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Built two startups. The third is in progress. The best one
The most trending things among startups are Web 3, DAO, blockchain, and you name it.
Future of work is not the most popular among them, although work is half of our life. Moreover, work determines our whole life and makes us unhappy or happy. We are often sold the idea of wealth as a way to get rid of work. But in fact, none of us wants NOT to work. Everyone wants to work ON THEIR TERMS. Any work is, first of all, self-determination, a value at the top of Maslow's pyramid. That is an attribute that defines a person as a person.
However, the existing social order forces us to look for this value not in ourselves but by forcibly imposing the values of parents, school, and society. If you are a boy, you must want to become a military man, an athlete, or a financier. And if the girl is a model, a nurse, or a teacher.
But believe it or not, each of us has the uniqueness and beauty of a snowflake (sorry, Tyler Durden). So if your dad was a financier, it's okay if you're sick of numbers because you're unique. And if your mom was a housewife, and you want to be a zookeeper, that's fine because you are unique.
Okay, okay, your parents will tell you - be whoever you want, the main thing is to be able to pay for yourself. The main thing, they will add, be serious, do one thing all your life. If you went into the tech industry, do not quit - go deeper.
I spoke to FAANG employees who were willing to kill to get into the position of developers and designers. And now, after 7-10 years of work, they have a terrible longing in their eyes. I was happy, they say, but I don't want to do what I do anymore. What else I can do, I don't know. Did you recognize yourself by chance?
According to statistics,73% of Americans suffer from career burnout, and 25% quit their jobs because they are fed up with everything.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because wanting to change careers at 30 is normal.
Wanting to change it at 40 is normal.
It's okay to want to try something new.
But there is a big, evil BUT:
What if you have been working in the same field for ten years? If you are a financier, then all your friends are ... financiers, if you are a software developer, they are, let me guess, software developers. Any ideas on what to do with it?
I worked as a corporate lawyer in a large holding and felt at the top of the food chain. I got up early to run to work because it gave me everything - money, self-respect, realization. But after five years, something broke. I was 30, I had an office with a leather chair, a secretary, and a personal driver.
All my work was shifting pieces of paper from one folder and signing pieces of paper from another folder. And life was in full swing around - people went to festivals, saved whales, fought diseases, and made startups in Silicon Valley. And I was buried under a pile of paper for a lot of money.
Then I opened my own legal business, where I helped startups take off and was happy to do it.
The pandemic has changed everything - mass layoffs of people and remote work have brought me back to the idea that people are trying to solve the problem of the new framework very pointwise. And you need to change the framework itself.
Our parents chose a profession once in their lives. We - on average, once every 15 years. Gen Z will do this every 2-3 years.
Do you know why?
Because each of us is unique. But this uniqueness is not taken into account by employers.
Are you a great software developer, but other than that, you play the guitar, surf, love cats? But only your Tinder profile knows about it. The reason for your burnout lies precisely in this - you are not only a great software developer BUT ALSO a unique person with a unique set of interests.
And you know what? Now all existing job search tools do not care about your unique features. The main thing for them is to sell you to the employer and get their fee quickly.
Here is where the real problem lies.
I gathered a team of like-minded people, and we built a platform that looks for you a job based on your hard skills and considers your personal interests. You will not believe how many professions, it turns out, are suitable for you other than those that you have already been involved in.
We named it You choose the path yourself; it is neither bad nor good, your parents may not like it. But IT IS YOURS.
Our algorithm is self-learning, so the more people introduce their unique skills into it, the more professions and with greater accuracy, it will be able to select. Now it is “learning to walk” and sometimes it can give out that a bus driver and an aircraft carrier captain will suit you. But most of the time it turns out it was right.
Our goal is to break the old job search paradigm and create a platform where everyone can find a job just for themselves, not embarrassed by the fact that they liked building Lego or crocheting all their lives.
Why did I write all this? Because I sincerely believe that there will be global changes in the job search paradigm, and I want to make a tool for this. I would be grateful if you participated in this and trained our algorithm. Feel free to share your crazy career maps. And by the way, the more information you give him about your interests and skills, the more career paths you will see.
One investment banker saw that his best match was the butcher. Now this guy owns a steakhouse.
What about you?