Best Practices in Account Management for Key Clients in 2022: New Year, Stronger Partnershipsby@emissary
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Best Practices in Account Management for Key Clients in 2022: New Year, Stronger Partnerships

by Emissary6mDecember 25th, 2021
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For tech solution providers, building relationships with your end client is essential. In this field, offering services that allow your team to function as a part of the client’s team can be the difference between a one-time project and a long-term client. This is where key account management (KAM), (also called strategic account management (SAM), becomes essential. The sales cycle doesn’t end with conversion. Instead, making the deal is the beginning of a partnership that should continue to evolve. For your account management, this means understanding the client, their end customers, and their business needs. To stay one step ahead of the process, your team should be able to understand the client’s pain points, as well as your own offerings. This way, your team can proactively make recommendations that make sense for the client’s business goals. In this role, your company’s sales metrics aren’t the only concern. You’re working to make sure that your end client sees continued growth and success. With a key account management framework, you can develop a process that extends beyond the basic renewals and possible opportunities to upsell services to existing clients. Instead, you’re concentrating on a true partnership between companies so that your team works as an extension of the client’s own IT Department.

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Emissary is the only human sales intelligence network that provides inside insights on their target accounts.

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Emissary is the only human sales intelligence network that provides inside insights on their target accounts.



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