RootStock L2 : Pioneering Dapps on Bitcoinby@gssakash
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RootStock L2 : Pioneering Dapps on Bitcoin

by AkashApril 2nd, 2024
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Rootstock is a revolutionary Layer 2 solution for Bitcoin, seamlessly integrating the security of Bitcoin's proof of work with the smart contract capabilities of Ethereum. It enables Bitcoin users to execute smart contracts, offering a scalable and secure platform for decentralized applications (dApps) and DeFi services.
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In this article, we will be covering the Rootstock Layer 2 network that has the goal of creating and enabling both developers and the Bitcoin network as a whole to be able to create fully secure and functional Dapp applications on the Bitcoin blockchain and how it is exactly enabling them to do so.

Rootstock (RSK) is a second-layer platform that operates alongside the Bitcoin blockchain to address certain limitations of the Bitcoin network. It was launched in 2014 to improve Bitcoin transaction times and enable the use of smart contracts.

Disclaimer: This article is purely informational and is not financial advice. The writer is not liable for any damages caused, and investments in cryptocurrencies are risky and users are required to do their due research before proceeding.


Rootstock also known as RSK is a platform that has been designed to enhance the functionality of the Bitcoin network by introducing smart contracts, decentralized applications [Dapps], and faster transaction speeds, all while maintaining the high security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network. It operates as a second-layer platform, providing additional capabilities to the Bitcoin blockchain without compromising on its core features.

Rootstock’s primary purpose is to extend Bitcoin’s capabilities by enabling smart contracts and decentralized financial applications [DeFi] applications which are non-native to the Bitcoin network. This is achieved through the integration of a forked version of the Ethereum virtual machine [EVM] dubbed the RVM [Rootstock virtual machine] which allows developers to deploy EVM-compatible smart contracts directly on the rootstock network and developers need not perform any transitions between them as it is cross-compatible with the EVM blockchain. These smart contracts can also be deployed on Ethereum, ensuring full compatibility and interoperability between both ecosystems.

One of the key innovations of Rootstock is its use of merged mining, where miners can mine both Bitcoin and Rootstock simultaneously, leveraging the security and hashing power of the Bitcoin network. This approach not only enhances the scalability and transaction speed of the Rootstock network but also secures it with over 50% of Bitcoin's hashing power.

Rootstock also introduces the RSK Infrastructure Framework (RIF%20within%20a%20unified%20environment.)), which offers a suite of services and tools to support the development of DApps, including payment solutions, identity verification, and marketplace functionalities. These services aim to reduce development time and facilitate the scaling of projects within the Rootstock ecosystem.

Furthermore, Rootstock employs a two-way pegging mechanism called Powpeg, which allows for the seamless transfer of Bitcoin to and from the Rootstock blockchain. This mechanism ensures a stable and reliable value transfer between the two chains, with RBTC (Rootstock Bitcoin) serving as the primary token for transaction fees on the Rootstock network.

In summary, Rootstock serves as a bridge between the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems, offering a secure and scalable platform for the development and deployment of smart contracts and DeFi applications. Its innovative features, such as merged mining and RIF services, make it a valuable addition to the Bitcoin ecosystem, enabling a more decentralized and functional financial landscape.

Origins of the RootStock Network

Sidechains are a fascinating concept in the blockchain technology space, allowing for the creation of parallel blockchains that can interact with a main blockchain. This technology has the potential to significantly enhance the scalability and functionality of blockchain networks. The development and adoption of sidechains have been influenced by various factors, including technological advancements, the need for scalability, and the desire to facilitate cross-chain transactions. Rootstock, also known as RSK (Rootstock), has played a pivotal role in the development and promotion of sidechains.

The Concept of Sidechains

The idea of sidechains was first introduced by Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, in 2014. The concept was to create a scalable solution for the Ethereum blockchain, which was facing scalability issues due to its high gas fees and slow transaction times. Sidechains allow for the creation of separate blockchains that can run in parallel with the main blockchain. These sidechains can process transactions more quickly and at a lower cost, thereby improving the overall scalability and efficiency of the network.

Rootstock's Role in Sidechains

Rootstock, or RSK, is a platform that enables the creation of sidechains on the Bitcoin blockchain. RSK's approach to sidechains is unique because it allows for the creation of sidechains that are secured by the Bitcoin network, rather than a separate Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This means that RSK sidechains benefit from the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network, while also offering the scalability and functionality improvements that sidechains are designed to provide.

Development and Adoption of Sidechains

The development of sidechains has been driven by the need for scalability and the desire to facilitate cross-chain transactions. As the number of blockchain projects continues to grow, so does the demand for scalable and efficient blockchain solutions. Sidechains offer a way to scale blockchain networks without compromising on security or decentralization.

RSK has been instrumental in promoting the adoption of sidechains. It has developed a range of tools and services to facilitate the creation and management of sidechains, making it easier for developers and businesses to leverage the benefits of sidechains. RSK's approach has been well-received in the blockchain community, and it has attracted a number of projects and developers to the platform.


The development and adoption of sidechains, with Rootstock playing a significant role, represent a significant step forward in the scalability and functionality of blockchain networks. By allowing for the creation of parallel blockchains that can interact with the main blockchain, sidechains offer a scalable and efficient solution to the scalability issues faced by many blockchain networks. RSK's approach to sidechains, which leverages the security and decentralization of the Bitcoin network, has set a new standard for sidechain development and has opened up new possibilities for the future of blockchain technology.

Scalability and Interoperability of the RootStock Network

Rootstock (RSK) has made significant strides in enhancing both scalability and interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem, particularly by leveraging the Bitcoin network. This innovative approach combines the security and decentralization of Bitcoin with the scalability and functionality of sidechains, creating a unique and powerful platform for blockchain development.

