535 Stories To Learn About Pythonby@learn
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535 Stories To Learn About Python

by Learn RepoMay 28th, 2023
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Learn everything you need to know about Python via these 535 free HackerNoon stories.

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Let's learn about Python via these 535 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

I have this awesome Python library that -- wait, are you on 2 or 3?

1. How to Build a Simple Python Reminder App

I assume you know nothing about programming and want to try and make something with the world’s programming sweetheart — Python.

2. How to Build a 2FA Application in Python

Sometimes the best way to learn how to code something is by looking at an example, so we’ve created a sample application on GitHub.

3. Best Programming Languages to Start Freelancing

Programming has been one of the most in-demand and highly-paid skills for the last two decades, and the demand is only increasing. In addition to this demand and popularity in the market, working as a developer also provides a lot of flexibility. You can work from wherever you want and contribute to projects all around the world. All of these reasons make software development highly compatible with the freelancing lifestyle.

4. Concurrent Programming in Python is not what you think it is.

Originally published on

5. How To Scrape Google With Python

Ever since Google Web Search API deprecation in 2011, I've been searching for an alternative. I need a way to get links from Google search into my Python script. So I made my own, and here is a quick guide on scraping Google searches with requests and Beautiful Soup.

6. Computer Vision Is Solving Problems That Weren't Even On Our List

Replicating human interaction and behavior is what artificial intelligence has always been about. In recent times, the peak of technology has well and truly surpassed what was initially thought possible, with countless examples of the prolific nature of AI and other technologies solving problems around the world.

7. How to fix the Python TypeError: ‘int’ Object is not Iterable

The Python TypeError: 'int'object is not interable is a common error that can be caused by using a loop without the range() method. It can be easily fixed.

8. The Two Primary Reasons Why Python's Popularity Keeps Growing

Python, a programming language that has long been hailed as being both capable and easy to learn & understand the code, it is available to both Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X & other platform users who can now download an official Python package from the Python Software Foundation page. Python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions like Ubuntu releases, but in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems we need to install & configure explicitly.

9. Choosing between NodeJS and Python for your Next Backend App

Deep comparison of two well-known programming languages: Node.js and Python. Learn more about their pros, cons, use cases, and other important criteria.

10. How I built a spreadsheet app with Python to make data science easier

Today I'm open sourcing "Grid studio", a web-based spreadsheet application with full integration of the Python programming language.

11. The Programming Languages Dominating 2022

The following is a list of the top 10 programming languages in 2022:

12. Setting up Atom as a Python IDE [A How To Guide]

In this article, I demonstrate how you can setup and maintain a python friendly development environment from within Atom.  Ideally, a developer wants to reduce the amount of window/application switching as much as possible and create repeatable workflows.

13. A Complete Guide to XGBoost Model in Python using scikit-learn

Generating an immeasurable amount of data has become a need to develop more advanced and sophisticated machine learning techniques. Boosting machine learning is one such technique that can be used to solve complex data-driven real-world problems.

14. The 4 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

Technology has made our lives easier with several forms of implementation that are seen in different professional fields. As most individuals began to efficiently program computers, programming languages with powerful tendencies and functionalities were born.

15. Top 10 Data Science Project Ideas for 2020

As an aspiring data scientist, the best way for you to increase your skill level is by practicing. And what better way is there for practicing your technical skills than making projects.

16. “Python Is Slow” and Other Myths of a Dying Era

This article addresses misconceptions and the realities of Python compilers and libraries that enable the writing of ultra-fast programs.

17. How to run asynchronous web requests in parallel with Python 3.5 (without aiohttp)

Recently at my workplace our IT team finally upgraded our distributed Python versions to 3.5.0. While this is a huge upgrade from 2.6, this still came with some growing pains. Unfortunately, Python 3.5.0 doesn’t meet some of the minimum requirements of some popular libraries, including aiohttp.

18. How to Scrape Yahoo Finance Data with Python

Financial market data is one of the most valuable data in the current time. If analyzed correctly, it holds the potential of turning an organisation’s economic issues upside down. Among a few of them, Yahoo finance is one such website which provides free access to this valuable data of stocks and commodities prices. In this blog, we are going to implement a simple web crawler in python which will help us in scraping yahoo finance website. Some of the applications of scraping Yahoo finance data can be forecasting stock prices, predicting market sentiment towards a stock, gaining an investive edge and cryptocurrency trading. Also, the process of generating investment plans can make good use of this data!

19. Python Access Modifiers: Public, Private, and Protected Variables

Using access modifiers is part of the daily job of any OOP developer but things are a bit complex in python, or maybe a bit simpler.

20. Visualizing Linear Regression with PyTorch

Linear regression is a common machine learning technique that predicts a real-valued output using a weighted linear combination of one or more input values.

21. Genetic Algorithms Explained : A Python Implementation

Genetic Algorithms , also referred to as simply “GA”, are algorithms inspired in Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection theory that aims to find optimal solutions for problems we don’t know much about. For example: How to find a given function maximum or minimum, when you cannot derivate it? It is based on three concepts: selection, reproduction, and mutation. We generate a random set of individuals, select the best ones, cross them over and finally, slightly mutate the result - over and over again until we find an acceptable solution. You can check some comparisons on other search methods on Goldberg's book.

22. Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission :  A tale of Python's eccentricity

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

23. Python Hack: How to Download YouTube Video as Audio

In this article, I will show how you can use python to download a YouTube video as audio in a matter of few seconds using youtube-dl python wrapper.

24. How To Setup a Python Virtual Environment on Windows 10

Creating a Python Virtual environment will allow you to work on an isolated copy of Python for specific projects without interfering or impacting the working of other ongoing projects.

25. What is the Future for SQL Developers in a Machine Learning World?

Do you know the machine learning global market is estimated to reach $30.6 billion by 2024? This marvellous growth is the outcome of Omni-presence of artificial intelligence and its trending subset; machine learning.

26. Machine Learning Model with FLASK REST API

In this tutorial we will see how you can make your first REST API for Machine Learning Model using FLASK. We will start by creating machine learning model. Then we will see step-by-step procedure to create API using Flask and test it using Postman.

27. How to Remove Commas From String Python

In this article, we will learn to remove commas from strings using the python program. We will create a program using different methods and using different func

28. How to Make a Gaming Bot that Beats Human Using Python and OpenCV

Learn to create a Python bot that plays an online game and achieves the highest score in the leaderboard beating humans.

29. Crunching Large Datasets Made Fast and Easy: the Polars Library

Processing large data, e.g. for cleansing, aggregation or filtering is done blazingly fast with the Polars data frame library in python thanks to its design.

30. How to Install Django and Python 3+ on Raspberry Pi

Don't waste time! Learn how to install Django and Python quickly with this tutorial!

31. How to build Python transcriber using Mozilla DeepSpeech

Transcriber with PyAudio and DeepSpeech in 70 lines of Python code.

32. How to Build a Tip Calculator in Python

Learn how to build a tip calculator with an intelligent and thoughtful way to divide payments amongst friends, no matter the number

33. How to Use Streamlit and Python to Build a Data Science App

Web apps are still useful tools for data scientists to present their data science projects to the users. Since we may not have web development skills, we can use open-source python libraries like Streamlit to easily develop web apps in a short time.

34. A Guide to Extracting All Links on a Website Using Python

In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to extract all links from a given website or URL using BeautifulSoup and requests.

35. Introduction to Winforms UI Automation with Python & Appium

Microsoft announced some time ago that Coded UI automation was being deprecated - and that the recommended replacement for testing was Appium with WinAppDriver.

36. I hacked 40,000 passwords with Python. Yours might've been one of them.

Remember the good old days when you were passing love notes to your crush across the classroom?

37. How To Plot A Decision Boundary For Machine Learning Algorithms in Python

Classification algorithms learn how to assign class labels to examples (observations or data points), although their decisions can appear opaque.

38. Working with APIs ( Concepts + Code )

Hi Folks !! Hope you all computer geeks are doing well . In this post, we will discuss about how to get data from any API using any programming language . Yes ! You read it right !! Well, i will be using JavaScript and Python in here but you can use any language of your choice.

39. OpenBB Terminal 2.0 is More Than an Alternative for Bloomberg Terminal

OpenBB Terminal 2.0 is more than an application, it’s a platform.

40. Python Library vs. Implementation From Scratch: 7 Things to Consider

The question of from-scratch implementation vs Python library comes up once in a while, no matter the goal of your project.

41. How Similar Are Programming Languages?

Everyone is saying that programming languages are similar, but just how similar? Does it mean that if you know one programming language you know all the others?

42. A Brief Intro to FLET: Building Flutter Apps with Python

FLET enables developers to easily build real-time web, mobile, and desktop apps in Python.

43. How I Let an AI Code a Game For Me!

What if I would ask an artificial intelligence to writa game for me? Is it hard? Will it work? I'm using Github Copilot to try it out.

44. What is Python Good for? Why Beginner Should Learn Python?

Data science and machine learning are the two main things Python is perfect for. Code simplicity, higher salary, and automation are just some of the best reasons to Learn Python, if you're on the fence about it.

45. Web Scrape with Python Using Just 9 Lines of Code

Scraping is extracting data from websites. In this article, I will show you how to scrape links from a test e-commerce site with Python 3.

46. 3 Ways to Learn Python Online

Python Is beginner-friendly, has a strong ecosystem, and is a popular choice for AI, research, and automation. Here's how to teach yourself python online.

47. Using Flask to Build a Rule-based Chatbot in Python

Learn to build AI ruled-based chatbot with a simple tutorial that can be showcased in your Portfolio.

48. 10 Most Popular Programming Languages | 2022

Top 10 Programming Languages - 1: Python, 2: JavaScript, 3: Java, 4: C#, 5: C, 6: C++, 7: Go, 8: PHP, 9: Perl, 10: Swift...

49. Learning Roadmap for Data Structures and Algorithms

We all know that Data structures and Algorithms are the backbone of every concept we use. There are many concepts involved in Data structures and algorithms (for the sake of convenience, I'll use DSA). There will be many questions for a beginner like how to start learning DSA, as there are many concepts involved and he/she might get confused at the start. In this post, we are going to see a roadmap for learning DSA, which worked out for my friends. I am not saying that this is the perfect roadmap for DSA. You can use your own plans also but this is just an idea. So let's get started.

50. Threaded Tasks in PySpark Jobs

There are circumstances when tasks (Spark action, e.g. save, count, etc) in a PySpark job can be spawned on separate threads. Doing so, optimizes distribution of tasks on executor cores.

51. When Everyone Corrected the World's Smartest Woman

I find the Monty Hall Problem one of the most fascinating brain teasers, because it seems deceivingly simple. When Marilyn Von Savant, the woman with the highest IQ, answered this brainteaser correctly in 1991, she was inundated with over 10,000 letters from academics and Ph.Ds criticizing her “error”, only to be proven later that she was correct.

52. Learn Functional Python Syntax in 10 Minutes [Tutorial]

In this article, you’ll learn what the functional paradigm is and how to use functional programming in Python. You’ll also learn about list comprehensions and other forms of comprehensions.

53. Web Scraping con Python: Guía Paso a Paso

La necesidad de extraer datos de sitios web está aumentando. Cuando realizamos proyectos relacionados con datos, como el monitoreo de precios, análisis de negocios o agregador de noticias, siempre tendremos que registrar los datos de los sitios web. Sin embargo, copiar y pegar datos línea por línea ha quedado desactualizado. En este artículo, le enseñaremos cómo convertirse en un "experto" en la extracción de datos de sitios web, que consiste en hacer web scraping con python.

54. How to Write Automated Birthday Posts on Facebook Using Selenium

Are you the kind of person that always forgets their friends’  birthdays? Do you find yourself scrolling through Facebook, wincing at the realization that you didn’t post a congratulatory message yesterday on your bestie’s wall? And what use is that tiny ‘birthday’ tab that Facebook so helpfully sequesters in the top right corner of my Newsfeed. No big deal, right? Wrong. You might not have remembered their birthday, but they will definitely remember that you didn’t remember to remember it - and bye, bye, bestie. But don’t panic -  here lies the solution to your woes, and it's also pretty easy.

55. Pynecone: Web Apps in Pure Python

Pynecone is an open-source framework to build web apps in pure Python and deploy with a single command.

56. Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Python in 2023— Best of Lot

How to become a Python Programmer in 2020?

57. How to Create a Random Password Generator Using Python

Create a random password generator using Python by generating a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols as characters scrambled together

58. Beat The Heat with Machine Learning Cheat Sheet

If you are a beginner and just started machine learning or even an intermediate level programmer, you might have been stuck on how do you solve this problem. Where do you start? and where do you go from here?

59. How I Made a 65% ROI with this Boeing Trading Algorithm

Since the market crashed in March of 2020 the rebound has been swift and irrational.

60. Analyzing Python Compilers: CPython Vs. Cython Vs. PyPy

Brief reviews on popular Python compilers like Cython, PyPy, and the default Python interpreter CPython.

61. How to Make a Web App User Interface with Python

A bite-sized introduction to building web app user interfaces with nothing but Python.

62. Creating a Python Discord Bot - How to Get Data for Analysis

From this article you’ll learn how tо create Discord bot and add it to the Server; get the full list of channels from the server; get a snapshot of Discord memb

63. How to Send SMS Text Messages Using Python

You can automate sending out SMS messages with any language.

64. Circuit Breakers in Microservices

The circuit breaker is a design pattern, used extensively in distributed systems to prevent cascading failures. In this post, we’ll go through the problem of cascading failures and go over how the circuit breaker pattern is used.

65. How I mastered Python in Lockdown without spending a penny

I always wanted to learn programming. Writing codes, making algorithms always excited me. Being a mechanical engineer, I was never taught these subjects in depth.

