Thrilled to be Recognized as a Trending Startup in Jaipur, Indiaby@emizentech
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Thrilled to be Recognized as a Trending Startup in Jaipur, India

by EmizenTechFebruary 18th, 2022
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Vivek Khatri, Director of Emizentech, India, says he is proud to be recognized as the “Trending Startups in Jaipur, India’s.” The “HackerNoon” team will step forward with more zeal towards accomplishing their objectives. We accept this acknowledgment as an appreciating tap on our back. We have the warriors who work hard day and even night to meet the customers’ expectations and business objectives.

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Hey Hackers! I’m Vivek Khatri and I’m the Director@Emizentech.

First of all, I’d like to say a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community for recognizing us as the winner of: Trending Startups in Jaipur, India 2022

HackerNoon Reporter: What does it mean for you to win this title?

Well, it’s one of the outstanding achievements we have attained so far. We are more than happy to win the recognition as the “Trending Startups in Jaipur.” We accept this acknowledgment as an appreciating tap on our back, and again, we would step forward with more zeal towards accomplishing our objectives.

How do you or your company intend to embrace the responsibility of this title in 2022?

The team of hard-working professionals and experts is the only wealth of Emizentech. And, I can ensure that we will work with enhanced proficiency, wearing our clients’ expectations towards reality. Our ultimate goal is to meet our clients’ business requirements, and we will perform as anticipated to achieve that.

What are some of the goals you’re looking forward to accomplishing in 2022?

Well, we started with three chairs with the target of customer satisfaction and today we are a family of 200+. We have been and will be working as required towards the clients’ fulfillment with improved skills, perfection, and more, in 2022 and beyond.

After participating in this journey, is there anything that you would like the HackerNoon team to know?

We would like to give a round of applause to HackerNoon and the team for coming forward and bestowing a platform to startups worldwide to reveal their accomplishments and catch up with new heights with enhanced exposure.

What is something special about you or your company that you’ve rarely had the chance to properly share but really wanted to?

Our workspace family is a precious gem to me that’s valuable, beyond estimation. We have the warriors who work hard day and even night to meet the customers’ expectations and business objectives. We all have worked together to fulfill business demands and resolve multiple business issues that tried blocking our track towards success. We have won this tag as a team; our team holds that strength that one needs to get there.

What are some concepts you wish people knew more about?

Well, as the world is transforming with time, we wish people to walk with the latest trends and technology to leave the rest behind. The individuals should become aware of the modern technologies affecting the globe, like:

  • AI/ML - Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two advanced technologies that hold the strength to convert the way of businesses operations and human interaction; such technologies are impacting various industries, such as healthcare, Fintech, transportation, etc.
  • Blockchain - An immutable, shared ledger that permits transaction recording and assets tracking in a business network. An asset can be tangible or intangible.
  • VR - A computer-generated ambiance with the objects and scenes that appear real and make users feel as if they are immersed in their environment.  The VR is received through a device known as a VR headset or helmet in this environment.
  • EV - This technology, EV, provides an opportunity to replace fossil fuels in the transport sector, increasing energy efficiency and diminishing local pollution.

With such emerging technologies, our lives are becoming faster, easier, and better.

Thank you for everything that you do! – HackerNoon Team.

Thank you to all of our sponsors! We truly appreciate your contribution to the tech world and thus the future!


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