Scalability Enhancement

Scalability is a critical issue for many blockchain networks, especially those that are designed to handle a high volume of transactions. Traditional blockchains often struggle with high transaction volumes, leading to slow confirmation times and high fees. Rootstock addresses this issue by creating sidechains that run in parallel to the Bitcoin blockchain. These sidechains can process transactions more quickly and at a lower cost, thereby significantly improving the scalability of the network.

RSK's sidechains are secured by the Bitcoin network, which means they benefit from the network's security and decentralization. This approach allows RSK to offer a scalable solution without compromising on security or decentralization. By offloading transactions to sidechains, the main Bitcoin blockchain can remain lightweight and fast, ensuring that it can continue to operate efficiently even under high transaction volumes.

Interoperability Enhancement

Interoperability refers to the ability of different blockchain networks to interact and exchange information with each other. Traditionally, blockchains are isolated, with each network operating independently of the others. This lack of interoperability can limit the potential for cross-chain transactions and the development of decentralized applications (dApps).

RSK enhances interoperability by allowing sidechains to interact with the Bitcoin network and with each other. This means that dApps and services running on RSK sidechains can easily interact with Bitcoin and other blockchains, facilitating cross-chain transactions and the development of more complex and versatile dApps.

RSK's approach to interoperability is facilitated by its use of the Bitcoin network as the underlying security layer for its sidechains. This allows RSK to leverage the existing infrastructure and community of the Bitcoin network, making it easier for developers and businesses to build and deploy dApps on RSK sidechains.


Rootstock's innovative approach to scalability and interoperability represents a significant advancement in the blockchain technology space. By leveraging the Bitcoin network to create scalable and interoperable sidechains, RSK has opened up new possibilities for blockchain development and adoption. This approach not only addresses the scalability issues faced by many blockchain networks but also enhances interoperability, allowing for the development of more complex and versatile dApps. As the demand for scalable and efficient blockchain solutions continues to grow, RSK's approach to sidechains is likely to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the blockchain ecosystem.

Core Components of the RootStock Network

The architecture of the Rootstock network, also known as RSK (Rootstock Smart Contracts), is designed to enhance the Bitcoin network by incorporating smart contract capabilities, similar to those found in Ethereum. This integration aims to expand Bitcoin's functionality, enabling the development of decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts, and quicker transactions while maintaining Bitcoin's high-level security. Here's a deconstruction of the Rootstock network's architecture:

Core Components

  • Smart Contract Platform: Rootstock serves as a smart contract platform built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It leverages a forked version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) known as the Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM), which is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts and tools.

  • Smart Bitcoin (RBTC): RBTC is the native currency of the Rootstock network, pegged 1:1 with Bitcoin. This means there are exactly 21 million RBTC in circulation, mirroring the total supply of Bitcoin. RBTC is used to pay for the gas required for the execution of transactions on the Rootstock network.

  • Powpeg: The Powpeg is a critical component that allows for the transfer of bitcoins from the Bitcoin blockchain to the Rootstock blockchain and vice versa. This two-way peg ensures that the value of RBTC is always in sync with Bitcoin, providing a trustless and censorship-resistant bridge between the two networks.


  • Development and Production Networks: Rootstock operates two networks: a development or testing network (Testnet) and a production network (Mainnet). The Mainnet operates with blocks every 30 seconds, facilitating the execution of smart contracts and transactions.

Security and Scalability

  • Security: Rootstock's architecture is designed to leverage Bitcoin's security model, providing a secure environment for smart contracts. This is achieved through the integration of the Bitcoin blockchain, which is known for its robust security features.

  • Scalability: Rootstock addresses Bitcoin's scalability challenges by offering a faster block time and the ability to handle a greater number of transactions per second. This enhancement is crucial for supporting a broader array of applications and accommodating higher transaction volumes.

Developer and User Engagement

  • Developer Portal: Rootstock provides a comprehensive Developer Portal, offering documentation and tools for building on the Rootstock blockchain. This portal is designed to make it easy for developers with prior Ethereum development experience to contribute to the Rootstock network.

  • Grants Program: To encourage innovation, Rootstock offers a strategic grants program, providing funding up to $2.5 million for developers to build DeFi projects and DApps on the Rootstock ecosystem. This initiative includes mentorship and marketing support for successful applicants.


The Rootstock network's architecture is a sophisticated blend of Bitcoin's security and scalability with Ethereum's smart contract capabilities. By leveraging the Powpeg and the RVM, Rootstock enables the development of decentralized applications and smart contracts on the Bitcoin network, offering a platform that combines the best of both worlds. This architecture not only enhances Bitcoin's functionality but also fosters a more decentralized financial ecosystem, supporting the development of DeFi applications and stablecoins pegged to different fiat currencies.

Security and Proof of Work Consensus in the RootStock Network

Rootstock (RSK) has implemented a robust security framework that leverages the security features of the Bitcoin network, including its Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and incorporates additional security measures such as the use of Hardware Security Modules (HSMs). This multi-layered security approach ensures that RSK sidechains are secure, reliable, and resistant to various types of attacks.

Bitcoin's Proof of Work

At its core, RSK's security model is built upon the security of the Bitcoin network. RSK sidechains are secured by the Bitcoin network through a mechanism known as "federated pegging." This means that the security of RSK sidechains is backed by the security of the Bitcoin blockchain. The Bitcoin network's Proof of Work consensus mechanism ensures that the network is secure against attacks and that transactions are verified and added to the blockchain in a secure and decentralized manner.

Proof of Work requires miners to solve complex mathematical puzzles in order to validate transactions and create new blocks. This process is computationally intensive and requires significant resources, making it difficult for attackers to manipulate the network. The security of the Bitcoin network, and by extension RSK, is thus maintained through the collective effort of miners worldwide.

