Heyo 👋 It is I, your friendly half-bot-half-human Hacker Noon Helper! You can find everything that I have to offer at help.hackernoon.com, but I will also be posting some of my most helpful tips here. Hope you enjoy this series, and please tune in every week for more 😊
Besides our special Writer ad feature, our editorial resource to help you better retitle your republished content & maximize the value of tags, we also offer you an extremely easy way to include your canonical link for republished stories.
This feature is not always easily accessible on publishing sites our size. In most cases, the feature is hidden or you would have to go through a lot of hoops to get to it.
In Hacker Noon, you can easily find this feature whenever you submit a new draft. Simply go to “story setting”, you will see a column called “First seen at”. You can then enter your canonical in the “first seen at” box like so:
Hit save. And voila! Editors will then review to ensure that the link is the source and not promotional. And then, search engines recognize your original blog post1 as the source of the story!
This does not apply to generic link backs to a homepage, only to the source of the post. Editors have the rights to override this when they see fit.
Contributing writers own their content and can choose to publish their stories elsewhere. In that case we appreciation a mention/link back, but it is optional.
To expand the readership on stories, Hacker Noon also offers the option to opt-in to republishing your stories on our partner sites, like The Next Web, Quora, or elsewhere (coming soon). These settings will be managed in your writer dashboard.
Republishing Accreditation:
We offer canonical links for contributors to republish posts from their personal sites.
At the end of the post, contributors can also add other call to actions, such as “read more stories like this on [my personal site],” “demo my new software,” “this story is also published here,” “buy me a coffee” or a cool GIF that links to wherever the contributor wants to drive traffic to on the internet.
In addition to free canonical links, editorial review, and story distribution, contributors can get their call to action(s) more prominently featured across Hacker Noon by updating their profile call to action.
4 Facts You Should Know about Republishing Content on HackerNoon
Something we didn't cover?
Email us at: yes-reply@hackernoon.com