Utsav JaiswalNov 30, 2020, 2:09 PM
Putting my money on xCloud. Call 'em what you will but Microsoft has put in a lot of capital towards earning the goodwill of gamers. Stadia was a disaster from the start - jerky controller, overpriced games, and the looming threat from publishers like EA simply yanking their games away (assuming they arrive in full force first). nVidia's debacle (similar to Stadia) was a warning sign for a lot of us gamers.
Coming to Netflix. Now that I use several of these subscription-as-service services (stand down, Pirate), I see problems that I never faced sailing the high seas. Want to watch a show in Hi-Def - sorry Netflix controls your resolution, not your ISP. Want to watch a lesser known show (the West Wing, for crying out loud is not that small a show) - not on Netflix, Disney+ , Prime or any of the services I get in India. Guess what I gotta do.
Wrapping this up - I think, we're gonna get local caches of decentralized storages with community-level ownership somewhere in the future. This will allow me to buy a show/game and and enjoy it with my community at LAN level speeds with minimal pings.
(Rate my rants on a scale of 😭 - 😞- 😐- 😂 - 😍)