66. Learn Blockchains by Building One

The fastest way to learn how Blockchains work is to build one

67. A Guide to Scaling Machine Learning Models in Production

The workflow for building machine learning models often ends at the evaluation stage: you have achieved an acceptable accuracy, and “ta-da! Mission Accomplished.”

68. Full Production Django Docker Configuration

The current software development ecosystem moves fast and it seems older frameworks like Django or Rails becoming absolute, but it is a huge underestimation! Django is one of the unique frameworks that I like to use - first of all because it contains everything in it, with just a few simple configurations.

69. Python’s Features, Frameworks and Advantages in Developing a Mobile App

In this article, we are going to explain the growing importance of developing mobile app using Python along with its popular frameworks, features & advantages.

70. I Tried Hacking a Bluetooth Speaker - Here's What Happened Next

In this article, we’ll attempt to hack a Bluetooth speaker using my knowledge of CyberSecurity.

71. How to Build a Customer Service Chatbot with Python, Flask, and Pinecone

What if a customer asks a question, you could easily find previously asked similar questions and answers that could help them?

72. Why I Dropped Out of College in 2020 to Design My Own ML and AI Degree

Most people would think I was crazy for starting 2020 as a college dropout (sorry mom!), but I wish I made this decision sooner.

73. 7 Ways to Make Your Python Project Structure More Elegant

Best practices for a manageable, scalable, and easily understandable Python project structure

74. The Pythonic Way Of Doing Things (includes Code)

Disclaimer: This blog is not about the zen of python. This blog is about solving problems in python in a simple and easy way. This blog is also about the tricks and code paradigms that you might see in other people code.Lets get started !!

75. How To Create a Python Data Engineering Project with a Pipeline Pattern

In this article, we cover how to use pipeline patterns in python data engineering projects. Create a functional pipeline, install fastcore, and other steps.

76. What are the Best Data Analytics Tools?

Data analytics is used for transforming raw data into useful insights.

77. Top 10 Python Frameworks Ranked on Github

Here is a list of the ten highest-ranked Python frameworks on GitHub.

78. Essential Algorithms: The Bubble Sort

Welcome back to Essential Algorithms, where I go over the many, many different algorithms every programmer should know and understand. Today's algorithm is the dead-simple, yet terribly inefficient, Bubble Sort.

79. Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin — Django Tips

How To Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin?

80. Your Guide To Productive Python Programming

Have you ever felt that you are not coding Python as productive as you want to be? Python avoids repetition to do more work with less code.

81. The Complete Microservice Tutorial: Introduction [Part 1]

Project Link:

82. Implementing Stack in Python using Linked List

A stack is a data structure in which items are added and removed from the same point. It's kind of a one way storage system. Also known as LIFO data structure.

83. How to "Instantly" Create a Front-end for Your Python Program

How to "instantly" create a front-end for your Python program.

84. Evolution of Python Programming

Python was originally conceptualized by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s as a member of the National Research Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science. Initially, it was designed as a response to the ABC programming language that was also foregrounded in the Netherlands. Among the main features of Python compared to the ABC language was that Python had exception handling and was targeted for the Amoeba operating system (go Python!).

85. How to Build a 910-wpm Typing Bot with Just 12 Lines of Python


86. API Development: Build a Predictive Machine Learning Site With React and Python (Part 2)

Sequel to the last article: We will be building a machine learning API that will predict whether a candidate will or will not be hired.

87. How to Create a Phone Number Tracking App in Python

Today I’m going to share with you how to build a simple desktop application to identify and track country information from phone numbers.

88. Type Annotation In Python

Type Annotation are a quick way to validate the actual type of the variables or arguments that are being passed to the functions it is also called type hinting.

89. How I Built a Crypto Portfolio Analyzer Using Jupyter Notebook

Cryptocurrency portfolios can change dramatically at the blink of an eye. With my free crypto portfolio analyzer, you can keep track of your crypto investments.

90. Functional Programming in Python For Beginners

Learn about functional programming, pure functions, map(), filter(), zip(), reduce() concepts

91. How to Build a Web Scraper With Python [Step-by-Step Guide]

On my self-taught programming journey, my interests lie within machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), and the language I’ve chosen to master is Python.

92. 9 Free Data Science Courses & Guides For Beginners

We human beings are depending so much on digital and smart devices. And all these devices are creating data at a very fast rate. According to an article on Forbes more than 90% of the world data has been created in past 2 to 3 years.

93. How Genetic Algorithms Can Compete with Gradient Descent and Backprop

We will train a simple neural network to solve the OpenAI CartPole game using a genetic algorithm, PyTorch, and PyGAD.

94. Replicate PostgreSQL Databases Using async Python and RabbitMQ for High Availability

PostgreSQL replication using python and RabbitMQ for providing your database server with High Availability by easily making replicas of your master server.

95. Model Development: Build a Predictive Machine Learning Site With React and Python (Part 1)

We will be building a machine learning model that will predict whether a candidate will or will not be hired based on his or her credentials.

96. A Brief Introduction to Lambda Expressions in Python

Lambda expressions in python are one-time anonymous functions which we don’t need more than once.

97. Python vs JavaScript: Main Differences, Performance Comparison, and Areas of Application

The complexity of modern web apps lies far beyond creating eye-catching user interfaces with countless elements. To enable lag-free experience and effortless scalability, it’s important to pay due attention to the architecture design, which can be pretty challenging. Under the hood of a full-featured online app, different frameworks and libraries can peacefully coexist with different programming languages used to build software. Since the equation may contain so many variables, it’s essential to master your knowledge of each potential system component to know when and why to use them.

98. Pornhub Growth Hack During Coronavirus Pandemic

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019, and was recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020.

99. 3 Free Python Courses For Beginners: 2020 Edition

If you are looking for the best Free Python courses that you can use to expand your Python knowledge, you have come to the right place! If you aren’t sure that you are ready to step into the world of Python, be sure to check out the 6 Things To Know Before You Start Learning Python to make sure that you are starting in the right place.

100. Leveraging Google's Pinject to Write Loosely Coupled Python Code

Dependency Injection(DI) is a set of software design principles that enable engineers to develop loosely coupled code. This stack overflow post is the best ELI5 description of DI:

101. Build a Custom-Trained Object Detection Model With 5 Lines of Code

These days, machine learning and computer vision are all the craze. We’ve all seen the news about self-driving cars and facial recognition and probably imagined how cool it’d be to build our own computer vision models. However, it’s not always easy to break into the field, especially without a strong math background. Libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow can be tedious to learn if all you want to do is experiment with something small.

102. Reinventing the Python Logo: Interview with a UI Designer

UI designer Jessica Williamson redesigns the Python logo and receives 7000 upvotes on Reddit.

103. Python for Web Development: Pros & Cons and Best Frameworks

The Python programming language has become one of the most popular among web developers over the past few years. The diversity of its frameworks, cross-platform ability, and simple syntax attract thousands of new fans daily. Here we will talk about the most popular Python for web development frameworks, which ones you should choose for your projects, and why Python deserves a place in your knowledge arsenal.

104. What Does Facebook Hydra Mean For The Future of Python

Ever since its inception in the year 1089 by Guido Van Rossum, the programming language Python has along far away. Sheldon did its creator knew that Python would in today's world be utilized for a variety of purposes such as research, development, scripting, among many others. Built as a successor in the ABC language, Python does not just find its applications in software development but also in research.

105. How I Create Websites: The Process of Web Development

Many people, especially beginners, think that developing a website is purely about coding, but it’s not like that. There a lot of other things that you need to do if you wanna create at least a decent website. The part when you actually make a website with code or with WordPress or some other CMS is just a small part.

106. 10 Best Python IDEs & Code Editors: 2020 Edition

Since its advent in 1991, Python has been the choice of coders due to its simple features that include ease of understanding and readability of code but not limited to just that. There have been lots of changes in the codebase over time due to the contribution from developers worldwide. Simple syntax and faster execution make Python a favorable language among programmers. It is used widely to create websites and primarily in big data operations. To make the task of running Python programs easier, many IDEs have been developed for programmers. These environments are equally suitable for beginners and advanced coders with a variety of in-built extensions, libraries, and plugins to ease the task of program execution. Let's walk you through these six IDEs that can ease your work with Python:

107. A Python Library for Face Detection and Extraction with OpenCV Using HOG/Neural Network

Many people, including me, use a combination of libraries to work on the images, such as: OpenCV itself, Dlib, Pillow etc. But this is a very confusing and problematic process. Dlib installation, for example, can be extremely complex and frustrating.

108. How To Build a Minimalistic Ethereum Wallet in Python [Part 1]

In this article, we are going to build a simple Ethereum wallet from scratch using Python. During the process, we will use some cryptography and try to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. In part 1, we will generate a key pair which is compatible with the Ethereum protocol, obtain the Ethereum address from the public key and encrypt the private key using a password.

109. 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020

ReactJS is a fantastic frontend framework, and Django is a fantastic backend framework. However, as usual when dealing with anything of more than trivial complexity, it isn’t easy to get the two to place nicely together. It's not like taping a banana to a wall.

110. Calling Shell Commands from Python: OS.system vs Subprocess

If you are a Python programmer, it is quite likely that you have experience in shell scripting. It is not uncommon to face a task that seems trivial to solve with a shell command. Therefore, it is useful to be familiar with how to call these commands efficiently from your Python code and know their limitations.

111. Why Jupyter Notebooks are the Future of Data Science

How Jupyter Notebooks played an important role in the incredible rise in popularity of Data Science and why they are its future.

112. A Simple Mistake That Costs Engineers Time and Money

This expensive trap is easily avoided by approaching problems from the right mindset.

113. Frontend Dev: How to Build a Predictive Machine Learning Site With React and Python (Part 3)

We will be building a machine learning React frontend that will predict whether a candidate will or will not be hired based on his or her credentials.

114. Introductory Guide To Real-time Object Detection with Python

Researchers have been studying the possibilities of giving machines the ability to distinguish and identify objects through vision for years now. This particular domain, called Computer Vision or CV, has a wide range of modern-day applications.

115. How to Perform Emotion detection in Text via Python

In this tutorial, I will guide you on how to detect emotions associated with textual data and how can you apply it in real-world applications.

116. Python For Beginners: Learning One-Liners On Practice

Like lists comprehensions and lambda functions python one line codes can save a lot of time and space so how you can master them?

117. Angular and Django Integration in One Project

For those times, when you ought to do things which you don’t want to do.

118. How to Create Digital Generative Art With Python

We create Generative Art with Python. No paintbrush required! In this tutorial, we're going to be using four pieces of code - painter, utils, numpy, and more.

119. How To Create a Google SERP Checker in Python

The goal of SEO is to get your website to the top of the search engine. One excellent way of tracking SEO progress is by checking the Search engine result pages (SERPs) of a website.

120. How to create a new project in Django

Django is a web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.Using it you can create many cool projects. It was designed to make common web development tasks fast and easy.

121. A Simple Guide to Building a Website Blocker in Python

Many of us struggle to focus nowadays, easily distracted by Social media and some sites on the internet which dramatically affecting our productivity. In this tutorial, you will learn and build your own website blocker to block certain selected sites that distract you during working hours.

122. How to Create Hidden Secret Messages in Images using Python

Today, we are gonna learn how to apply coding skills to cryptography, by performing image-based stenography which hiding involves secret messages in an image.

Stenography has been used for quite a while. Since World War II, it was heavily used for communication among allies so as to prevent the info being captured by enemies

123. Web Scraping con Python: Guía Paso a Paso

La necesidad de extraer datos de sitios web está aumentando. Cuando realizamos proyectos relacionados con datos, como el monitoreo de precios, análisis de negocios o agregador de noticias, siempre tendremos que registrar los datos de los sitios web. Sin embargo, copiar y pegar datos línea por línea ha quedado desactualizado. En este artículo, le enseñaremos cómo convertirse en un "experto" en la extracción de datos de sitios web, que consiste en hacer web scraping con python.

124. Implementing 2FA: How Time-Based One-Time Password Actually Works [With Python Examples]

If you care about your security on the web, you probably use a Two-Factor authentication (2FA) method to protect your accounts. There are various 2FA methods available out there, a combination of password + fingerprint, for example, is one of them. However, since not so many people have a fingerprint reader available all the time, one of the most popular 2FA methods today is to use an authenticator app on your cellphone to generate a temporary password that expires within a minute or even less. But, how does this temporary password, called Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) works, and how can I implement that on my own service?

125. Django, Celery, Redis and Flower Implementation

Here I’m assuming you already have your basic Django project setup. And, already know what Celery is? if not, I’ll suggest getting a basic understanding of it here. So let’s just directly jump into the steps.

126. 8 Free Online Games to Help You Learn Coding

To learn coding is not just being familiar or comfortable with the syntax but to understand the logic and improve logical and analytical skills. Every programming language has advantages and disadvantages but the basics are the same to a certain extent. We all know that the best method to learn a programming language is writing codes in it. It is also known that the key developers not just write the code but enjoy doing it. If the basics are not sorted, advanced programming tends to be boring.

127. How RAT Mutants, in Python, Steal Data and Evade Detection

Even though malicious Python packages are found every day by our security researchers, a new type of malware we call RAT mutants is catching our attention.

128. Make Your Own Typing Tutor App using Python!

When normal people want to learn typing, they use softwares like Typing master. But since we are programmers, we can use our knowledge to write our own typing tutor app. Python, as always will be best for this purpose as it is easy to understand and provides a lot of libraries for our specific purpose. So lets begin!

