Web3: Evolution, Need, and Outlooksby@wanxiang198
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Web3: Evolution, Need, and Outlooks

by Peace DAOMarch 28th, 2022
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This paper has three parts: The development history of the Web and the feelings of The Times change THAT I have experienced. The first part is about the development of Web2.0, and the second part is what kind of social experience Web3.0 should be in my mind. The third part, no text, is a movie named The Social Dilemma. After watching it, I will have a deep impression on Web2.-0 and understand why it is so urgent to engage in Web 3.0.0. We gain convenience, but also lose important privacy.

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#This paper has three parts:

The first part is about the development history of the Web and the feelings of The Times change THAT I have experienced. Many big men have also written about it. They did not want to write about it originally, because they also read a lot of popular science articles about it. But it was written in the spirit of a sermon for later generations. For those who are new to Web3.0, if you already know the basics of Web3.0, please go straight to part 2.

In the second part, I mainly write what kind of social experience Web3.0 should be in my mind, why it must be different from the social experience of Web2.0?

The third part, no text. I suggest watching a movie named The Social Dilemma. After watching it, you will have a deep impression on Web2.0 and understand why it is so urgent to engage in Web3.0.

Part one.

Before we get to Web3.0, let's talk briefly about the history of 1.0/2.0. Back then, before the Internet was as ubiquitous as it is now, surfing the Web was the dominant theme, opening the WWW, typing in a string of addresses, and riding around the new world was a great experience. You can spend a whole day in front of a computer. Yeah, the door opens to a whole new world. Back in Web1.0, people didn't have too much to look for. They were content just to surf the Internet and see new things. With only access to information, it becomes difficult for people to create information on the Internet. Without interaction, there is no social interaction, and then the pain point slowly emerges.

When it came to 2004, with the innovation of technology, Twitter, Facebook, Weibo and other social application platforms with social attributes emerged one by one. At this time, people can not only surf the Internet, but also publish information, create content and communicate on social platforms, blogs and forums. This explosion of technology also reflects the discovery of user value. Individuals are no longer simply passive recipients of online information, but creators.

As time went on, smart phones emerged. Yes, the Apple smartphone that you can see ads for in many places. Nokia was still in its heyday and its stock price was rising, but that was it. It went through technological innovation and failed to take the plunge. The emergence of smart phones has greatly improved people's convenience and social experience, and one APP after another has mushroomed. So far, Web2.0 has flourished, that is, the era of mobile Internet.

Smartphones are now so ubiquitous that some 5.6 billion people around the world use them. Every day, you can pick up a mobile phone and complete various operations through one APP, such as watching short videos, watching TV dramas, chatting, online shopping, payment, writing and learning, etc. However, we gain convenience, but also lose important privacy! Apps become islands of information, and every time you register an APP, you click to agree to the privacy policy. This is a blatant right to obtain personal privacy. When personal privacy is sent to the servers of major manufacturers, we will receive a variety of push advertisements, which will become the modeling factor...... under the cultivation of AI big data And so it is.

When you're scrolling through short videos, how often do you get huge, repetitive content? When you open the online shopping APP, before you input what you want to buy, the push will appear, which is exactly what you want to buy. When you're in an APP, an AD pops up showing you where you are? These have become the pain point of some people, the pain point has not let most people wake up. I attach great importance to privacy, but when I use an APP, I have to open some privacy permissions to operate, which is very annoying.

It has become a reality that people do not pay attention to privacy in exchange for convenience, and it is natural for major manufacturers to package private data and push advertising to gain profits.

What is Web3.0? What problem does it solve? There are the following:

Web3.0 potential energy appears.

Web3.0 is essentially a collection of technologies that will transform the social experience, spiritual acquisition and value exchange of the future.

In Web2.0, data property rights and wealth distribution are firmly in the hands of giants and vendors.

What is important in Web3.0 is to put these data property rights back into the hands of the creators and to achieve the proper distribution of value.

Web3.0 is now frozen in ice, with the Outlines visible but the details invisible. Careful observation, can see a little ice breaking potential, is such an insignificant potential, let a person see hope.

This reminds me of a classic quotation: a single spark can become a prairie fire!

So why was Web3.0 proposed? What existing problems will it solve? To get this straight, let's go back to Web2.0.

