拡張ステートマシン (エラー状態、コピー&ペースト可能な HTML)
リファクタリングの第一人者が推奨するとおり、状態デザインパターンを実装します: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/state
class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { throw new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } }
次の問題は、クラスを React と組み合わせてどのように使用するかです。
他の記事では、 useEffect
、 setState
解決策としては、状態が初期化されたらすぐに、 useState
function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; }
class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { throw new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } } function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; }
部屋から出ようとしたときにエラー操作が発生する場合は、 Error
状態に遷移するようにしたいので、ステート マシンを拡張します。これにより、 getStatusMessage
呼び出すことでステータス メッセージを表示できます。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react@18.3.1/umd/react.development.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-dom@18.3.1/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script> <script> class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { // Extend to shift to error state this.roomClient.setState( new ErrorRoomState( this.roomClient, new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`), ), ); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } } // Extend our state machine to hold one more state. class ErrorRoomState extends RoomState { #error = null; constructor(roomClient, error) { super(roomClient); this.#error = error; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { // Do nothing... We can't move anywhere. We handled error. } getStatusMessage() { return `An error occurred. ${this.#error.message}`; } } const { useState } = React; function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Usage example // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- const e = React.createElement; function useWithError(obj) {} function App() { const roomClient = useRoomClient(); return e( 'div', null, e('h1', null, 'Change room state'), e('p', null, `Status message: ${roomClient.getStatusMessage()}`), e( 'div', null, e('button', { onClick: () => roomClient.join('a') }, 'Join'), e('button', { onClick: () => roomClient.leave() }, 'Leave'), ), ); } const { createRoot } = ReactDOM; const root = document.getElementById('root'); createRoot(root).render(React.createElement(App)); </script> </body> </html>
Googleでstate design pattern
3 つの結果へのリンク:
react state design pattern
検索すると、 https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/stateの実装とはまったく似ていない実装が表示されます。