Tekpon knows how to boost your business with the right software. Find critical reviews, deals & articles.
Waste is a global problem that is not reflected only in trash or food. But also in the software industry. According to a new study, U.S companies waste almost $30 billion on unused software over a year. Also, in the recent report of the study, the global average came to 37% waste per company. This is a big waste that is reflecting in companies’ expenses. That’s why people and companies need to change the way they consume and purchase software products.
Now that the problem has been identified, how can companies end their software waste and save more money on other things?
This is a severe phenomenon right now, with companies ending to spend so much money on different software products meant to improve their business. They are spending money on purchasing software licenses without using them to their full potential. This fact is on account of the growth of the software industry in the last years. As a result, more and more software products were developed, which led to an overcrowded market. This fact brings us to the $30 billion problems.
At this point, users and companies have a hard job in choosing a product from the market. And most of them don’t know which ones fit their business model or personal needs. And, in the end, companies are spending money that leads to nowhere.
The answer to this problem is more complex. Yet, instead of going on a trial-and-error strategy, businesses and users should use only the tools they need and the ones that fit their business model or needs. Or you should find a suitable marketplace where you can find the right software for your business or personal needs. For example, Tekpon is a software marketplace that set out to put an end to software waste.
On Tekpon, you’ll find everything you need to start boosting your business with the right software products. In addition, users and companies can find honest reviews about the tools on the market, newcomers, popular, and old ones. Without an accurate picture, you can’t know for sure which one will work for you. Tekpon is working to help both users and companies to make the right choice. And put an end to software waste and fake reviews. But it has to be a collective job, as users need to understand the importance of feedback and user-experience reviews. Tekpon encourages users to write their own experiences to help other users who don’t know what to choose or what product they need.
Even in the software industry, we can talk about sustainability, but unused software is not part of the plan. This waste will lead to nowhere good. The companies will waste money on tools that will just grow their expenses instead of boosting their business. And users will end up being disappointed and unsatisfied by the fact that the chosen software product hasn’t brought an improvement in its life. Thus, the only viable solution for companies to avoid software and money waste is to choose the right software and purchase only the licenses that work for them.