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Sin7Y is a tech team that explores layer 2, cross-chain, ZK, and privacy computing. #WHAT IS HAPPENING IN BLOCKCHAIN#
Below are a number of steps examining the in-depth processes of STARK.
The numbers marked in ‘red’ are public info.
Some assertion:
Form: [register, step, value]
examples: [0,0,1], [1,0,1], [1,7,987]
Selection of the protocol parameter:
pub struct ProofOptions {
num_queries: u8, // number of queries to increase reliability
blowup_factor: u8, // domain extension factor
grinding_factor: u8, // ?nonce security parameter, for the security selection of query position
hash_fn: HashFunction, // Hash Function blake3-259/192, sha3-256
field_extension: FieldExtension, // Whether the field extension is conducted
fri_folding_factor: u8, // The folding factor of Fri protocol 4-8-16
fri_max_remainder_size: u8, // The max remainder of Fri protocol
FibAir {
context: AirContext::new(trace_info, degrees, options),
result: pub_inputs,
AirContext {
options, // protocol parameters
trace_info, // trace parameters: row number and col number
transition_constraint_degrees, // transition the constraint degree, and if the multiplication of two registers is involved, then degree = 2; similarly, if the multiplication of three registers is involved, then degree = 3; if periodic column exists, then degree = base + period.length – 1
ce_blowup_factor, // constraint computational domain extension factor trace_domain < ce_domain < lde_domain
trace_domain_generator: B::get_root_of_unity(log2(trace_length)),
lde_domain_generator: B::get_root_of_unity(log2(lde_domain_size)),
Trace.width = air.trace_width
Trace[assertion_i.register][assertion_i.step] = assertion_i.value
For every two adjacent rows:
pub struct EvaluationFrame<E: FieldElement> {
current: Vec<E>,
next: Vec<E>,
next[0] == cur[0] + cur[1]
next[1] == next[0] + cur[1]
The number of times of Loop: Trace.length - 1
write.into(air, public info)
Domain parameter selection:
StarkDomain {
trace_twiddles, /ntt twiddle factor
ce_domain_size: air.ce_domain_size(), //constraint computational domain
ce_to_lde_blowup: air.lde_domain_size() / air.ce_domain_size(), // LDE domain
domain_offset: air.domain_offset(), //domain offset
Ok(ConstraintCompositionCoefficients {
transition: t_coefficients,
boundary: b_coefficients,
The number of coefficients is consistent with that of constraints
In this example (fib2-example), there are 2 transition cs and 3 boundary cs.
4.2.1 t-cs
1. Obtain the degree of t-cs (In this example, the degree is [1,1], refer to Chapter 2.3)
2. Establish the t-cs group (record the parameters needed for reaching the object of degree -> compose degree(ce_domain_size - 1)
Calculate the evaluate-degree = base * (trace.length - 1) + tracce.length / period.cycle *(period.length - 1) of every t-cs
Establish the t-cs group according to the degree:
TransitionConstraintGroup {
degree, // the degree of t-cs
degree_adjustment, // The space to reach the object degree, target_degree = composition_degree + trace_poly_degree(vanish poly-degree), degree_adjustment = (target_degree - evaluation_degree)
indexes: vec![],
coefficients: vec![],
Record index and distribution coefficient “coef”
Cycle each t-cs (In fib2-example, cycle twice)
3. Establish the period value table
4. Set the divisor for t-cs, with all t-cs having the same form
z(x) = x^n-1 / x - g^{n-1} // The last value does not satisfy the condition
4.2.2 b-cs
1. The divisor of each b-cs is not necessarily the same
2. Judge that if the number of assertions is the same as the number of coefficients to be distributed
assertion.len() == coefficients.len()
3. Establish the b-cs group
Obtain the type and initial step of the assertion
Establish the b-cs group
BoundaryConstraintGroup {
constraints: Vec::new(),
divisor, // The divisor corresponding to the boundary
degree_adjustment, target//The space to reach the object degree, target_degree = composition_degree +,degree_adjustment = (target_degree - trace_poly_degree)
Add b-cs forms
air::BoundaryConstraint {
register: assertion.register, // Corresponding register index
poly, // assertion value polynomial, interpolation is required for multiple values; otherwise, it is a single value
poly_offset, //offset information. If the assert is in the first step, it is [0,1], otherwise it is [1, T]
cc, // Coefficient distributed to this b-cs
prover::BoundaryConstraintGroup {
degree_adjustment: group.degree_adjustment(),
single_value_constraints: Vec::new(),// corresponding Sigle value assertion
small_poly_constraints: Vec::new(),//assertion whose assertion value num is smaller than 63
large_poly_constraints: Vec::new(),//assertion whose assertion value num is larger than 63, the values in ce_domain are needed to conduct Pre_compute
4.3.1 Define Evaluator Table
ConstraintEvaluationTable<B: StarkField, E: FieldElement<BaseField = B>> {
evaluations: Vec<Vec<E>>, //[ce_domain_size][t_cs_merge_value (0): b_cs_values(1...)]
