The problem with democracyby@knut.svanholm
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The problem with democracy

by Knut Svanholm4mJuly 22nd, 2018
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<span>It</span> has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all others that have been tried. But what about those that <em>haven’t</em> been tried? Is there even room for criticism of democracy itself in a democracy? Regardless of the answer, there’s no way of opting out of a democracy. You’re born into it, just like you’re born into any other system of civilization that’s currently running as the operative system of your nation. Should you happen to be born in the United States of America today, you would be born into a system that has elected a somewhat unusual leader. A leader that has been described as a poor man’s version of a rich man, a weak man’s version of a strong man and a stupid man’s version of a wise man. Many of those who describe him as such are still baffled by the fact that he got elected in a democratic election. What most fail to see is that he probably got elected <em>because</em> of the aforementioned traits rather than despite them. A poor man’s version of a rich man, a weak man’s version of a strong man and a stupid man’s version of a wise man is the perfect candidate in a democratic system because in a true democracy, poor, weak and stupid people have the same right to vote as everyone else.

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