Ik schrijf dit artikel omdat ik nog geen oplossing heb gevonden die op de mijne lijkt. Mijn oplossing kan dus nuttig zijn voor iemand anders.
Implementeer de klassen
Gebruik het statuspatroon in de React-hook
De volledige code, zodat u deze kunt kopiëren en plakken.
Uitgebreide toestandsmachine (Foutstatus, Kopieer-Plakbare HTML)
Welke problemen lost het op?
Waarom dit artikel zinvol is.
We implementeren het state-ontwerppatroon precies zoals de refactoring-goeroe aanbeveelt: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/state
class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { throw new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } }
Dit is onze toestandsmachine tot nu toe
Het volgende probleem: hoe gebruiken we de klassen in combinatie met React?
De andere artikelen gebruiken useEffect
en een string om de naam van de huidige status op te slaan. We willen onze implementatie schoon houden.
De roomClient
kan de status wijzigen als deze een verwijzing naar setState
-functie heeft.
niet doorgeven als we de status initialiseren met de klasse.
Oplossing: geef de roomClient
op zodra de status is geïnitialiseerd, direct onder de useState
function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; }
class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { throw new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } } function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; }
We breiden de toestandsmachine uit omdat we willen overgaan naar de toestand Error
als we proberen de kamer te verlaten en dit resulteert in een foutieve bewerking. Hiermee kunnen we statusberichten weergeven door getStatusMessage
aan te roepen.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="root"></div> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react@18.3.1/umd/react.development.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react-dom@18.3.1/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script> <script> class RoomState { #roomClient = null; #roomId = null; constructor(roomClient, roomId) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } if (roomId) { this.roomId = roomId; } } set roomClient(roomClient) { if (roomClient) { this.#roomClient = roomClient; } } get roomClient() { return this.#roomClient; } set roomId(roomId) { if (roomId) { this.#roomId = roomId; } } get roomId() { return this.#roomId; } join(roomId) { throw new Error('Abstract method join(roomId).'); } leave() { throw new Error('Abstract method leave().'); } getStatusMessage() { throw new Error('Abstract method getStatusMessage().'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PingRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PongRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Ping room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Ping room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PongRoomState extends RoomState { join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { const message = `Left Pong room ${this.roomId}`; this.roomClient.setState(new LeftRoomState(this.roomClient, message)); } getStatusMessage() { return `In the Pong room ${this.roomId}`; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LeftRoomState extends RoomState { #previousRoom = null; constructor(roomClient, previousRoom) { super(roomClient); this.#previousRoom = previousRoom; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { // Extend to shift to error state this.roomClient.setState( new ErrorRoomState( this.roomClient, new Error(`Can't leave, no room assigned`), ), ); } getStatusMessage() { return `Not in any room (previously in ${this.#previousRoom})`; } } // Extend our state machine to hold one more state. class ErrorRoomState extends RoomState { #error = null; constructor(roomClient, error) { super(roomClient); this.#error = error; } join(roomId) { this.roomClient.setState(new PingRoomState(this.roomClient, roomId)); } leave() { // Do nothing... We can't move anywhere. We handled error. } getStatusMessage() { return `An error occurred. ${this.#error.message}`; } } const { useState } = React; function useRoomClient() { const [state, setState] = useState(new PingRoomState()); // State contains the class // Initialize once // We can do this thanks to the `set` and `get` methods on // `roomClient` property if (!state.roomClient) { state.roomClient = { setState }; } return state; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Usage example // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- const e = React.createElement; function useWithError(obj) {} function App() { const roomClient = useRoomClient(); return e( 'div', null, e('h1', null, 'Change room state'), e('p', null, `Status message: ${roomClient.getStatusMessage()}`), e( 'div', null, e('button', { onClick: () => roomClient.join('a') }, 'Join'), e('button', { onClick: () => roomClient.leave() }, 'Leave'), ), ); } const { createRoot } = ReactDOM; const root = document.getElementById('root'); createRoot(root).render(React.createElement(App)); </script> </body> </html>
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Als je zoekt naar react state design pattern
krijg je implementaties die totaal niet lijken op de implementatie op https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/state
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