In Web2.0 we enjoy the convenience, the spiritual appeal, no longer read only mode, but a place to create and share content. We make words, pictures, videos, music, movies and TV plays to express what we have seen, experienced, learned, thought and thought.

And these contents will be recommended to the people who want to see them by the algorithm machine of each major platform, so there will be a series of derivative social actions such as praise, comment and forwarding. This greatly enhanced the content creators spiritual satisfaction, but also let the creators themselves enjoy a certain reward measures. Social networking and fan economy are familiar to those who know them well. KOL is also a powerful character who can achieve the highest level of popularity.

But a new question arises, in this round of innovation, do we create content but distribute value properly? So far in Web 2.0, user data has become every company's most important asset, and the owners of that asset -- the users themselves -- have no choice. Therefore, Web3.0 will lead the trend of the future of the Internet, and will develop with the needs and use of users, and ultimately the rights and interests of users.

Obviously, the top part of the flow can be richly rewarded, but the waist area is unbalanced and the bottom part is especially difficult. And as moats form, value creation itself becomes a business, with only a fraction of the revenue from traffic, top-down revenue distribution and AD placement going to users.

Therefore, the formation of the second pain point, in contrast to ordinary users, in the likes and forwarding comments again and again, what is the harvest?

Then, the problem is gradually obvious. Giants control the absolute right of profit distribution, and they also have the right to sell users' data for profit. A series of measures such as ignoring privacy rights make a small number of people feel more unbalanced.

So Web3.0 was proposed, under the existing rules of the system, to solve the problem is the key, and let the good things continue.

In fact, Web3.0 itself is not divorced from the Internet, but uses blockchain technology as the underlying architecture infrastructure. Blockchain technology has been practiced for many years and has been identified as a viable system technology. So implementing Web3.0 on this system becomes possible.

Web3.0 networks can also be decentralized, but not separate from the Internet itself, just a useful complement to it.

Middleware proliferation

Decentralization is more than just talk at the moment. It is becoming a chain of technology interfaces with the traditional world. One big difference between Web3.0 and 2.0 is that it's hard to create monopolies because of forking and compositing. Middleware, however, may be an exception, such as the familiar Link. Link needless to say, almost all blockchain projects, especially those related to DeFi, are working with Link. After all, in order to interact with the real world, the prophet is an indispensable middleware.

Link brings the off-chain data to the chain, while Graph does the reverse, bringing the on-chain data back to the off-chain data for the API layer of the on-chain data query and decentralized network, so it is also called "reverse predictor".

Mask acts as a bridge between Web2.0 and Web3.0, helping users make a seamless transition from Web2.0 to Web3.0 in terms of usage habits by allowing users to seamlessly send encrypted messages, cryptocurrencies, and even decentralized applications on the platforms of traditional social giants such as Twitter.

Of course this middleware is essential, but you don't need to know its technology, just what it can do.

Privacy, ID, cloud storage server in Web3.0

To solve the ownership of privacy, encryption technology itself has this point, owning public and private keys is a symbol of identity and ownership. An individual logging in to any project through a public key can prove that you are logging in. At the same time, with the development of blockchain technology, specific implementation plans will be formed in the future when the right to privacy belongs to individuals. Individuals have their own place to store data, which is a decentralized cloud storage server. Individuals can decide whether to license private data to the project owner or company in exchange for a certain amount of value. In plain English, your data privacy is yours, others want it, they have to pay for it, and it's up to you to decide.

The existing public key login is still relatively initial, I think it is not enough privacy, I believe there will be optimization design. Decentralized identity (DID) can be said to be one of the important links of Web3.0. No matter whether it is Web3.0 or the meta-universe, we will definitely need an ID to represent ourselves and associate ourselves with the chain.

Token economy and value distribution.

The solution to the second pain point, the distribution of value benefits. What can Web3.0 do? We also know that the titans are now distributed from the top down. This can be described as an inverted triangle, the higher the distribution of value benefits, no giant willing to hand over the benefits.

The adoption of cryptocurrency token economy technology in Web3.0 will solve this problem, and everyone will benefit from the Web3.0 token economy.

Blockchain relies on the token economy, which will become an important part of the Web3.0 world. Imagine that if you were involved in a Web3.0 social project early on and invested in its tokens with governance interests, you would have the right to vote and voice your opinion on the various plans for the project. Just like the shareholders of the board of directors of a traditional company, they have the right to intervene in the company's decisions.