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)

In addition to relying on the Bitcoin network's Proof of Work, RSK also employs Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to enhance the security of its sidechains. HSMs are physical devices that safeguard and manage digital keys for strong authentication and provide cryptoprocessing. They are designed to be tamper-resistant and offer a high level of security for cryptographic operations.

RSK uses HSMs to secure the private keys associated with the federation members, who are responsible for validating transactions on the sidechains. By storing these keys in HSMs, RSK ensures that they are protected against unauthorized access and tampering. This adds an additional layer of security, making it even more difficult for attackers to compromise the sidechains.

Multi-Signature Transactions

Another security measure employed by RSK is the use of multi-signature transactions. This means that transactions on the sidechains require the approval of multiple federation members before they can be executed. This requirement ensures that no single entity has the power to execute transactions without the consent of others, thereby enhancing the security and integrity of the sidechains.


Rootstock's security framework is a testament to its commitment to providing a secure and reliable platform for blockchain development. By leveraging the security of the Bitcoin network and incorporating additional security measures such as HSMs and multi-signature transactions, RSK ensures that its sidechains are secure against a wide range of potential threats. This multi-layered security approach not only protects the integrity of the sidechains but also fosters trust and confidence among developers and users, encouraging the adoption and development of innovative blockchain applications.

Smart Contracts on the RootStock Network and their EVM Compatibility

Rootstock (RSK) has made significant strides in enabling the deployment of Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible smart contracts on its sidechains. This compatibility is facilitated by the Root Virtual Machine (RVM), which allows RSK sidechains to execute EVM-compatible smart contracts. This feature is crucial for developers looking to leverage the Ethereum ecosystem's vast resources and tools while benefiting from the scalability and security enhancements provided by RSK's sidechains.

EVM Compatibility

The EVM is the runtime environment for smart contracts in Ethereum. It is a Turing-complete virtual machine that executes smart contracts. EVM-compatible smart contracts are written in Solidity, Ethereum's programming language, and can interact with other smart contracts and accounts on the Ethereum blockchain.

RSK's sidechains are designed to be EVM-compatible, meaning they can execute smart contracts written in Solidity. This compatibility is achieved through the RVM also known as the Rootstock Virtual Machine, which is a virtual machine that runs on the RSK sidechains. The RVM is designed to interpret and execute EVM bytecode, allowing RSK sidechains to run EVM-compatible smart contracts.

Deployment of EVM-Compatible Smart Contracts

Developers can deploy EVM-compatible smart contracts on RSK sidechains using the same tools and processes they would use on the Ethereum network. This includes using the Truffle Suite, Remix, and other development tools to write, compile, and deploy smart contracts. Once deployed, these smart contracts can interact with other contracts and accounts on the RSK sidechains, as well as with the Bitcoin network through the federated pegging mechanism.

Benefits of EVM Compatibility

  • Access to Ethereum Tools and Resources: Developers can leverage the vast ecosystem of Ethereum tools, libraries, and developer communities when building on RSK. This includes access to a wide range of development tools, libraries, and frameworks that are specifically designed for Ethereum.

  • Interoperability: EVM-compatible smart contracts on RSK sidechains can interact with Ethereum contracts and accounts, facilitating cross-chain transactions and dApps. This interoperability opens up new possibilities for decentralized applications and services.

  • Scalability and Security: By offloading transactions to RSK sidechains, developers can take advantage of the scalability and security enhancements provided by RSK, while still benefiting from the Ethereum ecosystem's robust smart contract capabilities.

Compatibility with Ethereum

RSK's EVM compatibility extends to the ability to interact with the Ethereum network. This means that smart contracts deployed on RSK sidechains can interact with Ethereum contracts and accounts, and vice versa. This interoperability is facilitated through the federated pegging mechanism, which allows assets to be securely transferred between the RSK sidechains and the Ethereum network.


The deployment of EVM-compatible smart contracts on RSK sidechains through the RVM represents a significant advancement in the blockchain technology space. By enabling Ethereum's smart contract capabilities on RSK sidechains, RSK provides developers with a powerful platform for building decentralized applications and services. This compatibility not only enhances the scalability and security of RSK sidechains but also opens up new opportunities for cross-chain transactions and dApps, positioning RSK as a key player in the blockchain ecosystem.

RootSock Virtual Machine [RVM] vs Ethereum Virtual Machine [EVM]

Now, you may be wondering what exactly are the differences between the forked version of the EVM known as the RVM and we will be covering why more and more developers are moving towards building on it and how it is enhancing BTC’s ability to now be able to support Dapp Builders which provides a chance for the ecosystem to support a wide array of functionalities and improve BTC’s ability as a whole to not only be the best financial decentralized network but open up a whole new set of opportunities and developments for it.

The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and the Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM) are both runtime environments for executing smart contracts, but they serve different purposes and have distinct features.

  • Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM): The EVM is the runtime environment for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It uses a gas system to facilitate operations, where each operation has a cost in gas, which is paid in Ether (ETH). The EVM supports the Solidity programming language and is designed to execute smart contracts in a secure and isolated manner.

  • Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM): The RVM is a forked version of the EVM, meaning it can execute the same bytecode and opcodes as the EVM. It is designed to run on the Rootstock sidechain, which is a layer 2 solution built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. The RVM uses RBTCs (Rootstock BTCs) as fuel for smart contracts, which are pegged to the value of Bitcoin. This design allows for the execution of smart contracts without affecting the Bitcoin blockchain, providing a buffer against vulnerabilities that could potentially halt the entire network, as seen with the DAO hack on Ethereum.

    The RVM also includes native support for Bitcoin opcodes, precompiled contracts for elliptic curve cryptography, and a performance improvement pipeline. It is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts and tools, such as Solidity, Truffle, and Remix, and aims to support all Ethereum contracts, including those written in Solidity, Julia, and other languages that compile to the EVM.

