Is the iPhone 7’s Camera Really Worth Your Money?by@chickwithanikon
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Is the iPhone 7’s Camera Really Worth Your Money?

by Stephanie Lamas5mMay 4th, 2017
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Chick with a Nikon here and I was wondering, how many of you have iPhones? Don’t worry, I’m not currently inside your house wondering if you answered my question or at least raised your hand. That’s a Tuesday kind of thing. But the reason why I asked this is because I know that not all of my readers are able to afford a professional camera and are more likely to invest in a <a href="" target="_blank">smartphone</a> with a decent camera. It is no secret that since it came out, the <a href="" target="_blank">iPhone</a> has dominated the mobile world. I swear I see 7-year-olds with iPhones. I don’t know about you but when I was 7 I was learning how to color inside the lines on a PHYSICAL coloring book. Not on an app that I downloaded. Now, since entering the selfie era, iPhones have become even more essential. People are constantly upgrading their iPhones for the newest model. The iPhone 7 reportedly has the best camera yet. But if you’re like me and you don’t like to upgrade your iPhone every year, you might be content with your iPhone 6. If you’re deciding on whether to upgrade your iPhone 6 to an iPhone 7 or simply trying to see if the iPhone 7 will up your selfie game, here are some photos that compare and contrast the iPhone 7’s camera quality and the iPhone 6’s camera quality.

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