Each developer should master his/her skills of working with the command line.
Being physically near a computer is not always possible, so you have to connect remotely. Indeed, GUI may well handle this, but it often works slower than a terminal (after all, this is just a text exchange).
Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a guru, I’m sure you‘ll find useful information among following tips and recommendations.
Let’s start with the simple, man command, which means manual. If you want to read about another command, just type:
man [command]
You can read the man manual:
man man
“I already knew that!” you’ll say. However, I would like to draw your attention to some of its features.
You can read about the ASCII table, type the following:
man ascii
What is bigger: pico- or femto- ?
man units
If you accidentally changed the directory, you can just return to the last one by typing:
cd -
Sudo is a very important command in Unix systems. It executes a command with administrator rights.
If you typed a command without sudo, and then it turned out that it is necessary, type simply:
sudo !!
And it will start with administrator rights.
Experienced users may know that the history of commands is stored in the ~ / .bash_history file.If you don’t want to write the command to history file, just type a space before the command.
[space] [command]
The jot utility is used to print out increasing, decreasing, random, or redundant data, usually numbers, one per line.
jot [number of digits] [starting from]
If you specify one argument, jot will generate numbers from 1 to the value of the argument.
Simply shows the free space on a drive
Pkill (or process kill) terminates the running process. This command is especially useful when the application does not respond:
pkill [application_name]
Be careful, when you launching this command on a remote machine — you can lose important data.
Displays a calendar and the date of easter:
The w command shows who has logged on to the system, along with other useful information such as the operating time or CPU load.
Funny command that prints the string several times:
yes [string]
Use it to confuse your friends. Attention, the only way to stop it is CTRL + C (or close the terminal).
Nl numbers the lines. Most useful when using it as an argument:
An easy way to explore your command history is to press Ctrl+R and type the beginning of the wanted command. Cli will autocomplete your request.
I entered the ‘lsof’ command to get the PID of the applications that running at ports 35729 and 9005. As you can see, the terminal autocompleted my request. Truly a killer feature.
Thank you for attention. You can share useful commands and cli tricks in discussion.