In part 1 we started a server, responding to HTTP requests on port 3000. In this tutorial we will look at 4 more concepts
Paste this URL into a URL bar in a new tab.
You will notice the 80
gets dropped in the URL bar. That’s because port 80
is the default port for HTTP traffic.
HTTPS traffic uses port 443
. Try Hacker News.
Because these ports are often public, you need special privileges to run processes using them. Also, it is not great to run Node.js on port 80
or 443
directly because you may want to open up a few different applications on these ports. With a router you will be able to send traffic from port 80
or 443
to any program you wish, depending on the headers of the incoming HTTP request.
There are few great choices for a router, but I find that nginx is generally the best tool for most things. It’s great for building your first ever app, or when you need to scale up to millions of visitors.
Before beginning, start your server if it is stopped and SSH into it (as shown in the last tutorial). Once logged in, we can install nginx.
Ubuntu comes with it’s own package manager, apt-get. Using apt-get, we can install nginx in one command.
sudo apt-get install nginx
Most Linux distributions come with a package manager, so Google your version if apt-get doesn’t work. apt-get runs nginx automatically after install so you should now have it running on port 80
, check by entering your public DNS URL into a browser.
Default nginx page
If this doesn’t work, you might need to start it manually.
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
If you are still can’t reach the server then check out Stack Overflow or post a comment here.
We need to configure nginx to route port 80
traffic to port 3000
. nginx has config placed in the /etc/nginx/sites-available
folder where there is already a default config which serves the nginx welcome page we saw earlier.
You can take a look at this config using cat.
cat /etc/nginx/sites-available
How are nginx configs set up? Configs are stored in plain text files in sites-available
with any name. Linking them into the sites-enabled
folder will cause them to be read and used when nginx starts. All of the configs are combined together by nginx.
Let’s first remove the default config from sites-enabled
, we will leave it in sites-available
for reference.
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Create a config file in sites-available
and name it whatever you like.
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available
The following is the config we are going to use.
server {listen 80;server_name tutorial;location / {proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;proxy_set_header Host $http_host;proxy_pass;}}
This will forward all HTTP traffic from port 80
to port 3000
Link the config file in sites enabled
(this will make it seem like the file is actually copied insites-enabled
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/tutorial /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/tutorial
Read more about symbolic links here if they are unfamiliar.
Restart nginx for the new config to take effect.
sudo service nginx restart
If you did not stop/start the server since the last tutorial then you may still have your node application running.
# list background jobsjobs
If your application shows up then no need to run it again. If it is not running then you need to start it.
node tutorial/index.js
Once the server is running, press ctrl+z
, then resume it as a background task.
bg %1
Now visit your server’s public DNS URL, using port 80
The server is running on port 80
It’s quite tedious using ctrl+z
to pause a process, and then running it in the background. Also, doing it this way will not allow the Node.js process to restart when you restart your server after an update or crash.
Before moving forward, stop your running node process
# Nukes all Node processeskillall -9 node
To keep these processes running we are going to use a great NPM package called PM2. While in an SSH session, install PM2 globally.
npm i -g pm2
To start your server, simply use pm2
to execute index.js
pm2 start tutorial/index.js
To make sure that your PM2 restarts when your server restarts
pm2 startup
This will print out a line of code you need to run depending on the server you are using. Run the code it outputs.
Finally, save the current running processes so they are run when PM2 restarts.
pm2 save
That’s it! You can log out/in to SSH, even restart your server and it will continue to run on port 80.
To list all processes use
pm2 ls
Your process will have a pretty generic name, something like index
, which would be hard to differentiate if you had a few other microservices running on the server too. Let’s stop the process, remove it and start it back up with a nicer name.
# Use the number listed in pm2 ls# to stop the daemonpm2 stop index
# Remove it from the listpm2 delete index
# Start it again, but give it a# catchy namepm2 start tutorial/index.js --name “Tutorial”
Great! Check out the PM2 docs to see what else you can do with process management.
Instead of writing code in an SSH session, let’s push the code to a git repo in Github, SSH into the server and pull in the new code.
Go to Github or your favourite source control website, login and create a new repository named what you like. If you aren’t able to make it private, make it public (it’s okay, no one’s going to look anyway).
Make a new directory wherever you like to put your code projects locally (btw, to exit an SSH session just type exit
). I named mine with gusto and imagination, “tutorial-pt-2".
cd ~/Codemkdir tutorial-pt-2cd tutorial-pt-2
Now set up your origin, make an empty commit and push it up, setting your upstream branch as master.
git initgit commit --allow-empty -m "Well this is my first commit, *yay*"
# Use your repo's origin URL heregit remote add origin push -u origin master
It’s nice to start with an empty commit :).
Like we did on the server run npm init
and then create an index.js
file using the same code from the last tutorial. P.S. I am missing out the **_;_**
s on purpose, check out Standard Style.
const express = require('express')const app = express()app.get('/', (req, res) => {res.send('HEY!')})
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'))
NPM install express
npm install express --save
Also, let’s add a .gitignore
file so that we don’t check in the node_modules
directory. .DS_Store
files always get added to directories by OSX, they contain folder meta data. We want to ignore these too.
In general, it is best to only check in code that you actually need checked in, if you ever find yourself with chunks of copied or library code in your git repo then there is probably a better way to do it.
Now add all your code and push it up
git add .git commit -m "Ze server."git push
Now we need to pull the code into the server. This is where it can be kind of tricky.
