#Web3 Writing Contest: April 2022 Results Announced!by@hackernooncontests
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#Web3 Writing Contest: April 2022 Results Announced!

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The Web3 writing contest is one of HackerNoon’s three currently running writing competitions with cash prizes to be won. The winner will receive up to $2000 worth of OCT tokens from our $12000 prize pool each month, from March 1st to August 31st. Nominations for the top 10 nominations for the month of April were based on the number of hours read, number of people reached, freshness of the content and weight of the stories. The winners will be announced on April 1st and August 31th.

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Hey Hackers! Welcome to the second round of results announcement of the #Web3 Writing Contest!

It’s one of our 5 currently running writing competitions with cash prizes to be won!

For the Web3 writing contest, HackerNoon has partnered with Octopus Network to give monthly prizes to the best HackerNoon Web3 stories! Just submit your story with the #Web3 tag, and you’ll be entered to win up to $2000 worth of OCT tokens from our $12000 prize pool each month, from March 1st to August 31st.

So who are April’s lucky winners?

#Web3 Writing Contest April 2022 Nominations 🔥

Here’s how we selected the top 10 nominations for the month of April - We picked all the stories tagged with #Web3 on HackerNoon, published in April 2022. Then we chose the top stories using 60:30:10 weightage respectively to:

  • Number of hours read
  • Number of people reached
  • The freshness of the content

Here are the top 10 nominations:

  1. 6 Interesting Play-to-Earn Games to Look Out For in 2022 by @Cryptonite
  2. Why Web3 Requires Complete Decentralisation by @finchpr
  3. Building a Classic Web3 NFT Minting Dapp With React and Solidity: Part 2 by @daltonic
  4. 3 Major Challenges to Web3 Technology's Adoption by @bensoncrypto
  5. How to Build a Web 3.0 App Using React, Solidity, Ethers.js, Hardhat, and Metamask by @suhail
  6. A Complete Look at Drops, NFT-Backed Loans and NFT Staking by @Cryptonite
  7. Is Web 3.0 The FUTURE or Just a MARKETING Ploy? by @contentsavvy
  8. What is Web 3.0 and How It Can Transform the Internet by @juxtathinka
  9. How to Work in Web 3, Cryptocurrency? by @z3nch4n
  10. Earn 4% Interest on Bitcoin by @alfredodecandia

And the Winners Are 👀

To make sure that our algorithm is not abused in any way, editors voted for the top stories. Here are the winners:

The top prize goes to What is Web 3.0 and How It Can Transform the Internet by @juxtathinka!

If you are reading this, you are an Internet user. Web 2.0 is the platform made available to you now, the better and improved futuristic version of the Internet is Web 3.0. Web 3.0 is the third generation of internet services designed to focus on using a machine-based understanding of data to provide a data-driven and Semantic Web. The goal is to provide more decentralized, intelligent, secure and connected websites that provide anonymity.

Thank you for the very illuminating article, @juxtathinka! You’ve won 434 OCT Tokens!

In second place is Why Web3 Requires Complete Decentralisation by @finchpr!

Web 2.0 is about control, Web3 is about freedom. Web 2.0 is about conglomerates, Web3 is about people. And yet, the current trend is for Web 2.0 companies to attempt at ‘greater relevance’ by aligning themselves with today’s keywords such as ‘metaverse’ and, of course, Web3. Yet, a tagline does not an infrastructure make, as Minima explains and expands upon here.

Well done, @finchpr! You’ve won 260 OCT Tokens​!

In third place, we’ve got How to Build a Web 3.0 App Using React, Solidity, Ethers.js, Hardhat, and Metamask by @suhail!

The greatest approach to improve your Web 3.0 skills is to use them to create coding projects. But building them from scratch and adding different libraries can be challenging. This is why in this article we will be creating a simple full-stack application using React, Hardhat, Solidity, Ethers.js, and Metamask which can be used as a boilerplate for our future projects.

This article is going to come in handy! Congratulations, @suhail! You have won 86 Oct Tokens!

Finally, the story with the most views is Why Web3 Requires Complete Decentralisation by @finchpr!

This one needs no explanation again, but congratulations on your second win @finchpr! You’ve won 86 more Oct Tokens!

That’s all, hackers! See y'all next time, with more prizes and more contests coming your way! Keep an eye on for more details. We will contact the winners shortly.

Remember, you can use this template to enter the web3 writing contest.