The main differences between the EVM and RVM include:

  • Security and Isolation: The RVM provides a more secure environment for smart contracts by isolating them from the Bitcoin blockchain. This isolation prevents a compromised contract from affecting the Bitcoin network, unlike the Ethereum network where a vulnerability can halt the entire network.

  • Fuel and Costs: While Ethereum uses gas to facilitate operations, the RVM uses RBTCs. This difference in fuel mechanisms reflects the different underlying blockchains (Ethereum and Bitcoin).

  • Compatibility and Features: The RVM is highly compatible with the EVM, supporting the same bytecode and opcodes, and is designed to work with Ethereum smart contracts and tools. It also offers additional features, such as bridging with Bitcoin and querying the Bitcoin blockchain, which are not present in the EVM.

  • Resource Requirements: Rootstock requires fewer resources than Ethereum, thanks to its more efficient data structures and less on-chain activity, which allows for potentially higher transaction throughput.

Why do Developers Prefer the RVM over EVM now?

Developers are moving from the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to the Rootstock Virtual Machine (RVM) for several reasons, primarily due to the enhanced security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness offered by the RVM. Here's a breakdown of why developers might be considering the switch:

  1. Enhanced Security: The RVM, being a sidechain solution, provides a more secure environment for smart contracts. By isolating smart contracts from the main Bitcoin blockchain, the RVM reduces the risk of a vulnerability in a smart contract affecting the entire Bitcoin network. This isolation is a significant advantage over the EVM, where a vulnerability in a smart contract could potentially halt the entire Ethereum network.

  2. Scalability: The RVM is designed to handle a higher volume of transactions compared to the EVM. This is because the RVM operates on the Bitcoin blockchain, which has a higher capacity for transactions than the Ethereum blockchain. Developers looking to build applications that require high throughput and scalability may find the RVM more suitable.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness: The RVM uses RBTCs (Rootstock BTCs) as fuel for smart contracts, which are pegged to the value of Bitcoin. This can make transactions on the RVM more cost-effective compared to the EVM, where gas prices can fluctuate significantly. For developers and users, this can lead to lower operational costs for executing smart contracts.

  4. Compatibility and Ecosystem: The RVM is highly compatible with the EVM, supporting the same bytecode and opcodes, and is designed to work with Ethereum smart contracts and tools. This compatibility means that developers can easily migrate their existing Ethereum-based applications to the RVM without significant changes. Additionally, the RVM aims to support all Ethereum contracts, including those written in Solidity, Julia, and other languages that compile to the EVM. This compatibility and support for a wide range of programming languages make the RVM an attractive option for developers.

  5. Resource Efficiency: The RVM is designed to be more resource-efficient than the EVM, thanks to its more efficient data structures and less on-chain activity. This efficiency can lead to lower transaction fees and faster transaction times, making the RVM an attractive option for developers looking to build applications that are both cost-effective and efficient.

RootStock Infrastructure Framework

The Rootstock Infrastructure Framework (RIF) is a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to accelerate the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Rootstock (RSK) platform. RIF provides a range of functionalities that address various aspects of dApp development, from smart contract development and testing to user authentication and data storage. By leveraging RIF, developers can build, deploy, and manage dApps more efficiently, taking advantage of RSK's scalability, security, and interoperability features.

RIF Services Overview

  1. RIF Lumino: A decentralized protocol for value transfer that enables fast, low-cost transactions between RSK and other blockchains. Lumino facilitates cross-chain transactions, allowing dApps to interact with multiple blockchains seamlessly.

  2. RIF Marketplace: A decentralized marketplace for dApps, where developers can publish, discover, and monetize their applications. The marketplace supports the deployment of dApps across RSK sidechains, ensuring they can scale and perform efficiently.

  3. RIF Identity Manager: A service that provides a decentralized identity solution for users. It allows dApps to authenticate users in a secure and privacy-preserving manner, enhancing user experience and security.

  4. RIF Data Vault: A decentralized storage solution that enables dApps to store data securely and privately. Data Vault uses decentralized storage networks to ensure data is not only encrypted but also distributed across multiple nodes, providing resilience against data loss.

  5. RIF Storage: A set of tools and services for decentralized storage, including RIF Storage Adapter, which allows dApps to interact with decentralized storage solutions like IPFS and Swarm. This facilitates the storage of large files and data sets in a decentralized manner.

  6. RIF Communication: Provides a set of tools for decentralized communication, including RIF Communication Protocol, which enables secure, peer-to-peer communication between dApps and users. This is crucial for dApps that require real-time communication or data sharing.

  7. RIF OS: A decentralized operating system that provides a range of services and tools for dApp development, including smart contract development, testing, and deployment. RIF OS is designed to be modular, allowing developers to choose the tools and services they need for their specific dApp requirements.

  8. RIF Flyover: The RIF Flyover protocol acts like a fast, secure and fully decentralized pathway for the users of Bitcoin to enter into the Rootstock network and it is mainly responsible for the transferring of BTC both into the Rootstock network and outside of it.

  9. RIF Relay: RIF relay is a secure and sponsored transaction system letting users pay transaction fees using any ERC20 token which enables the end users to make all of their transactions using only one asset removing complexity and improving the UX of onboarding onto the network.

  10. RNS (RIF Name Service): The RNS aka RIF naming service replaces the complicated cryptocurrency address that you generally find for any service deployed on the Bitcoin blockchain with an easy-to-understand nickname simplifying the process of both verifying and transacting digital asset transactions with a human-readable name and it also bolsters the security of the network by the integration of a “Self Sovereign Identity Protocol” into your products increasing flexibility.

