Download the iso via the website and check the gpg signature
mount the iso in a usb via something like balena etcher
make sure the bios have the secure boot disable and boot on the iso
By default the layout is set to US
If you want to list all the layouts available do ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz
Use a layout with, for example, loadkeys de-latin1
(here German layout).
Wifi dosent work out of the box but ethernet yes
Check your network interface name via ip link
Check the status of your wifi card with rfkill
. If your card is blocked, unblocked them with rfkill unblock your-card-id
For the wifi connection you have to use the iwd
package. Hopefully arch include the package in the iso.
Open the prompt with iwctl
and :
list all your device with device list
launch a scan station [device name] scan
get the list of the available network station [device name] get-network
connect to the network with station [device name] connect [SSID]
enter the password
check the connection with station [device name] show
and ping
done :)
automatically stores network passphrases in the/var/lib/iwd
directory and uses them to auto-connect in the future.
Just do timedatectl set-ntp true
. Check the service status with timedatectl status
warning : this step erase all the data in your disk if you confirm the operation !
List your drive with fdisk -l
and note the one you want to use.
Open the prompt on the right disk with fdisk /dev/[your disk]
remind to delete the old partition before the following command. Do that with command
and the id of the partition.
Let's create the partition, in the open fdisk prompt :
Here we create a gpt partition because I do a EFI install
for 550mbn
(handle the size of your swap like you want, minimum 2gb is ok)n
Ok now we need to change the partition type with the t
command :
the 1
type (list all the partition type with L
if your are not sure2
the 19
Just enter w
to write the partition table.
For the efi partition, we need to have a FAT32 file system, do it with
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/[your partition 1]
For the swap we need a swap filesystem, do it with
mkswap /dev/[your partition 2]
swapon /dev/[your partition 2]
For the main partition we do a ext4 filesytem :
mkfs.ext4 /dev/[your partition 3]
Simply do mount /dev/[your partition 3] /mnt
We do it via pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware
Here base
is the arch system, linux
the kernel.
Simply do genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Do arch-chroot /mnt
here the region and city is in the
do ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/_Region_/_City_ /etc/localtime
and generate /etc/adjtime
with hwclock --systohc
you need to install nano if you want to use it
Edit the locale.gen
file nano /etc/locale.gen
, and uncomment the good option for you.
For example en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
for the generic qwerty.
And generate the local with locale-gen
Add the following line to /etc/locale.conf
: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Just add the wanted hostname in /etc/hostname
For the host open /etc/hosts
and add the following line : localhost
::1 localhost [your-hostname].localdomain [your-hostname]
useradd -m username
passwd username
usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,optical,storage username
install with pacman -S sudo
and open visudo
with EDITOR=nano visudo
and uncomment the %whell ALL=(ALL) ALL
Here we use nano but if you want to use vi remove EDITOR=nano, if you don’t want nano nor vi replace nano with your loved one
just do pacman -S grub efibootmgr dosfstools os-prober mtools
Do mkdir /boot/EFI
and mount /dev/[your efi partition] /boot/EFI
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Here we install the networkmanager
package, because after the final reboot the iwd
package will no longer be available.
We install git
pacman -S networkmanager git
Enable network manager with systemctl enable NetworkManager
Before reboot exit and unmount :
umount -R /mnt
And reboot
If the ping command failed after the installation you need to relogin to your wifi.
For that we use the previously installed nmcli
Check if the radio is on with nmcli radio wifi
, if not open up with nmcli radio wifi on
Check the wifi point with nmcli dev wifi list
Check your device with nmcli dev status
And connect with sudo nmcli dev wifi connect [network-ssid] password [network-password]
If you want to look all the saved connection do nmcli con show
For nvidia do pacman -S nvidia nvidia-settings nvidia-utils
For other check the wiki
Actually we use xorg but if you want another display server check the wiki
Install with xorg-server
If needed install xorg-apps
check the wiki to know if you need it.
It usefull to install xmessage too pacman -S xorg-xmessage
Mandatory for the use of the AUR package
Just do a pacman -S --needed base-devel
List of, my, essential package to have on a fresh install :
pacman -S unzip
for installing all the fontpacman -S bluez-utils
makepkg -si
This method is good because is activate the numlock in the early bootup stage, usefull for the psw prompt in the full-disk encryption for example.
Install the mkinitcpio-numlock
AUR package.
Add numlock
in the HOOKS
line (before encrypt if present) in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
Usually between modconf and block
Now you have Arch and the minimum for booting correctly.
All you have to do is install the window manager or the desktop environment you want!
Check the wiki page for information.
For example, if you want KDE :
pacman -S plasma kde-applications
If you want some tutorial stuff for XMonad I'm writing a story in a few days, wait for the update!
Happy arching mate 🖖