129. How to Use Dictionaries as an Alternative to If-Else

Create a Cleaner Code of If-Else Functions with Dictionaries

130. How to Solve the Python Memory Error

A memory error occurs when an operation runs out of memory. It’s most likely because you’re using a 32-bit Python version.

131. Implementing 3x+1 or Collatz Conjecture In Python

3x+1 or Collatz conjecture is a simple maths problem that can easily be implemented using a simple while loop in Python.

132. Anscombe’s Quartet And Importance of Data Visualization

Anscombe’s quartet comprises four data sets that have nearly identical simple descriptive statistics, yet have very different distributions and appear very different when graphed. — Wikipedia

133. Yet Another Lightning Hydra Template for ML Experiments

Flexible and scalable template based on PyTorch Lightning and Hydra. Efficient workflow and reproducibility for rapid ML experiments.

134. Debugging: Using PDB in Dockerized Environment

Docker, along with Docker Compose are the most used tools under the DevOps category, according to The State of Developer Ecosystem 2019 survey by JetBrains. Chances are if you're using Docker/Docker Compose for deployment, you'll most likely be using them for local development as well. If you only use Docker for deployment but a virtual environment for local development, you may want to look into using Docker for development to reduce the parity between dev/prod environments, as suggested in the Twelve-Factor Methodology.

135. The Programming Language For Machine Learning Projects

…and why Python is the de facto in ML

Python is the de facto programming language used is machine learning. This is owed to it’s simplicity and readability, which allows users to focus on the algorithms and results, rather than wasting time on structuring code efficiently and keeping it manageable.

136. How To Use Django as Your SaaS Framework

The Django Framework has been a popular choice for web development with Python for many years. And for good reason: it leverages Python's ease of modularity to offer a very flexible solution for a variety of applications.

137. Python vs PHP: Who Will Win the Ultimate Battle?

When it’s about Python vs PHP, I certainly feel that Python is used for general purposes as similar to Java. With great choice of libraries Python can be used for developing scientific and AI/ML applications. PHP is open-source, offer exceptionally straight-forward, and case sensitive. For all this, PHP became the favorite most programming languages among web developers.

138. [CTF Series #1] The Reverse Engineering Challenge


139. How To Scrape Google With Python

Ever since Google Web Search API deprecation in 2011, I’ve been searching for an alternative. I need a way to get links from Google search into my Python script. So I made my own, and here is a quick guide on scraping Google searches with requests and Beautiful Soup.

140. How to Make a Rockstar Github Profile README

Show off your Github activity, latest blogs, Spotify streams, and much more with dynamically updating GitHub Profile READMEs!

141. How to Use TensorFlow in Python: Google‘s Open-Source Library For Deep Learning

You might not always know it, but Deep Learning is everywhere. We explain how to use TensorFlow, Google's Library For Deep Learning, in Python.

142. [Writing Prompt] Please Share Your Opinion: List of Interview Questions

Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!

143. What LinkedIn Tells Us About Developer Population in the World

There are tons of articles about the number of developers in the world. But most of them either lack good methodology or simply borrow statistics from other resources.

144. Running a Python Script to Scrape LinkedIn Profiles From Google

LinkedIn is a great place to find leads and engage with prospects. In order to engage with potential leads, you’ll need a list of users to contact. However, getting that list might be difficult because LinkedIn has made it difficult for web scraping tools. That is why I made a script to search Google for potential LinkedIn user and company profiles.

145. Configuring HTTP Route Parameters in Azure Functions 2.x using Python

Overview of How HTTP Routing Works in Azure Functions

146. A Better Guide to Build Apache Superset From source

In this article, we’ll be deep-diving on how to build Apache Superset from the source. The official documentation is too complicated for a new contributor and thus my attempt to simplify it.

147. How to Write a Python Script to Scale Your Data Science Job Applications

Are you struggling getting job interviews as a fresh graduate out of college? Here's my experience using an unconventional approach to get that interview.

148. How to Use AWS S3 with Python

8 Must-Know Tricks to Use S3 More Effectively in Python: In this article, we’ll look at various ways to leverage the power of S3 in Python.

149. Baby Steps to Metaclasses in Python3

I will start this lesson by talking about some basics of the python type system and the introduce the concept of META-CLASSES afterwards.

150. 4 Best Application-Deployment Techniques You Will Discover in 2021

Application deployment comprises the steps, processes, and activities required to make an application or update available for its intended users. The manner in which you deploy an application matters a great deal as it impacts how quickly your product will respond to changes, and the quality of these changes. Today, most software developers deploy updates, patches, and new applications via a combination of manual, automated, and cloud-based processes, although, manual application deployment is being phased out.

151. Netflix Tech Stack Has No Chill: How To Account for 15% of the World's Bandwidth

Disclaimer: This is NOT a press release by Netflix. Just my honest review of tech that helps us binge great content without hassle.

152. How I Started Hacking

It all started with video games.

153. How to Use AWS Textract with S3

This article demonstrates how to use AWS Textract to extract text from scanned documents in an S3 bucket.

154. A Simple Guide to Building Chat Applications in Python

In this tutorial, I will guide you to building a command line chatting application in Python using sockets.

155. How to Become a Backend Developer in 2020

Are you looking for a career in Backend Development? To build complete applications beyond the user-interface companies need rockstar back-end developers.

All the app data is stored and processed on the back-end. Back-end development is everything that happens behind the scenes. It is a variety of things like the databases, the business logic, the API layer and pretty much everything other than the user-interface.

The average salary for a back-end developer is $123,689 per year in the United States as of 2019. In this post, let’s learn about what it means to be a Backend Developer.

156. Using Black To Auto Format Your Python

How to stop worrying and embrace Auto Formatting in your python code.

157. How To Boost Efficiency with Specialized Dictionary Implementations

How to create a dictionary with ordered and read-only items, returning default value with non-existent key, grouping multiple dictionaries into a single map and much more

158. NLP Tutorial: Topic Modeling in Python with BerTopic

Topic modeling is an unsupervised machine learning technique that can automatically identify different topics present in a document (textual data). Data has become a key asset/tool to run many businesses around the world. With topic modeling, you can collect unstructured datasets, analyzing the documents, and obtain the relevant and desired information that can assist you in making a better decision.

159. 10 Best Python Tools, Libraries, and IDEs You Can Learn to Become a Better Python Programmer

If you are looking for the best Python tools, libraries, and best IDEs for Python development, then you have come to the right place.

160. Parallelism and Concurrency in Python (Concepts + Code)

Hi Folks !! Hope you all programming geeks are doing well. In this post, we will discuss about concurrency and Parallelism in python. Here, we will look at Multithreading , Multiprocessing , asynchronous programming , concurrency and parallelism and how we can use these concepts to speed up computation tasks in python. So, without wasting time, lets get started .

161.  Why You Should Learn Several Programming Languages & Where to Learn Them

We are living in an age of rapidly changing technology. With over 500 programming languages in use globally, it is a dynamic job market for developers. There are pros and cons of all the languages and their adoption is becoming more and more application-specific.

162. 5 Top Programming Languages Every Ethical Hacker Needs To Learn

The 21st century is a century of digital citizens as technology has become the most important aspect of our lives. Having the knowledge of programming has become more of a necessity than an option and similar to the growing craze of coding, Ethical hacking has also become extremely popular these days. Everyone wants to become a hacker today especially the youth, but the truth is that hacking and becoming a hacker is not as easy as it is shown in numerous sci-fi movies, in-fact it takes years of practice and programming to become an Ethical hacking expert. There are several Programming languages used for Ethical hacking/ Whitehat hacking that are used extensively.

163. How To Understand The Difference Between Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Language

First of all, what are all these words - Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Languages? This is how you can classify programming languages:

164. Building a Twitter Bot to Automate Posting Cryptocurrency News with Python [A Step-by-Step Guide]

Be kind.

165. Hello, World! - Why Python is the Most Beginner-Friendly Coding Language

Let’s start this journey of programming with gaining some knowledge on the Python programming language.

166. Share Large Amounts of Live Data With Delta Sharing and Docker

Share massive amounts of live data with Delta Sharing - a Linux Foundation Open Source framework for multi-cloud data sharing across organizations.

167. Flask API Containerization using Docker

Nowadays, putting shiny new applications in containers seems to be the way of the future, and for good reason. They offer platform portability, hardware efficiency, and enhanced security. In this tutorial, we are going to take a very simple Flask API, put it in a Docker container, and then test it out using Postman.

168. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build your own Programming language!

169. Automating Instagram API Using Python: Gain Active Followers

Hi Devs!

170. How to Use Google Trends API with Python

Google Trends website provides analysis of different search results on Google Search based on various criteria such as regions, time and language. As a developer, you can use Google Trends API in python to get the same results as presented on the Google Trends website via Pytrends.

171. How to Build a Python-Based Horoscopy Script

You've probably heard of Python, an interactive programming language that makes it easy to work with data. Today it's used for everything from websites and apps to statistics, machine learning, and AI.

172. Filtering Dictionary In Python 3

Originally published on

173. Building an Android App on a Flask Server

how to connect your Android frontend application to a Python Server implemented using Flask

174. PGSync Introduction: Real-time Integration Tool For PostgreSQL And Elasticsearch

PGSync is a change data capture tool for moving data from Postgres to Elasticsearch. It allows you to keep Postgres as your source-of-truth and expose structured denormalized documents in Elasticsearch.

175. Why Python is Best Programming Language for Data Science & Machine Learning?

If you want to become a Data Scientist and are curious about which programming language should you learn then you have come to the right place.

176. Build a Real-time Stock Price Dashboard With Python, QuestDB and Plotly

In this tutorial, we will create a real-time streaming dashboard using QuestDB, Celery, Redis, Plotly, and Dash.

177. The Real C++ Killers (Not You, Rust)

Technologies that can replace C++ in the near of far future are not compilers. They are Spiral, Numba, and ForwardCom.

178. Training an Image Classifier From Scratch in 15 Minutes

Using PyTorch, FastAI and the CIFAR-10 image dataset

179. How To use Google Colab with VS Code

Google Colab and VS Code are popular editor tools. Learn how you can use Google Colab with VS Code and take advantage of a full-fledged code editor.

180. Automatic Feature Selection in Python: An Essential Guide

Feature Selection in python is the process where you automatically or manually select the features in the dataset that contribute most to your prediction.

181. Top 7 Python Extensions For IntelliJ IDEA

It's so lonely at the top of Olympus.

182. Entendiendo PyTorch: las bases de las bases para hacer inteligencia artificial

<meta name="monetization" content="$">

183. We Built A Coronavirus Map with COVID-19 Data and Travel Restrictions Across All Countries

Back in March my teammates and I switched from our regular tasks working on a travel platform to building a COVID-19 monitoring service. Here is what we’ve managed to get done so far:

184. Scraping Glassdoor Job Data

Glassdoor is one of the biggest job markets in the world but can be hard to scrape. In this article, we'll legally extract job data with Python & Beautiful Soup

185. How to Fix 'zsh: command not found: python'

This can happen on any system but does occur slightly more commonly on macOS since they removed native python support in macOS 12.3.

186. Python 3, Flask and reCAPTCHA Connection Made Easy

ll start by giving you two reasons to finish reading this, and cloning the repo after:

187. How You Can Control Your Smart Home Through a Telegram Bot

You’ve got your smart home fully set up. You regularly like to show off with your friends how cool it is to turn on light bulbs, play videos and movies with a hint to your voice assistant, make coffee and adjust the thermostat with a tap on an app. Congratulations!

188. Testing REST APIs easily in Python with pyhttptest

Nowadays every one of us is facing REST APIs by either developing or consuming such a service. Also, we’re in the trendy era of microservices, where we splitting our business logic into small separate services independent from each one. Mostly these services follow RESTful principles and using the JSON format for communication, which became the most widely used format, because of its simplicity.

189. Top 10 Programming Languages for Web Devs to Learn During Quarantine

If you're just sitting at home most nights, wondering what the hell you should be doing, rejoice! I've got a list of 10 of the hottest, coolest programming languages you can stuff in a single sack ( post).

190. 7 of the Top Best Languages for Web Application Development

Interested in choosing the best language for developing web applications? Our developers have shared the top seven choices in 2021. Discover what they are.

191. Why Are We Teaching Pandas Instead of SQL?

How I learned to stop using pandas and love SQL.

192. Scraping Information From LinkedIn Into CSV using Python

In this post, we are going to scrape data from Linkedin using Python and a Web Scraping Tool. We are going to extract Company Name, Website, Industry, Company Size, Number of employees, Headquarters Address, and Specialties.

193. Reducing Debugging Woes with Python Async Decorator

You like asynchronous programming, and appreciate the elegance of await, tasks and similar in making asynchronous programming more intuitive and understandable and while all is good, you will likely find that async debugging is quite tough!

194. Hashing Passwords In Python: Bcrypt Tutorial with Examples

Building a from-scratch server or using a lightweight framework is empowering. With that power comes responsibility, specifically the responsibility to securely store user’s passwords.

195. Top Python Resources for Beginners

New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.

196. How To Scrap Product Information With Python & BeautifulSoup Module From Amazon Listings [Tutorial]


197. How to Use AES-256 Cipher: Python Cryptography Examples

Need to encrypt some text with a password or private key in Python? You certainly came to the right place. AES-256 is a solid symmetric cipher that is commonly used to encrypt data for oneself. In other words, the same person who is encrypting the data is typically decrypting it as well (think password manager).

198. Scraping Tweet Replies with Python and Tweepy Twitter API [A Step-by-Step Guide]

A Quick Method To Extract Tweets and Replies For Free

199. 20 Best Courses from Udemy Free Resource Center to Learn Programming and Coding

Hello guys, after Pluralsight made their 7000+ expert-led online courses for free for one month, now Udemy has also launched the "Udemy FREE Resource Center" where you find a collection of Udemy's best free content from some of their best instructors.