  11. RIF Wallet: The RIF wallet is a fully programmable and extensible DeFI wallet that enables developers and businesses to build intuitive and fully secure mobile-first Web3 experiences for their end users. Businesses can now transition its end users into the Web3 ecosystem without any added complexity associated with blockchain addresses in general.

  12. RIF Rollups: RIF Rollup is a trustless protocol for fast and scalable low-cost payments on Rootstock powered by zkRollup Technology. It is a fork of the Zero Knowledge zkSync Lite (v1) developed by Matter Labs. Its current functionality and scope include low gas transfers of RBTC and ERC20 tokens on the Rootstock network.

Accelerating Development with RIF

RIF's comprehensive suite of services addresses the various challenges and requirements of dApp development, from the creation of smart contracts to the management of user identities and data storage. By providing a unified platform for these functionalities, RIF accelerates the development process, allowing developers to focus on building their dApps rather than on the underlying infrastructure.

Moreover, RIF's services are designed to be interoperable, enabling dApps to interact with other blockchains and services seamlessly. This interoperability is crucial for building dApps that can leverage the full potential of the RSK platform and the broader blockchain ecosystem.


The Rootstock Infrastructure Framework (RIF) represents a significant advancement in the development of decentralized applications. By providing a comprehensive suite of tools and services, RIF accelerates the development process, enhances the functionality of dApps, and ensures their scalability and security. As the demand for decentralized applications continues to grow, RIF will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the blockchain technology space.

PowPeg Protocol on the RootStock Network

Introduction to PowPeg

The PowPeg protocol, developed by Rootstock, is a revolutionary two-way peg system that bridges the gap between Bitcoin (BTC) and Rootstock Bitcoin (RBTC). This system leverages Bitcoin's proof-of-work (PoW) security to ensure the conversion of BTC to RBTC and vice versa in a secure, permissionless, and uncensorable manner. The protocol's design incorporates specialized hardware security devices (PowHSMs) that enhance security through tamper-proof secure elements and a layered security model known as "defence-in-depth."

Key Features of PowPeg

  • Security: PowPeg utilizes PowHSMs to secure the locked bitcoins, making it economically unfeasible for malicious actors to steal from the vault.
  • Decentralization: The protocol has evolved from a federated system to a more decentralized one, with functionaries primarily ensuring the hardware and nodes remain operational.
  • Trustless Peg-In and Peg-Out Processes: The peg-in and peg-out processes are designed to be secure and trustless, requiring the collaboration of the majority of PowPeg members.

The PowPeg Process: Peg-In and Peg-Out

Peg-In Process

The peg-in process involves sending bitcoins to the PowPeg address and informing the Bridge about the Bitcoin transaction. The Bridge then verifies the transaction through the PowHSMs, which require a specific amount of PoW to sign a BTC unlocking transaction. This process ensures that the peg-ins are secure and trustless.

Peg-Out Process

The peg-out process requires the Bridge to accept requests from Rootstock accounts, build a Bitcoin peg-out transaction, and command the PowHSMs to sign this transaction after thousands of confirmation blocks. This ensures that the peg-outs are also secure and trustless, requiring the collaboration of the majority of PowPeg members.

The Future of PowPeg: Enhancing Security and Decentralization

The future of the PowPeg protocol is promising, with a focus on further enhancing security and decentralization. The protocol's defense-in-depth approach, combined with the use of PowHSMs, provides a robust foundation for a more decentralized peg. This system not only secures the locked bitcoins but also ensures that the peg-in and peg-out processes are secure and trustless, making it a viable solution for asset migration between Bitcoin and RSK.


The PowPeg protocol represents a significant advancement in the blockchain space, offering a secure and decentralized method for converting BTC to RBTC and vice versa. By leveraging Bitcoin's PoW security and incorporating advanced security measures, PowPeg ensures that the pegging process is both secure and trustless. As the protocol continues to evolve, it is poised to play a crucial role in the future of decentralized finance and asset migration.

Merged Mining and Transaction Fees on the RootStock Network

Rootstock stands strong as being the first pioneers of a “Merged Mining” platform in terms of the rewards paid to Miners where they are paid in Bitcoin and earn close to 80% of the fees on the network with every computing block submitted to the network.

Merged Mining

Merged mining is a technique that allows miners to mine two different cryptocurrencies simultaneously using the same mining infrastructure. This is particularly beneficial for miners who are already operating Bitcoin mining operations, as it provides an additional revenue stream without the need for additional hardware or energy expenditure. In the context of Rootstock, merged mining allows Bitcoin miners to secure the Rootstock sidechain, thereby contributing to the network's security and stability while earning rewards in both Bitcoin and RBTC (Rootstock Bitcoin).

Benefits for Miners

  • Additional Revenue Stream: Miners can earn rewards in both Bitcoin and RBTC, diversifying their income sources.

  • Efficient Use of Resources: By utilizing the same mining infrastructure for both Bitcoin and Rootstock, miners can maximize their hardware utilization.

  • Increased Network Security: By securing the Rootstock sidechain, miners contribute to the overall security and decentralization of the network.

Technical Details

Merged mining on Rootstock is facilitated through a Smart Contract called REMASC, which manages the distribution of fees and rewards. Miners can either use out-of-the-box merged mining pools or follow a guide to extend their existing mining pool for merged mining with Rootstock. This process ensures that Bitcoin mining operations are not negatively impacted by the additional work required for merged mining.

RIF Relay for Transaction Fee Payment Flexibility

RIF Relay is a secure gasless transaction system designed to simplify the process of paying transaction fees on the blockchain. It allows users to pay fees using any ERC-20 token (e.g., a stablecoin) on the Rootstock network without first purchasing RBTC. This innovative solution addresses the challenge of gas fees, which can be costly and hinder adoption, by providing a more accessible and flexible payment method.

