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New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.
First, let us explore the ideal Python Pathway — what is your path from beginner to advanced and what career focus areas are available with Python.
Additionally, it is recommended that you explore Version Control (Github is a perfect choice), Python Data Structure Algorithms (efficiency matters always) and DevOps (practices combining software development with IT operations in companies).
There are also tons of pre-installed Python Libraries and community-developed Packages, not necessarily pegged to a career pathway, worth learning to fulfil certain tasks or just for fun (cause why not?). My personal favorite — Selenium for browser automation.
Any career pathway or recommended library that you think we left out? Drop a comment at the end of this article!
In this section, I have detailed all resources that you need to learn Python. You could use these resources to teach yourself Python from scratch or supplement any Python Course:
Your first step before even learning the language should be choosing an IDE and setting it up. This is where you’ll be writing and executing your Python code. Here are the top IDEs to consider:
You can download and install your chosen IDE independently, however, I recommend using Anaconda which comes packaged with VSCode, Jupyter, and Spyder, even Rstudio for Data Science targets.
As a beginner, you probably want to delve into learning the basics before getting into testing. Nevertheless, test running is quite important in making sure all elements of your program are working as designed. In Python, we use the following libraries/frameworks to conduct tests:
As you learn Python and start practicing, bugs will be quite common and identifying them fast is an issue for many. Not any more! Today, all you have to do is copy-paste your code on Python Tutor to visualize its execution and help you pinpoint the bug or issue. Some alternative debuggers are The Python Debugger/PDB (A Python Module) and Online GDB.
Learn Python from well-structured websites covering at least all fundamentals:
Learn by reading detailed Python Books or PDF Publications:
Finally, to learn the Python Code Style Guide — PEP-8 Conventions — and start writing Pythonic Code. Visit the official style guide documentation at
Already versed with Python and would like to test your knowledge? We recommend using common interview questions to gauge your knowledge. After all, these questions give you an overview of what the industry needs you to know:
It goes without saying — Do Not Learn Coding Without Practice! But, the big problem is actually finding projects suited for your level that would best test and let you put your skill into practice. We’ve therefore split these projects into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels:
Most of these projects were inspired by Data Flair — Python Project Ideas for 2020. To understand the project deliverable, you can simply make a Google Search or visit the Data Flair link to get a short description.
The starred projects require a Graphical User Interface to be fulfilled while the projects with “Rec.” are those that I recommend trying out for ultimate practice and fun engagement. I have also sought to attempt all these projects and make them available on the Chaptr Github Account. 3 project repositories will be added each week for the next 10 weeks. Contributions are open!
Have you already done any of these projects? Or, do you have other project ideas worth mentioning? Drop a comment at the end of the article with your Github Repo link or Project Idea.
Alas! You are no random beginner anymore, you are pretty confident with your skills, and you have probably started populating your Github portfolio with some inspiring Python projects. You have also started mastering additional libraries to shape your career pathway. It is time to continue your Python engagement and keep developing your competencies. Here are some ways to achieve this:
I am not usually a fan of certifications, but in most countries, employers are still blinded by these traditional standards of proving competence. However, on a positive note, credible certifications do test your competence well and best help you know whether you are set for a job in the industry. Below are the two organizations best suited for Python competence certification:
The Python Institute (by the Open Education Development Group) offers 4 certification exams at 3 competency levels:
Microsoft Inc. (The company needs no introduction) offers mostly online exams for certification across all continents. You could explore the following certifications:
Beware that Microsoft is undertaking a major “certpocalypse” (Certificate Apocalypse), and some of these certification exams will no longer be on offer next year, but once certified, whether or not a program is retired, the certification will be valid and active for 2 years as usual.
One of the best ways to keep up your engagement with Python will be through Python Blogs and Vlogs. Below are blogs you should definitely look at. They are all pretty consistent on posting and have tons of Python content at everyone’s disposal:
Finally, it time for you to engage further with the global Python community and even start contributing. Some of the popular communities for Pythonistas are:
Now, a Python Developer you are! So, what career pathway do you want to take? Data Science, Machine Learning & AI, Game Development, Web Development, etc. Any libraries from the Python Packages that interest you? You can now easily chart your path based on your interests and career goals.
Do you have ideas of interesting Python resources that have been left out? Have you used and gained from any of the resources above? Drop a comment below and let others learn what worked for you or what other resources could be of help.
I will also be releasing detailed resources on the Data Science Career Pathway as well as other popular Python career pathways.
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