In addition to the power of the average user, there are tangible benefits for every user. If there is any ecological application that requires some transaction, then the Token will be paid to each node as a fee.

If it is proof of stake, or something else derived from it, then anyone Staking their Token is not only participating in the noble business of making the network more decentralized and robust, but also receiving a royalty from the node.

At the same time, in the ideal state, just like giving a thumbs-up to some excellent creators, writing a wonderful comment that is recognized by others can also earn some income.

The gameplay of The Web3.0 token economy is certainly not limited to the above, and all of this in the long run, will inevitably increase the value of the tokens in the ecosystem, everything will form a virtuous circle.

It can be seen that token economy will greatly improve the network effect of The Web3.0 ecosystem. The value of each user participating in Web3.0 will be much higher than that of Web2.0, and this value is not only bestowed on the ecological token, but also transmitted to each participant.

DAO will play an important role in Web3.0

For a long time, the author has been considering a question, is it necessary for the project leader to take the lead in the birth of a new technology project? Maybe it's a little bit of a contradiction. How can I put it? It's a technology that goes from idea to technology development to operational optimization and even mainnet launch. It is necessary for someone to stand up and start, and the incentive mechanism, the return of technical staff, the promotion of operations, and the fund-raising of large and small aspects need to be carried out by people. There are reward and motivation factors involved. To do a good job, it is not a single person, but a team, a collective.

Until the DAO came along, I was able to clear the air, because the DAO's core intrinsic driver solved the above concerns. In addition, THE author firmly believes that DAO can accelerate the development of Social networking in Web3.0, because it fits the development direction.

Generally speaking, it is to work together, the rich pay, the technical contribution technology, ideas and innovation can also through the collision of ideas, the gathering of wisdom exchange practice. In addition, it can make people with special skills give full play to their potential and get twice the result with half the effort, so that they can move forward to the same goal together, even without the existence of the project side. Of course, this is the ideal state. This process is the spark of social interaction and communication between people.

Those who do not know DAO can pay attention to this direction. Although DAO is still not perfect, many DAOs use this stunt to cheat frequently. But isn't that in the spirit of blockchain? Every time there is a big direction, the barbarous period will follow, and then slowly precipitate the leading leader, time will be like a wave of sand to present good works.

I have used Web3.0 social content platforms:

Torum, which is supposed to be very popular

In Torum, a Web3.0 platform that combines content and social interaction, I gradually experienced some improvements. The social attributes tend to be twitter-like, and the social attributes do show up, with large communities breaking into small groups and adding gameplay by combining NFT with gameplay. At present, I still use email to register and log in, which is a little old-fashioned. Always feel not enough novel, lack of eye-catching innovative gameplay.

The token economy is too old-fashioned, active users become inactive due to reduced rewards for daily quests, and the same quests become boring to use.

In short, after experiencing for a period of time, THE author personally feels the need to improve, but has not found a breakthrough at present.

Mirror closest to Web3.0.

The use of Mirror initially struck me as a content platform, but a closer look at it proved otherwise. This place can do a lot of things, Posting content is only part of it, but also can cast articles into NFT, someone can pay to get the NFT generated by the publisher's articles. You can also start crowdfunding on Mirror, start with a good idea, turn it into action, and every progress can be generated into NFT stored on the chain to record the process. Ethereum Garden is one of the most famous of its successes.

Here, you can also see good works, reward them, and become a part of crowdfunding, forming hidden social connections with the originators.

Mirror, let the author experience the experience of no longer using account password login, also let the author really feel the simple and simple corner of Web3.0. Originally do not have to issue coins also can play Web3.0 ha, is this feeling, very cool.

These are the two apps I've tried, and there are some Web3.0 projects I'm working on, so I won't talk about them here. Web3.0 hasn't been around for a long time, but already it's getting hot, with hundreds of conferences and hundreds of projects on the horizon. Be to have such fervent, let the author see prairie fire potential. Although the process will have all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, all kinds of unitary appear, but it is the people who believe in it to overcome, to improve, to strive for it!

Both Web1.0 and 2.0 have their good side, and Web3.0 will combine the good side to extend and optimize, improve and innovate. In privacy and data property rights, as well as content value distribution and other aspects of innovation and return to the user itself. Build a better world with blockchain, smart contracts and Internet of Things!

Part two.

