Have you heard about WebTorrent? A project started by Feross Aboukhadijeh
WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for node.js and the browser. YEP, THAT’S RIGHT. THE BROWSER. It’s written completely in JavaScript — the language of the web — so the same code works in both runtimes.
Basically, it allows a file to be shared using the BitTorrent protocol, which is P2P, in the browser. Awesome right?! So let’s get started
I have selected an streamable mp4 video as the example, you can download it here as a Web-seeded — WebTorrent or here with direct HTTPS download.
A webseed is peer that serves the pieces of the torrent through HTTP(S), allowing 24/7 seeded torrents. The pieces are requested with HTTP range requests. In the current WebTorrent implementation, each requests is up to the size of each piece.
Either way the original file is publicly available (HTTPS CORS Enabled) at the following address: https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/timedrift-alpine-4k-timelapse.mp4
You may notice that the βTorrent’s URL has a link to a .torrent file(https://btorrent.xyz/download#https:%2F%2Fwebseed.btorrent.xyz%2Ftimedrift.torrent), instead of the mp4 file. This is because the .torrent has the information about the pieces of the mp4 file and the URL of the HTTP-Accessible original file (The Webseed).
Upload the mp4 video to your website’s hosting/server and make sure it’s publicly available in a URL, if it’s on a different domain, make sure it’s CORS enabled. In the example we’ll use https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/timedrift-alpine-4k-timelapse.mp4 as the URL.
Okay, now we need to create a .torrent file which contains the metadata and the URL where the original file is hosted. To do this, we must first install one of WebTorrent Project’s Modules, create-torrent NPM Module:
npm i -g create-torrent
Once installed, we must create the .torrent. In the same folder as the original file we type the following command:
create-torrent --urlList 'https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/timedrift-alpine-4k-timelapse.mp4' timedrift-alpine-4k-timelapse.mp4 > timedrift.torrent
Basically, the generic command is:
create-torrent --urlList '<ORIGINAL FILE URL>' <ORIGINAL FILE NAME> > <TORRENT FILE NAME>.torrent
Upload the torrent video to your website’s hosting/server and make sure it’s publicly available in a URL, if it’s on a different domain, make sure it’s CORS enabled. In the example we’ll use https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/timedrift.torrent as the URL.
We now just need a static HTML & JS to render and stream this file with WebTorrent! The simple following code will do:
Same as https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/demo.html
Upload to your website’s hosting/server and you are done.
Although video is the best use case because of it size, you may want to host files and use the Swarm CDN on large files to just like Step 1. To do this, we must use WebTorrent’s API to create a clickable URL to the file that is available on memory once the download is complete.
In this example we’ll be downloading: https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/juanpabloaj/other-page.md through WebTorrent:
Same as https://webseed.btorrent.xyz/demo2.html
Finally, if you’d like to report torrent’s stats to give the user some idea of how much time/bytes are missing , check the WebTorrent API and βTorrent’s Source to get an idea of how to do it.
With Peerify you can get an instant URL to a torrent and have your original file hosted.
Check WebTorrent’s Gitter channel and feel free to mention me @DiegoRBaquero
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By default, WebTorrent opens a maximum of 4 requests to a webseed simultaneously, each initial XHR on HTTP 1.1 would open each a TCP connection, and if the webseed has TLS/SSL the latency would increase for the maximum of 6 connections a browser has to a host that would be reused later for the rest of requests. Now, with the new HTTP2 protocol, a webseed can now use a single TCP connection over TLS improving the performance of a webseed. Improvement can be seen as: 83% saved in initial connections RTT latency and up to 50% faster completion of the XHR requests made to the webseed (Depends on available bandwidth).
So go ahead and activate HTTP 2 (DIRECTLY, CloudFlare wouldn’t fully work) in your hosts, not only to improve WebTorrent and webseeds but everything loaded from your servers!
A small demo using HTTP 2 can be seen here.
Single connection for all requests, single timeline