few ways you can do this. My favorite is to just go to the language or technology official documentation, that will tell you exactly how to set up step-by-step.Alternatively, you can dive into internet tutorials (why do you think platforms like YouTube, Quora exists?), but recognize that sometimes they are aimed at already-proficient programmers, who know what OOP and GitHub are, and are fluent with writing commands into Terminal.If you get one of these, you can try to follow it, but don’t feel bad if you screw it up. It’s frustrating and it doesn’t mean all coding will be like this.Another option is to avoid setup at all. Just use some coding tutorial website that teach you to code without needing any installation. I like this too, but sometimes you can’t actually build the thing you want to build with these apps. However, if you hate the setup, that’s where I’d start.Most important, however, is to remember that I told you this. When you try to learn to code, it will be frustrating to get set up, and just accept that this is a small price to pay. Soon it will be easier and you’ll do stuff that is cool. Don’t feel dumb because you get stuck here, I still do and I’ve been writing code for years.What Language/Framework/Library Should I Start With?This seems like a good question to ask, but, I’d argue, it’s actually the wrong way to think about learning programming.First, despite the fact that programmers often boast about how many languages they know, recognize that most languages are only superficially different. Yes, I know all about language design, so don’t tell me about the importance of scripting versus compiling, or whether a language is strongly or weakly typed. Those things matter, but they’re details.The basics of nearly all languages and tools are the same. Variables. Loops. Functions. Pointers. Data Types. OOP. Modules. These concepts exist in almost all programming languages. If you pick a mainstream language, you’ll learn these in mostly the same way, so it doesn’t matter if you pick Python, JavaScript, C++, Java or even PHP.The place languages do matter is what you want to use them for.Want to write iPhone apps? Swift or Objective C are the languages of choice. Need to create web pages? JavaScript is going to come in handy. Yes, you can use almost any language for any task if you tinker with it and get the right plug-ins. However, some languages are easier to get started with certain types of projects than others.Therefore, the first question to ask is not: which language should I learn, but, which project should I start with?What Should Be Your First Project?I recommend starting your programming adventure, even before you write a single line of code, with a decision about a concrete programming project you’d like to create.This serves a couple purposes:It narrows down the language/framework choices considerably. Once you know you’re building a website, you’re already leaning towards tools that were designed with that goal in mind.Everything you learn is connected to a destination. Transfer of learning is notoriously difficult. Learning directly by building, works better than learning something and just hoping it will help you later.You can work on something you think is cool. If you think it would be cool to make an interactive website, do that. If you’d prefer a game, do that. If you’d prefer to automate some tedious work, do that instead. Do what you feel is cool and you’ll be motivated to stick to it.In general, smaller is better when it comes to projects. Deciding to start with making the next Google is ambitious, but probably will get you stuck in the weeds before you make much progress.If your true ambitious are huge, it’s often best to work on a toy project first. Many experienced programmers still do this when they are entering a new territory of programming. Toy projects take the essential ideas of programming, but turn it into something you can do in a few days or weeks, instead of years.Examples of good projects include:A basic terminal text-adventure game. No graphics, but still requires learning concepts like loops, variables, input-output processing.A simple website. Start with just displaying a static page. Maybe add in comments, users, photos or interactive elements as you learn more.A simple app. What’s something dead-simple you’d like to have on your phone? It can be stupid to start, don’t worry.A script for automating a tedious task.In general, programs are easier when they involve no multimedia content (websites are a bit of an exception), so if you’re making a game, for instance, a text game tends to be easier than one with graphics, if only because making all the graphics can take time.Similarly, different core activities have different difficulties. Arithmetic and simple calculations done repeatedly are easiest. Processing text for exact patterns is a bit harder. Processing text for vague patterns is harder still. Processing, speech, photos and video is even harder.If you do end up picking an initial project that turns out to be super difficult, it’s okay to scale back. “Make an application that calculates my mortgage payments” is much, much easier than “Make an application that can tell you what someone’s hairstyle is from a photo.” It’s often not obvious that this is the case in the beginning, so don’t worry if you accidentally pick a “hard” problem to start with, you can adjust it later to something easier.Which Resources Should You Use?Once you’ve picked a project, the next step is to get some resources to help. This is a step many people worry over endlessly, but like the language choice, it’s a lot less important (and depends more on your goals) than you think.I won’t list specific resources, because there are so many good ones that my suggestions are going to leave out some of the best. Instead, here’s three strategies for finding good resources:Get a book that teaches you the language + project you want. There should be a computer section in your city’s bookstore or library, you can just pick any of those. I personally like O’Reilly (they publish the best software development books), but there are lots of good ones. (If you haven’t figured out which language yet, just DuckDuckGo your type of project and look for suggestions.) I read the Self-taught programmer by Cory Altoff, the first time I wanted to learn Python.Attend a MOOC. Coursera, edX, MIT, Harvard, FreeCodeCamp and others all teach computer programming online. Once again, the thing that matters most isn’t the exact class, but whether it teaches the language/project domain you care about.Stressing over which book or course to pick is the wrong thing to worry about. The main thing to do is to use the book or course to learn enough to start tinkering on your project, not to master programming on its own. Starting your project before your ready is definitely the way you should feel about it.Do What Real Programmers Do and Ask DuckDuckGo/StackOverflow/GoogleOnce you actually get started writing code, you’re going to encounter many, many situations where you either don’t know how to do something, or you learned how to do it before and you’ve forgotten.In these situations, you should do what real programmers do: ask DuckDuckGo/Google/StackOverflow. This isn’t a shameful activity, but a part of real programming. I’ve been coding for years, but I always forget silly syntactical things and so I find myself duckduckgoing regular expressions over and over again. It’s not bad, it’s just part of the process.Once you’ve gotten yourself installed, you’ve learned a bit with your book to know the basics and have started working on your first project, you’ll learn the rest by googling and adding to your library of programming knowledge. Computer science theories, detailed understandings of the language you’re working with or advanced design patterns can wait until you’ve finished a few real projects and feel like you can code something.Notice #1: Don’t Copy-and-PasteA first piece of advice when it comes to this step is to never copy-and-paste. Copy-and-pasting is bad because you don’t try to understand the code you’re copying. If you have to transcribe, in contrast, you naturally ask yourself, “why this? why not something else?” Even if you don’t have a great answer immediately, typing things for yourself will open your mind up to the answer whereas copy-and-pasting shuts down thinking.Notice #2: Try it Yourself Before Looking for a SolutionA second piece of advice is to always try to solve something yourself before looking up how someone else does it. Most problems have many, many ways they can be solved. The challenge is that expert programmers often know a particularly concise, clever way, but that often isn’t the “obvious” way.This can lead to a trap where you see a clever solution that employs tricky syntax, think that there was no way you would have guessed that solution, and believe you couldn’t have solved it on your own. That’s usually not true, yet it’s an unfortunate side effect of looking up solutions before trying to find your own.Summary of AdvThisisting up is frustrating.

