Git is a must for most of the developers and especially web developers.
But at times we make silly mistakes cause we are human. And when you incorrectly named a branch and moved it to the remote server/repository. Then follow the below-mentioned steps before any other developer/team
member gets a chance to hop onto you and show you crap for not adapting to naming conventions correctly -
1. Rename your local branch.
If you are on the branch you want to rename:
git branch -m <new-name>
If you are on a different branch:
git branch -m <old-name> <new-name>
2. Delete the <old-name> remote branch and push the <new-name> local branch.
git push origin :<old-name> <new-name>
3. Reset the upstream branch for the <new-name> local branch.
If you are still on a different branch then switch to the new branch and then:
git push origin -u <new-name>