Key Features of RIF Relay

  • Flexible Payment Options: Users can pay transaction fees with their preferred token, including stablecoins, making transactions more accessible and reducing friction for non-crypto-savvy users.

  • Subsidized Transaction Fees: Companies integrating RIF Relay can choose to pay fees on behalf of their users, creating a seamless payment experience similar to traditional online methods.

  • Earnings Opportunity: Businesses can earn a percentage from every transaction fee collected, offering a new revenue stream.

  • Cost Efficiency: Despite being based on Ethereum GSN, RIF Relay offers significantly lower gas prices, providing businesses with a competitive advantage and streamlining transactions for their users.

RIF Relay is part of the RIF product suite and is designed to be easily integrated into existing or new products, making it accessible for any service provider in the financial industry. By addressing the friction points that have long held back crypto’s mass adoption, RIF Relay opens up new opportunities for businesses and consumers alike.


Merged mining offers a unique opportunity for Bitcoin miners to diversify their income streams and contribute to the security of the Rootstock network. Meanwhile, RIF Relay provides a flexible and cost-efficient solution for transaction fees, making it easier for users to participate in the blockchain ecosystem without the complexities of gas fees. Together, these technologies represent significant advancements in the blockchain space, enhancing both the user experience and the overall functionality of the network.

Defi on the RootStock Network

Introduction to Sovryn

Sovryn is a pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) provider that operates on the Bitcoin sidechain, Rootstock Smart Contract (RSK). It serves as a comprehensive platform for various financial services, including lending, borrowing, trading, staking, and yield farming, all within the Bitcoin ecosystem. Sovryn's native token, SOV, is used for governance, allowing token holders to participate in the platform's governance by staking their tokens, known as "bitocracy." This mechanism ensures that the platform remains decentralized and resistant to censorship.

Key Features of Sovryn

Financial Services

  • BTC ⇋ RBTC Conversion: Users can convert Bitcoin (BTC) to Rootstock Bitcoin (RBTC) and vice versa, facilitating seamless transactions within the Sovryn ecosystem.

  • Fiat on-ramp: Sovryn provides a fiat on-ramp for purchasing RBTC against fiat currencies, requiring KYC for access.

  • Swap/Trade: Users can swap and trade various coins and tokens running on RSK.

  • Margin Trading: Offers leverage up to 5x for trading.

  • Lending and Borrowing: Users can lend their cryptocurrencies to earn yield and borrow by depositing collateral.

  • Yield Farming: Provides opportunities to earn yield by providing liquidity to pools.

  • Staking: Allows the staking of SOV tokens to participate in Bitocracy and earn protocol fees.

  • Launchpad: Investment platform for upcoming projects.

Governance and SOV Token

  • SOV Token: The SOV token is used for governance, allowing token holders to participate in the platform's decision-making process. Staking SOV tokens grants voting rights and participation in the platform's rewards and risks.

  • Bitocracy: A governance model where SOV token holders can participate in the platform's governance by staking their tokens. This model ensures that the platform remains decentralized and resistant to censorship.

How to Use Sovryn

To interact with Sovryn, users need a wallet capable of connecting to the RSK network. This can be achieved by setting up the RSK-native rWallet or adding the RSK network to an existing wallet like MetaMask. Users can then use rBTC as gas for transactions within the Sovryn platform. BTC can be converted to rBTC by sending BTC to a Bitcoin address generated by Sovryn, ensuring a seamless transition between Bitcoin and RSK.

Sovryn's Role in DeFi Ecosystem

Sovryn plays a crucial role in the DeFi ecosystem by providing a non-custodial and permissionless smart contract-based system for Bitcoin lending, borrowing, and margin trading. It allows users to maintain custody of their private keys, enabling them to withdraw their funds at any time. This permissionless nature ensures that no transaction can be censored, banned, or require KYC before trading, making Sovryn a truly decentralized platform.


Sovryn represents a significant advancement in the DeFi space, offering a wide range of financial services on the Bitcoin sidechain, RSK. Its focus on decentralization, security, and user control makes it a compelling platform for Bitcoin holders and DeFi enthusiasts alike. As the Sovryn ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, it is poised to play a pivotal role in the future of decentralized finance on Bitcoin.

Interoperability of the RSK Token With the ETH Ecosystem

Overview of the RSK-ETH Token Bridge

The RSK-ETH token bridge facilitates the cross-chain transfer of ERC20 tokens between the Rootstock (RSK) and Ethereum blockchains. This bridge enables users and contract creators to move tokens between the two networks, offering the flexibility to leverage lower fees, a more secure network, or different consensus mechanisms as needed.

How It Works

  • Locking Tokens: The process begins with the user locking their ERC20 tokens on the original chain (RSK or Ethereum) using the token bridge smart contract.

  • Event Emission: The bridge emits an event containing the details of the transaction, which is then picked up by the federation.

  • Voting and Transfer: The federation votes on the transaction, and once a majority (half plus one) agrees, the bridge on the other chain creates equivalent tokens (using ERC777, which is ERC20 compatible but adds more functionality and avoids the ERC20 token burn issue). These tokens are credited to the address that initiated the transfer on the other chain.

Benefits of the Token Bridge

  • Interoperability: The bridge enhances the interoperability between the 2 largest blockchain networks, allowing users to move tokens seamlessly between RSK and ETH. This opens up a lot of new possibilities for Bitcoin users, who can move their BTC to RSK and then use tokens from Ethereum within the RSK ecosystem.

  • Layer 2 Empowerment: The ability to have the same token on multiple networks benefits Layer 2 solutions like SWARM or Oraclize, enabling them to accept payments in various networks. This, combined with the concept of stablecoins, minimizes volatility and provides Layer 2 solutions with new scalability and standardized payment options.