317. Wake Up With a Cup of Java: 10+ Practice Projects for Your Programming Career Prospects

So, you’ve started to learn Java programming and wonder how to make the learning process faster and boost your career prospects. But what about practice?

318. Seven Resources for Engineers To Become Better Technical Writers

Writing plays a crucial role in the work of an engineer. Young specialists first encounter the need to boost their writing skills while still being in college. No matter if you are studying history or engineering, you will inevitably face tons of written academic assignments. However, when it comes to the field of engineering, coping with college tasks is even harder as it requires having solid technical writing skills.

319. 👨‍💻📚 65 Key Takeaways from "The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master"

"The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master" is a book that has had a profound impact on my career as a developer. I've found myself often coming back to it to check my notes and highlights, so to make this more practical, I created this compilation. Please take this article as a teaser for the entire book. I highly encourage you to read it yourself.

320. How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems

Getting better at problem-solving requires more than just reps. It’s also how you go about it. We discuss How to Get Better at Solving Programming Problems.

321. Top 15 Online Resources to Learn How To Code

Top 15 Resources to Learn Coding in 2021, Frontend Masters, FreeCodeCamp, Coursera, MDN, W3Schools

322. What I Wish I Knew as a Junior Dev: Lessons After 11 Years of Coding

I initially wrote this article as a list of lessons for beginners and junior developers on Reddit. Then it blew up with over 50 awards. Lots of heart warming messages followed.

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