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An enthusiastic engineering graduate from the Computer Science and Engineering department of the University of Moratuwa.
After reading the title, you are probably wondering what a microservice is and what makes it different from a monolith Java program. If we look into the definition of microservices. Basically, a microservice is an architecture.
Microservices (or microservices architecture) are a cloud-native architectural approach in which a single application is composed of many loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller components, or services
So why microservices rather than using monolith programs?
So now we know why normally all the big organizations prefer microservices rather than maintaining a big combined source code. Let's try to develop a microservice using Spring Boot, which is a very popular Java framework which uses to develop enterprise applications.
What we are going to develop is a microservice to create RESTful APIs for Tour Application in California 🗻. Let’s get started,
In the Spring ecosystem, there are a lot of dependencies you can find. For this, we are going to need dependencies for
You can easily create a Spring project by using
And finally, click generate, it will download a zip file that created your project structure with the pointed dependencies in your pom.xml
Spring initializer project sample details
As you can see in the above picture there are a few files and if we check the pom.xml
file we can see the dependencies which we added in the Spring initializer is presented here.
Let's look at the
file has a main
method and also there is @SpringBootApplication
annotation. Adding this annotation means that we tell the JVM to this is where the microservice is starting and main
the method is there so it is not like packaged war files so we can actually control the web application start and stop.
annotation is used to mark a configuration class that declares one or more @Bean
methods and also triggers auto-configuration
and component scanning. It’s the same as declaring a class with @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan
When you run the main method you can see that the Spring application is starting. To change the port that the server is starting you can go to the
file and add a new property server.port=8081
To check the server is working go to
Now we are ready to develop the Tour California restful web service. First, let's check the class diagram of the restful web service we are going to build
First, create a new package and name it as a model, and create these business objects in there.
As you can see in the
files, there are some annotations that have been used. Let's look at what they mean. These annotations are used in Java Persistent API. As a specification;
the Java Persistence API is concerned with persistence, which loosely means any mechanism by which Java objects outlive the application process that created them.
Create a new package name repository and create the repositories need for the project
We are creating repositories for the two entities we have and also we are extending the CrudRepository
interface which is a Spring Data interface for generic CRUD operations on a repository of a specific type. It provides several methods out of the box for interacting with a database. When extending CrudRepository<T, ID>
you need to define T-entity, ID-the type of your ID column in Entity
In the above code, some annotations were used. Let’s see what are they,
Create a new package name service and create the services need for the project in there.
In the above code, some annotations were used. Let’s see what are they,
@Service — this is used with classes that provide some business functionalities. Spring context will autodetect these classes when annotation-based configuration and classpath scanning is used.
@Autowired — this annotation provides more fine-grained control over where and how autowiring should be accomplished. The @Autowired annotation can be used to autowire bean on the setter method just like @Required annotation, constructor, a property, or methods with arbitrary names and/or multiple arguments.
As you can see in the above code we are using the repository interfaces we created before this to use the methods already developed in CrudRepository
the interface such as findById(),findAll()
. Basically, we use services to mask out the repositories from the external parties and use the logic that we want in the business layer.
In our project to see that the APIs are working we need to have some data in our database. Here we are using the h2 in-memory database. So let’s first add some configurations to
where we can access the in-memory database.
Now from
where the main method has, we can implement the interface CommandLineRunner
which is a simple Spring Boot interface with a run method. Spring Boot will automatically call the run method of all beans implementing this interface after the application context has been loaded.
First, we add a property to our
file to read theExploreCalifornia.json
And then we add some code to read the JSON file and add them to the database in
file. We can use @value in spring to import the file name.
And we need to add a new method for the
file because we use
TourPackage tourPackage = tourPackageRepository.findByName(tourPackageName).orElseThrow(() ->
new RuntimeException("Tour package does not exist: " + tourPackageName));
So let’s add the Optional<TourPackage> findByName(String, name);
Let’s restart the server and go to the
h2 login console
Then add the username, password, JDBC URL you configured in
and log in to the h2 console. To see that the data populated to the tables can run a simple query such as SELECT * from TOUR;
Or we can actually go to the
if you don’t want the data exposed like this, you need to add @RepositoryRestResource(exported = false)
in your repositories.
Create a new package name controller and create the controllers that need for the project in there.
In the above code, some annotations were used. Let’s see what are they,
path, or its aliases, name, and value: which URL the method is mapped to
method: compatible HTTP methods
params: filters requests based on presence, absence, or value of HTTP parameters
headers: filters requests based on presence, absence, or value of HTTP headers
consumes: which media types the method can consume in the HTTP request body
produces: which media types the method can produce in the HTTP response body
To test the APIs we can use the
GET tour by id test in Postman
You can find the full code
So this is it. This is how you develop a microservice using Spring Boot. This is only a small bit of the Spring ecosystem. Let's look at how to secure APIs and what are the next steps we can do with springs in another blog post.
First Published here