Chief Administrative Officer
Could Marisa Mayer, one of the most experienced, high-profile, and well respected CEOs of our era replace one of the most vilified?
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Work for someone who believes in you, because when they believe in you, they'll invest in you. - Marissa Mayer Yahoo
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Uber’s Board of Directors has drafted a short list of candidates to replace the Travis Kalanick as the CEO of the ride-sharing bohemoth.
In Uber’s chief human resources officer Liane Hornsey’s 30 July 2017 interview with Fast Company, she describes her desire to “to stamp out anything that is a remnant of the past.”
A task that would be greatly enabled by brining on board a new CEO with the right kind of reputation. All signs point to the idea that this next CEO could be Marissa Mayer.
Meyer, recently made redundant from the aquisition of Yahoo by AOL. The merging of these two companies will create a new powerhouse called Oath under the leadership of AOL Chief Exective Tim Armstrong. This leaves Mayer poised as a prime candidate for the short list of replacement CEOs that Uber is drafting.
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Marissa Mayer: Next Stop, CEO of Uber?
— @Inc
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Her credentials shine — Stanford graduate, CEO of Yahoo! a major information technology conglomerate since 2012, and former spokeswoman for Google who joined the company as employee №20 as its first woman engineer.
Not to mention her reputation as a business powerhouse— brought in as Yahoo! CEO in 2012 to revampt it’s stagnant market share, she brought the company to new heights within a year.
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Exactly a year after Marissa Mayer was appointed Yahoo CEO- Yahoo TOPS Google as biggest website in USA. Could this b...
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She was undoubtedly part of the magic behind the curtain that set Yahoo! up for it’s billion dollar aquisition by AOL annouced earlier this July.
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Verizon closes $4.5B acquisition of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer resigns [Memo]
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The Uber Board of Directors has established an oversight committee, which comprises a few members of the board : David Trujillo (TPG), Matt Cohler (Benchmark) and Arianna Huffington (Thrive Global). With Arianna Huffington being a long time advocate for increased representation of women in the executive and on boards, I would guess that Mayer would have an ally on her side.
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Arianna Huffington's fix for Uber: Work less, sleep more AND MORE WOMEN ON BOARD
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Although recently lambasted for defending former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick by saying “how could he have known” about the toxic culture, that statement is not all that surprising. Why insult and harangue a fellow CEO in the media, especially if you need to rally allies for a potential bid as his successor?
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I. Can't. Even. The how-could-he-know-so-busy defense? Marissa Mayer defends former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick
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Accomplished, world-renowned executive, mother of 3 who is currently unattached could very likely be the antidote to the poison culture that Uber desperately needs right now.
She may be the candidate that presents herself as credentialed and buisness minded in all the right ways, but different and principled in all the right ways too.
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One month old - Macallister and me heading to YaBoo, the children's Halloween party at @Yahoo!
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5 Mindset Shifts You Need To Make Before Pitching Venture Capital #startup by @JasmineRamratan
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For more on Start-Ups, read my series on The Absolute Minimum a Start-Up CEO Needs to Know About HR
2. How to Hire and OnBoard An Employee
3. How to Motivate, Incentivize and Manage The Performance Of An Employee
4. How to Foster Healthy Company Culture and Avoid Conflict that Will Cause Your Company To Fail
5. How to Fire An Underperforming Employee
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Great read on Medium: Dear #StartUp CEO - Don't Hate Me Because I Work in HR by @JasmineRamratan #humanresources
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I just published "Here's what HR should really be doing for your new start-up" #HR #HRTech #startup #work #career
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In #business and in life you don't get what you deserve, you get what you #negotiate #learn #lead #grow #motivation
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The Absolute Minimum a Start-Up CEO Needs to Know About HR" - #HR #leadership #HRTech #startup
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How To Fire An Underperforming Employee At A Start-Up #Start-Up #employeeeperformance #leadership #Learn #Lead #Grow
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How to Motivate, Incentivize, and Manage The Performance of An Employee At A Start-Up← Previous
Next → How to Foster Healthy Company Culture and Avoid Conflict that Will Cause Your Start-Up To Fail
Jasmine Ramratan is the Chief Administrative Officer at Complete Diving Systems Inc, entrepreneur and Start-Up Founder, mentor, author, and HR consultant in Edmonton AB. See more of her work here:
She is also a Chartered Professional in Human Resources with 15 years of experience in human resources and management.