  • Decentralization: Initially, the token bridge was federated, but RSK plans to transition it to a trustless and fully decentralized model. This change aims to make the bridge more secure and resistant to censorship, with smart contracts validating transactions across chains.

Future Developments

RSK is committed to making the token bridge trustless and fully decentralized. This transition involves upgrading the bridge contract to be validated by smart contracts, following the Smart Hawk paper, which is an adaptation of the FlyClient paper. This move is part of RSK's broader strategy to enhance decentralization and security within its ecosystem.


The RSK-ETH token bridge plays a crucial role in enhancing interoperability between the RSK and Ethereum blockchains. By allowing the seamless transfer of ERC20 tokens, it opens up new opportunities for users and developers, facilitating cross-chain transactions and enabling the integration of various blockchain networks. As RSK continues to evolve, the token bridge's decentralization and trustless model will further solidify its position as a key enabler of blockchain interoperability.

RBTC VS RDOC: Tokenomics and Utility

The RSK ecosystem, a second-layer blockchain that runs alongside the Bitcoin blockchain, is home to several major tokens, each with its unique utility and role within the network. Among these, RBTC and RDOC stand out for their distinct functionalities and the value they bring to the RSK ecosystem.


RBTC, the smart-contract-compatible version of Bitcoin, is a cornerstone of the RSK ecosystem. It replicates Bitcoin's total maximum supply of 21 million, ensuring it never deviates from the Bitcoin price peg. RBTC is used as the gas to pay for the execution of transactions in RSK, making it essential for the network's operation. Users can convert their BTC to RBTC via the PowPeg, and RBTC is supported by several cryptocurrency wallets and can be traded on top-tier crypto exchanges.

Key Features of RBTC

  • Smart Contract Compatibility: RBTC enables smart contracts on top of Bitcoin's blockchain, making it a secure platform for decentralized applications (dApps).
  • Gas for Transactions: RBTC is used as the gas to pay for transaction execution in RSK, facilitating the network's operational costs.
  • Wallet Support: RBTC is supported by major cryptocurrency wallets, including Ledger, Trezor, Metamask, Defiant, and rWallet, ensuring ease of use and accessibility.
  • Exchange Availability: RBTC can be freely traded on several top-tier crypto exchanges, providing liquidity and accessibility for users.


RDOC, part of the RIF Dollar On-Chain, is a fiat-pegged stablecoin designed to provide a stable value pegged to a fiat currency. This makes RDOC particularly useful for transactions requiring a stable value, such as payments and remittances. RDOC has several unique features that set it apart:

  • No Collateral Required: Users are not required to provide any collateral when minting RDOC, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Redeemable for RIF: RDOC can be redeemed by users every 30 days in exchange for RIF tokens, offering a flexible way to access the RIF ecosystem's services.
  • Use in RIF Marketplace: Users can use RDOC to purchase services or dApps from the RIF marketplace, highlighting its utility in the RSK ecosystem.

Key Features of RDOC

  • Stable Value: RDOC is pegged to a fiat currency, providing a stable value that is not subject to the volatility of cryptocurrencies.
  • No Collateral Requirement: Minting RDOC does not require collateral, making it accessible to users without significant financial resources.
  • Redeemable for RIF: Users can redeem RDOC for RIF tokens, offering a way to access the RIF ecosystem's services and applications.
  • Marketplace Utility: RDOC can be used to purchase services or dApps from the RIF marketplace, showcasing its utility in the RSK ecosystem.

RBTC and RDOC serve different purposes within the RSK ecosystem. RBTC is essential for enabling smart contracts and facilitating transactions within the network, while RDOC provides a stable value option for transactions requiring a stable currency. Both tokens contribute to the RSK ecosystem's functionality and utility, with RBTC focusing on the network's operational costs and RDOC offering a stable value option for users.

RootStock’s Community and Decentralization

The Rootstock community plays a crucial role in maintaining the network's decentralization and future-proofing it. This community consists of dedicated users and developers who contribute significantly to the network's development and adoption. The ecosystem of Rootstock is growing, with a variety of applications built on the platform, including OKU, Let’s Bit, Pagolinea, LatamXO, Coinex, WakeUp Labs, Metamask, Edge, Ledger, Fireblocks, and so many more. These partnerships and applications not only extend the network’s capabilities but also enhance its security and utility.

Rootstock is designed to extend Bitcoin's capabilities without compromising its core layer, enabling smart contracts and building a Bitcoin DeFi protocol. This approach allows projects to withstand the test of time in a turbulent space, leveraging the security of the Bitcoin network while offering scalable, interoperable, and fast transactions. The network is secured by over 50% of Bitcoin's hashing power through merged mining, ensuring its security and decentralization.

Developers are encouraged to join the Bitcoin ecosystem through Rootstock, benefiting from developing decentralized, fully permissionless, and open-source technology. The Rootstock developer resources provide everything needed to get started, including documentation, tools, and support for building on the Rootstock blockchain.

The Rootstock community is also active in discussions, AMAs, and staying up to date on developments through platforms like Discord and Telegram. Enthusiasts can become ambassadors, promoting Rootstock and fostering greater adoption and understanding of the platform. This community engagement is vital for the network's decentralization, as it ensures that the platform remains accessible and relevant to a wide range of users and developers.

Furthermore, Rootstock has a strategic grants program, offering funding up to $2.5 million for developers to build DeFi projects and DApps on the Rootstock ecosystem. This program includes mentorship and marketing support for successful applicants, further incentivizing developers to contribute to the network's decentralization and growth.

In summary, the Rootstock community's efforts to maintain a decentralized network are multifaceted, involving active development, community engagement, and support for developers. These efforts ensure that Rootstock remains a secure, scalable, and decentralized platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications, leveraging the security and network effects of Bitcoin while introducing the flexibility and advantages of smart contracts.