We need to SSH into the server, generate a SSH private/public key pair and then add it as a deployment key in source control (i.e. Github). Only when the server is allowed access to the remote repo will it be able to clone the code and pull down changes.
SSH into your server and generate the key pair.
# When prompted, use the default name.# No need for a pass phrase.ssh-keygen -t rsa
Show the contents of the file
cat ~/.ssh/
Select the key’s contents and copy it into Github. Deploy keys are added in a section called Deploy keys in the settings for your repo.
Paste your key and call it something meaningful.
Whenever you are logged in over SSH, you want the keys to be added so that they are used to authenticate with Github. To do this, add these lines to the top of your ~/.bashrc
# Start the SSH agenteval `ssh-agent -s`
# Add the SSH keyssh-add
This will make sure you use the keys whenever you log on to the server. To run the code without logging out, execute the .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Now we can clone the repo! Remove any previous code on the server and in the user directory, clone the repo
# You should use your own git URL.git clone
If it works, it will allow you to type “yes” to add github as a known host, then the repo will be downloaded.
In a nice world we like to completely avoid ever using SSH. For deployment, we are going to use PM2 in order for us to do the git cloning on the server for us, with some bonus features.
Before using PM2, remove the code you just pulled in from git into your server.
rm -rf ~/tutorial-pt-2
While you are still in the SSH session, ensure that there are no processes still running on PM2, if there are then remove them.
pm2 ls
# Only do this if a task is still runningpm2 delete tutorial
In your local version of the project, install PM2 globally
npm i -g pm2
Now we need to add a config file PM2 can read so that it knows how to deploy.
PM2 configs are fully explained in the PM2 docs. The config file can be auto generated but I prefer to just create my own from scratch, avoiding any config I don’t need.
The config file should be named ecosystem.config.js
and should look like this
module.exports = {apps: [{name: 'tutorial-2',script: './index.js'}],deploy: {production: {user: 'ubuntu',host: '',key: '~/.ssh/tutorial-2.pem',ref: 'origin/master',repo: '',path: '/home/ubuntu/tutorial-2','post-deploy': 'npm install && pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.config.js'}}}
You will need to add your own host in the config file.
How does PM2 use this config file? When you run pm2 deploy ...
, PM2 SSHs into your server, clones your repo into the directory specified in path
, then it runs the post-deploy
on the server (so it starts your server using the PM2 installed globally on the server). After the deploy, you will be able to run pm2 ls
on the server to see all the apps running, their names will be the same as specified in the config file.
Once the file is saved, setup the directories on the remote
pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production setup
If you run into any auth issues, look back at setting up the SSH agent to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
Once setup, commit and push your changes to Github so that when it clones it gets your ecosystem.config.js
file, which is going to be used to start your app using PM2 on the server.
git add .git commit -m "Setup PM2"git push
Now you can run the deploy command
pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production
This should come up with an error, which will be that npm
was not found.
The reason for this is because of some code in the .bashrc
file of the server. This code stops the file from running if the shell is not interactive. Unlike using ssh
, PM2 logs into the server in a non-interactive shell. NVM is set up in the .bashrc
file so PM2 isn’t running NVM, which adds the npm
executable (thus the error from PM2). Read more about interactive/non interactive shells.
SSH into your server and open up the ~/.bashrc
file. The code that excludes non-interactive sessions is near the top.
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in*i*) ;;*) return;;esac
This code is some magic bash shit. All we need to do is move the NVM code above this code, so it always executes. Find the following lines and move them above the case statement
export NVM_DIR="/home/ubuntu/.nvm"[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
Save and exit.
Back on your local terminal, try running the PM2 deploy again
pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production
It should work this time! And your server should still be running when you check in a browser.
Using a global PM2 on the server and a global PM2 on the client is a bit messy. It would be better if our code used the local version of the PM2 package. To do this, add a deploy
and restart
script to your package.json
..."main": "index.js","scripts": {"restart": "pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.config.js","deploy": "pm2 deploy ecosystem.config.js production","test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},"repository": {...
Install PM2 locally and save, using --save-dev
npm i pm2 --save-dev
For those not that familiar with NPM, adding --save
or --save-dev
adds the package, along with a version number to package.json
. Any packages in the package.json
file will be installed when running npm install
, which happens in the PM2 post-deploy
Before deploying, commit all your changes and push to git.
When you run npm deploy
, it will now use the local version of PM2. Neat!
npm run-script deploy
In case you find that your app isn’t running, check the PM2 logs on your server, located in ~/.pm2/logs/
To make sure the app restarts when the server restarts, SSH back into your server and run
pm2 save
The only PM2 process running should be your deployed server, so PM2 will ensure that is always kept running.
Before concluding the tutorial, let’s use our deployment setup to change the server so that it serves HTML, rather than just responding with “Hey”.
Remove the route handler for /
and set up a static directory that express will use to serve static files.
const express = require('express')const app = express()
app.use(express.static('public'))app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'))
By calling express.static
with “public”, static files will be served from the public
directory. If we add an index.html
in /public
, then this will be automatically served at /
by express (if we left a custom /
handler, then that would override this functionality).
Save a simple HTML file in public/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Erm hey.</title></head><body><img src=""></body></html>
Commit these changes (perhaps you could check the server still works by running node index.js
locally and visiting http://localhost:3000).
Deploy the changes
npm run-script deploy
Your server will now respond with your static HTML page.
You should now have a simple express app that is fairly easy to deploy on EC2, running on port 80
. I left my source code public in case you would like to take a look
If you like this tutorial, I am doing a few more explaining how to setup Node with MySQL.