200. Build Your Own Voice Recognition Model with Tensorflow

While I'm usually a JavaScript person, there are plenty of things that Python makes easier to do. Doing voice recognition with machine learning is one of those.

201. Top 5 Trends in Software Development for 2019

Everything is moving extremely quickly in the software industry, so it requires a lot of effort just to keep up. This is exactly why we, at Coding Sans, publish the State of Software Development survey every year. To learn what is happening in the industry at the moment, and see how trends are forming over time.

202. Building a To-do List App with Python: Data Access Layer with SQLAlchemy

If you ever used an ORM, you already know that it can save a lot of time, especially when starting a project, but as the codebase grows it can become impossible

203. 100+ Free Pluralsight Courses to learn Python, Java, and Spring Boot

Hello guys, I have awesome news to share with you. Pluralsight has announced that all their 7000+ expert-led courses are free for one-month, April 2020, to support people staying at home due to COVID-19.

204. Performance Testing of Python ORMs Based on the TPC-C benchmark

Object-relational mappers (ORMs) are often used in Python programming when one needs to develop an application that works with databases. Examples of Python ORMs are SQLAlchemy, Peewee, Pony-ORM and Django. When choosing an ORM,  performance plays a crucial role. But how are these toolsets compared? ORM performance benchmarks offer a measure of clarity but leave considerable room for improvement. I examine and extend the qualitative ORM benchmark to develop a stronger metric.

205. Automating WhatsApp Web with Alright and Python

Alright is a python wrapper that helps you automate WhatsApp web using python, giving you the capability to send messages, media, and files programmatically.

206. How to Create an Alarm Clock in Python

Today we are going to build an Alarm Clock using Python. In this project, we are going to use some external modules which are already made available.

207. The Smart Way to Clone Django Instances

How to implement proper reusable clone for Django model instances with related objects.

208. What You Probably Don't Know About Python Decorators

if you have ever been interviewed for a developer position, you heard this question:

209. Driver Drowsiness Detection System: A Python Project with Source Code

Drowsiness detection is a safety technology that can prevent accidents that are caused by drivers who fell asleep while driving.

210. Use Amazon Personalize & Data in the Raw for Real-Time Recommendations:

Start capturing website user data in 5 minutes or less with no developer resources or coding experience needed.

211. A Roadmap For Becoming a Data Scientist

So you want to become a data scientist? You have heard so much about data science and want to know what all the hype is about? Well, you have come to the perfect place. The field of data science has evolved significantly in the past decade. Today there are multiple ways to jump into the field and become a data scientist. Not all of them need you to have a fancy degree either. So let’s get started!

212. 6 Best Python-Based Data Science Frameworks

Knowing Python is the most valuable skill to start a data scientist career. Although there are other languages to use for data tasks (R, Java, SQL, MATLAB, TensorFlow, and others), there are some reasons why specialists choose Python. It has some benefits, such as:

213. I Made a Python Bot That Can Solve Multiple-Choice Question From Any Given Image [incl. Code]

In this post I am going to show you how to build your own answer finding system with Python. Basically, this automation can find the answer of multiple-choice question from the picture.

214. Busting Data Science Myths: "You Need a PhD, Extensive Python Skills, and Tons of Experience"

DJ Patil and Jeff Hammerbacher coined the title Data Scientist while working at LinkedIn and Facebook, respectively, to mean someone who “uses data to interact with the world, study it and try to come up with new things.”

215. Using BERT Transformer with SpaCy3 to Train a Relation Extraction Model

A step-by-step guide on how to train a relation extraction classifier using Transformer and spaCy3.

216. How to Use Machine Learning to Color Your Lighting Based on Music Mood

How to use machine learning to color your room lighting, based on the emotions behind the music you are listening (Python code available here)

217. Top 10 Big Tier Companies That Use Python

More than 500 languages are currently in use and a lot more are being written as we speak. The selection of a programming language is the first step to get into starting with the development cycle. A decade ago, developers were not bothered by the selection of technologies as they did not have access to an array of options.  The preference of a language is now based on the characteristics of a project and many such factors.

218. Future of Python Language: Bright or Dull?

In contemporary times, 126,424 websites are made using the python programming language. Many top-notch companies have developed successful apps by using it. This is why it is considered the language of today and the future.

219. Top Tech Skills Employers Demand in 2020

Soft skills matter in the tech world, but if you don’t know the right programming language or platform, you probably won’t get the job.

220. Top 6 Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python Programmers

An integrated development environment (IDE) allows you to run code written in different programming languages. It is important to have an IDE for running Python

221. How I Successfully "Reverse-Engineered" ChatGPT to Create an Unofficial API Wrapper

Scraping ChatGPT with Python

222. How To Properly Use Switch Case Statements in Python [Explained with Examples]

A switch case statement in a computer Programming Language is a powerful tool that gives the programmer total control over the flow of the program according to the outcomes of an expression or a variable. Switch cases are particularly used to execute a different block of codes in relation to the results of expression during the program run time.

223. 8 Top Programming Languages in 2020 According to TIOBE & Stack Overflow [An Overview]

At the moment, the TIOBE index monitors 265 popular programming languages. The TIOBE includes a language on the list if it matches three key requirements: it is Turing complete, has its own Wikipedia page, and provides more than 5,000 search results on Google.

224. How POST Requests with Python Make Web Scraping Easier

To scrape a website, it’s common to send GET requests, but it's useful to know how to send data. In this article, we'll see how to start with POST requests.

225. Audio Handling Basics: Process Audio Files In Command-Line or Python

Like my articles? Feel free to vote for me as ML Writer of the year here.

226. An Introduction to Multi-Threading

A post or so ago, we had a discussion on the differences between multi-threading and multi-processing, this being a result of IronPython's feature to allow multi-threaded code to use multi-core processors. So in this article, I thought we'd open up the boxes for a while just to see what these two mean. Sit back, take a coffee, and lets fire up those neurons.

227. How I Designed My Own Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Degree 

After noticing my programming courses in college were outdated, I began this year by dropping out of college to teach myself machine learning and artificial intelligence using online resources. With no experience in tech, no previous degrees, here is the degree I designed in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from beginning to end to get me to my goal — to become a well-rounded machine learning and AI engineer.

228. Building a Cellular-Connected IoT Electric Scooter w/ Soracom + Raspberry Pi in One Hour [Part 1]

229. Pixelated Images Using Python

We use PIL (Pillow) to create pixelated Image using Python. Firstly, resize down an image and then resize it up to get pixelated effect. Basic image operations.

230. 5 Cool Python Project Ideas For Inspiration

In the past few years, the programming language that has got the highest fame across the globe is Python. The stardom Python has today in the IT industry is sky-high. And why not? Python has got everything that makes it the deserving candidate for the tag of- “Most Demanded Programming language on the Planet.” So, now it’s your time to do something innovative.

231. Getting Started with MariaDB using Docker, Python and Flask

Since being forked from MySQL back in 2009, MariaDB has become one of the most popular databases of choice for developers over the past decade. While many technologists have likely gravitated to it as a solution due to its open source roots and that it's rooted in the relational database world, that really only begins to scratch the surface of what MariaDB has to offer.

232. The Top 5 Programming languages Every Software Developer Should Learn

I have read somewhere that a programmer should learn a new programming language every year ( I think it's code complete, not sure, though), but if you cannot do so, I suggest to at least learn following five programming language to do well in your career.

233. How to Create Dummy Data in Python

Dummy data is randomly generated data that can be substituted for live data. Whether you are a Developer, Software Engineer, or Data Scientist, sometimes you need dummy data to test what you have built, it can be a web app, mobile app, or machine learning model.

234. Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: Which is Best For Your Next Project?

Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: A Comparative Study in 2021 discussing the UI/UX design, features, complexity, their back ends, and their front ends.

235. Image Processing Algorithms: Adjusting Contrast And Image Brightness

Let's take a look at the common approaches for implementing image contrast adjustments. We'll go over histogram stretching and histogram equalization.

236. OpenAPI 3.0 Schema with Swagger UI for Django RESTful App

Let’s use drf-spectacular to simplify creation of beautiful docs for your Django application according to the OpenAPI Specification version 3. Sounds easy? It wasn’t for me…

237. Social Networking website in Django (Cloudinary + Sendgrid)

Did you know that almost every person on our planet is a user of at least five types of social networking sites? Facebook alone, the most popular social network website, has 2.375 billion users.

238. Node.js Vs Flask: Which One Has A Better Performance

Curious about how Flask stacks up against Node.js? These are my thoughts on the matter.

239. 5 Development Trends You Need to Know in 2020

As a developer, it's important to keep your skills up-to-date. We’re called upon to not only be experts in our day-to-day technologies, but to also stay informed of up-and-coming technologies. This allows us to continue to make the best decisions for our products and teams. Knowing the newest tech and in-demand skills is not only satisfying, but it also keeps us employed.

240. What Will be the 3 Biggest Software Development Trends of 2022?

The number of software developers globally is due to almost double by 2030, yet InterSystems research has found that more than 8 out of 10 developers currently feel they work in a pressured environment. Creating a better experience for developers is key for inciting innovation, but the current data environment continues to evolve in ways that challenge the experience at every turn.

241. How to Build a ChatOps-Bot with Slack and Kubernetes

ChatOps allows you to manage your DevOps tasks using chat based interfaces. Learn how to build a simple bot to control a Kubernetes cluster using Slack.

242. A Look Ahead to Programming Languages in 2020

Python and JavaScript are the two hottest programming languages today. However, they cannot remain on top forever. Eventually, they must fall out of favour, as all languages do. This is likely to happen within the next decade or so.

243. How to Listen for Webhooks Using Python

Webhooks run a large portion of the "magic" that happens between applications. They are sometimes called reverse APIs, callbacks, and even notifications. Many services, such as SendGrid, Stripe, Slack, and GitHub use events to send webhooks as part of their API. This allows your application to listen for events and perform actions when they happen.

244. Intermediate Python Refresher: Tutorial, Project Ideas, and Tips

This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.

245. How To Do Calculus with Python: Derivatives Cheat Sheet [Part 1]

This article is really a precursor to cool things you can do with calculus such as the persuit curve which is used in air-to-air missiles, and rocket launch equations.

246. How to Become a Multi-Language Programmer in 2021

Are you just taking your first step into web development, and you want to learn programming? Discover the benefits of learning more than one programming language.

247. From Python to Telegram: Build your own Notification System

Learn how to send messages from python script to Telegram chat.

248. 10 Python Projects with 10 Lines of Code

I faced a problem when I started learning programming. That problem was: I thought needed to have deep understanding in every field to do projects and make cool stuff. So I started learning coding seriously, but after a few week I lost my motivation, as it was not clear to me that how coding is going to help me make something that I'd like.

249. [Hacking Tinder] Train an AI to Auto-Swipe for You 🖖

Auto-tinder was created to train an AI using Tensorflow and Python3 that learns your interests in the other sex and automatically plays the tinder swiping-game for you.

250. How To Create a ChatBot on Facebook Messenger Using Flask and Heroku

Basic Facebook bot (will chat with you using random phrases you set up) using Flask and Python. You can start with this bot as a basic app to build something more difficult and useful.

251. Build your Own ORM from Scratch With Python

curious about how ORM works! read this tutorial and make one from scratch using python programming language.

252. An Exhaustive Reply to - What is Python Used For?

Do you know, until today 126,424 websites have been built using python language? Moreover, there are many top-notch brands among these websites. Renowned companies like YouTube, Instagram, IBM, Netflix, and many others are using python codes to rock the world!

253. Using A Switch Statement in Python

Yes, you read that right. If you have been coding for a while and if Python is not the first programming language that you started with, then you definitely know what a Switch statement is, and appreciate how flawless it is, when you need to factor in multiple conditions/cases for a control flow.

254. How to Do Speech Recognition in Python

In my free time, I am attempting to build my own smart home devices. One feature they will need is speech recognition. While I am not certain yet as to how exactly I want to implement that feature, I thought it would be interesting to dive in and explore different options. The first I wanted to try was the SpeechRecognition library.

255. Why Every Software Engineer Should Learn Python?

Hello guys, If you follow my blog regularly, or read my articles here on HackerNoon, then you may be wondering why am I writing an article to tell people to learn Python? Didn’t I ask you to prefer Java over Python a couple of years ago?

256. [DIY] Use Python to Control the Pins of a Raspberry Pi to Light Up LEDs

Want to learn how to control the GPIO (general-purpose input/output) pins of a Raspberry Pi with Python? Well, you're in the right place.

257. Karate Club a Python library for graph representation learning

Karate Club is an unsupervised machine learning extension library for the NetworkX Python package. See the documentation here.

258. Top 10 Python Web Frameworks: 2020 Edition

Python is undoubtedly the most popular high-level programming language that is ideal for scripting and web application development. It features an easy-to-learn syntax that allows the programmers to express concepts with less coding. Apart from this, this general-purpose programming language has a dynamic type system, memory management, a wide standard library, and many other features.

259. Handling Multiple Query Strings for Jinja2 Templates with Flask

I was writing a web-based MP3 Player with on the front-end while using Flask on the back-end.

260. How To Build and Deploy an NLP Model with FastAPI: Part 1

Learn how to build an NLP model and deploy it with a fast web framework for building APIs called FastAPI.

261. Building a k-NN Similarity Search Engine using Amazon Elasticsearch and SageMaker

Amazon Elasticsearch Service recently added support for k-nearest neighbor search. It enables you to run high scale and low latency k-NN search across thousands of dimensions with the same ease as running any regular Elasticsearch query.