Future of SideChains and RootStock

The future of sidechains and rootstocks in blockchain technology is a fascinating topic, given the ongoing evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the broader blockchain ecosystem. Sidechains and rootstocks are innovative solutions designed to enhance the scalability, security, and functionality of blockchain networks.

Decentralized Pegs

Decentralized pegs are a critical component of sidechain technology. They allow assets to be securely transferred between the main blockchain (the rootstock) and the sidechain, ensuring that the assets are not lost or double-spent. The desire for more decentralized pegs stems from the need for improved security and efficiency in cross-chain transactions.

  • Security: Decentralized pegs can enhance security by reducing the risk of centralization. They can leverage multiple independent validators to verify transactions, reducing the risk of a single point of failure.

  • Efficiency: By allowing assets to be locked on the main chain and unlocked on the sidechain, decentralized pegs can significantly reduce the load on the main chain, improving scalability and transaction throughput.

Competition and Free Choice

The need for competition and free choice in sidechain designs is driven by the desire for innovation and diversity in the blockchain ecosystem.

  • Innovation: A competitive environment encourages the development of new sidechain technologies and designs. This can lead to the creation of sidechains that are better suited to specific use cases, such as gaming, finance, or IoT applications.

  • Diversity: With a variety of sidechain designs available, users and developers can choose the sidechain that best meets their needs. This diversity can lead to a more robust and resilient ecosystem, where different sidechains can complement each other and offer unique features.

Looking ahead, the future of sidechains and rootstocks is likely to be shaped by several key trends:

  • Interoperability: As the blockchain ecosystem grows, there will be an increasing demand for interoperability between different blockchains. Sidechains and rootstocks can play a crucial role in facilitating this interoperability, allowing assets and data to be seamlessly transferred across different networks.

  • Regulatory Compliance: With the increasing adoption of blockchain technology in various industries, there will be a growing need for sidechains and rootstocks that can comply with regulatory requirements. This could involve features such as enhanced privacy, auditability, and traceability.

  • Sustainability: As the environmental impact of blockchain technology becomes a more pressing concern, there will be a push for sidechains and rootstocks that are more energy-efficient and sustainable. This could involve the use of renewable energy sources or more efficient consensus mechanisms.

In conclusion, the future of sidechains and rootstocks is bright, with significant potential for growth and innovation. The desire for more decentralized pegs, the need for competition, and the importance of free choice in sidechain designs will continue to drive the development of these technologies. As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, we can expect to see a wide range of new sidechain technologies emerging, each offering unique solutions to the challenges of scalability, security, and functionality.

RootStocks Networks Grants Program

The Rootstocks Network Grants Program is a unique initiative designed to support projects that contribute to the development and growth of the Rootstocks ecosystem. Rootstocks is a blockchain-based platform that aims to enable the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain. The Grants Program is part of Rootstocks' broader mission to foster innovation and collaboration within the blockchain community and has recently reached its Wave 3 offering over $2.5M as a part of it.

Overview of the Grants Program

  1. Objective: The primary goal of the Rootstocks Network Grants Program is to encourage the development of innovative projects that leverage the capabilities of the Rootstocks platform. This includes projects that enhance the functionality of the platform, contribute to its security, or create new applications that utilize the Rootstocks infrastructure.

  2. Eligibility: The program is open to individuals, teams, and organizations from around the world. There are no strict eligibility requirements, but applicants are expected to have a clear understanding of how their project aligns with the goals of the Rootstocks ecosystem.

  3. Application Process: Applicants must submit a detailed proposal outlining their project, its objectives, the expected outcomes, and how it will contribute to the Rootstocks ecosystem. The proposal should also include a budget and a timeline for the project.

  4. Selection Criteria: The Rootstocks team evaluates applications based on several criteria, including the project's potential impact on the Rootstocks ecosystem, the feasibility of the proposed solution, and the alignment of the project with the Rootstocks mission.

  5. Funding: Successful applicants receive funding to support their projects. The amount of funding varies depending on the scope and impact of the project.

  6. Reporting and Follow-up: Grantees are required to provide regular updates on their project's progress and to submit a final report upon completion. This ensures transparency and allows the Rootstocks community to benefit from the outcomes of the funded projects.

Benefits of Participating in the Grants Program

  • Access to Funding: Successful applicants receive financial support to bring their projects to life, reducing the initial investment required.

  • Networking Opportunities: Participation in the Grants Program provides access to the Rootstocks community, offering opportunities for collaboration and networking.

  • Exposure: Projects funded through the Grants Program gain visibility within the Rootstocks ecosystem, potentially leading to further funding, partnerships, or adoption.

  • Contribution to the Ecosystem: By supporting innovative projects, the Grants Program helps to advance the capabilities and applications of the Rootstocks platform.

Finally, The Rootstocks Network Grants Program is a significant initiative that supports the development of projects within the Rootstocks ecosystem. By providing funding and resources, the program encourages innovation and collaboration, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of the Rootstocks platform. Whether you're an individual developer, a team, or an organization, the Grants Program offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the blockchain community.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Rootstocks and Layer 2 (L2) networks are at the forefront of enhancing scalability and efficiency. This article delves into the intricacies of rootstocks, a foundational technology that enables the creation of sidechains and explores the transformative potential of L2 networks.

Rootstocks serve as the backbone for sidechains, allowing for the secure and efficient transfer of assets between the main blockchain and the sidechain. This innovative approach not only addresses the scalability issues inherent in blockchain networks but also opens up new possibilities for decentralized applications (dApps) and cross-chain interactions. The article highlights the critical role of decentralized pegs in ensuring the security and integrity of cross-chain transactions, setting the stage for a future where blockchain technology can support a vast array of applications without compromising on security or efficiency.