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Since 2018
The Online Marketplace for wellness holidays. Trambellir Sdn Bhd(1286513-X) Healthcare is important, But simply keeping up to it can be rather boring. Travel to different countries or experience wellness treats on the sides to add up some spice, now that is when the twist comes in. Travel beyond Food and Sightseeing. Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty. New norm of Things to Do at travel destinations. We intend to pursue democracy of medical tourism with OTA strategy and technology. That’s not all, with Direct to Patients model and Cashpay healthcare online marketplace, things are made easier. Trambellir means (Travel+Embellir) Travel + make yourself beautiful (Coined words: meaning) Make yourself beautiful when traveling It’s a new word that we created. While traveling, to make your heart more beautiful, We also provide accurate informations for your body in order for you to maintain health and beauty. Corporate Mission Statement of Trambellir When it comes to Medical Tourism, people still conjure up images of intractable diseases and difficult operations. But our ideal is that everyone can take medical treatments from Daily Beauty Drip to Advanced Cancer Treatments, more casually, anywhere and anytime the travelers wish to. In a world where healthy people can not casually receive various medical treatments overseas, how patients who is depressed with serious illness and disease can consider to take treatments in overseas far from home? Our goal is that We are transforming healthcare into entertainment as preventive medicine activities.




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