Hey Hackers! The wait is over! Here we are with the results announcement for The Linux Writing Contest, June 2022. HackerNoon has partnered with Linode to give monthly prizes to the best Linux stories!
How to participate? It’s easy as ABC - Simply submit your story with the #Linux tag, and you’ll be entered to win from a prize pool of $3000 every month! from June 1st to August 31st!
Great news for Linux-lovers: Linode is also giving away $100 worth of credit and 60-day free trial to the HackerNoon community!
Without further ado, let’s see who won!
We picked all the stories tagged with the #linux tag on HackerNoon, published in June 2022. Then we chose the top stories using 60:30:10 weightage respectively to:
Here are the top 10 nominations:
To make sure that our algorithm is not abused in any way 🤖, editors voted for the top stories. Here are the winners:
Over time most Linux aficionados accrue a sparkling war chest full of hard-won tricks that can come in tremendously handy when a situation demands quick thinking at your terminal. I stashed away many of these bits of knowledge over the years and whenever I had the opportunity to watch over the shoulder of somebody exceptionally well-versed with Linux.
Today, you're pairing with me at the terminal. We're exploring the depths of Linux filesystem and shell tools and tricks.
This is one great story, @tylerjl! Well deserved! You have won $1250!
“But why Command Line Interface (CLI)?“
I asked this question to the computer professor at my university when he was trying to introduce Linux CLI or Command Line Interface to the class. Like most of the students in my class, almost all of the interaction that I have had with computers was using Windows OS. Accustomed to using ‘*My Computer’*in Windows, utilizing weird-looking commands to do simple tasks such as listing files felt an overkill to me.
Great storytelling @infinity! You have won $1000!
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (Africa), a boy of great courage dared to use Linux. This is his story.
Congratulations, @indieboy! You’ve won 750 USD!
On that note, let’s wrap up the announcement! See y’all next month! We will contact the winners shortly. Keep an eye on contests.hackernoon.com to see the current and upcoming writing contests! To know more about the rules, visit the webpage for The #Linux Writing Contest.