The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 12 - Father and Sonby@alexandredumas
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The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 12 - Father and Son

by Alexandre Dumas10mJune 23rd, 2022
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M. Noirtier—for it was, indeed, he who entered—looked after the servant until the door was closed, and then, fearing, no doubt, that he might be overheard in the antechamber, he opened the door again, nor was the precaution useless, as appeared from the rapid retreat of Germain, who proved that he was not exempt from the sin which ruined our first parents. M. Noirtier then took the trouble to close and bolt the antechamber door, then that of the bedchamber, and then extended his hand to Villefort, who had followed all his motions with surprise which he could not conceal. “Well, now, my dear Gérard,” said he to the young man, with a very significant look, “do you know, you seem as if you were not very glad to see me?” “My dear father,” said Villefort, “I am, on the contrary, delighted; but I so little expected your visit, that it has somewhat overcome me.” “But, my dear fellow,” replied M. Noirtier, seating himself, “I might say the same thing to you, when you announce to me your wedding for the 28th of February, and on the 3rd of March you turn up here in Paris.” “And if I have come, my dear father,” said Gérard, drawing closer to M. Noirtier, “do not complain, for it is for you that I came, and my journey will be your salvation.” “Ah, indeed!” said M. Noirtier, stretching himself out at his ease in the chair. “Really, pray tell me all about it, for it must be interesting.” “Father, you have heard speak of a certain Bonapartist club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?” “No. 53; yes, I am vice-president.” “Father, your coolness makes me shudder.” “Why, my dear boy, when a man has been proscribed by the mountaineers, has escaped from Paris in a hay-cart, been hunted over the plains of Bordeaux by Robespierre’s bloodhounds, he becomes accustomed to most things. But go on, what about the club in the Rue Saint-Jacques?”

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Alexandre Dumas

Alexandre Dumas


Many of my historical novels of high adventure were originally published as serials, including The Count of Monte Cristo

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Alexandre Dumas HackerNoon profile picture
Alexandre Dumas@alexandredumas
Many of my historical novels of high adventure were originally published as serials, including The Count of Monte Cristo



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