divisors: Vec<ConstraintDivisor<B>>, // [t-cs divisor, b-cs divisor]
domain_offset: B,
trace_length: usize,
t_evaluations: Vec<Vec<B>>,
t_expected_degrees: Vec<usize>,
evaluations[step_i][0] += sum_{j}(evaluation[j] * (coefficients.0 + coefficients.1 * xp) // The divisor is identical.
evaluations[step_i][j] += (evframe.cur().state[register] - value) * (coefficients.0 + coefficients.1 * xp) // for single assertion
evaluations[step_i][j] += (evframe.cur().state[register] - polynom::eval(&self.poly, x * self.x_offset)) * (coefficients.0 + coefficients.1 * xp) // for multiassertion // for multi-assertion
evaluations[step_i][j] += (evframe.cur().state[register] - self.values[values_index]) * (coefficients.0 + coefficients.1 * xp) // for multiassertion // for multi-assertion large poly
Compose_poly = a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = (a * x^2 + c) * x^ + (b * x^2 + d) (a * x^2 + c) and (b *x^2 +d) correspond to two columns, respectively.
The general formal: f(x) = q(x)* t(x)
Need check at random z
f(z) = q(z) * t(z)
f(x),q(x),t(x) indeed equal respectively f(z), q(z), t(z)
calculate Deep_composition = (q(x) - q(z)) / (x - z)
Check LDT for q_q(x)
Draw an out-of-domain point z. Depending on the type of E, the point is drawn either from the base field or from an extension field defined by E.
The purpose of sampling from the extension field here (instead of the base field) is to increase security
6.2.1 trace_poly at z & z * g
ood_frame = {cur: [trace_poly_0(z), trace_poly_1(z)], next: [trace_poly_0(z * g), trace_poly_1(z * g)]}
6.2.2 Composition Poly at z
iter!(self.columns).map(|p| polynom::eval(p, z^m)).collect() // m is the column num of the composition poly
6.3.1 Generate Random Numbers
pub struct DeepCompositionCoefficients<E: FieldElement> {
/// Trace polynomial composition coefficients $\alpha_i$, $\beta_i$, and $\gamma_i$.
pub trace: Vec<(E, E, E)>,
/// Constraint column polynomial composition coefficients $\delta_j$.
pub constraints: Vec<E>,
/// Degree adjustment composition coefficients $\lambda$ and $\mu$.
pub degree: (E, E),
6.3.2 Cal Quotient Poly
=> for trace polynomial
T`(x) = alpha * (T(x) - T(z)) // degree = trace.length - 1
T``(x) = beta * (T(x) - T(z * g))
T```(x) = gamma * (T(x) - T(z_conjugate))
merge_trace_composition_poly = T(x) / (x - z) + T``(x) / (x - z * g) + T```(x) / (x - z_conjugate)
Degree = trace.lengh - 2
=> for composition polynomial
compute H'_i(x) = (H_i(x) - H_i(z^m)) / (x - z^m)
sum(H`_i(x) * cc_i)
Deep_composition_polynomial = merge_trace_composition_poly + sum(H`_i(x) * cc_i)
Degree = trace.length - 2
=> Deep_composition_polynomial degree adjustment
Deep_composition_polynomial = Deep_composition_polynomial * (cc_0 + x * cc_1)
Degree = trace.length – 1
deep_evaluations<lde_domain_size> = deep_composition_poly.evaluate(&domain);
trace.length() = fold_factor ^ Layer_num + remainder_size;
fold_factor = {4, 8, 16}
remainder_size < remainder_max_size == 256
Select multiple positions of the query from lde_domain.
fold_position = source_position % (fold_domain)
fold_domain = source_domain / fold_factor
pub struct FriProof {
layers: Vec<FriProofLayer>,
remainder: Vec<u8>, // last poly <all coefficients>
num_partitions: u8, // stored as power of 2
pub struct FriProofLayer {
values: Vec<u8>,
paths: Vec<u8>,
Similar to the above
Queries::new(trace_proof, trace_states)
Similar to the above
Queries::new(merkle_proof, evaluations)
StarkProof {
context: self.context,
commitments: self.commitments,
ood_frame: self.ood_frame,
pow_nonce: self.pow_nonce,
Read pub-info from the transcript to obtain relevant data, and then to execute the verification process.
Verify the consistency of the mathematical relationship described in Chapter 5.2
=> for Boundary
b(z) = q_b(x) * b_divisor(z)
=> for composition poly
t(z) = q_z(x) * t_divisor(z)
pub struct FriVerifier<B, E, C, H>
B: StarkField,
E: FieldElement<BaseField = B>,
C: VerifierChannel<E, Hasher = H>,
H: ElementHasher<BaseField = B>,
max_poly_degree: usize,
domain_size: usize,
domain_generator: B,
layer_commitments: Vec<H::Digest>, //flod_poly commitment
layer_alphas: Vec<E>, // random numbers
options: FriOptions,
num_partitions: usize,
_channel: PhantomData<C>,
The calculating method is the same as that in Chapter 6.4