262. How to Choose the Technology Stack for Your Web Application

The right technology stack used for building a web application is a critical element of project success. The reason is pretty simple. The product creation doesn’t only imply making an outstanding user interface design and ensuring high usability. It is also about delivering a stable solution that works as intended and adds value to users.

263. Building a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Pipeline Using Luigi

A few months ago I was accepted into a data science bootcamp - Springboard, for their data science career track. As part of this bootcamp I had to work on Capstone projects that would help build my portfolio, show my ability to extract, clean up data, build models and extract insights from said models. For my first project I opted to build a Monte Carlo Markov Chain pipeline initially with the objective of building a multi-touch attribution model that would help me understand conversion rates from different states in the signup process and use that to understand which channels appeared to deliver the greatest conversion rates for users coming through a given landing page and transitioning through the different signup states defined in my dataset.

264. Top 10 Coding Interview Tips and some Programming Questions to get a Software Developer Job in 2020

Coding Interviews are such an important thing in a programmer's life that he just can't get away with that. It's the first hurdle they need to cross to get the software developer job they wish throughout their school and college days.

265. How to Create a Compressibility Factor Calculator in Python

A Python program to calculate the inlet or the outlet compressibility factor for a given gas based on the Redlich-Kwong equation of state.

266. How I Built an AI to Detect License Plate Number Registration (ANPR)

This Car Mod Is A Privacy Nightmare! (AI Number Plate Reader with Python, Tensorflow, OpenCV, OpenALPR)

267. A Guide to Python Advanced Features

Python is a simple but expressive and powerful language. If you have learned the basics of Python, such as basic data structures and functionalities, then it's time to learn the complex features now.

268. How To Create A Simple Neural Network Using Python

I built a simple Neural Network using Python that outputs a target number given a specific input number.

269. Setting up a Debugging Environment for Azure Functions 2.x using VS Code


270. How I Automate my Blog Writing with Python - Part 1: Post Starters

One thing we all dread is mundane work of getting started, and all the hoops it takes to get going. I am going to setup a system to help me post more.

271. A Programmer's Guide to Regex or Regular Expressions

Everybody talks about regular expression, but everyone hates regular expression yet ends up using regular expression!

272. A Guide to Using Data Classes in Python

In "C" Language, you have structs. With the help of structs, we can define the return data type. You can do the same using classes in python.

273. Top 10 Programming Languages To Learn in 2022

The craze for learning programming languages is very high. These days people have one question in their mind and that is which programming language should one prefer in 20201 and why?

274. A Data Scientist's Guide to Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-supervised learning is the type of machine learning that is not commonly talked about by data science and machine learning practitioners but still has a very important role to play.

275. How to Remove all Duplicate Files on your Drive via Python

Today you're going to learn how to use Python programming in a way that can ultimately save a lot of space on your drive by removing all the duplicates.

276. 9 Reasons why you should Learn Python

Python is an important programming language that all developers should know. Many programmers use this language to make websites, produce learning algorithms, and perform different necessary tasks. The best way to learn Python begins with deciding what you want to build. Then you will want to find a course or resources to help you develop your idea. When learning Python, it is very important to start with an idea. If you try to create something that interests you, the process becomes more intense. Learn Python in just 9 simple steps with the Simpliv program.

277. Building Your First Startup with Python and Node.js

This article is for business owners willing to launch their first product. In this material, we will discuss and try to compare two popular backend solutions.

278. Learning Python: A Cheatsheet for Beginners🔥

If you are looking to learn python, then this is a great post for you.

279. Python Functions Tutorial for Absolute Beginners

Well, the Reusability of the code in a program is made possible through functions.

280. How to Think Like a Data Scientist or Data Analyst

Data science is a new and maturing field, with a variety of job functions emerging, from data engineering and data analysis to machine and deep learning. A data scientist must combine scientific, creative and investigative thinking to extract meaning from a range of datasets, and to address the underlying challenge faced by the client.

281. How To Build An API Without Coding [Python]

I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life as a System Engineer, which means when I first had to build an API, I had no idea how to do it. I knew python quite a bit since as a SysAdmin I often had to write some smaller or bigger scripts, but building the whole API was a challenge for me. Sure — I could just google the phrase and find dozens of tutorials on how to build an API, but all of them were somehow complicated or created for raw developers (which means — with assumptions that you know already all the tools and frameworks that developers use).

282. Code A Full Node for A Proof Of Work Blockchain - From Scratch

Learn the basics of PoW Blockchain and create your own Coin

283. America's Secret Pager Giant

Early January 2022, I spontaneously bought a pager. I looked into the US pager market, and to my surprise...

284. IoT Electric Scooter Cloud Data Collection and Visualization with Soracom + Raspberry Pi [Part 2]

285. How to Create a PDF File from a List of Images with Python

A how-to-guide for generating PDF files from a bunch of images using Python.

286. 2020-2021 Technology Outlook: Why Python Is Here to Stay

In 2021, the Python programming language will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Completing three decades in the niche, Python gives most other programming languages a good thrashing, showing a 456% growth.

287. Why Delphi and Python are All You Will Ever Need to Succeed

In the oeuvre of practical, stable and usefully general-purpose programming languages are two that have stood the test of time: Object Pascal and Python.

288. Deployment Automation via SSH With Python Fabric: How It Works

One of the most basic ways in which a project gets deployed is by SSHing into a remote host followed by executing a few basic commmands. In this article I'll be taking a look on how to deploy a basic project to a remote server through Gitlab CI using Python Fabric.

289. Refactoring With Tests in Python: a Practical Example

This post contains a step-by-step example of a refactoring session guided by tests. When dealing with untested or legacy code refactoring is dangerous and tests can help us do it the right way, minimizing the amount of bugs we introduce, and possibly completely avoiding them.

290. Intro to Audio Analysis: Recognizing Sounds Using Machine Learning

291. Python for Data Science: How to Scrape Website Data via the Internet's Top 300 APIs

In this post we are going to scrape websites to gather data via the API World's top 300 APIs of year. The major reason of doing web scraping is it saves time and avoid manual data gathering and also allows you to have all the data in a structured form.

292. Building Real-Time Vehicle Detection System

From vehicle counting and smart parking systems to Autonomous Driving Assistant Systems, the demand for detecting cars, buses, and motorbikes is increasing and soon will be as common of an application as face detection.

And of course, they need to run real-time to be usable in most real-world applications, because who will rely on an Autonomous Driving Assistant Systems if it cannot detect cars in front of us while driving.

In this post, I will show you how you can implement your own car detector using pre-trained models that are available for download: MobileNet SSD and Xailient Car Detector.

293. Ruby vs Python: Which is Better for Your Application Development?

Ruby and Python are some of the most commonly used programming languages for web application development. According to the Stack Overflow’s annual survey conducted among 90,000 developers worldwide, Ruby and Python were in the Top 15 most in-demand programming languages in 2019. It’s quite something considering that there are about 700 programming languages in the world!

294. DocRaptor Vs. WeasyPrint: Python PDF Generation Tools Showdown

A PDF export showdown. Who will win: DocRaptor or WeasyPrint?

295. How to Control your IoT Electric Scooter Fleet Remotely with SORACOM Napter [Part 3]

296. Answering Political Debates with #Code: India's Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2019

Social media has made us all a little too toxic. How did we get here? When was the last time we appreciated the public policy designed by the political parties that we didn't support?

297. How to Run Machine-Learning Models in the Browser using ONNX

Learn how to use ONNX Runtime Web to deploy machine-learning models natively to the browser.

298. 10 Ways To Refactor Your Python Code

10 Ways to refactor Python code to make it more Pythonic

299. How to Web Scrape Using Python, Snscrape & HarperDB

Learn how to execute web scraping on Twitter using the snsscrape Python library and store scraped data automatically in database by using HarperDB.

300. Difference Between Python and Java: Key Features

Python or Java, which is better? This question has triggered lots of heated discussions around the global dev community.

301. Answering The Famous Monty Hall Puzzle with the Monte Carlo Technique

Monte Carlo is a conceptually simple but powerful technique that is widely used. It makes use of randomness to answer questions.

302. 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020

ReactJS is a fantastic frontend framework, and Django is a fantastic backend framework. However, as usual when dealing with anything of more than trivial complexity, it isn’t easy to get the two to place nicely together. It's not like taping a banana to a wall.

303. How Python Applications are Revolutionizing Web App Development?

It is a universal truth that the more the thing is simple, the more it could be understood easily. The same is the case with these technical languages too. Among various technical languages, Python is considered to be one of the simplest and effective languages.

304. How to Scrape a Medium Publication: A Python Tutorial for Beginners

A while ago I was trying to perform an analysis of a Medium publication for a personal project. But getting the data was a problem – scraping only the publication’s home page does not guarantee that you get all the data you want.

305. The Top 20 Stories Published on Hacker Noon in 2020

The hottest things to write about on Hacker Noon in 2020 were — pretty much both by story submission volume and traffic generated — coronavirus; coding, programming, javascript; cryptocurrency; python, blockchain, startups, artificial intelligence (AI), and software development.

306. Machine Learning 101: How And Where To Start For Absolute Beginners

This post covers all you will need for your Journey as a Beginner. All the Resources are provided with links. You just need Time and Your dedication.

307. Learning AI if You Suck at Math — P5 — Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Nets in Plain…

Welcome to part five of Learning AI if You Suck at Math. If you missed parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 be sure to check them out!

308. How to Bring Live-Reloading Back to a Django And React Project

This article is a prequel of sorts to my earlier 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020 article. That article covers how to get started with JWT authentication in a typical React and Django Rest Framework project, and it does that well enough. There's just one major annoyance with it - I couldn't figure out how to get live reloading working! So for every change made to the frontend, we had to shut down the dev server, rebuild the React bundle, and start it up again. Talk about tedious!

309. Approach Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models With Caution

Pre-trained models are easy to use, but are you glossing over details that could impact your model performance?

310. How To Create A Slick iOS Widget In JavaScript

With a Scriptable app, it’s possible to create a native iOS widget even with basic JavaScript knowledge.

311. My Advice As an Ex-Tech Recruiter to Self-Taught Programmers

As a former tech recruiter for some of the hottest tech startups in the Bay Area and NYC, I’ve seen first-hand what companies look for in candidates for software engineering, machine learning, data science, tech management, directorship and the like.

312. 8 Things To Learn To Get Started With Python: A Newbie’s Guide

For quite a while, software development has been among the most well-paid and demanded jobs in the labor markets across the world. Now, when 2019 is running to the end and we are standing on the threshold of the new year, this tendency seems to stay with us.

313. 8 Best Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2021 🛠

Numpy, Scipi, Keras, and Theano are some of the best Python Libraries For Machine Learning in 2021.

314. Unix's LZW Compression Algorithm: How Does It Work?

We'll take a look at the algorithm behind Unix's compress utility. We'll implement Lempel Ziv Welch and learn all about it.

315. Scale Your Data Pipelines with Airflow and Kubernetes

It doesn’t matter if you are running background tasks, preprocessing jobs or ML pipelines. Writing tasks is the easy part. The hard part is the orchestration— Managing dependencies among tasks, scheduling workflows and monitor their execution is tedious.

316. 10 Data Science and Machine Learning Libraries for Python

317. How to Create Github Actions to Run Tests With Docker Services

Example with Django / Python and PostgreSQL.

318. Top 5 Concurrency Interview Questions for Software Engineers

(Some background: I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates for software engineering jobs at Facebook and Microsoft. I’ve also failed several coding interviews myself when I wasn’t prepared.)

319. How to Speed Up File Downloads With Python

Very often, some admins set limits on the speed of downloading files, this reduces the load on the network, but at the same time it is very annoying for users, especially when you need to download a large file (from 1 GB), and the speed fluctuates around 1 megabit per second (125 kilobytes per second). Based on these data, we conclude that the download speed will be at least 8192 seconds (2 hours 16 minutes 32 seconds). Although our bandwidth allows us to transfer up to 16 Mbps (2 MB per second) and it will take 512 seconds (8 minutes 32 seconds).

320. How to detect plagiarism in text using Python


321. How To Compare Documents Similarity using Python and NLP Techniques

In this post we are going to build a web application which will compare the similarity between two documents. We will learn the very basics of natural language processing (NLP) which is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language.

322. Top 10 Python Database Drivers Packages and Projects

Python is a known modular language which imports many useful operations from its standard library. Of course, it isn’t possible to program Python without using it. It has become an excellent alternative for many programmers because it is an open source program which was developed under an OSI license. You can download, install and run it on any computer without any charge. It is available in various builds and supports around 21 different operating systems making it have universal appeal.

323. Image Analysis using AWS Rekognition via Lambda Function

In this blog, I am going to show you how we can use rekognition for image analysis using lambda function.we will be going to perform label detection and object detection for an image so basically we are performing image analysis in this blog.

324. Web Scraping with python

In this post, we are going to scrape Yahoo Finance using python. This is a great source for stock-market data. We will code a scraper for that. Using that scraper you would be able to scrape stock data of any company from yahoo finance. As you know I like to make things pretty simple, for that, I will also be using a web scraper which will increase your scraping efficiency.

325. How to Deploy Machine Learning Models to the Cloud Quickly and Easily

Machine learning models are usually developed in a training environment (online or offline). And you can then deploy them and use them with live data.

326. Setting up Subscriptions And Recurring Payments Using Django and Stripe

If you are familiar with Stripe, you know how big of a player they are in the online payment processing field.  Their API not only allows programmers to easily create one-time payments for sites such as e-commerce stores, but also provides quick integrations for monthly subscriptions and routing payouts.  If new to Django and Stripe, check out our recent article on integrating one time payments.  Otherwise, let's get into setting up monthly payments with Django and Stripe.

Why a Monthly Subscription?

