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Twitter v. Elon Musk Court Filing by Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP, July 12, 2022 is part of
Talulah Riley: can you buy Twitter and then delete it, please!? xx
Talulah Riley: America is going INSANE.
Talulah Riley: The Babylon Bee got suspension* is crazy. Raiyah and I were talking about it today. It was a fucking joke. Why has everyone become so puritanical?
Talulah Riley: Or can you buy Twitter and make it radically free-speech?
Talulah Riley: So much stupidity comes from Twitter xx
Elon: Maybe buy it and change it to properly support free speech xx
Elon: ["liked" "Or can you buy Twitter..."]
Talulah Riley: I honestly think social media is the scourge of modern life, and the worst of all is Twitter, because it's also a news stream as well as a social platform, and so has more real-world standing than Tik Tok etc. But it's very easy to exploit and is being used by radicals for social engineering on a massive scale. And this shit is infecting the world. Please do do something to fight woke-ism. I will do anything to help! xx
(*) Elon Musk reinstated Babylon Bee’s account, alongside a couple of other high profile accounts, on November 18, 2022.