This is what I think Web3.0 social should look like, and I'm looking forward to that day.

Wake up in the morning, look out the window, the sun is shining, wash up and sit at your desk. Turn on a circular controller, fingerprint recognition, face scanning. After these screen jumps, data maps appear one by one. This is my decentralized cloud storage server. Of course, it's not just me. Many people around the world have such decentralized cloud storage servers.

It contains all kinds of personal data, such as NFT collection, game items, article content, video, music, art creation, etc.

And a collection of private lives, including wallet balances. Of course, this part is already encrypted.

As I slid my hand in midair, one social product after another appeared in front of me, with no overlapping images but separate and orderly arrangements. Enter all the apps at the same time, see the article that didn't finish reading last night is displayed, continue to read, randomly click "like", and press the forward button. All of a sudden, this article was forwarded to all my social apps at the same time. This is the forwarding status I set, and it was forwarded to all my social products.

Suddenly, the screen shows, the chat box appears, it turns out that a friend sent me a message, roughly the content is: you just forwarded very good, give a thumbs-up. Then I sent him a smiley face. Then, on a social media platform, I posted a short article with a video. Then I switched the social background music to an NFTs pop artist. Slide the volume button and suddenly the room is filled with music. At this time, someone suddenly entered my social page, enjoyed the music together, and liked it, and then commented on it, and also liked my NFT avatar, really nice.

After listening to this song, I randomly swiped, and the screen in front of me jumped to open GameFi game platform XXX, which had been working hard into the night last night. I found that I had earned a lot of tokens, and a rare NFTs prop was added to the equipment bar. Really not easy, open to midnight, finally not in vain, this game is too difficult, it is comparable to warcraft open ah, so think in my heart.

Suddenly, the screen displays, chat box appears, then displays a private chat box, password login is required. As I typed a string of characters to jump to the chat screen, a surprised voice rang out across the room: Why are you online so early? Don't you have to work today? It's hard to see you online this morning. I quickly set the volume button, lower the volume, shock ear pain.

It turned out to be one of my teammates who opened the land last night. I answer him immediately: I am come up to see booty, did not think of still have unexpected surprise, your boy haven't sleep yao, liver so fierce, not afraid sudden death yao? Ha ha ha, opposite issued a burst of hearty laughter, then said: immediately sleep, can not carry, liver one night, earn hundreds of oceans, not enough to buy a NFT mount...

Then I said, "Well, sooner or later, go to bed early, life matters." On the other side also returned to the offline. I turned off the chat screen and then looked at a few screens in front of me and was struck by the fact that this was real Web3.0 social.

In retrospect, I took a look at the revenue figures of several SocialFi content social platforms. The revenue of these days is ok, with 371 paid rewards, 683 content creation, and 563 platform interaction. Overall, it's not bad. Then open the digital property rights authorization record, received the payment application 112, also ok.

I continued to watch for a while, so I closed all the pictures, and finally turned off the circular controller switch. Although there was a voice switch, I was still more used to manual. Put the controller in your pocket, put on your clothes, shoes and hat, and start the day!

The above paragraph is the author's idea of Web3.0 social networking. The future of Web3.0 social networking must be easy to use, low threshold, but high security. In addition, multiple platforms can communicate with each other, and the data privacy part is well done. It is no longer in the form of monopoly. The giants can delete it whenever they want, and sanction it whenever they want. Users can apply for authorization by themselves. Revenue distribution is based on the value and love of the output, not just the number of fans. Chatting is no longer limited to mobile phones or computers, but there are new products.

Web3.0 social must not be limited to existing ideas, it needs to be an unrestrained collision of ideas, and lead a wave of world trends in the wave!

The new product must be great technology that will open the curiosity of the general public. For products that can be displayed and used on the street, the essence of advertising is to be seen, not used in homes or offices, which are too enclosed.

Write at the end:

The author does not have a deep understanding of Web3.0, and is still learning and cognition. This article is also to achieve the effect of throwing bricks to attract jade. At the beginning of this article, I said that Web3.0 needs a push and energy. As long as anyone is interested in Web3.0 to join in, it is a force. Just like a drop of water, will eventually merge into a vast ocean.

Thank you to those who contributed to Web3.0. Thank you very much ! Thanks also to Octopus Network and HackerNoon for hosting this event, which was a great contribution to Web3.0. It was great!