The Blockchain Implementations- Reputation Systemby@anshulkhandelwal
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The Blockchain Implementations- Reputation System

by Anshul Khandelwal6mJune 3rd, 2018
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The <a href="" target="_blank">Blockchain</a> is an interesting <a href="" target="_blank">technology</a>. If it can be implemented in its real sense it has the potential to change the world- not sure for good or for bad. There are of implementations of blockchain that if done will alleviate lives for a lot of people, reduce corruption, increase accountability and increase the living standards for everyone.&nbsp;<br>In this post, I will talk about the possibilities of a Reputation Management System which we are envisioning and what are the possible options to make it work.&nbsp;<br>For beginners let’s start with what is Blockchain, then we will move onto Reputation management and then how to make it work.<br>I am sure even if you are new to blockchain you have heard this name quite often now. Please note Blockchain is NOT Bitcoin or vice versa. Bitcoin is an excellent implementation of the blockchain. And the broader class of these is called cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the best and most adopted cryptocurrency.&nbsp;<br>Simply put blockchain is a register that keeps all of your records. It is a distributed ledger. Distributed because it is not on just one node (or a computer) it is spread across multiple nodes and hence distributed. There are seven basic principles on which blockchain rests:

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Anshul Khandelwal


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