Image Credit: Unsplash
Considering every other facet of technological improvement, knowing about the use of technologies within space sector sort of remains farther than the general audience reach.
On a personal note, I’ve never stumbled upon even a single retargeting ad on Facebook from NASA, pushed deliberately into my newsfeed. Regardless of how deeper I scroll. Not sure if they perform such humiliating content consumption tricks with their consumers.
The nascent stage of space exploration dates back to 1950s. The Space Industry’s timeline looks so appealing that the Sputnik 2 in 1957 carried a living animal along, and the event was darn successful.
Followed by innumerable successful trips into space alongside the drastic drop in the mass of space vehicles that were launched back to back to fulfill further futuristic missions. All that were possible out in the space, be it life science experiments, energy generation, reaching the heliocentric orbit, particle study and meteorology, automated surface exploration of the Moon, you name it, all because of technology.
Let alone the prepended achievements, think about the incentivizing intrusion of space tech in our daily lives. Remote sensing, GPS systems, satellite televisions, weather forecasting are few amidst other mind blowing technological adoptions.
“More than the invention of things, I envy the curious minds behind it.”
Speaking of, a decade ago we all were so graciously mumbling about ‘Technology and Internet’. As if time has taken the lead leaving light behind, we have traveled so far so soon that our current position on earth is almost running on automation.
“Machine Learning being the vital sub-category of Artificial Intelligence, AI is the king, will remain so and therefore shall develop into a new generation of non-biological species on planet X (I simply have no idea about where we are going to end up propagating all of them).”
But there is also a thought that AI taking over human is nothing but a myth.
Image Credit: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA spacecraft commonly relies on the radio systems to interact with the earth that oftentimes works on human intervention. The emergence of cognitive radio within space industry will, therefore, help meet the largely multiplying demand and will also increase efficiency in performance and response time.
Considering how FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has determined the use of electromagnetic spectrum, portions of frequencies are used for communications. Cell-network service, satellite radio, Bluetooth, wifi et cetera. Automated and self-driven cognitive radios will intelligently pick up and employ underutilized segments of electromagnetic spectrum single-handedly.
As per FCC, a cognitive radio can utilize specific frequency when the primary user is inactive and use it until the user becomes active again.
Janette.C.Briones, the principal investigator in the NASA’s cognitive communications project says,
“Modern space communications systems use complex software to support science and exploration missions. By applying artificial intelligence and machine learning, satellites control these systems seamlessly, making real-time decisions without awaiting instruction.”
The adoption of AI across industries has reached unprecedented heights. Along with the automated machines playing a predominant role in the data slicing and sourcing in every business verticals, the intrusion of AI has set up a new paradigm in every space that we know.
Especially the space researchers are leveraging on AI to perform the “Ultimate Test”. Inside Jet Propulsion Laboratory, researchers are actively building algorithms to explore the existence of dubious extraterrestrial lives out there.
According to Chein, the upcoming MARS 2020 Mission will be a revolutionary mission encapsulating the AI machines in 3 major sites to take the lead.
Without getting into an artillery barrage, let’s understand the immense necessity of AI for space explorations and offer as much support as we can.
I will share about the usage of gravitational lens in the next post.
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