327. Java or Python? Which is better to Learn to Code?

Hello guys, if you are thinking about career in tech like programming, web development, data science, test automation, machine learning and other career Java and Python are two of the most popular and influential programming language of the present time and future to start with.

328. Manipulación de tensores en PyTorch. ¡El primer paso para el deep learning!

*Nota: Contactar a Omar Espejel ( para cualquier observación. Cualquier error es responsabilidad del autor.

329. COVID Happened And I Decided to Stop Gaming And Start Coding

It's no secret that today, during a global pandemic unlike anything in well over a hundred years, many people are stuck at home and unable to work by no choice of their own. This massive inconvenience of feeling trapped and bored out of our minds for months within our own dwellings is leaving a lot of us with fluxes of emotions like restlessness, hopelessness, depression, and many other not-so-good things. 😷 On a positive note though, this is a great time to adopt some new mental flexibility skills.

330. Working With Files In Python

Most of us have had that one experience where we had a ton of dis-organized files in our machines. It happens. One minute, you're opening a large zip file, the next thing you know, the files are everywhere in the directory, mixing with all your important files and randomly placed leaving you with the task of manually sorting what needs to go where. It's a real pain. To ease this process, we're going to delve into file management with python the smart way.

331. Freeing the Data Scientist's Mind from the Curse of Vectorization - Paging Julia for Rescue

Nowadays, most data scientists use either Python or R as their main programming language. That was also my case until I met Julia earlier this year. Julia promises performance comparable to statically typed compiled languages (like C) while keeping the rapid development features of interpreted languages (like Python, R or Matlab). This performance is achieved by just-in-time (JIT) compilation.

332. How I Saved 120 hours And $600 on Xero With Python Automation And Zapier

333. Pycaret: A Faster Way to Build Machine Learning Models

Pycaret is an open-source, low code library in python that aims to automate the development of machine learning models.

334. How to Structure a PyTorch ML Project With Google Colab and TensorBoard

Let’s build a fashion-MNIST CNN, PyTorch style. This is A Line-by-line guide on how to structure a PyTorch ML project from scratch using Google Colab and TensorBoard

335. Learning Python the Hard Way - The Why, Hows, and Whats

“If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.”

336. Time Value of Money: A Financial Management System for Developers

If money has time value, does time have monetary value?

337. Fastest Way to Create and Share Code in Any Language

Share code using these lightning fast sandboxes available in almost all popular languages

338. Developing, Deploying and Testing Flask Applications on Kubernetes - Part I

In this step by a step blog post, that illustrates how to integrate Python Flask applications with Docker and run them in a Kubernetes cluster, we will cover the following topics:

339. Build a Gallery Site with 11ty

This is a run-through of setting up a website with Eleventy, a simple static site generator. I’m going to try to list out all the relevant steps so you can follow along if you are attempting a similar project. I made a gallery site meant to showcase graphic artwork.

340. How to Debug AWS Lambda Code with PyCharm

Debug AWS lambda code locally without SAM or Docker.

341. How Big the Demand for Python in 2019 is, or, Why Python Has Suddenly Become So Popular

If you’ve decided to adopt Python for your software development, it’s crucial to know whether Python has a good chance to remain important to the industry in the years ahead.

342. Concurrent Scalping Algo Using Async Python [A How To Guide]

Automating My Manual Scalping Trading Strategy

343. Best Libraries That Will Assist You In EDA: 2021 Edition

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an essential step in the data science project lifecycle. Here are the top 10 python tools for EDA.

344. Making List-Like Objects in Python - The Right Way

In this post, we will be talking about how Python likes to deal with "list-like objects". We will be diving into some quirks of Python that might seem a bit weird and, in the end, we will hopefully teach you how to build something that could actually be useful while avoiding common mistakes.

345. Implementing TypeState Pattern in Python

The basic idea behind TypeState pattern is to encode the state information inside types.

346. Lambda Architecture Speed Layer: Real-Time Visualization For Taxi [Part 1]

Lambda architecture has 3 components, a) Speed layer, which is the streaming data layer or real time data layer, b) serving layer, which is the database layer, which is derived by aggregating data from speed layer, and c) batch layer, which is the set of computations which are perfomed on large sets of data, typically stored in a distributed file system. In this post i will be talking about how to implement the speed layer, by visualizing real time taxi data. Post that, the visualization will allow us to make some real time business decisions. Code for this article can be found here.

347. RethNet Model: Object-by-Object Learning for Detecting Facial Skin Problems

In August 2019, a group of researchers from lululab Inc propose the state-of-the-art concept using a semantic segmentation method to detect the most common facial skin problems accurately. The work is accepted to ICCV 2019 Workshop.

348. Price Tracker Application with Django: Crawling Discounts From Ebay

What's up Hackers!

349. Using Python For Finance: How To Analyze Profitability Margin

Learn how to perform a profitability analysis by peer companies using Python

350. Why Should You Go With GoLang [Newbie's Guide]

Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!

351. 10 helpful Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners

In this post, we’d like to share 10 useful Python tips and tricks for beginners with you.

352. 4 Great Python Libraries You Wish You Came Across Earlier

I introduce 4 Python libraries that you've probably missed and make a fun mini project with them.

353. A Guide to PyCharm IDE for Beginners

I have seen lots of people are asking questions like W"which is the best editor tool in Python?" The answer is different for different users but most frequently people use PyCharm. The reasons are as below:

354. Node.Js or Python and why?

With this article, we will discuss every element of both the back-end technologies platforms to provide you with clear insights.

355. Golang: A Short History of My Tech Journey

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That's how everything in our tech journey begins. We all got here with a single step, that slowly became multiple steps. Before we know it, we are a thousand miles in. When I first started my career, I was in helpdesk. Now, I’m a developer advocate. The way that happened was with thousands of steps.

356. 8 Places to Learn System Design and Software Architecture for Technical Interviews

Hello folks, if you are preparing for System design Interview and looking for best resources to master Software design and System design then you have come to the right place.

357. Scikit Learn 1.0: New Features in Python Machine Learning Library

Scikit-learn is the most popular open-source and free python machine learning library for Data scientists and Machine learning practitioners. The scikit-learn library contains a lot of efficient tools for machine learning and statistical modeling including classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.

358. Understanding Convolution Neural Networks

359. Why Python is The 1st Language

Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl - all these languages share similar age and features, yet one of them is way more popular than the others. In this article I explore why

360. Building an End-to-End Speech Recognition Model in PyTorch with AssemblyAI

This post was written by Michael Nguyen, Machine Learning Research Engineer at AssemblyAI. AssemblyAI uses Comet to log, visualize, and understand their model development pipeline.

361. How A Week-Long Project Took Me To #2 On Product Hunt and The Front Page of Hacker News

The month of May has been a fairly crazy one. It started out like any other, with me trying to come up with a decent, catchy name for my latest side project that still had an available domain name associated with it. Since it was a tech-related startup, I was considering top-level domains (TLDs) like .ai, .io, .co, and .com.

362. Pickling and Unpickling in Python

In this blog, you will learn about the Pickling and Unpickling process, although it is quite simple it is very important and useful.

363. Analyzing Sentiment Of Tweets Is Really Easy If You Follow This Tutorial

Hello, Guys,

364. How I Used Python to Solve Declareless Encoding Madness

There is a very old issue regarding “encoding detection” in a text file that has been partially resolved by a program like Chardet.

365. [Tutorial] Build a Gender Classifier for Live Webcam Stream using Tensorflow and OpenCV

Training a Neural Network from scratch suffers two main problems. First, a very large, classified input dataset is needed so that the Neural Network can learn the different features it needs for the classification.

366. Get The Most Out Of Everything You Read  Using Python

Imagine reading something, and never losing track of that information.

367. Pre-Deployment Checklist: Django Web Security

You already know web security is important to keeping hackers and cyber-thieves from accessing sensitive information. So, in this post we are going to check Django security vulnerabilities and how to fix them.

368. How To Use a FastAPI Abstraction To Query AWS Data Lake

Our guide in creating FastAPI abstraction that allows us to query the AWS Glue metadata catalog - a Data Discovery API for AWS Data Lake.

369. How To Build and Deploy an NLP Model with FastAPI: Part 2

Learn how to build an NLP model and deploy it with a fast web framework for building APIs called FastAPI.

370. So, You Want To Be A Developer? Buckle Up

Are you an aspiring developer or engineer who is looking to break into the field? It’s always a hassle to prioritize the things to learn because of a plethora of information available out there. I believe the best way to get insights is to hear directly from people working in the industry.

371. Making A Spooky Quantum Game in 15 Hours or Less

It’s no longer news that many organizations and even NASA are in a race to reach what is known as quantum supremacy or the quantum advantage. This means they are investing in resources to develop new computers that are able to solve problems that current (classical) computers cannot; and of course perform faster at already solved problems. If you’re reading this article, you may have heard about Quantum Computing and all it promises to deliver and are curious to learn about the technology.

372. Success With Machine Learning Projects in Python

In this article, we will give you a sense of the applications for machine learning and explain why Python is a perfect choice for getting started.

373. How to Solve for Eigenstates: The Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation

If you’ve ever ventured anywhere near the field of quantum mechanics, you've heard of the “mystical” Schrödinger Equation. Today, we'll use Python to solve it!

374. A Beginner's Guide to Web Scraping in Python

In this article, you're going to learn the basics of web scraping in python and we'll do a demo project to scrape quotes from a website.

375. Interview: Flask Creator Armin Ronacher


376. How I Built an Interactive Dashboard Web App to Visualize Boxing Data

I am a huge fan of combat sports, with boxing in particular being my favourite. As much as it may appear as a purely physical sport where your sole objective is to either outbox or knock your opponent out, it is far more strategic that one would expect and incorporates an element psychology. Like a chess game, each punch thrown has to be calculated, recklessly overextending yourself might leave you more vulnerable to a counter punch, while being overly passive and defensive might swing the momentum in your opponent’s favour and not get you enough points to win the fight. If you let self-doubt sink in or are intimidated by your opponent you have already lost the battle. On top of all this, you need to remain respectful of the sport and the life threatening dangers it presents. In the words of of Sugar Ray Leonard, 'you don't play boxing'.

[377. Differential Privacy with Tensorflow 2.0 :  Multi class Text Classification

Privacy]( Introduction

378. How To Use Selenium WebDriver for Cross Browser Testing

Selenium is a popular automation testing framework that is primarily used for cross browser testing. It is open source and is ideal for automating testing of web applications across different browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc. Selenium has become a renowned framework and is giving stiff competition to other test frameworks like HP QTP (Quick Test Professional) and AKA HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing).

379. Essential Algorithms: The Quick Sort

The Quick Sort is an interesting algorithm and a favorite among software engineers, with some unique advantages and quirks worth looking into. Quick Sort can be highly efficient, often outperforming Merge Sort, although certain cases can make it behave slowly like Bubble Sort. As always, we'll jump in first with a broad-strokes overview of how this particular algorithm works before exploring the finer points about why it behaves the way it does.

380. Reinforcement Learning [Part 2]: The Q-learning Algorithm

Learning how to find the optimal q-value can produce significant improvements in a ML-algorithm's ability to learn both in terms of speed and quality.

381. 10 Best Python Tutorials

If you’re willing to learn Python programming language that is highly in-demand in the software industry, then here is a list of Best and Free Python Courses, Classes, Tutorials, Training, and Certification programs available online for 2019. This list includes both paid and free courses to help you learn Python. Also, it is ideal for beginners, intermediates, as well as experts.

382. How I Made Programming Flashcards A Thing

5 tips about growth marketing based on my journey creating first ever fantasy flashcards for programmers.

383. Introducing Handoff: Serverless Data Pipeline Orchestration Framework

handoff is a serverless data pipeline orchestration framework simplifies the process of deploying ETL/ELT tasks to AWS Fargate.

384. Learning How To Code The Old Fashioned Way

There are a ton of articles written to help new programmers build their skills and succeed in a fast-changing and high-paying industry. The ability to learn new and complex things quickly is key to succeeding in the tech industry, which is always changing at a fast pace. One day the language or framework that you are using will go out of style and eventually you’ll need to pick up a new skill set.

385. Python for Beginners, Part 1: How to Download and Install Python

I will show you how to download and install Python in less than 2 minutes! We will be up and running super fast and get to working on some cool stuff. So what are you waiting for, let's get started!

386. Adversarial Examples In Machine Learning Explained

There are easy ways to build adversarial examples that can fool any deep learning model and create security issues no matter how complex the model is.

387. Focusing on Focal Mechanisms with Python

A tutorial for plotting focal mechanism "beach-balls" using the PyGMT package for Python.

388. Detecting Changes in COVID-19 Cases with Bayesian Models

Bayesian change point model to estimate the date that the number of new COVID-19 cases starts to flatten in different countries.

389. How We Added Surge Pricing Capabilities to our IoT eScooter with AWS Lambda and SORACOM Funk

This article also comes in video form!

390. Flawless Releases with Continuous Deployment and Docker

Docker is a container technology that enables developers to run entire applications as a unit. It offers all the benefits of virtual machines, without the high overhead:

391. The Python Panda Package Tutorial

Key methods to understanding and utilizing pandas

392. HDTree: A Customizable and Interactable Decision Tree Written in Python

Introducing a customizable and interactable Decision Tree-Framework written in Python

393. Introducing Jdict Module in Python

Providing attribute access to Python dictionary entries

394. Start With Machine Learning

We all have to deal with data, and we try to learn about and implement machine learning into our projects. But everyone seems to forget one thing... it's far from perfect, and there is so much to go through! Don't worry, we'll discuss every little step, from start to finish 👀.

