There are many repositories on github where people upload their solutions to the problems they have solved on hackerrank. When I started solving problems on hackerrank, I also started doing the same since it provides as a place to go through the things I had practiced. But as I started solving more problems, it became difficult to manually copy paste them so I wrote a python script that can do the same.
Currently the script is configured to scrap though the Java and python tracks, and can be configured to add additional tracks by adding them in tracks array. For the source code here is the repository link, first link is of the scrapper and second of my hackerrank solutions for reference.
hearsid/hackerrank_Hackerrank submitted solutions scraper and my submitted solutions. - hearsid/
Here are the steps to use it for your account
> python
# credentials.pyCSRF_TOKEN = ‘CVKP-XXXX-lYT7iQ==’COOKIE = ‘hackerrank=ea729eb0–XXXX-3114’
The hackerrank URL’s I have used in the above repository work well now but may change over time. Please create an issue if you find anything not working or would like to request a feature.