But First, Let Me Take A Quoteby@joseh
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But First, Let Me Take A Quote

by JoseOctober 10th, 2022
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Highlight any passage on a HackerNoon article that you want to turn into a quote. As soon as you do that, two icons will pop up. The one on the right will simply copy the text. The one on the left is the quote creator. Click it, and it will create an image. It will then give you two options: download it as an image or share it on Facebook (and soon, Linkedin & Twitter!).

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HackerNoon has always been a place where people can share their knowledge and build up their writing portfolios at the same time. Everything we do is to make this experience easier and better. That’s why we’re beyond happy to introduce our newest feature: our built-in quote maker!

How It Works

We’ve made the process as simple as possible. Here’s how it works:

  • Highlight any passage on a HackerNoon article that you want to turn into a quote.
  • As soon as you do that, two icons will pop up. The one on the right will simply copy the text. The one on the left is the quote creator.
  • Click it, and it will create an image.
  • It will then give you three options: download it as an image, share it on Facebook (and soon, Linkedin & Twitter!), or save it to your profile.

And there you have it, a quote ready to share on any social media platform.

Here's what it looks like when you save a quote to your profile!

Why Readers Should Use It

Okay, so you have a quote saved as an image. That’s cool, but what for? Well, dear readers, there is so much you can do with it.

As we stated earlier, we’re all about sharing knowledge. Have you ever come across a paragraph so informative or good that you know others had to read it as well?

Well, turn that bad boy into a quote and share it! Share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram an interesting passage that stuck with you. It’s an easy and quick way to inform them on topics you know they care about or on a topic you know they should start caring about.

Why Writers Should Use it

If you’re particularly proud of a passage that you wrote, it could be a good idea to make a quote of it and add it to your HackerNoon profile. Keep adding more, and it could be a showcase of your work. People can scroll down your profile, quickly see your amazing writing, and then make the decision whether to read your full articles or even subscribe to you.

But this feature is useful in other websites as well; not just HackerNoon.

If you’re a writer who likes to share their stories on LinkedIn, that’s great; continue to do that. However, spruce up your page with these big, green quotes.

They’re immediate attention-grabbers, and they give readers a quick taste of what they can expect from the full story. If they like the paragraph that they read (and we’re sure that they will because you’re all talented writers), they’ll click on your article for sure.

The quote maker is a useful tool for both readers and writers alike, and we can’t wait to see what amazing quotes the HackerNoon community posts! Shared a quote already using this feature? Tag us @HackerNoon for a chance to be featured!