395. Implement real-time updates with Django REST Framework: Building Cryptocurrency API

It is time to create another cool project using Django and REST Framework.

396. How to Use Server-Sent Events (SSE) With FastAPI

Server-sent events (SSE) is a way to send data to the browser without reloading the page.

397. Create a Temporary Gmail Account With Python

Sometimes you come across a number of adverts and websites that you need to signup for but don’t completely trust.

398. Indent-Rainbow Tool for Making Your Code More Readable

The article discusses the importance for using indent-rainbow to give some color to your code in HTML

399. How to Manage Configurations Easily Using TOML Files

Central configuration files are a plus for modern Python project structures. TOML files help us store project parameters in a beginner-friendly way.

400. How to Secure Your Flask Application with Ory Kratos and Ory Keto

How to secure a flask application using Ory Kratos and Keto to easily add authentication features into your program without needing lines and lines of code.

401. Scraping a Website for High-Quality ROMs Using Python

Let’s say hypothetically you wanted to download all of the high quality Super Nintendo ROMs from a website. The site simply has a list of links that take you to the file itself. Since this is a flat tree, you could run a basic wget command with the URL ala:

402. How to Build a Conversational AI bot Using Blenderbot

How to build a conversational Bot with the Blenderbot model, an Open Source Language Generation Model made by Facebook AI so that you can have your own Siri.

403. How to Use Approximate Leave-one-out Cross-validation to Build Better Models

How to use Approximate leave-one-out cross-validation for hyperparameter optimization and outlier detection for logistic regression and ridge regression

404. Sampling Raster Values at Specific Coordinates with Python

A comprehensive tutorial for sampling raster values at specific geographic coordinates with PyGMT and plotting a linear regression of the data with Seaborn.

405. Gossip Simulation Implemented In Python

How important is gossip to our species and our evolution? Enter Celestus the gossip town: where dumb bots, AIs and humans interact and gossip about each other.

406. 3 Easy Ways to Improve The Performance Of Your Python Code

I. Benchmark, benchmark, benchmark

407. 5 Best Django and Python Web Development Courses for Beginners to become a Python Web Developer

If you are looking for the best online courses to learn Django, Flask, and Python web development, then you have come to the right place.

408. Moving from CircleCI to Buildkite: Everything You Need to Know

Buildkite is gaining momentum as an excellent CI tool, and I recently was involved in such a migration from CircleCI and wanted to share my experience.

409. How to Encrypt a PDF Using Python

Encryption is a way of encoding human-readable data with encrypted code that enables the use of a password to view the source and data stored.

410. Python & Data Engineering: Under the Hood of Join Operators

In this post, I discuss the algorithms of a nested loop, hash join, and merge join in Python.

411. How I Fell In Love With Python

Two years back, I was a guy with zero programming skills. For my whole life, I always kept running away from Computer Sciences and I ended up pursuing my engineering in Computer sciences only. Well it was kinda blessing in disguise because now I feel that it was right decision to choose Computer Science( just because I feel like it is much easier than other branches of engineering).

412. Build a WhatsApp Chatbot With Python, Flask, and Messagebird

Tutorial, about building a chatbot using the Messagebird API for WhatsApp and the Flask framework for Python.

413. Apply This Technique To Serve HTML Via Templates With FastAPI

Serve HTML templates using fastapi

414. Understanding The Importance Of Data For Machine Learning

Data is the most important and must-have food for machine learning. It can be any fact, text, symbols, images, videos, etc., but in unprocessed form. Let us see

415. A WhatsApp Chatbot For Sending Programming Challenges to Users Using Flask [A How-To Guide]

Over the few months I have been in the process of building a Data Science online school initially focusing on a rigorous introductory course covering modules ranging from linear algebra to SQL and programming. Without turning this into a 'marketing shill'.

416. Why Do Ethical Hackers Use Python?

In recent years, Python has allowed ethical hackers to create scripts and automate structured processes. Ethical hacking using Python is helping to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats to computer networks.

417. Using Memoization In Python To Speed Up Slow Functions

Memoization is an optimization technique that speeds up programs by caching the results of previous function calls. Python 3 makes it easy to memoize functions.

418. How to Make a Captcha in Python

Captcha is becoming complex and impractical with time. So, I dedicated myself to make my own captcha system that's more practical.

419. Python Tricks Every Developer Should Know

Python is awesome, it’s one of the easiest languages with simple and intuitive syntax but wait, have you ever thought that there might ways to write your python code simpler?

420. AutoScraper Introduction: Fast and Light Automatic Web Scraper for Python

In the last few years, web scraping has been one of my day to day and frequently needed tasks. I was wondering if I can make it smart and automatic to save lots of time. So I made AutoScraper!

421. 7 IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) That Are Perfect For Programming With Python

Python was created by Guido van Rossum and originally released in 1990. The original scope of the language was focused on code readability with significant use of whitespace, language constructs, and an object-oriented approach.

422. Learn the Basics of the Ethereum JSON API in 5 Minutes

The other day I got myself in a situation where I needed to communicate with the Ethereum network using python in an environment where getting to work seemed pretty much impossible. Since I still needed to talk to the network, I resorted to using the JSON-RPC API provided by Ethereum, which all web3 libraries are built on top of. Turns out, it’s pretty interesting! So, let’s get started!

423. How to Integrate GitHub Actions and CI/CD With Your Next Python Project

We're going to create a CI/CD pipeline for a typical Python package. The text focuses on practical aspects and should be enough to get you started!

424. How To Get Started With Machine Learning: A Tutorial For Beginners By A Beginner

I Learned Machine Learning in a Weekend, here's how I did it and the steps that I would recommend to take if you want to do the same!

425. Why Kids Should Learn to Code and How to Get them Started

Coding not only gets kids to learn something new apart from the regular school curriculum but it improves the mathematical as well the logical thinking capacity

426. Best Machine Learning Books You Should Read: 2020 Edition

These books cover the Introductory level to Expert level of knowledge and concepts in ML. These Books have some core factors about ML. Give them a try. Lets Start.

427. Building a Recommendation Engine using Ruby on Rails

Just to give you some context, we were working on the new Diabecarp App a few days ago. I can't talk much about the new features, but I am going to extrapolate 2 interesting solutions during the process, give you why, explain a bit and, as always, put together a demo with Rails ♥️.

428. The Basics of Python OS Module

The OS module is a python module that provides the interface for interacting with the underlying operating system that Python is running.

429. SQLAlchemy is a Better Way to Run Queries

In college, I discovered a new and even better way to run queries, SQLAlchemy.

430. 11 Tips And Tricks To Write Better Python Code

Here are 11 tips and tricks that will help you to write better Python code.

431. Jython: The Love Child of Python and Java

Jython is an implementation of Python that runs on Java. For the most part, it is compatible with Python 2.7.

432. Test Your APIs in an Easy Way By Using Python Module PyHTTPTest

I've struggled and spent a lot of hours writing manual Python scripts to be able to test a product involving many microservices. All of them following the REST conventions. Overwhelmed with too many scripts, each one test different endpoints, how they respond also what they respond, I've decided to create a Python package to easily do this, without needing to create a manual Python script, import libraries to send an HTTP Request, copy and paste code from other scripts to test fast the new endpoints, etc.

433. Python Cheatsheet: Mock Object Library

Python's simplicity permeates it all, and tests are not an exception. I left behind -temporarily- my JUnit and Mockito days by pytest and unittest.

434. Why Python and Machine Learning are Soulmates

Python is regarded as the best language for programming Machine Learning.

435. Web Automation with Python and Selenium

Web automation is one of the best ways companies can test a product in development, especially the app's functionalities, such as clicking, scrolling...

436. WTF is a Binary Search Tree?

The binary tree is a type of data structure that is commonly used to represent hierarchical data. It is an efficient way of storing and organizing data that is ranked in parent nodes and child nodes.

437. Algorithms And Big O Notation In An Understandable Manner

Such scary words. It oozes math all over them…

438. How to Use Data Science to Find the Best Seat in the Cinema (Part I)

From the most popular seats to the most popular viewing times, we wanted to find out more about the movie trends in Singapore . So we created PopcornData — a website to get a glimpse of Singapore’s Movie trends — by scraping data, finding interesting insights, and visualizing them.

439. How to Use Docker with Python in Just 10 Minutes

Sometimes you just want to dip your toe into a potentially deep and complex subject. Maybe you only have 10 minutes to spare and you want to get something up and running quickly.

440. IIOT – Receiving Data From Mercury Meters Via RS-485 Over TCP/IP

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a technology that is used in manufacturing, warehouses, factories, and laboratories.

441. 5 Most Marketable Python Frameworks You Should Learn

Web development has emerged as a rapidly developing field in the past few years and as the knowledge of various tools and languages used in web development is increasing, so is the number of individuals in this field thereby making a tough competition. Python has emerged as a mightily popular language in almost all fields of Computer Science and there are a large number of in-demand Python frameworks available like Django, Flask that might allow you to get an edge over other Web Developers in the community.

442. Python For Beginners: Functions, Parameters And Arguments

Explore more on functions through arguments, parameters, and return statements.

443. Gamestonk Terminal: The Next Best Thing To A $24k Bloomberg Terminal

Which led me to the idea during X'mas break to spend the time creating my own terminal. I introduce you to “Gamestonk Terminal”

444. How To Retrieve Company Data With Python and yfinance

Use Python for Finance to do financial analysis, such as retrieve historical prices, calculate moving average and plot daily returns.

445. Basic Python features

When you say, what could be the future of programming or which programming language will boom, it should be Python, always. Just look at the 2019 survey from Stack overflow. It is quite obvious that python is taking the lead now.

446. Data Testing for Machine Learning Pipelines Using Deepchecks, DagsHub, and GitHub Actions

A complete setup of a ML project using version control (also for data with DVC), experiment tracking, data checks with deepchecks and GitHub Action

447. Do Product Managers Need to Understand SQL and Python?

We asked our Product Management community, ‘Do Product Managers Need SQL/ Python?' Read all about what they had to say.

448. Consistent Custom Exception Classes in Python

Having to handle exceptions is common in Python and so is having to define your own. Yet, I have seen competing ways of doing so in various projects. The inconsistency comes from Exceptions being something that can easily be subclassed and extended, but also something that can be easily instantiated and used in their base form.

449. How to Build a Python Web Scraper: Scrape Data from any Website

Web scraping is all about programmatically using Python or any other programming language to download, clean, and use the data from a web page.

450. Solving the Dreadful Certificate Issues in Python Requests Module

Solve the dreadful certificate issues in Python requests module.

451. Introducing Starlite: A New Python Asynchronous API Framework

Introducing the python Starlite API framework - a new async (ASGI) framework built on top of pydantic and Starlette

452. Basic Data Types in Python

Data types are one of the building blocks of python. And You can do a lot of things with data types!

453. Quick Tip: Testing Python Social Auth

Python Social Auth is a great library to integrate 3rd party logins into your web application. It supports multiple frameworks and multiple 3rd party logins. It is also great because if a 3rd party isn't supported, it is pretty easy to add a new one.

454. Scraping A Website with Python and Selenium: A How-To Guide

web scraping is practiced by businesses that create their marketing and development strategies based on the vast amount of web data

455. The pyftpdlib Library and How to Transfer Files Over the Network Between Different Devices

Transferring files over your network between your devices is a time-saving and effective way of moving data from one device to another without using hardware.

456. Why I'm in love with Julia

In this article I'm going to make a case why people serious about creating machine learning algorithms and high performance data science programming should use Julia rather than Python.

457. Python Environment Set-Up with M1 Chip

Get help with setting up python library packages that don't support M1 chip yet.

458. Python Hack: How to Make a Digital Clock

Hi guys,

459. How to Connect a Python and Go App Using gRPC and Mutual TLS

This tutorial walks you through the process of connecting services written in Python and Go via the gRPC framework using mutual TLS authentication.

460. With AI, You Can Count 1000+ Sunflower Seeds In Seconds

In this post I will explain how we use artificial intelligence to count sunflower seeds on a photo taken with a mobile device.

461. Learn in Public: My First Time Writing Code

Two weeks ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to write my very first code. The opportunity came in form of a series of exercises I had to complete during my application to participate in a free online class on programming.

462. How to Create Virtual Environments with Python [Tutorial]

a short hands-on introduction

463. Data Science Training and Data Science - Machine Learning With Python

The requirement for its stockpiling also grew as the world entered the period of huge information. The principle focal point of endeavors was on structure framework and answers for store information. When frameworks like Hadoop tackled the issue of capacity, preparing of this information turned into a challenge. Data science began assuming a crucial job to take care of this issue. Information Science is the fate of Artificial Intelligence as It can increase the value of your business.

464. 7 Best Programming Assignment Help Sites

Computer science has become a popular discipline among students in the US and other developed nations.

465. How To Make Your Own Game in Python

Hi there !

466. Congratulations, You've Just Learned Python

I would like to devote this article to those people who, after learning Python, faced the usual problem - What next? Are you sure you have already learned it? I will attach a small checklist:

467. How To Avoid n00b Programming Mistakes?

To become a Senior Java Developer, I’ve been learning Java for many years and still I’m not gonna stop learning as actual coding never stops teaching. I’ve also been teaching it for over seven years now. Just fancy how many mistakes I’ve already made myself and how many I’ve watched my students doing. I am pretty sure now I know a hundred wrong ways of learning to code (as well as dozens of the right ones).

468. Features Selection by Using Xverse Package

Learn how to apply a variety of techniques to select features with Xverse package.

469. My List of Crypto-Programming Youtube Tutorials

A collection of my youtube videos on creating bots for trading, creating smart contracts, building dApps, and integrating with Facebook, Amazon, and eBay APIs

470. Lessons From Starting a New Web Service Business

A company wants to start a new web service - a messaging aggregator for customer support. How do you go from an idea to a Python/Vue/Socket.IO web application?

