From this article, you will learn the basic concepts of Kubernetes so you can have a modern, safe and reliable production infrastructure in the cloud without handling all the hassle of old DevOps solutions.
When our clients ask us to create a highly available distributed system, we usually recommend Kubernetes, because it’s easy to use and even though it has a steep initial learning curve, it’s still a lot more simple than other competing orchestration engines.
(FYI, you can reach out to us if your company needs help with Kubernetes at [_[email protected]_](
Kubernetes works perfectly with Node apps because it’s based on Docker, so you can run any kind of application with it.
Kubernetes (commonly referred to as K8s) is an orchestration engine for container technologies such as Docker
and rkt
that is taking over the DevOps scene in the last couple of years. It is already available on Azure and Google Cloud as a managed service.
Kubernetes can speed up the development process by making easy, automated deployments, updates (rolling-update) and by managing our apps and services with almost zero downtime. It also provides self-healing. Kubernetes can detect and restart services when a process crashes inside the container. Kubernetes is originally developed by Google, it is open-sourced since its launch and managed by a large community of contributors.
Any developer can package up applications and deploy them on Kubernetes with basic Docker knowledge.
Master Node:
Worker Node:
So far our explanatory figures were not entirely correct. Kubernetes does not schedule containers directly, but Pods which describes how to run one or multiple containers simultaneously.
Kubernetes Pod:
.You can read more about encryption here
There are 3 types of services:
Node Port:
Load Balancer:
We will need Docker
. You can download it here. I recommend installing the Stable
version. With the following commands you can make sure Docker is working correctly:
$ docker --version $ docker run hello-world
If you don’t have homebrew, install it first
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Make sure Python 3
or later is installed
$ python -v
If Python is not installed on your system you can download it from their website.
2. Install Azure-CLI
$ brew update && brew install azure-cli# if the installer is unable to find Python packages$ brew link --overwrite python3
3. Login to Azure
Run the following command and you will get an URL and Authentication code.
$ az login
The URL will direct you to a page in your browser where you’ll need to enter the code you got. If the login process is successful, you will see a JSON object in your terminal with information of your account.
4. Enable service providers
You need to enable Azure Service providers to create a cluster.
$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Network$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage$ az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute$ az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService
5. Create a resource group
Azure resources are deployed and managed by resource groups. When you create a new resource group, you need to give it a name and specify the resource group’s location.
$ az group create --name <resource_group_name> --location <location>
# locations: eastus, westeurope, centralus, canadacentral, canadaeast
6. Create AKS cluster
The following command will create a cluster with one node.
$ az aks create --resource-group resource_group_name --name cluster_name --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys# this process could take several minutes# the command will return with a JSON containing information of the cluster
7. Connect to the cluster
First you need to install the kubernetes CLI tool, then pass your cluster’s credentials to kubectl.
# install the kubectl CLI$ az aks install-cli# pass your AKS Cluster credentials to kubectl$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group resource_group_name --name cluster_name
To test whether kubectl has successfully connected to the cluster, run:
$ kubectl get nodes
If it’s okay, the response should be something like this:
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-nodepool1-0 Ready agent 1m v1.7.9
Make sure Python 2.7
or later is installed
$ python -v
If Python is not installed on your system you can download it from their website.
2. Download the desired Cloud SDK
for your OS from here.
3. Run the
script from the extracted archive.
4. Restart your terminal.
5. Install kubectl
with the following command:
$ gcloud components install kubectl
6. If it’s the first time you use kubectl
on GCP, please complete the setup process with gcloud init
. This will guide you through the setup of your user locally, so you can use Google Cloud Platform via your local shell.
7. To start working with Kubernetes, you need to create a cluster and set the default cluster for gcloud
and pass your cluster credentials to kubectl.
# creating the cluster$ gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME# setting the default cluster$ gcloud config set container/cluster CLUSTER_NAME# pass cluster credentials to kubectl$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME
Test if it’s successfully connected to the cluster:
$ kubectl get nodes
Whenever you set up a connection to a cluster, context
is created. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which cloud provider these clusters reside at. You can easily switch from one cluster to another and you don’t need to bother whether it is your local minikube, an azure, gcp, openshift, or any other cluster.
# get available contexts $ kubectl config get-contexts# switch to one$ kubectl config use-context CONTEXT_NAME# get the current context$ kubectl config view# display the current context$ kubectl config current-context
If don’t use zsh yet, I really recommend downloading it, and setting up one of the oh-my-zsh themes. My personal favorite is the spaceship theme. It is one of the themes that gives you information about the python/node/go version you are currently using, and the k8s context you are currently connected to. It looks something like this:
14:40:29 in folder on git_branch [?] on 🐳 docker_version at ☸️ kube_current_context
That’s it for the first step of using Kubernetes. Feel free to reach out to me in the comment section in case you don’t understand something.
To learn more on how to handle services properly stay tuned for the next episode of our series, which will be about managing your cluster as a demilitarized zone, by having an API gatweay in front of it.
(PS: Feel free to ping us if your company needs help with Kubernetes at [_[email protected]_](
Originally published at on May 8, 2018.