SeeFood Technologies Inc., a startup that launched its product on HBO’s Silicon Valley show has finally released its main app, “Not Hotdog” on both the iOS and Android stores. Some may take a product launch on a satirical show not seriously, which is ironic in an age of $100m+ ICO’s, indeed soo not seriously I’m writing this on my occasionally read Medium account versus my primary place of employment, but every app deserves a review.
The SeeFood “Not Hotdog” app is legitimately available today, on Apple Inc.’s cancerous closed shop App Store here as well as our lord and saviors open Google Play Store here. That comes with a proviso: despite the fact HBO Asia exists and advertises on free to air digital channels on Thai TV between ads for Traveloka (basically an app that affiliates other travel sites) and cute kids singing Thai words in between the words “DG,” “Dairy Goat” and “Dairy Goat New Zealand,” there is seriously not a single ad that mentions the “Not Hotdog” app. That’s because it’s not available outside the United States and that makes me as nearly sad as the fact that they censor every single nude bit on Game of Thrones with blurry bits in Thailand :(
But I digress, where there’s a will, there’s a search and I eventually managed to download the “Not Hotdog” app from a third party site.
I want to be positive about this app, the pitch on HBO was hundreds of times better than certain people that pitched their startups to me when I wrote for Techcrunch without me managing to have been screamed at constantly like others I worked with… yeah, I’ll stop now.
So, the actual review…I wanted it to be good, but it isn’t.
I, unfortunately, didn’t have an American hotdog to test it on but Thai sausages taste and look like hotdogs so I tried it with them…mmm
Seriously expensive (in Thailand) English cheese apparently qualifies as a hotdog, however. 220 baht hotdog…mmm
Positively, various other items didn’t qualify as a hotdog either, including Australian margarine, Thai Baygon bug spray and a can of Chang Beer.
To be fair given I had no actual American hotdog to test it with, the zero out of 5 testing strike rate may not be entirely fair. The fact that my expensive cheese is a hotdog is disturbing but I still intend to eat it.
For those who are interested in this wonderful application of artificial intelligence, if you’re in the U.S. you can download it from the iOS Apple Site here or the less cancerous Google Play Store here.