471. Lists in Python: Mutability, Utility, and Accessibility

A list is a sequence in python. The dictionary meaning of list is “a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively”. There is no much difference in its dictionary meaning and its uses in Python while writing a program.

472. Building Handwritten Digits Recognizer using Support Vector Machine

Handwriting Recognition:

473. 6 important Python Libraries for Machine Learning and Data Science

In this guide, we’ll show the must know Python libraries for machine learning and data science.

474. Introduction to Scripting Languages

You may be surprised to know that there are around 700 programming languages invented throughout the days of computers. Corresponding to 6500 human speaking languages. Even though that's not near that number but learning another language is no easy feat.

475. Importing DynamoDB Data Using Apache Hive on Amazon EMR

This article describes one of the many ways to import data into AWS DynamoDB database. The option explained here uses Amazon EMR and Hive. Using Amazon EMR and Hive you can quickly and efficiently process large amounts of data, such as importing data from Amazon S3 into a DynamoDB table.

476. The Evolution of Big Data And Web Scraping

As the CEO of a proxy service and data scraping solutions provider, I understand completely why global data breaches that appear on news headlines at times have given web scraping a terrible reputation and why so many people feel cynical about Big Data these days.

477. Using Hoverfly to Mock Out the Web


478. 6 Essential Tips to Solve Data Science Projects

Data science projects are focusing on solving social or business problems by using data. Solving data science projects can be a very challenging task for beginners in this field. You will need to have a different skills set depending on the type of data problem you want to solve.

479. What Data Scientists Should Know About Multi-output and Multi-label Training

Multi-output Machine Learning — MixedRandomForest

480. A Guide to Improving Your Python Performance Speed

This guide aims to summarize popular methods for boosting the execution speed of your Python code.

481. [A Step by Step Guide] Executing A Denial of Service (DoS) Attack in Python

Denial of Service attacks do not always have to flood the server with requests to make him shut down. Deadly Booring DOS takes a much more elegant approach: Instead sending as much data as possible, we send as little data as we can. DeadlyBooring is a free interpretation of SlowLoris DOS.

482. How You Can Build TARS using Python: Virtual Assistant From Scratch

In this lab we are going to build demo TARS from Interstellar movie with Python. TARS can help you to automate your tasks such as search videos in YouTube and play them, send emails, open websites, search materials in Wikipedia and read them,inform weather forecast in your country, greetings and more. By building TARS you will increase your Python knowledge and learn many useful libraries/tools. I will push source code to my git repository so feel free to contribute and improve functionality of TARS.

483. Python Programming: A Beginner’s Guide

Python is an interpreted, high-level, powerful general-purpose programming language. You may ask, Python’s a snake right? and Why is this programming language named after it? Well, you are in the right place to discover the answer! and I’ll also answer the why, what, and how regarding Python programming.

484. How I Analyzed One Million Voter Records in Manhattan

What if you could instantly visualize the political affiliation of an entire city, down to every single apartment and human registered to vote? Somewhat surprisingly, the City of New York made this a reality in early 2019, when the NYC Board of Elections decided to release 4.6 million voter records online, as reported by the New York Times. These records included full name, home address, political affiliation, and whether you have registered in the past 2 years. The reason according to this article was:

485. An Introduction to Boto3: How to Use any AWS Service with Python

What is boto3 and how to use it? We look at how boto3 works and how it can help us interact with various AWS services.

486. 5 Técnicas Anti-Scraping que Puedes Encontrar

Con el advenimiento de los grandes datos, las personas comienzan a obtener datos de Internet para el análisis de datos con la ayuda de rastreadores web. Hay varias formas de hacer su propio rastreador: extensiones en los navegadores, codificación de python con Beautiful Soup o Scrapy, y también herramientas de extracción de datos como Octoparse.

487. How to Use the Django Templating System Efficiently

The Django template system is available to users (programmers) using the Django framework for creating web applications.

488. Scrape And Compare eCommerce Products Using Proxy Scraper

In this post, we are going to learn web scraping with python. Using python we are going to Scrape websites like Walmart, eBay, and Amazon for the pricing of Microsoft Xbox One X 1TB Black Console. Using that scraper you would be able to scrape pricing for any product from these websites. As you know I like to make things pretty simple, for that, I will also be using a web scraper which will increase your scraping efficiency.

489. How to Start with Web Scraping and Why You Don't Need to Code

Collecting data from the web can be the core of data science. In this article, we'll see how to start with scraping with or without having to write code.

490. House Alarm with a Pi: The Smart Door

Following on from my previous post, I decided that for my next Smarthome project it would be a good idea to build a sensor for the front door, that way I would be able to detect whether the door is open or closed.

491. The Ultimate Guide To Design Patterns And Generic Composite In Python

Generic implementation of the Composite Design Pattern in Python.

492. My Experiments And How To Start with Machine Learning

493. 👨‍🔬️ Top 10 Data Scientist Skills to Develop to Get Yourself Hired

List of Top 10 Data Scientist skills that guaranteed employment. As well as a selection of helpful resources to master these skills

494. AutoScraper and Flask: Create an API From Any Website in Less Than 5 Minutes

In this tutorial, we are going to create our own e-commerce search API with support for both eBay and Etsy without using any external APIs.

495. Procesando Datos Para Deep Learning: Datasets, visualizaciones y DataLoaders en PyTorch

<meta name="monetization" content="$">

496. Scraping with Selenium 101: The Big Hole on Data Scientists Toolset [Part 1]

Usually forgotten in all Data Science masters and courses, Web Scraping is, in my honest opinion a basic tool in the Data Scientist toolset, as is the tool for getting and therefore using external data from your organization when public databases are not available.

497. How to Use BitBucket Pipelines and Xray Test Management to Test Automation of Jira Cloud Workflows

In this post I show how you can use Bitbucket pipelines together with Jira Cloud. Furthermore I introduce Xray Test Management and present how to combine them.

498. How To Select Programming Language Depending on the Task

There are several thousand programming languages in the world. Even though many of them are incredibly unpopular, very specific, or have been created a long time ago, they still exist, and new languages continue to appear. It seems that there is no reason to believe that the number of languages will ever begin to decrease and that ultimately one universal programming language will emerge. The vast number of programming languages can frighten, but this very diversity allows us to move to a new level of multilingual project implementation. The article presents the idea of multilingual projects, which will enable developers not only to navigate in a variety of languages but also to see the benefits of their joint use.

499. How to (Re)Make A Geologic Map In Python With PyGMT

How to plot a shapefile geologic map in Python using PyGMT

500. Getting Started with Natural Language Processing: US Airline Sentiment Analysis

By: and Niko Laskaris, customer facing data scientist,

501. Python Tutorial: How to Perform Real Time Vehicle Detection

In this article, I will guide you on how to do real-time vehicle detection in python using the OpenCV library and trained cascade classifier in just a few lines of code.

502. You Learned a Programming Language, But How Do You Start Coding?

Anytime I visit r/programming, without fail, there’s a post of a programmer that goes “I’ve completed Sololearn courses, read through coding books, and finished my CS curriculum. I even understand most programming jokes. So, am I already good enough?”.

503. How to Create a COVID Vaccine Slot Availability Notifier Using Python

Coronavirus cases are increasing day by day. It’s very important to get vaccinated. so I tried to create an automated notifier to tell me when a lost opened up.

504. How to add tags to your models in Django: Django Packages Series #1

Welcome to the first post of Django Package Series. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add tagging functionality to your models.

505. Visualizing Asteroids in Python with Bokeh and NASA APIs

A GET request to the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) web service on September 18, 2020, returned the above photo of the spiral galaxy Arp 78. APOD is one of many APIs available through NASA Open APIs. Like APOD, some include imagery, such as the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) API, which returns images like this:

506. A Guide to Scraping HTML Tables with Pandas and BeautifulSoup

How to not get stuck when collecting tabular data from the internet.

507. A Huge Guide to Dictionaries in Python

What is a Python Dictionary?

508. Decoding Dynamic Programming

In this post, we will solve a problem involving dynamic programming without being aware of it.

509. Concurrent Task Execution in Python With Asyncio Is A Breeze

the versatility of asyncio program is examined by looking at a very specific problem:Assume that there is a task list and each task is being worked on. When one or more tasks complete, another task or tasks should start.

510. Beginner Python Projects: Build a Simple Email Slicing Program

An Email Slicer is just a tool that will take an email id as an input and will perform slicing operations on it to return the username and the domain.

511. A Quick Guide to Image Processing in Computer Vision Using OpenCV

The image processing library which stands for Open-Source Computer Vision Library was invented by intel in 1999 and written in C/C++

512. How To Get More Out of Writing Tests in Your Development Routine


513. Using Google Street View Photos as Wallpapers [A How-To Guide]

Have you ever seen a photo on Google Street View and thought"Damn, this would make for a nice wallpaper"? Well, I have. So I started a project to get Street View photos at random and turning them into wallpapers.

514. How Wrong Timestamp Formatter Can Steal a Few Hours of Your Time

There is a whole lot of methods to represent date and time in computers. You can store it as Unix epoch, string, with or without a timezone, and so on. No doubt, transforming from one of these many representations into another could be error-prone! That's precisely a kind of issue that has happened to me recently and took a few hours to figure out. Go ahead to read this short story about how the wrong time formatter could still your time.

515. Best Resources To Learn Machine Learning And AI

“Anybody can code” , I know this sentence sounds cliche so let me give you another one “Anybody can learn AI”. Well, know it sounds overwhelming except if you are not a PhD or a mad scientist.

516. The Bitcoin Mempool: Where Transactions Take Flight

One of Bitcoin’s strengths and the thing that makes it unique in the finance world is its radical transparency. Blockchain data is like a window, you can see right through it.

517. Choosing the Right Microservices Framework

Microservices architecture is a methodology that allows you to split a monolithic single application into small applications and services.

518. Five In-Demand Programming Languages In 2021

For a tech newbie striving to learn programming, it might be a bit complicated to figure out which technology to choose. Let me help you out.

519. What Heroku is Good For

You've probably heard about Heroku by now, but do you really know how Heroku works and when it should be a consideration?

520. How To Become A Data Scientist: Skills & Courses To Learn Data Science

The necessary skills to build a Data Scientist’s profile are business intelligence, statistical knowledge, technical skills, data structure, and more.

521. The Ensuing Battle Between Python vs. .Net Continues

C# and Python are two of the most popular languages with C# being widely used in business applications, while Python is more flexible and easier to learn.

522. Python Tutorial: How to Make API Requests

Python is in the midst of a resurgence. It never went away, but usage now grows like never before. With machine learning developers and data scientists relying on Python, much of the web development ecosystem around the language continues to grow.

523. Top 10 Data Science Libraries in Python

Data Science Libraries that will shine this year.

524. 6 Best Python Programming Books Ranked by Reviews

Programming is more than just typing a few words into a computer. It’s a massive process that requires the knowledge of its own languages. Python is one of these languages, and its use is becoming more widespread each day. As computers become more advanced, companies make use of Python to assist in managing the modern world. On top of it being found in many popular websites, services, and even video games, Python is also used for extremely complex purposes like machine learning and data science. As a result, there is a massive demand for coders skilled in this language. Even senior programmers should look into it if they haven’t already, which is why they should consider the 6 best Python programming books based on their Amazon reviews.

525. Visualizing Healthcare Budget using Web Scraping in Python

As the world is facing the worst pandemic ever, I was just looking at how countries spend on their healthcare infrastructure. So, I thought of doing a data visualization of the medical expense of several countries. My search led to this article, which has data from many countries for the year 2016. I did not found any authentic source for the latest year. So, we’ll continue with 2016.

526. How to Build a Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python

Rock paper scissors is a popular game played using hand gestures. Two individuals make shapes with their hands, and each shape has a specific degree of power

527. How BitMEX Wallets Impact the Price of Bitcoin

Part of building a profitable trading strategy is quickly testing novel ideas. These tend to be the money makers in the rare case that they prove useful once you can integrate them into your strategy.

528. Build a Powerful Google Trends Scraper Using PyTrends: A Step-By-Step Guide

To get more out of the tool, today we’ll build a simple Google Trends scraper using PyTrends, an unofficial Google Trends API.

529. ICDAR 2021 Competition: Detecting Tables Using Image Recognition

To participate go to:

530. Essential Algorithms: The Merge Sort

Every programmer needs to know their algorithms and data structures. When studying them, you need to be sure to understand exactly what it does, what it's time and space complexity are and why they are that way, and be able to not only code it, but perform it by hand. This is what Essential Algorithms is all about.

531. How to Use Different Data Visualizations in the Grafana Dashboard

In this post, we will see how to use different visualizations, like the simple graph, pie chart, world map panel in the grafana dashboard by writing queries in Influx query language

532. How to Build a Powerful Status Page With Great Performance and Design

This tutorial shows how a lightweight and performant time-series database coupled with queued status checks and a simple UI are best for robust applications.

533. Identifying Handwritten Digits From the MNIST Dataset Using Python

The task is to classify a given image into one of the 10 digits. I’m doing it all in Python. Let's get started.

534. A Complete(ish) Guide to Python Tools You Can Use To Analyse Text Data

Exploratory data analysis is one of the most important parts of any machine learning workflow and Natural Language Processing is no different.

535. Answering the 12 Most Common Questions About Python

Python is an open-source high-level programming language that is easy to learn and user-friendly. It is one of the first choices of many programmers be it a beginner or experienced. So, today we have prepared a list of most asked questions on Python programming language.

Thank you for checking out the 535 most read stories about Python on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.